ꕤblue waterꕤ

By Gromblesmcfombles

85 13 0

a small group of friends try and navigate through the struggles of deciding what to do on summer vacation, di... More

Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Chapter 2 - The Bakery
Chapter 3 - Cruel Summer
Chapter 5 - Edward
Chapter 7 - Heron Fucks Lauren
Chapter 8 - I Kissed A Girl
Chapter 9 - DILF
Chapter 10 - Pathetic dorks are the Hottest, Aren't They, Doggy?
Chapter 11 - Endless Summer Vacation
Chapter 12 - Summertime Sadness
Chapter 13 - The End of ꕤblue waterꕤ

Chapter 4 - Where the Woof?

9 1 0
By Gromblesmcfombles

Lauren was sitting on a plush rug floor, as he sat in a circle with his friends… friend? Friend. Maybe. They were silent for quite a while, mostly just trying to figure out how to properly explain everything to Lauren. Even more so, as they don't want him to freak out. Vincent just wanted to get it over with, especially after realizing how much Heron was talking, to him. “So how exactly are we gonna do this? It's been like thirty minutes, and I'm getting bored.” Heron spoke up, lazily scratching his belly. “Ugh, we gotta be careful with what we say, Heron! Considering how, uh, confused…? He can be!” Vincent rolled his eyes. “Just say he's weak-minded, and stupid.” He growled out, much to Jessica's annoyance. “Yes, well, unlike you! I act like I push wheelchair bound grandma's down the stairs,”

Vincent scoffed at that, mostly regretting the fact he even came. “… But fine, whatever! You wanna get this over with? You start with this… mini intervention,” Jessica huffed, crossing her arms as she waited expectantly. Heron preemptively snickered a little, lounging back against the foot of a couch. Vincent grimaced, but sighed and nodded nonetheless. Lauren just stared wide-eyed, looking up at the other three as he waited for what they had to say. Especially Vincent! He cared about what Vincent had to say for some reason. “You're a weird, little dork. And your parents practically brainwashed you into being a sanctimonious idiot who'd probably have a heart attack if you even saw a SECOND of that Lucifer TV show. You are a weak-minded, pathetic little dumbass who listened to mommy and daddy for far longer than he should have, and now you're an easily frightened, limp dick, moron! Who's gonna go nowhere in life because he can't handle the fact he likes cock!”

Lauren was a little stunned by that thorough take down of his entire personality, and while he was stunned; Jessica was pissed. “WHAT THE FUCK, VINCENT!?” She shouted, sitting up. “What part of 'HE'S FRAGILE' did your mind ignore!?” She continued, agitating Vincent even more. “Treating him like a baby is exactly WHY he's like this, I decided to give him a brutal wake-up call.” Heron stood up, too. Chuckling. “I guess we're standing up, now. So sad. Anyway, technically the biggest problem is the extremist bullshit his parents have been feeding him, though I guess you WOULD have a problem with him being sheltered, huh? Vinnie?” Heron sneered, seemingly ever so slightly annoyed for once.

“Don't you start with me,” Vincent growled, the two boys getting in each other's faces before Jessica rolled her eyes and pushed them both back. “Why did you even bother bringing him here if you were just gonna cause issues?” She groaned, rubbing her forehead before turning her head to Vincent. “… I didn't want him to have another breakdown getting here, so,” He replied gruffly, crossing his arms. Jessica looked down at the bewildered Lauren, actually a little surprised he wasn't too sad! Maybe he was still too stunned, though. “Ugh, let's just take a few minutes and reset, mkay? Why don't you boys go get everyone a bowl of ice cream? I bought some for tonight.” Vincent begrudgingly walked off to the kitchen, Heron following close behind.

“Too bad you're such a grumpy guy all the time, I think we'd be great friends otherwise!” Heron said, swinging the freezer door open. He rummaged through it for a second, grabbing two tubs of ice cream and setting them down on the counter. “You know why we aren't.” Vincent responded coldly, pulling a stack of bowls out from one of the cupboards. “Oh come on! I'm not THAT much of a stoner, besides, it's what makes me fun!” He said, looking through a few different cupboards for spoons. “Seriously, I'm boring as hell when I'm not on anything. That's why they call me Heroin!!” Vincent sighed, grabbing a few spoons from a tucked away cupboard. He handed them to Heron, shoving his hands in his pockets afterward. “Yeah, well, it messes with my senses, so.”

Heron started scooping the ice cream out, rolling his eyes at that comment. “Dude, for someone like YOU,” He said, pointing one of the spoons at Vincent. “Ya should've gotten used to strong smells, like, since you were six.” Heron decided he didn't have the energy to continue this conversation, as did Vincent. So they kept quiet until they came back out to the living room, with the ice cream, of course. “Hey, thanks, i half expected you two to start fighting in there and destroy my dad's kitchen. But you didn't, so good job!” She said, smiling. “How's the brain cleansing going?” Heron chuckled, setting the bowls down.

Jessica shrugged, as Lauren quickly took a mouthful of ice cream. “Meh, it's hard undoing eighteen years of false or just weird information, so I'm doing my best!” She looked down at her phone. “I was showing him a video discussing the difference between a regular worshiping Christian and then the types to run away from goats because they think it's Satan, so Lauren's parents.” Heron laughed at that, and Vincent's mouth even twitched! What a delight. “I had no idea you weren't supposed to bathe in holy water to cleanse any demons that latched onto you…” Lauren muttered, taking another scoop of ice cream. “… I'm sorry, you BATHE in HOLY water?”

Lauren looked at Heron, nodding. “Yeah, every month, so if a demon latched onto you, it'll get burned and die!” Heron grimaced at that. “And I've been touching you…” He looked off to the side, muttering to himself, before just downing his ice cream. “… Where do you get a tubs worth of holy water?” Vincent asked, getting a resounding nothing from Lauren. He blankly stared at Vincent until he got distracted by the window. “Huh, it's getting dark out! I've never been out this late before,” Lauren muttered.

Heron snickered, leaning back. “Why? Cause demon activity is more present at night?” He teased. “Yeah! Actually! How'd you know??” The three others stayed silent, Jessica sighing particularly loud. “I think it's best if we stop talking about that stuff for right now,” She said, the others nodding in agreement. They finished their ice cream after a few more minutes, chatting occasionally as the night grew evermore. Jessica picked the bowls up, going to wash them as the others sat up. “Ugh, my ass hurts! Shoulda sat on a pillow,” Heron said, stretching out a little.

“It's late,” Vincent said, making Heron chuckle. “And Red's short. What of it?” Vincent grumbled at that, crossing his arms. “I should be leaving.” He said firmly, stepping past Lauren and over to the door. “Aw, but we haven't even had our second intervention yet!” Heron didn't actually care, in all honestly, he'd rather Vincent leave. Lauren just waved goodbye at him, and as usual, he did not receive one back. Vincent huffed a little. He swung the door open before INSTANTLY slamming shut, not even a moment afterward. Turning away from the door with an unusually panicked face. This confused Lauren, Heron, and Jessica; who just walked out from the kitchen.

“Is someone there?” Jessica asked with an eyebrow raised. Vincent ignored the question, feeling his face before looking back at them. “You guys are having a sleepover, right?” He asked, ignoring her question and combatting it with his own. “Yeah!! Did you decide you wanna stay over??” Lauren happily asked, Vincent nodding rapidly after. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I, uh, I don't wanna be out alone at night, so,” He awkwardly said, running a few fingers through his hair. “… Really? A hulking beast like YOU doesn't want to walk alone at night?” Jessica said, even more suspicious now. Vincent turned back to her, putting his hands on his hips. “Uh, Yeah!? Men can get robbed too! In fact, in fact! The bigger guys get beat up first! So they can't be there to protect the little guys!”

Vincent's erratic behavior started getting further and further from subtle, enough to where Lauren caught on. “Look, are you okay?? Do you need us to call your parents, or?” Jessica asked, pulling out her phone with a concerned look on her face. “Oh fuck, I let it touch me…” Vincent whined, crouching down in the middle of the living room. “… Is he… Is he going insane?” Lauren asked, looking up at Heron. “Maybe! Maybe he's just got rabies…” He said in response. Jessica carefully walked over to Vincent, her words hesitating a little. “Look, dude, we haven't been on the BEST terms. But if you need help, we're all right here!” She said, putting her phone back in her pocket.

Jessica paused for a few moments, grimacing as Vincent just kept repeating the same phrases. She looked back at the other two, who didn't seem like they had anything useful to say, before turning back towards Vincent. “Again, we're RIGHT… here…” Jessica hesitantly went to go pat Vincent on the back, which… may have been a mistake. “Don't. TOUCH ME.” With a loud snarl, Vincent transformed into a large and imposing werewolf right in front of her eyes. She stumbled back onto the floor, backing away. Vincent howled loudly at them, being met with a round of screams from Lauren and Jessica in response! “WHAT THE FUUUUUCK!?” She screeched, sliding away from him further. “Get AWAY from me!” Vincent growled, revealing he can indeed still speak. “WE'RE NOT THE GIANT FUCKING WEREWOLF, NOW, ARE WE!?” Jessica yelled, once again, getting in front of Lauren. Vincent's ears drooped upon hearing that, surprisingly nodding. Even more weirdly, he just started pacing, with his arms behind his back. That at least gave them a better look at this new, oddly fluffy, form.

He was about 8'6 (2.59 m)ft tall, precisely, almost reaching the top of Jessica's ceiling. Paired alongside a coat of dark brown fur, the closest color to match would be a nice cup of coffee. Yummy coffee. His bright, piercing yellow eyes made it hard to keep eye contact with him, though it's not like he was staring at them back. “… can you please explain WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?” Jessica said, yelling for the third time; Greatly upsetting Vincent. “Stop yelling!! You're hurting my ears!” He said, huffing. “YOU are hurting our brains!” She retorted, still keeping her distance alongside the others. Though, he seemed more anxious, rather than hostile. “What do you want me to explain!? I'm a werewolf!! I transformed because I got distracted by Lauren's dumbass, and I didn't realize it was a full moon, duh!” He said sarcastically, not really helping at all.

“But why are you a werewolf??” Lauren cut in, peering out from behind Jessica. Vincent groaned, pacing for a few more minutes before turning to face the three. “Ugh, because my parents were already two werewolves. In fact, there's an entire PACK that's been roaming around town and nobody had a CLUE for YEARS.” He said, frowning. “Until you just fucked that up, huh?” Heron said, grinning a little. “Shut up, pothead.” Vincent snarled. “That's not even the only creatures that've been roaming around, either! There are vampires, ghosts, mermaids, demons, creepy angelic creatures, you name it! We all just hide because, quite frankly, humans fucking suck.” Lauren stays quiet for a few moments as his entire world view just completely shatters, as does Jessica! As that is quite a mouthful of monster to swallow.

“… Well, what are you going to do now, doggy?” Heron teased. “Kidnap you guys, I guess,” He shrugged, a little too causally.  “… Sorry, what?” Jessica said, not sure if she heard that correctly. “I can't have two teenage DUMBASSES running around with that knowledge, now can I?” He growled, taking a step forward, quite menacingly. “What!? You can't eat us!” Lauren shrieked, making Vincent's shoulders drop. “What?? I'm not going to eat you, dumbass! That is still Cannibalism. Wolf or not.” He crossed his arms. “I'm going to drag you to my pack's cave in the woods and wipe your memory, obviously,” Jessica raised an eyebrow at that, tilting her head. “Werewolves can erase people's memories?? I thought they just fought over bland white girls with weird facial movements,”

Vincent rolled his eyes. “No, it's just a weird solution, potion, THING that some of the elder werewolves can make. It wipes your memory of like the last month, so it's perfect.” He said, nonchalantly. “… of the last MONTH?” Jessica repeated, Vincent nodding. “We can't do that! We just NOW got Red to realize his life is fucked up!” Vincent scoffed, shaking his head. “So just do it again! I don't care! I cannot let you run off with this information.” He growled. “I am doing this, and you. Can't. Stop. Me.” Tensions in the room got higher as Vincent got ready to pounce, and as the three got ready to run, but before any of that could happen… the front door swung open.

“… The Hell?” The voice of a girl came from behind Vincent, and turning around, he spotted… just some teenage girl. She had dark brown skin, though there were a few splotches of white strewn in there, as a result of Vitiligo. And she had dark black hair, the bottom half dyed a bright greenish turquoise. To finish it off, she was wearing loose baggy gray sweatpants, and a pink psychedelic styled hoodie. “… Is… is he wearing like an expensive fur suit, or?” She said, speaking with a thick Nigerian accent. “Hah, No actually I know he's a werewolf, cause uh… I've been standing outside ever since he mentioned there were like, monsters everywhere and stuff,”

The other four stayed silent, staring kinda wide-eyed at the girl. The most shocked being Vincent, of course. “… So, Uhh, some sleepover you got here, huh? Red?” She awkwardly said, making Lauren snap out of it. He very carefully and nervously ran past Vincent, hugging the girl after reaching her. “Ripley! You made it!! Uhm, things… got a little weird, if I'm being honest,” He awkwardly said, turning back to others. “Guys, this is Ripley! The friend i… uhm, invited,” Vincent groaned loudly and slinked down to the ground, putting his paws on his face. “… Is that guy a vampire??” Ripley said, pointed a finger right at Heron. Vincent looked up, nodding. “Oh, yeah, yeah he is.” Heron dramatically gasped. “Hey!! Just because you fucked up your secret, doesn't let you fuck up mine!!” He paused, before bursting out into laughter. “HAH, no, I was going to do that anyway! But yeah, I am, i sucka the blood.”

Jessica turned to her newly revealed best friend, surprised, of course. “How the hell have I not realized!?” She said, thinking back on their previous 10+ years together. “Is that why you wear that white make up all the time? How do you… not burn in the sun??” Heron smiled, lifting his arm and rubbing it… to reveal that, the white part, is not the makeup, the tan part is. “Wait, so you've just been keeping your face clear… why?” Heron shrugged in response, grinning. “It looked like goth makeup when I had the rest of my body painted, so I just decided to keep it like that!”

Ripley looked around. “I certainly wasn't expecting such a mindfuck, I thought we were just going to stay up and read shitty fanfic.” She turned to Lauren. “I think I like this more, though, so thanks!” Heron looked over at Vincent, leaning against the couch. “So, still gonna take these guys to get their minds erased?” He grinned, already knowing the answer from the amount of annoyance on his face. “Ugh, fuck you. And no, two people was gonna be rough already! I'm not doing three people, I don't even think we'd have enough solution for them all,” Vincent stood up, looking down at the three humans. “But you idiots better PROMISE not to be little rats, you got!? If I find out that one of you snitched, I WILL rip you apart!!!”

“… Got it!” Said the three humans, mostly because they knew Vincent would rip them apart for doing far less. “… Are we still on for the sleepover? Cause, like, y'all seem pretty chill. Aside from Vincent, but I knew that already.” Jessica shrugged, as did Heron and Vincent. “I'm sure you guys still have questions, and I don't want to go back to my mom and tell her how I fucked up yet… so fine.” Vincent sighed, flopping down to the floor. “Great! I'll go get my laptop, we can watch Twilight.” Jessica said. “If you do that, I will actually kill you!!!” Heron shouted, Vincent sharing that same sentiment. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I was kidding.” She totally wasn't.

chapter 5 - edward, coming soon

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