Resident Evil 4 X Male Reader...

By DiamondHunt61

29.7K 1K 416

The fourth story of the Resident Evil Reader series. With the remake of Resident Evil 4 is being released soo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Short Story: Chris Playthrough
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

1K 62 12
By DiamondHunt61

After Y/N and Ashley were separated, Y/N used his sniper rifle to move his knife back to him. He had a little trouble but he managed to get it back then put it away.

Y/N: "(Sigh) Finally. That was a pain in the ass." 

He started getting a call, so he decided to answer.

Hunnigan: "Roost to Conder Two, where's your current location?"

Y/N: "We're inside a castle right now. But it looks like this place is even worse than the village. They sure do love visitors though. They've given us quite a welcoming party. What's more is that I'm separated from Baby Eagle, so now I have to go look for her."

Hunnigan: "Say ag... I did... r.... you...."

His radio wasn't clear as he didn't understand her.

Y/N: "I didn't get that. You're breaking up." 

Hunnigan: "...der Two...... in!...."

The radio was cut off as the signal stopped.

Y/N: "Damn it. They must be jacking the line."

He put the radio away.

Y/N: "Well, the girl lost, can't use radio and the parasite is starting to take control. Wonderful."

He looked at the gate as he figured that he couldn't get it open.

Y/N: "I guess I'll to find a way around."

He turned left and saw another path. There was also a purple fire by it. Y/N took that direction then stepped in the room by the purple fire before he moves on. He met the merchant once again. 

Merchant: "Welcome."

Y/N: "Hey."

Merchant: "Having a rough day, stranger?"

Y/N: "Something like that. Any upgrades?"

Merchant: "A few. Take a look."

The only thing he upgraded was both the shotgun, the TMP and the sniper rifle. He plans upgrade the pistols later when he gets more money. Before Y/N was about to leave, he saw a rocket launcher behind him.

Y/N: "An RPG?"

Merchant: "Stranger. Stranger. Now that's a weapon."

Y/N: "Would be nice to have. Too bad I don't have enough money." 

Merchant: "Come back when you have enough."

Y/N: "I will."

He was about to leave but he stopped.

Y/N: "By the way, I don't suppose you have one of those light- I mean LZ Answerers, do you?"

Merchant: "Sorry stranger. Those aren't made yet. Even if they were, only the Duke would sell them."

Y/N: "Damn it. Alright, I'll have to make due without it."

He exits the room then heads up the stairs. Eventually, he entered the next room and saw some people in black robes but they weren't moving. It looked like they were worshiping the Plaga. 

Y/N: "Isn't that pretty?"

He tried the door that leads to the display room but it was locked. He sighed as he had to find a way around. He took the other path and later found a closed gate. It also leads to the display room but it looks like something was required to get it open.

Y/N: "A lantern on one statue, the other one is missing. Where could the other one be?" 

He heard voices coming from the next room, so he decided to check it out. He stepped in and was in a large wine cellar. He saw a red robed zealot at the upper area, swinging a staff with a red lantern on it.

Y/N: "(What's he doing?)"

Red Zealot: "Gloria a Las Plagas. Gloria a Las Plagas! GLORIA A LAS PLAGAS!!"

The zealots that were in front of the red zealot, had parasites burst out of their heads. Y/N was hiding behind the group.

Y/N: "(So that's not only annoying, but his chanting makes these ganados tougher to kill.)"

Before he was about to move, Y/N smirked as he found a flashbang on a barrel next to him.

Y/N: "(Good thing I found one of these. I think it's time I start being a badass again.)"

He threw the flashbang out at the group then it went off. It killed the zealots with parasites out while the red zealot was blinded for a few moments. Y/N took this chance to jump to the upper floor then kicked the red zealot back a few feet away from him. The red zealot tried to get back up but Y/N pinned him on the ground and fired his pistols many times until he was dead.

After the red zealot was killed, Y/N was surrounded by the remaining zealots. Some of them ran towards him with their weapons and tried to attack him but Y/N easily dodged then countered by using his speed and performing a few hand to hand combat moves. The zealots who were far away were using their crossbows to try to shoot Y/N. Y/N was able to see it coming, so he dodged the arrows. One of the arrows accidentally killed a zealot by Y/N.

Y/N: "Whoa! Friendly fire there!"

He switched to his sniper rifle then shot down the zealots with the crossbows. Y/N turned back to the zealots who were about to approach him. Y/N spotted a red barrel next to them, so he shot it and it exploded, killing the rest of them.

Y/N: "That's all of them. Wasn't that fun."

He picked up the red lantern then started to head back to the gate. One more zealot was about to attack him from behind but Y/N shot him a few times without looking.

Y/N walked back to the statue by the gate and placed the lantern on it. Seconds later, the gate opened and Y/N was able to move on to the next room. He passed through the armor display room.

Y/N: "(At some point, this armor may come to life and try to kill me.)"

Next, he walked through a passage then eventually entered a bindery.

Y/N: "(I wonder what other things are in store here.)"

???: "You can stop right there, Y/N."

He heard someone walk behind him as she had her pistol aimed at him.

???: "You don't want to make me use this, do you?"

Y/N decided to drop his pistol and had his hands raised.

Y/N: "Ada... Long time, no see. How long has it been? Six years." He smirked.

Ada: "You don't seem surprised. Interesting."

Y/N: "I had feeling I'd run into you while I was here."

Ada: "Really?"

Y/N: "By the way, if pointing a gun at me didn't work out last time, what makes you think it'll work this time."

Before she could respond, Y/N used his speed then turned and tried to take her gun. Ada kicked the gun away as it was in the air. Ada avoided his punches until she performed a flip to back away from him then caught her gun. She was about to aim it at Y/N again but he was fast enough to have his knife close to her neck.

Y/N: "Bit of advice, try to use knives next time. It works better on close encounters."

Ada smiled as she was impressed with his skill.

Ada: "Not a bad move. Very smooth."

Y/N: "Is that your way of hitting on me?"

Ada: "I'll leave that to your imagination."

He chuckled in response.

Y/N: "If you say so."

He lowered the blade then stepped away from her. Y/N put his weapon away as Ada did the same.

Y/N: "So, I take it you're doing a job for someone. Who is it? Come on, tell me."

Ada: "You know I don't work and tell, Y/N."

Y/N: "That's fine. I've already found out myself. You're doing a job for Wesker, aren't you?"

Ada: "Oh, I see you've done your homework."

Y/N: "What can I say, I'm just that good at getting information."

Though, he actually got it all from the Resident Evil games he played.

Before Y/N was about to look around, Ada spoke to him.

Ada: "Leave the girl. She's lost no matter what."

Y/N: "If she's a lost cause, then so am I. You must have heard about me as well, right?"

Ada: "You seem fine to me."

Y/N: "I admit, my body is different and I haven't felt any effects yet."

Y/N: "(Except I sometimes I hear an annoying scream in my head but is that important?)"

Ada: "I'm just telling you to walk away now while you still can."

Y/N: "And when I ever listened to you?"

Ada: "Right. You don't."

As looked as Ada, his expression changed as he noticed something strange in her eyes.

Y/N: "Ada? Are you..."

Ada: "How about we continue this discussion another time?"

Y/N: "Yeah... Next time..."

Before she was about to leave, Ada turned to him one more time.

Ada: "And Y/N."

Y/N: "What?"

Ada: "You have an... interesting choice for outfits. It suits you."

She heads out the window as Y/N picked up his pistol.

Y/N: "(I knew someone would like it.)"

Y/N stepped close to a strange wall.

Y/N: "Looks like there are four slots to put in. One of them is already in. Now I just need to look for three more- Oh!"

He saw a stone tablet on a chair.

Y/N: "Found one."

He set it in one of the four slots.

Y/N: "Now I just need to look for two more of them. Must be somewhere in this room- Whoa!"

As Y/N turned around, he found another stone tablet in a trophy case. He shot the glass then took the tablet.

Y/N: "Can't believe I'm finding these so fast. Anyway, must be somewhere in this room..."

He started to search the rest of the room until he sees the last tablet on the desk next to the door.

Y/N: "Wow, I found all of them so fast. I kind of thought we were going to do another time card."

He set the rest of the tablets in place but after waiting for a few moments, nothing happened.

Y/N: "That's weird. I thought something would open."

He took one of the stone tablets out then looked at it. Y/N saw that there were two different symbols on both sides. The wall also showed similar symbols to the tablets.

Y/N: "I should have known it would be too easy. Another puzzle to solve. Alright Author, put up the time card. We both know how long this is going to t-"

Y/N: "Done and done."

As the last tablet was set in place, the wall slides right and it revealed a secret path.

Meanwhile the Author was so frustrated on how long it took for Y/N to figure out the puzzle.

Y/N: "Let's see where this leads."

As he walked through the passage, he thinks back about his encounter with Ada.

Y/N: "(Was I just seeing things? She couldn't really be- No, there's no way. Ada couldn't be infected with one. She never was in the original. But this is the remake, so anything could happen. I hope I'm wrong.)" 

When he passed by a study room, he saw a spider like creature crawling through the next corridor.

Y/N: "Well, that looks friendly."

He entered the corridor and pushed the wooden closet out of the way then saw the spider parasite crawl towards the zealot and attached itself to the zealot. The zealot was more aggressive then he charged towards Y/N.

Y/N: "I see that you got a little power up."

He aimed the shotgun at the zealot and blast him with a couple of shells. The parasite was knocked off and was about to get back up but Y/N killed it with the shotgun.

Y/N: "Too bad it doesn't save you."

He continued on the corridor until he walked down the stairs then found a closed gate that leads outside.

Merchant: "Hello stranger, you look like you have the stench of battle on you."

Y/N: "Do I? Well, I have been in one interesting fight on my way here."

He looked at the closed gate.

Y/N: "So what could be out there?"

Merchant: "Let's say it could be the fight of your life."

Y/N: "Sounds fun. Looking forward to it."

He reloads his shotgun and his pistols then stood in front of the gate. At his left, he saw a counterweight that kept the gate closed.

Merchant: "You want to buy anything, stranger?"

Y/N got his pistol out and he was ready to fight whatever he'll have to face out there.

Y/N: "Nah, I'll be fine."

He shot the counterweight then the gate opened. 

As Y/N stepped outside, he heard Salazar's laugh from the loudspeakers.

Y/N: "God dammit. Just when I was about to enjoy myself."

Salazar: "Oh, dear Mr. L/N. You appear to have lost your companion."

Y/N: "She said, she couldn't stand seeing you or listen to your awful voice."

Salazar: "How convenient, as I was growing tired of the moderate touch."

Y/N: "By the way, how do you like the egg I gave you. I can give you another if you like."

Salazar: "Hmph. Let us play a game of ours in true Salazar fashion."

Y/N reached a drawbridge that was raised up. Zealots who are on top of the wall in front of him were aiming their crossbows at him.

Y/N: "Let the games begins."

He equipped the sniper rifle then aimed and fired at each zealot with a crossbow. As soon as the wall was cleared, he focused on the bridge then switched to his pistol. He destroyed the counterweight and it lowered the bridge. When the bridge was lowered, zealots with scythes and shields were on the other side.

Y/N: "Hey guys. You all came to see me? I'm flattered."

Zealot: "Matalo!"

He got out his other pistol and he fired both of his weapons. He focused on the shields first as they were stepping closer to him. He kept firing until the shields were shot to pieces then he killed the ganados behind them. Y/N shot down each one until he focused on the last zealot. The last zealot had another parasite attached to him, so Y/N ran towards the zealot and slash him multiple times with his fire knife. The zealot was burning by each slash then eventually died. The parasite tried to attack Y/N but it was stabbed by the knife then it burned to death. 

Y/N: "Who's next?"

He entered the first battlement tower and there was closed gate that had a moon icon above it. There was a lever next to it.

Y/N: "Let's get this opened."

He pulled lever and the gate opened. However, the gate with the sun icon ahead closed.

Y/N: "(Sigh) So that's how it is. You know what, let's see if I can open this myself."

He grabbed a metal bar on the gate and tried to force it open. Y/N was slowly bending the bar until the entire gate broke opened. He threw the gate away then continued on.

Y/N: "There we go. If only I could do that to every door."

He jumped down to a lower floor and he was in a passage. There was another gate ahead with a zealot guarding it. Y/N shot his head until it was blown off and a plaga burst out of it.

Y/N: "Great. Another one."

The zealot was making his towards Y/N as switched to the sniper rifle and fired enough bullets to kill him.

Y/N: "Let's move on."

He continued through the passage and broke through the next closed gate. Y/N arrived at the next tower. He encountered a few zealots on the way, so he equipped his TMP and rapidly fired at the zealots. When he was done, Y/N climbed up the ladder then found some treasure on the way. He opened the locked door nearby then heads up the stairs.

Y/N: "I bet there's a good view up top."

As he was going up the stairs, he saw more zealots with crossbows and shields trying to attack him.

Y/N: "How many of these guys are there?"

He was firing the TMP until he killed each zealot that was in the tower. Luckily, none of them seemed to have mutated so Y/N could continue going up the stairs.

When he reached the top of the tower. He saw an El Gigante climbing up the inner wall then it roared at Y/N. This one was fully armored.

Y/N: "Another one? These guys are really pulling out the big guns."

The El Gigante picked up some rubble then it threw it at Y/N.

Y/N: "Oh shit!"

He took cover from the rubble as it destroyed some of the crates on the roof. Y/N took the chance to fire the TMP at the giant but the bullets weren't doing any damage on the armor. The El Gigante threw more rubble as Y/N had to take cover again.

Y/N: "Damn it! I'm not going to get anywhere like this. If only I had that RPG."

He looked at the wall that leads to the next battlement tower. The next one had no roof as it was destroyed.

Y/N: "I'll just have run for it."

After the El Gigante threw another chunk of rubble at Y/N, he took the opportunity to run fast to the battlement tower. When he reached there, he had to fight more zealots who were ready to attack him.

Y/N: "Can't you assholes show up somewhere else?! I've had enough problems already!"

He used the TMP then quickly killed them as the giant moved to another area of the inner wall. It continued picking up rocks and rubble then threw it at Y/N's location.

Y/N turned to the fourth battlement tower and saw two zealots with crossbows in front of the closed gate.

Y/N: "Oh give me a fucking break."

He equipped the sniper rifle and aimed at their heads. As soon as the zealots were dead, Y/N waited for the giant to throw another wave of rubble then he runs to the next battlement tower. He had to jump down a floor then proceed to the closed gate with a sun icon above it.

Y/N: "Don't have time with this bullshit."

He grabbed the bars of the gate then broke it open. When he entered the fourth tower, he found a cannon in the middle of the tower.

Y/N: "A cannon. Now we're talking. Just need to get this up top."

He looked around for anything to move it up to the roof. Y/N saw a counterweight that was holding it down. He destroyed it and the cannon was raised up to the next floor.

Y/N: "Alright!"

He climbed up to the next floor and saw that cannon had to go up one more floor to reach the roof. A zealot tried throw an axe at Y/N but he caught it.

Y/N: "Here. You can have this back."

He threw the axe at the zealot's head with fast speed and it killed him.

Y/N found another counterweight and shot it, making the cannon rise up to the roof. He ran up the stairs and reached the roof. The El Gigante once again threw rocks at Y/N. He took cover from the wave of rocks then operated the cannon. He turned the cannon at the giant as it was about to grab more rubble.

Y/N: "Adios, you piece of shit."

He fired the cannon and hit the giant's head. The El Gigante roared in pain then fell off the inner wall.

Y/N: "Yeah! That is how it's done!"

He looked at the wall and saw a closed gate with a group of ganados guarding it.

Y/N: "There's still more of you left. How will I get through? Wha-BOOM!"

He fired the cannon at the group of zealots then aimed it at the gate next.

Y/N: "A closed gate? Let's try knocking. Knock, knock. Who's there?"

He fired the cannon again and burst the gate opened.

Y/N: "BOOM! Your door is knocked down! Ha ha!"

He stopped using the cannon walked to the towards the edge of the tower.

Y/N: "Alright, I've had enough fun. I should get back to finding Ashley."

He looked down and jumped down to the wooden platform then down to the wall. As Y/N was about to proceed to the gate, the giant below him burst out and Y/N had to jump to the broken gate.

Y/N: "Still not dead yet? You don't know when to quit!" 

The giant tried to grab Y/N but he ran out of the giant's reach. The El Gigante tried to climb up but he lost grip and he fell off the wall.

Y/N: "Tough luck for you, buddy."

He finally got through the castle battlements then eventually made it back to the courtyard. In front of him was a maze. It was another area that Y/N was familiar with in the original.

Y/N: "Hope she didn't get too far. Or worse."

When he got close to the room ahead, he heard crying inside. Y/N unlocked the door and saw Ashley on the bench. Tears were coming out of her eyes as she was scared of what was happening of to herself.

Y/N: "I'm glad you were waiting for me. You have no idea what I went through to get-"

Ashley: "Stay back!"

She backed away from Y/N when he got close her.

Y/N: "Ashley?"

Ashley: "I might hurt you again."

Y/N: "Hey, I'm fine."

He took off his hand and showed her. It was already healed from the cuts and burns it had.

Y/N: "See."

Ashley: "What? But... how?"

Y/N: "I'm a fast healer. Though, I kind wish the clothes would do the same."

He looked at the torn glove sadly then looked back at Ashley.

Y/N: "Anyway, we should keep going before any more those ganados decide to show up."

Ashley: "I can't, Y/N... What if I'm not myself again. I could hurt you again. I'm so scared. When that happened... I was something else..."

She looked at her hands as she was seeing veins in them.

Y/N: "Ashley, you're not the only one that has something in you." 

Ashley was shocked that she saw some of the symptoms in him, except they were smaller.

Ashley: "You too?"

Y/N: "Yep. Although, I was infected long before you. Just a different type of virus in me. That's reason behind the healing of course. It has other things, I just haven't shown you yet."

Ashley: "How long have you had it?"

Y/N: "I'd say over year. There haven't been any changes since then. I don't know about that parasite in me though."

She didn't say anything as she looked down, not knowing what to do about her state. Y/N sighed then decided to sit next to her.

Y/N: "Look, it's okay to be scared. Believe me, I've seen many things that have been terrifying as hell."

He looked at her.

Y/N: "But you can't run. Doing that will only make things worse. The only way we can beat this is if we keep moving forward. We will beat this, Ashley."

Ashley: "I don't know if I can."

Y/N: "You can because it's our only option. Just let me know if you're going to stab me next time. I can take it." He joked at the end.

Ashley looked at Y/N and decided to smile in response.

Ashley: "Y/N, thanks."

Y/N smiled back at her.

The two rested for a few minutes until it was time to further explore the castle.

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