God of Desire: RemiXAriella

By mimi_walker04

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REMINGTON ASTOR -Lordship A whirlwind of eccentricity and charm, wrapped in a cloak of eff... More

Chapter 1- ARIELLA
Chapter 2- REMI
Chapter 3- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 4- ARIELLA
Chapter 5- REMI
Chapter 6- ARIELLA
Chapter 7- Remi
Chapter 8- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 9- ARIELLA
Chapter 10- REMI
Chapter 11- ARIELLA
Chapter 12- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 13- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 14- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 15- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 16- ARIELLA/COLE
Chapter 17- REMI
Chapter 18- REMI
God of war
Chapter 20- ARIELLA
Chapter 21- REMI
Chapter 22- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 23- ARIELLA
Chapter 24- REMI
God of war
Hey Hey hey
Chapter 26- REMI
Chapter 27- ARIELLA
Chapter 28- REMI
Chapter 29- ARIELLA
Chapter 30- ARIELLA
Chapter 31- REMI
Chapter 32- ARIELLA
Chapter 33- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 34- ARIELLA
Chapter 35- REMI
Chapter 36- ARIELLA
Chapter 37- REMI
Chapter 38- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 39- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 40- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 41- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 42- ARIELLA
Chapter 43-REMI
Chapter 43- ARIELLA/REMI

Chapter 25- ARIELLA

425 15 86
By mimi_walker04

Why are things going this way? I swear it was better when he never gave me his attention, I craved for it but I never asked for it. Why does he want to know something about me that I have kept in for so long. I saw Glyn seeing Bailey falling off the cliff, in water, she is a great swimmer so she did it, Glyn acted as if I did nothing and she said she just came there, I didn't knew it was their spot. I didn't explain further, she ran in her own way.

I see the video again and again, only I know how much I wanted it to be fake, edited.
The way my hands quivered and I trembled after I heard the conversion, watched their expressions, my heart just dropped that day, yet, yet I needed to be calm, I already knew it was going to be like this, they just proved me right, thats it. Why did I even crave for seeing them after that time. Why? I open my two hundred ways to kill yourself book and write a way.

Close the car, take some pills if you don't want it to be painful, if you want it to be painful then get inside the car, close it completely, drive off the place and throw yourself by being inside thar car in water and don't try to get out.

I didn't try it with car but I tied my face with cover and yet I survived, I am playing with death and death is playing with me.

"Yes Grandma"
I lift the call and answered

"Where is Ava? she hasn't answered the call until now"
"Until now?"
"Yeah, I called her yesterday yet she hasn't replied till now"
I sigh as my grandma didn't even mention calling me, oldman does though, he calls me every now and then, he keeps check on me, from Annie, I didn't say anything and let her tell him whatever he asks.

Her voice came sharp with full of worry, I am sure she hasn't even eaten anything by now then

"Eat something first grandma, I will ask her to call you"
"I will dea-"
"Okay then"
I said hanging up, I don't want those fake concerns, I don't want them nor am I interested in them.

I call Ava but her phone is unreachable, I hope she is okay, and just drunk thats it.

He came in with a smile, I am really mad at him, very much, but I need to be calm, you aren't a kind of girl who lets something control you, not him, not anyone Ariella, stop being a drag and pull yourself together.

He said placing the box leaving, oh did I say I am still with Annie? She is sleeping on the bed and I am sitting on her study table, we have two more exams, after giving my exam worst way possible I can't say if I will score good or not. The rumors are one hell of a pain too.

"Come with me"
He said going out and I didn't go with him, I am Ariella Nash, I won't take orders from my dad and he thinks I will take it from him, my dad has raised me to fight for the way not to listen to orders.

"I said you to come with me"
"And what makes you think I will agree?"
I questioned digging in the box, he makes good food by the way, I used to cook for him sometimes, I don't even know if he liked it. I look up to see him still standing leaning to the door, ankles crossed on one another, I stare at his brown orbs which are shining due to the sunlight.

"Bitch go fight outside"
I recieved a pillow on head and chocked on my food. He rushed coming in but I stopped him showing my palm, which didn't stop him by the way. Once I drank water he pulled me up forcefully and I try to get my grip out of his hand but he only tightened it.

"I have cut it there, if you don't remember"
He widened his eyes for a minute and stopped pulling me and lifted me up as expected, I wiggled but his grip only tightened.

"Ariella stop struggling"
"Put me down else I will-"
He ignored me getting down and I glare at him, he ignored all of the gaurds who are here and others too, I feel like killing someone right now.

"Put me down Remington Astor"
I said pressurising on each word but either he is deaf or wants to be for now, as soon as we are out he sat in his Porsche a new one, I ruined the old one. I am sitting on his lap by struggling trying to free myself.

"You sure you want me to fuck you right now? These struggles are a turn on and make sure to remember where you are sitting right now"
His voice fell straight into my ears, sending a quiver down to my spine. In the start of University days he was gentle and good, and now he is like my foot, lordship my foot.

He stopped at some place, oh REU, what are we doing at REU, if I ask he will probably answer with a question, so its better if I stay quite, he will answer me himself.

He let that girl touch him yesterday and for once the girl from TKU whom I threathend crossed my mind, Lana went missing after I threathend her, even that girl went missing after I threathend her. I swear I felt as if it was because of me. I asked Lia for details after convincing her a little she agreed, she said once I go back to London after exams I can see everything, apparently she has prepared a whole connecting board of case.

"Get off"
He said and I did, I am not interested to stay in here anyway, he smiled as if this is the most kindest thing he has ever done for me, I am starting to think Remi never does something Kind unless he has a use from it later, since he is so good at using people.

I turn around to see Emory standing behind me and I smile at her, so he brought her here because I wanted to meet her, or she wanted to meet me? Whatever I met my doll.

"How have you been?"
"Not bad, but I still prefer spending time with you"
She said making me smile, Remi rolled his eyes, and I glare at him, none trusted Annie and Lia in start, and they are doing the same with Emory. Annie is I don't give a fuck type, but Emory is not.

"What is it Emory?"
"Nothing, I was just missing you"
She said holding my hand, but soon she took away, looking behind me, She can't be here then its definitely the one devil I am guessing. The one who wants to see me in pain, only if he knows it has exceeded, I am in my way of finding what comes next to emptiness, I stopped though, I don't feel a need since the time she has been around me.

"By the way"
She said as I walked with her, but I am stopped by a rough hand, Remington Astor.
"Emory needs to go"
"Go where?"
I ask him but he smiled at her, his smile is empty, but Emory smiled back as if they both are negotiating.
"Out, I have some work in dorm"
She said making me sigh, I turn to her and she said

"Why did you cut yourself?"
"What comes next to pain?"
She got starled all of the sudden but replied with a smile, a sad smile that says she has gone through worse than this.

"Next to Suffering?"
I stare at her for answer but she shook her head but I then said
"Helplessness, then nothingness, then emptiness"
Once those words left my mouth, she sighed and took my hand in hers and caressed it.

"You know Ariella, there will be a moment in your life when you will understand everything, every little thing, and eventually your smile will leave your face, you don't smile often but when you do its a prettiest sight to see"
She said and continued
"That will be the moment you wish you never understood everything, the moment when you will beg for going back to before, but it won't happen, all your curiosities and puzzles will be solved, then you won't ever ask what comes next to this feeling, and you won't smile either, you will see no reason to smile"
She said with tears in her eyes, making me shock, why is she crying, out of all people if I have met someone twisted then it is Remington Astor but Emory is much more twisted than him. I see someone forwarding water bottle and she took it drinking water.

"Thanks for many things, saving me from Bailey to making me live for myself"
She said making me smile at her.
"You are my doll Emory, I do have to take care of you, till you are there"
She smilled making me grin.
"Yesterday was good"
She winked, apparently after I followed Remi to a deserted place, I came back, and Emory, who made me and Annie some desserts was happy. It was in Lia's little cosy place, Annie melted right after she ate those. She said she can make ice creams too.
We even called Maya to join, Annie asked her and she didn't deny, I really really like Maya more than other girls in them. She is atleast honest, be it brutally, but she is honest and doesn't go to please people because she wants to get in someone's good terms.

"I will leave now"
She recieved a call and left from here but Remi pulled me with him pushing me to his car.

"What doing you think you are doing?"
"Did you threathen Lana and everyone Ariella?"
He asked and I can't even act scared or shocked, I already knew he was bound to find this out someday, and that day is today.

I swear sometimes I feel like I need to get him a new brain transplant, after what he is trying to ignore, he is trying to ignore us.

"You don't have to know that"
I said trying to get off but I am pushed harshly again and he held my same hand back, I want to scream at him that it is itching but I didn't, I didn't, I let him draw the blood out of the closed wound.

"Are you blind"
I said pushing him harshly and once he is away I turn and push him to the wall beside the car, he didn't even look surprised a bit, which means he knows and calculates my steps well.

"What do you think you are doing? Firstly you threathend those gir-"
"I did it because I didn't want them near you, not only them I even threathend the girl in the event who was trying to see a chance to get into your bed"

Am not careless to say all these, I can threathen girls right infront him and I won't regret it either.
"Why would you even do that?"
He asked, with an unbelievable tone as if he doesn't want to accept whatever is going on right now, too bad, its not going to work in his way, his brown eyes looking at me for an answer, no demanding me for an answer.
"Can't you see why? Are you really that blind?"
I said with a little anger pushing him again and he glared at me.

"No I am no-"
"That because I am in love with you, I freaking love you, and have been in love with you since the time I remember"
I said and my words made me realize they are sounding foreign to me aswell, but this is the truth, I gave myself to him and I will take him too, no double thoughts, I will take him, have him with or without his will. He is the one made me visible, I was okay by loving him from afar, he came in, got interested in my body, not me, and then using me for that shitty case which has a doll made by me. And if he thinks even after all this I will let him go I won't, he doesn't have to love me, but I don't want him to ask me to stop loving him, I don't want that, he made me do all this, if only he didn't get into my life making me say all those thing for him which I never thought I would tell him in person. He turned his face aside and his gaze lowerd, his breathing heavy with anger and frustration, he said in his deep chilled voice

"You don't"
"I know my feelings well, I love you and have always been loving you, I can't say this again and again"
I said looking at him who is in shock, why does he not want to believe it, am I that unlovable? Am I that undeserving of his love? No Ariella don't.

I am still okay with him this way, he doesn't have to love me, I just want him to let me love him, but that doesn't mean that he can go to others now, he can't, he said he would wait for me and he should.
He is looking at me as if I am crazy and explaining me things is useless, which is true because I don't want his closure on this, am just enough with this.

"You don't mean it"
"I do, and if you let other girls touch you it won't end up good with them and oh by the way, you can't touch them either, be fair and save all your lasts, which are mine from now on"
"Ariella its just a crush"
"And you? Yo-"
"I was desiring for you, and I have been selfish over it"
He said calmly trying to explain, I have just confessed and instead of being happy like others this idiot here is disagreeing and calling my love a crush.

"No, I know my feeling too well"
"Its just a teenage crush Ariella, you will get over it"
"Is that a no?"
"Has always been like that Ariella, desiring someone and being obsessed are two entirely different things, but that doesn't mean I am letting you go"
He is trying to assure me, or more likely himself. In these almost six months after he gave me his attention, ignored me, forced me, promised me and has done many things, he still wants to walk off, what's the meaning of not letting me go, when he can't even know how to keep me, or how to stay.

"You are mine Remi, I won't say this again and again, and I want you to remember this forever, no other girl can have you except for me, you are mine, thats it"
"Pull yourself together, this is a childish crush"
"I wont, why do you think I always threathened those girls away from you? You think it is a mere crush?"
My anger is bubbling over me and if he says it a crush again I will slap him hard until he says it is not, and I am trying my best to accept that he isn't using me like he said and I want to believe him on that.

"You are not Ariella, you are not in love you are fucking obsessed, accept that you are, even you know it"
He said pushing me off lightly, but I stand still trying to comprehend the situation, he looked away every now and then not looking at me.

What is he planning to know, what is he trying to know, he is here for something else, he is here to keep an eye on something.

"Obsessed? No Remi, I am obsessively in love with you"
I said lightly placing my lips on his, he clenched his fists, but didn't push me. I myself came back and look at him.

"End it then, with your obsession to me walking away"
"I won't"
I said, he can stop himself but I have never thought of stopping to love him.
"Stay then, I will leave"
He said walking off, stomping on my confession, he just walked off. Wow! He went inside REU and I am about to leave when I stop as soon as I see someone from the window of third floor.

You trust him, don't go, what ever Bailey wants to prove is wrong, she is just trying to distract you, yet my feet took me inside the REU, it has access for the students who stay at REU dorms on holidays, and to elites club Ofcourse.

I walk not wanting to witness something I don't want, as soon as I stop near the class room, I see something that made me want to kill myself. Remi is Kissing Bailey, he is kissing Bailey.
It is the fact, he is holding her shoulders not even pushing her away, and she is having her hands wrapped around his neck.
I take a step forward but then stopped myself.
Is this why he was here, is this the reply to the confession I gave him. I walk away from there.

If this is what he want then this is what I will give him, you chose the wrong way Remi, I am going to push you out of my life so badly that you won't ever know that you existed in my life.
You said I tasted no different that day, just like others girls. Fine I will give you what you want, you will remain just like all the others I pushed away.

Blood, I need blood, I need blood.
I remove the bandage and walk out of there.

As soon as I walk away from there I draw out some blood not some, more than I can try, it made me happy, it is calming me. It is calming me. I hold the cut tightly until I felt my wrist going cold but my hand feeling warm.

I leave and go to Annie who is still sleeping, or half asleep, looks like someone has woken her up.

"Ariella bitch where were you yesterday night before we went to meet Emory?"
"I was out on a long Romantic walk with Remi, he doesn't know it but only I do"
I said and she smelled for a moment and widened her eyes

"What did you do? Did you cut yourself again?"
I shake my head and she looked at my wrist and widened her eyes.

"It stopped Annie chill"
"Chill my ass"
She said panicking and held my hand pulling me out.

"Where the fuck were you yesterday and the day before?"
I got stopped by a very edgy and sharp voice and it didn't take me a moment to realise it is of Lan's.
"Was out for murder"
I said but Annie who is panicking looking at the blood tried to rush me in kitchen but got stopped with a hand by Lan. He held Annie's hand which is holding mine making her flinch badly and she left my hand instantly and jerked his. He glared at me and held my wrist. Whats with everyone holding my same wrist?

"Do you know where Ava is?"
He asked calmly pressing my hand, Eli King is standing calmly looking at me like I am a monster just like he called me in that video.

"Leave her hand"
Annie said glaring at him but he ignored her asking me.
"Fucking leave her-"
"You stay out of it, you are an outsider so be like one"
He said raising his voice and I am tempted to ask him to apologize to her.
"Where are the girls Ariella?"
Brother El- oh no, Eli king asked with his sharp voice, Annie stood quitely uncomfortable, I hate it when she goes uncomfortable, it never happened around me. Just because they think I used to or maybe I still do respect them and are elder than me doesn't mean I would let them speak to her that way.
"I don't know, I don't care, and don't ever talk to her like that again Landon King"
I harshly pulled my hand away and took Annie with me but got stopped by Killain who looks like he lost his reason for life, Jermey looks like he came straight of horror movie and Nikolai is looking like he is the main lead of that movie, Creighton King is looking at me like, oh he is the only one who is not looking at me like I am a threat.

"Step aside"
I said staring at them but soon got pushed off from there and stumbled a little, before I could I fall a familiar scent of citrus and spice engulfed me.

"Careful Jer-"
I step away from him and look at all of them, Remi came in morning, Lan asked where Ava is, and, wow, did they go missing? Do they think I did it?

"They are missing?"
I ask with an anticipation but I didn't change my expression or tone.
"Tell us where they are"
Killain asked but I ignore him and turned to him

"You stooped so Low Remington Astor"
I said pushing him off completely, the way I am controlling my emotions right now, I think this is the bravest thing I could have ever done in my life.

"I don't know where they are neither did I kidnap anyone"
"We didn't say you kidnapped anyone now, did we Ariella Nash?"
Nikolai said raising his eyebrow, glad that he is wearing his shirt.

"The way you are reacting right now says I am the one who kidnapped them, since it is confirmed that they went missing"
"Exactly, since you agreed tell us where you kept them"
Lan said making me smile, the way they always prove my over thinking right, makes me proud of my negative thoughts sometimes. Others are so wrong, when they say having negative thoughts is wrong it ruins your life, no, having negative thoughts gives you possibilities to save yourself from the positive hopes, hope is just a fickle. And expectations always lead to disappointment.

"What do you want me to say? You just tell me what you all want to listen and I will tell you that"
Explaining someone who already believed what they want is useless. I never explain myself I am tempted to do it right now, I want to scream at Lan, Eli, Creigh and Remi and say I didn't do anything like that, I am too desperate maybe but I am not going to mend something back that I never broke.
They did it, they are doing it.

"She was with me all the time we have exams, and you think she would kidnap her own sister and friends"

"Ariella stomps on Ava, and says they are Ava's friends get it? And Anya-"
"I did it"
I said making them turn around to me with hate, shock, disgust and maybe unexpected look that says I would rather be dead.

"I did it I am the one who kidnapped them, go find them, its a challenge for you, lets see how much time you will take to find"
I said making Nikolai throw the nearest table and glare at me

"Why the fuck would you do that? Ariella Fucking Nash"
Nikolai said charging at me and I stand still, he raised his hand and I stand still but it didn't reach me.

"Control Nikolai, she had no idea, she is lying"
Remi said defending me, I scoff at his fakeness, I can't believe he can stoop so low that he acted as if he took me out to meet Emory, and check if I actually kidnapped them. I want them to leave and search for them soon, I don't know if Ava has eaten or not, she gets hungry easily and cant control her hunger.

"Go find them"
"You are going back to your room, and don't come out, you are grounded"
Creighton King said and I quitely follow him out.
Annie looked helpless but more than that she looked like she will murder them.

The car drive went silent.
He locked me up, took my phone, laptop and everything away from me.

I sit quitely, I want to run away and never come back, never ever. Cheaters, liars, betrayers, instead of asking why I kidnapped them, they could have asked me, if I kidnapped them, why do they go for conclusions.

I stare at her sitting beside me and sigh. I don't want to speak with her right now.

"Later Sof"
I have read all the books here, all of them, I want papers for typewriter which are completed too, what should I do? I notice the envelope that I placed near the table.

I take it from there and start reading it, I read and read and the style felt like it is written by grandma. Damn this is good. So apparently in this book there is a doll, whose name is not given, she is blonde haired, blue eyes, like my mom, Ava, Ellie, Mia, Maya Lidya too. They all are blonde hair blue eyes people.

The person here his name is Gav I think its Gav the person who is obsessed with dolls, like the character is very intense, I feel like that doll master is me, since Emory calls me that. Never mind, the story is incomplete or it is just half given to me. I remember this envelope here, it came from the unknown.

First I need to find who that unknown is, then I need to know if the same unknown sent me that box and letters and is the shadow, well it is the shadow.

I stare at my dolls and take the papers from above setting it to the typewriter, he asked me to write on him, I will write for him, and to him, both at once with some handwritten letters. You will just stay in letters for me from now on Remi, just in letters and books not in person, in real. Damn, I must be so shameless to still love him.

Its already past five they are still not here. I should just break through the window and go out of here, I look at my hand which have blood stains. I don't want to find anything next to emptiness.

A knock on window made me look at it, Annie and Emory are standing there holding some boxes in their hands.
They opened it as it is locked from outside just as I got up am engulfed in a hug by Emory and Annie is standing quitely, she isn't an outsider for me. She loved me when I gave up on myself. She always have.

She didn't listen to me and started treating my hand, if I ask her or say anything she will probably end up killing someone.

Emory's tears started flowing from her eyes and she opened the box and took some bread and toasts, baked potato and beans.

"Here have it"
She said placing spoon near my mouth and I eat it quitely.

"I think they found them, and I want to tell you that I hate you"
She said still cleaning my wound, her voice sharp and serious. A laugh left my mouth looking at both girls infront of me, they turned to me with a glare and I take the spoon forwarding it towards Annie and then at Emory.

"You really are an Idiot"
I said to Emory she hissed but stayed quite.

"You guys should leave before they come"
"You scared of them? I will tell your dad, uncle and grandpa, they will take their sweet time off to give them some piece of their minds"
Annie will kill someone if she is isn't going to calm down, no one knows whats running in her mind, sometimes not even me.

"You should tell them about the stalker thingy"
She said eating the last bite and I gave Emory the tissue and Annie took my sleeve and wiped her lips. Typical Annie.

"I will be okay"
"You will tell them or should I do it"
"I will An"
I said pushing both of them out.

So they are safe and will be back soon, but who the fuck dared to touch my sister, why is this happening to me? Why me? Out of all why me? Can my life get anymore worst? Ughhh.

I start with the dedication
"To him
Who had his eyes for everyone except for those whose gaze was only him"

He doesn't need to know this, my journal is coming to an end too. I won't let anyone find my written books, though I wish they were published, and tell me if I am a good writer, but no, I won't. Atleast not those I have written for a single person.

I stop after few minutes still thinking about Gav, it feels real, so real, too much real. If thats a story then it is a best one, if it a real story then the doll must be beautiful like everything. But to me the first ever beautiful is my mom then Ava. I don't think the doll in this can be as beautiful as my mom and Ava.

I put everything aside and sit quitely waiting for them to come, this time I am not gonna neglect and think I can study in morning, no not gonna let that happen, good grief it was chemistry and physics which I had minimum knowledge about. As much as I hate my memory I think it does work as help sometimes.

The door got pushed open or kicked open, I don't know, but Lan, Eli, Bran, Killian and Jermey are standing here, glaring at me. If glares could kill anyone I would have been buried by now. Lan is looking at me with anger, betrayal, hate and disgust, can I mirror the same expression? I will become the bad person if I return the same energy, thats what they think about me, as much as I don't care about their opinions on me, I need to see Ava first and Maya too. She said she doesn't like getting kidnapped, she said she hates the fear and trauma related to it which I don't know what it is, I didn't force her to say it, if she is comfortable enough she will say it herself. And if she does me and Annie should say it too, something that we both think should be two ways in friendship.

"Knock before coming in atl-"
"Shut the fuck up Ariella"

He came in with anger and said

"You fucking traumatized my sister"
Lan said trying to stop himself from killing me, his hair falling on his forehead making him look like he came straight out of hell.
"You are pathetic to your lowest Ariella"
"You have cut Cesy's hand, are you a maniac or what?"
He said and my eyes widened for a second and I composed myself, I cut her hand, I thought it was-

Wow, like seriously, its not even a drag anymore, what a wow.

"I am disappointed in you Ari"
Bran said calmly and I stare at them waiting for them to say more, I am disappointed in myself too, lets see if I can use this situation in any of the books I am writing, will readers cry? Oh I don't have one.

"You fucking cut the three of them one of them is your own fucking sister, shame on you"
Jermey said and added
"Stay the fuck away from Cesy and my sister, else you won't like how things will end up"
Eli king is standing quitely, I turn to him, there is still this little girl's hope that uncle said when he wanted me to get along with them. Looking at him it shattered now.

So this is what it is all about, me cutting them, and them going missing is also my fault, it is my fault, Maya was with us when did she go missing then.

"Trust me Ariella if you weren't uncle Cole's daughter I would have killed you right now"
Lan said grudging, and his words are not even showing a hint of lie.

"Trust me Lan, I haven't regretted anything more"

I tried to move but harshly got pushed back, I didn't want to believe who pushed me back, nor do I want to know. It just takes mere seconds for everything to turn upside down

"I am not begging to be with them, ask them to stay out of my business and if possible keep Ava away from me too, but if she doesn't want to, then no one will get involved between me and Ava, she is a Nash"
"Ava has nothing to do with you from-"
I stop Lan and Eli by showing my wrist which has a little blood, not for their sympathy, just for showing the blood

"You see the blood here? Me and Ava share the same DNA, we both are Nash, I don't think others should get involved in this now"
I said moving out ignoring all of thier words, once I see Ava sitting quitely with tear streaked face, I examine her body from head to toe first, she is okay, she isn't physically hurt, she will be okay then, she has others with her. I check others aswell, none are physically hurt, good, who might have done it?

My gaze fell on Maya, while Cesy and Glyn are with Ava, Lidya, Annika and Mia are with eachother. Maya is all alone, I am tempted to run to her and ask if she is okay but I will probably end up scaring all of them. And Maya is not looking at Mia like she usually looks at her with, with apologetic and begging eyes, if more she is looking at her like a kid who has gone through some shit but was ignored. She is looking at her like lost child, her expression must be mirroring mine.

As soon as my eyes met Bro- Creighton's I slip away going to the terrace, I sit on the railing, and look at the moon, empty without anything, clouds are clear, and stars are far away.
"What comes next to Emptiness?"
I ask myself, even if I didn't want to find it, I am getting it anyway
"It is loneliness, with myself, with people with everyone, with everything"
Chaos in my mind has taken place with loneliness, I can't survive without it, I need chaos for my life.

"Utter loneliness"
I said and turn to see Remi standing there, he left, he left just like he left that night. Maybe he was never meant to stay, maybe he is right, we are not meant to be.

Some people are just meant to meet but not to be.

Why can't I hate anyone of them? Am I too good? Or am I just too bad not to deserve anything. Should I just say about the stalker, or that shadow? How can I when I myself stalk Remi, none would believe me even if I do.

I turn around to look at Brother, not brother just Creighton King.

I reply normally, the way it is destroying me internally yet I am not being able to express is a different kind of pain. No one would ever believe if I say, trust me I never did anything like this, no one would ever believe if I say, I am not as bad as they think I am to use them, or hurt them. What will I even get by using my own sister anyway?
What will I get by manipulating them? I can get my things done and do things myself without manipulation and using people around me. The little hope that I just had in me that little girl in me, still wants that to be a lie.

"Are you okay?"
"Why am I not?"
I said stating as he came to me pulling me off the railing.

"You shouldn't sit there Ari, what if-"
"Don't worry, I will ask uncle to take all the responsibilities of me off you from now, I didn't want it since the start but agreed to it"
I said cutting him off, but he smiled and shook his head, his smile so genuine its hurting to see that. He is trying to assure me, no it is actually assuring, that he is here. Though I don't want him to be, but as promised he is here.

"I won't force you to trust me Little Ari, but I didn't do anything to break it, so you can still call-"

"You knew, yet you didn't say-"
Our words stopped with a harsh scream and I run realising it as Annie's.

"Shut the fuck up!!"
She screamed at top of her lungs at them and I stare at everyone silently who went silent with wide eyes.

"When you guys were kidnapped Ari was-"
"Stop defending her Anya"
"Then stop blaming her Killian"
She said not missing a single beat, I tried to stop them but Brother Creigh held my hand as soon as I hissed in pain, he left it and said
"Don't Ariella, these kind of situations are the best times to see who are genuine and who are not"

"They will hurt her and will take that out on Ava"
I said but he shook his head and said
"Remi is there he wouldn't let them"
He is the least person who I should trust now.

"Common Ava, speak something, if it was Cesy you would have defended her with your whole life why not do the same for your sister then"
Annie said with anger I rush down before he can stop me.

"Don't Annie"
"You shut the fuck up Bitch, there are many things they need to know and its better if they know it now, speak up or I will do it myself"
She said as every one gave me their attention.
"What? Why did you do it in the first place"
Killain said holding a crying Glyn, as Nikolai is calming Mia. My stare went to Maya and stopped at her. She breathed a sigh and then looked up with a smile, completely broken one. Ilya is standing behind her with a curt look, but he is staring at her too.

"Why do you think I did?"
"For attention?"
I scoff at Killian and turn to Ava, who is in a condition that says take me away from here.
"Would you believe if I say I didn't do it?"
He chuckled and said

"Then there is no point of explaining anything"
They looked skeptical, I am just fine with being blamed, since Ava, Maya and everyone are okay. But the question is who would have done this?

"Ariella is being followed"
Annie said making me hit my head, why say something that no one would believe?
I turn to Annie and see her motioning me to say something, and I take a deep breath, I hope atleast they will believe this, I didn't plan on saying anyone anything but I think I should now, the situation looks bad.

"She is right, I have a stalker and I am being followed, I don't know since when but it also happ-"
"Stop fucking covering up by speaking lies"
"I am not lying, I real-"
I felt a grip on my shoulder and see Nikolai glarning down at me, his glare is piercing my through my soul, and his eyes look as empty as a dead sea.

I can't believe this is happening right now, why am I getting so desperate to explain that I am not lying, why don't they have an ounce of trust in me, it feels worse than anything that I am actually expecting them to trust me

I am pulled back by someone, and I don't even want him to touch me, he is anything but a Lord, if he is a lord then he can only be a devil lord.
Nikolai stepped back and I sigh looking at Lan but Remi's words put my mind in confusion once again.

"I all telling you this for the very last time, don't touch her be harsh on her"
He said glaring down at everyone but they looked at him like he is doing something wrong.

"You will regret it Remi, she is everyone's downfall"
"And you will regret speaking to her that way Killain"
He said and I push him away, Lia called me his downfall too, but it was different, she is my friend, she explained me everything, but how can they say all this to me.

"Lan, I swear I re-"
"Shut the fuck up Ariella, we have given you so much leniency that it actually bit us back"
There is no way they will listen to me, oh please not now, even if I get that panic attack now, they will probably think I am acting, I don't want Ava to see all that, the little admiration she had for me looks lost now, it is nowhere to be seen.

"Stalkers don't have stalker Ariella"
Eli said staring down at me, I swear if I was a little taller I might have jumped on him and hit his head badly, I can't look at Eli and Lan and feel the disgust for myself, they said anyone staying around me are dangerous, they said I am a monster that Ava and Glyn should be kept away from, they said maybe I am the one who is killing the girls who went missing, does that even make a little sense? Why would I go kill them? They said I am like her, who is that her!! Her? Who her?
Firstly I will get into that case now, if Lia will get to know about this, she will definitely kick Remi and Vaughn out, her dad is head of the department, all the things and orders must pass from him.

"What are you even trying to hide Ariella? Why the fuck would you-"
"I swear on everything I didn't, why would I even kidnap them? Tell me one good reason?"
I scream pushing Remi away from me but he held me back, he needs to get his hands away from me, thats the first thing I want, I don't want him to touch me, he kissed her, right after I confessed to him, he took me there not to meet Emory but to check if I actually kidnapped them, trust? Its never with them, Eli King can never be Aiden king to me. Uncle would have never straight up come to me and blame me that I might have killed anyone.

If Dad will get to know this, he will be in confusion, I don't think he will trust me either, since Ava is involved in this, I don't think anyone will trust me now. Will mom also be disappointed in me? Why the hell and how the hell did it turn out in this way.

"Why did you cut them Ari? Do they look-"
"You guys are forcing me to do this"
Annie said stopping Bran in the mid sentence and turned to them

"What is the proof that Ariella kidnapped them?"
"If we show the proof, you will run away from her, she is Evil"
Jermey said glaring at me, the only one who is quite is Creighton King, he has always been like this, analyzing the situation first then reacting later.

"Please stop it and tell the truth, Dad will be so disappointed in you Ari, he always says he is proud of you if he gets to-"
"What do you want to hear? You guys decided your own answer, I don't even know why and who did this-"

"You agreed that you kidnapped them"
"I did Nikolai, but thats because I wanted you guys to go search them first"

"Ari please, just stop this and say the truth, you are hell bound to scare all of us"
Her voice raised a little and I close my eyes in frustration.
Isn't she already scared of me? I don't want our relationship to be spoiled, I am letting her do what ever she wants because she looks happy.

"Ava, Ava, Ava!! I had a deal with Aiden King that I shouldn't say this to you, but guess what, I already said if situation demands I would"
She said stepping forward with a smile, that smile. Does that mean she has something against Ava that will definitely make Ava cry

"Annie don't, whatever you are thinking drop it right now don't you dare hurt her"
I said but she smiled in return and said

"You and many here asked that why I have grudge against Ava, so I will tell that"
"Annie, we all like Ava here, we all have a soft spot for her and I told you to make peace with it an-"
"Who the fuck are you to tell me that Glyn? What place do you hold in my life that I will listen to you and the bullshit words?"
Her words made Glyn flinch badly and Ava is looking shocked to the depths, tears welled up in her eyes and I turn Annie around glaring at her

"Just because everyone likes her doesn't mean I have to like her too, I don't give a flying fuck about you or your likes, not even your life, I only care about Ari and Maya here so fuck off"
Lan and Killain gave her a piercing glare, Lan stepped forward but I turn Annie to me by her shoulders, if they will say anything she will probably go even more against them.

I said warning her, but she pushed my hands off and continued her words, I feel like it is something I don't know, am I ready to listen to this?

"Ariella was probably ten when she got a panic attack with someone blaming her for something and she ran out of class not to let anyone see her, I wanted to stop Ariella and help her so I decided to go call you Ava, I did call you, I told you her situation, you came too, but you left halfway, because Cesy has tripped over a stone and cried, and you ran to Cecily but left Ariella to die that day and doctor said if that day she would have been controlled then her panic attacks wouldn't be as severe as they are now, you dont want to believe this then don't, but I tell you what, you all will be regretting everything and Ariella has nothing to do with Heathens so you guys should stay out of this matter you know"

My breath hitched with her confession, my words came at halt and didn't even leave my lips,I couldn't even form those words now, I feel like I got stabbed on same spot hundereds of times, I didn't push Ava away from me that time, I didn't, I didn't, I didn't. I really didn't, that time I stopped myself from playing Piano because mom and her used to look at me with fear in their eyes. I pushed them away after I cut her.

"There, I said it, thats the reason I hate you"
Annie said again her confession ripping my heart, did she lie to me before, did Ava choose others over me?

"Oh wait, Ava? Do you even know she gets these panic attacks?"
Ava shook her head vigorously and she chuckled making me shock, Ava doesn't know because I didn't let her.

"And you Glyn, what did you say? Ari pushed someone off the cliff? Making her fall in water and die?"
Annie said and my mind is filled with so much thoughts that my words feel slurry to me, am I that untrustworthy, that undeserving, unlovable?
Ofcourse I am, I have hurt mom, I have made dad vulnerable, I have hurt Ava and Grandma hates me I think I deserve this, I think I always have deserved this.

"It was Bailey who was acting that day, she is a damn good swimmer and is alive"
I want to scream and cry but not even my own tears are coming out of my eyes.

"Can't you look at her crying that way, she is fucking scared tha-"
Maya turned to me and held my arm in her grip and said

"Cry Ariella, if you cry they will believe you too"
She said with sarcasm the worst ever thing for now, I feel my breath getting heavier and turned to Ava

"Ava, I don't care what all these people think I am still asking you even if I know what your answer will be, did you really think I did that?"
"What about the people you killed? I trust you Ari but the video the way you killed, thats the reason we think that you kidnapped us"
She said out of nowhere and I walk out, I didn't kill anyone, I didn't, if they keep on saying that I will really end up killing someone.

"Ariella wait, we are not done yet"
Bran said coming to me and I turn around and look at all of them for once and smiled a little and said

"You guys are annoying as usual"
"As always a drag"

I said as they widened their eyes and every one looked at me with anger, Remi is looking at me with some unknown expression, oh its sympathy, him and his sympathy can die at once.

"You guys could have shown me a little pity, atleast today, even if it was fake"
I heard Maya say, I can't comfort or say anyone anything when I can't pull myself together.

"Hello, Oldman"
"Yes my youngest"
"Can you come here to pick me up after two days? My exams will be done and I want to come back, don't let anyone know, I want to surprise mom and dad"
I said explaining and he agreed, he agreed and spoke with me for few minutes, I can't take this anymore, I retrive a chocolate bar from my pocket. I walk completely out of here and sit in the basketball court. I turn around to see if someone is here, if that shadow is here, but no one is here.

"You can show yourself Sof, I didn't kill you"
I said and see her laying beside me, they think those words don't affect me, I don't care about other words but when ever they say I killed someone I feel like they are directing it to that night, I don't want to go back to.

I take a bite out of the bar and my chest feels so heavy. The pain feels so real the lonliness feels so real, that I can't even gulp down my own feelings, I am not being able to accept what ever happened today. That video must be fake. He is brother Eli, he won't ever say that, no he wouldn't, I just know he wouldn't, all the four of them used to scold me before too but there was no anger in that, today, it was nothing but anger.

What did I do? Emory said if we suffer its karma, but I don't think I might have done these many bad things to deserve all these. Its cruel, so cruel, the man I am in love with is out for my destruction, the four people who made me trust them are brutally breaking it, I already knew it would endup this way, but this early?

I am disappointed in you Ari
Why the fuck would you do that
She died due to that severe allergy
I sometimes am scared of her
I secretly hate Ariella sometimes
I think she needs help
You watched her die
Did you perhaps do something to make her leave? How?
You will regret protecting her
I don't love you Ariella
She left you to die
You hurt her many times
You are pathetic to your lowest Ariella

Come with me
"I do want to come with you"
I said getting up and felt a sharp pain in my chest

"Take me with you if you want"

The night is heavy and dark, draped in a suffocating cloak of darkness as I stand alone in the basketball court. I turn around to see if I could find anyone but no one is here, I try to control myself and stop this but it didn't help.

Each breath felt like a battle, my chest constricting with each inhale, my lungs refusing to cooperate. The echoes of my footsteps bounced off the cold concrete, a haunting reminder of my solitude.

I could feel the panic rising within me, a relentless tide threatening to engulf me in its icy grip. My heart pounded in my ears, drowning out the world around me as I struggled to make sense of the chaos raging within. The weight of my fears bore down on me, crushing me beneath their unbearable burden.

No matter how much I try to breathe it is killing me with each inhale

Dad I don't want to leave....!!

I reached out blindly, searching for something-anything-to anchor me to reality, but my hands found nothing but empty air. The darkness seemed to stretch on forever, swallowing me whole, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

My eyes close and open rapidly, blurring my vision as I sank to my knees, the cold hardness of the ground a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within me. In this moment, I feel utterly alone, as if I am the only person left in the world, abandoned.

But even as despair threatened to consume me, a small voice whispered in the darkness, urging me to hold on, to keep fighting.

I am a warrior, uncle calls me that but I am nothing but a weak pathetic bitch who just hurts people.

"Please, Dad, take this away"
I pleaded to no one, I hold the edge of something and hit my chest to get my breathing to normal the more I try the harder it feels, the more I inhale the more it is sticking in itself.

I heard a familiar voice and see Emory and Lia, standing a little away.

Her voice stopped as I fell on ground breathing heavily.

"She is fucking hyperventilating"
I don't know who said it but I my eyes open to meet a pair of brown eyes, he pulled me up with gentlen touch that burned my insides, but I push him away

"Ariella relax breathe please"
Why is he here? After all this why is he here? Did he want to ask me something?

"Breathe Ariella, inhale slowly"
I heard him say but I don't want to, let the pain be there, let me die, let me just engulf it.
"Ma chèrie follow my breathing"
He said pulling me out of my thoughts and I push him away from me, I don't want him, I don't want anyone, I don't want to stay between anyone.

I heard Emory's voice and felt her wrapping her arms around me patting my back slowly, in a soothing way.

I see a hurt expression on his face and once my breathing got a little stable I turn to Lia and Emory ignoring his presence.

"Ariella you okay?"
"I am, thanks Em"
"Well thats the least I can do for my doll master"
She said touching my cheeks.

"Annie, Ava and Maya are staying with me tonight, Ava needs you, but looks like its other way around"
Lia said pushing my hair back and caressed it like she does to Annie.

"Ari, you will stay with me tonight"
I nod my head and leave with her, but before I do I see Lia turning to Remi

"Dad has officially removed you , Vaughn and others out of the case, if you try to bribe charges will be given, so stay out of it Remi, and I think you should stay away from Ariella too"

Her voice sharp with determination, Remi scoffed but I felt his stare on me which I ignored completely, I didn't want to look into his eyes which will make sure I drown in them, I don't want to, neither will I turn now.

"You are leaving with me Ariella"
I ignored him but felt a grip on my wrist, I turned around and see his hand.

"I sai-"
"You wanted to use me, destroy me? Then go ahead, watch me get into the things now Remington Astor"
He ignored my words and pulled me with him I didn't struggle this time, he will understand it now, what it means to be pushed away from my life. Why can't I hate him? Even if I can't hate him, I can do the things to keep myself away from him.

"About today's confession, do you mean it Ariella"
I stand still not replying anything, did he not find another girl to fuck? Or did he find them just like others, same too. Whatever it is, neither do I want to think, nor will I let him touch me. Noway I will let him walk over me.

"Was it tr-"
"I am not one of your whores to fuck or do-"
"Cursing doesn't suit you Ariella, it never did"
He said wiping my lower lip from his thumb and I push his hand away with a harsh slap on it. I wish I could slap on his face again too. I bet none of them slapped his so called handsome face except for me.

"You are not one of them but you are my personal Whore Ariella, remember what I said and you gave yourself to me"
He pulled me closer by holding my waist, how dare he, how dare he act as if nothing happened, he said much more things, has done much more things today, forced me to trigger that night which I didn't wanted right after I came out of my exam hall, he kissed Bailey even after I said only I am supposed to have his lasts, which means if I kissed him, he isn't allowed to touch his lips to others, if I touched him, no one can touch him except for me.

"I take myself back then, you have many alternatives, go to them, you don't own me Remi, you said it started with my obsession right, it will end with whatever I want to end it with"
He smirked and pushed his body on me, I don't know if he can listen to my heartbeat or not, but he surely will have to suffocate now, I won't let him destroy me alone, enough of my feelings for him, when it came to him my heart and brain never agreed to eachother, I let my heart win for him, but now its over. He can't just say things that he doesn't mean, I am Ariella Nash, my dad has always treated me right and so well, it will be a huge insult to my dad if I let him treat me like shit and walk over me.

Ava, Cesy Glyn are scared of me, then ask them to fuck them selves because I have cared too much that I don't feel like I care anymore now.

"Ariella, you jus-"
"Give and Take"
I said pushing him back with all my remaining strength as his lips came near me, no way, I would let him touch me now. He said he would wait for me, wow, how many days did he wait? Or did he just wait for mere seconds. I don't know about Remi, but Bailey, I let her go for more than ten times but not anymore, she should learn things always work in two ways.

"I kidnapped them for fun, and I said that just to divert you, destroy me and I will do the same"
I said and this time its not him, its me who walked away. I mean it, if he will destroy me, I will do the same too, but there is nothing to destroy when it comes to Remi, from following him, I already know that he is beyond destroying, he destroyed himself with something no one is noticing, with something he is hiding, and with something he is burning with.

"You okay now Ari?"
Lia asked caressing my cheek and I nod my head, we three left from there, I didn't turn around, if I did I just knew that I will do whatever he says, and I don't let others control me.

Ava has fallen asleep on Annie lap who is still in shock, Annie in shock is something new. Maya looked damn hurt but she is sitting quitely. I get down on my keens and see Ava's face which is red, for an instance that doll masters doll crashed in my mind and I shake my head getting up.

Looking at Ava's face all my anger faded away, I was supposed to be angry at her, but I am melting like a chocolate. She looks so adorable while sleeping.

"Lets talk Maya"
I said and she got up, Annie put Ava's head carefully on couch and placed a cushion below that and started scratching her hands. Did Ava drink? Annie being gentle with Ava? What changed her mind? And why the hell did she touch her when she knows she doesn't like to.

"I will take you both and tell you everything but please give yourself some rest, and Maya"
She said pulling her sleeve up which has a big scratch.

"Change first, I will prepare some food and apply some ointment on it"
She said pushing all of us inside, it is a cosy little flat for maybe three people, I mean it has two rooms and a hall, with kitchen.

"Can I help?"
Emory said making her nod her head at her. I keep staring at my sister who looks like she is in pain even when sleeping.

I call her out and she woke up with a jolt looking around and her shoulders fell in a relaxing manner as soon as she saw me. For a moment she widened her eyes and flinched back as if she doesn't want to see me here.

She sat straightly and asked
"Are you alright?"
"I am and you should leave, go back to your apartment"
I said and she looked skeptical but said
"I don't want to, I am going back to London now, grandma was so worried she almost cried and said she will come here if I don't go there"
She said wiping her whole face

"Why are you here then?"
"Hey, bitch sister thats rude to say that way"
She said hitting my arm and I laugh at her behavior, as soon as I laugh she grinned back widely and said
"She has booked a ticket and said we will go out somewhere, its been many days I didn't go anywhere with her"
She said making me nod at her

"I will ask Annie to drop you, its late and I don't trust taxi's around here"
I said as she nodded her head

"I don't know whats going on with you and those fuckers but they really do care about you"
She said and I know whom she is implying, I don't want to think about anything, I promised I would keep Ava safe, and I need to keep that promise.

"By the way can you tell me a way to befriend Annie?"
"Even after all these you want to befriend An? She wouldn't Ava, even if you try, Annie will only be with me, Lia, Maya as her friends and none other"
"Not even Annika and Mia?"
"No, not even them"
I said as Annie takes friendships seriously, and Maya is serious with her friendship too. She has been constantly checking up on us and said it is wholesome to be with us. She said it feels alive after so long. She didn't say what she meant neither did we press any further.

"Annie drop her off to airport"
I said as soon as I see her and she nodded her head straightly going out, Maya tagged along with her and once they left I turn to Lia asking her about everything.

"Lucian was killed by the same person who leaves the letters and the doll you made Ari, and he is Avery's brother, Avery might actually have an elder sister too, I have no idea about it, but from all I have noticed, the doll, there is some doll who that person is killing everyone for and they all are somehow connected with the doll you made"
She said making me nod my head at her, I made that doll just for a birthday gift, why would someone even use my doll? Its only supposed to be with me,Annie, Lia and Sof.

"How is Isa by the way?"
"She was really really in a very bad condition, and I don't know how you will take this but-"
She said trailing off and I assured her with a nod that I won't react badly, although she looked skeptical she said

"Mary has brought a Twelve or thirteen year old girl, to Isa and her health has gotten a little stable now, Isa said she will invite all of us over"
I nod with understanding that she needs someone to live for now.

"Was it a heart stroke?"
"No idea, Mary didn't say anything but mom said it might be due to excessive tension"
She said making me nod at her once again

"Why so silent doll?"
"Nothing, I was thinking about death"
She said tucking her hair back and looked at me and smiled
"What about it?"
"I don't want to die so early"
She said making me laugh at her, Lia started laughing too, she is saying as if she will die early.

"Would you cry?"
"Cry? For what Emory?"
Lia asked looking at me but then at her
"If I die?"
"You want us to?"
"No, I don't want you guys to cry, infact I want you guys to smile, sit and eat strawberry and chocolate at my grave, and please no black dress"
She said and I laughed at her, too many demands, as if she will actually die, no, I won't let her, she is my doll and has to live with me until I don't leave her myself.

"You won't leave me Emory, Doll master needs her doll"
I said remembering the sentence, but why is she speaking about death and that too her death. No way I will let her die this early.

"Grandpa, we will reach at night three"
I said and he smiled at me
"That warthog didn't pull any stunts right"
He said making me shake my head at him in disapproval, I do call him a devil but he doesn't look as bad a warthog.

"You wont come in?"
"No, you surprise them its your surprise"
He said and I quitely enter using spare key, first I went to kitchen and look something to eat, as I open the freezer, I see ice cream and grab the box and put some water to boil on stove.

I heard mom and turned to her, Dad smiled at me too. I Instantly rush to mom but water fell messing the whole counter.

I said but she laughed hugging me. Home, is what she is, dad calls mom his home he says his home is beautiful.
"Were you planning on burning the place Ari?"
She laughed again as Dad turned off the stove and joined us.

"How did you know I was coming?"
"Dad called just now"
"That oldman, I told him not to say anything to anyone"
Both of them laughed and I hugged them together.

"Ask me if I missed you mom?"
She laughed and asked
"Did you miss me Ari?"
I nod my head vigorously finding the Solace in her. I hug her closer to me and tears welled up in my eyes, I was so badly craving for her warmth. I did argue to go there but I felt so homesick.
I didn't let my tears fall, I don't want to disappoint dad or mom.
I pull back from her and look at her, once again Gav's doll's image crossed my mind. His doll might be beautiful but not more than my mom.

"Can we have a date?"
I ask not caring if I sound desperate or not, they are my mom and dad, someone who I can always call mine.

"What date?"
Mom asked with excitement and I take the pot and some ramen out of my bag and boil it.

"I will fry some eggs"
I said taking out a frying pan as both mom and dad looked at me with horror

"Ari let me-"
"No dad you both sit there I will cook"
I said and just as I am about to put chilli powder in ramen to make it a little spicy dad stopped me.
"Ari, we like our taste buds to live a little longer"
He said taking that away from me and I fry the eggs.

"Ari, flip it"
She said and I flipped the egg making it fall on ground with runny yolk adoring ground, I read the instructions in the book that said, hold the handle, toss it a little and push the pan a little front and apply the pressure, it will flip, but it fell on ground.

"Baby you sit there I will cook this"
"But mom cooki-"
"We already have some, me and Ava made it yesterday"
She said taking out my favorite cookies, chocolate chip cookies and red velvet cookies.

"She is dangerous when she cooks"
Dad said to mom and she laughed hitting his shoulder
"My baby will learn it"
She said with determination and made them after a while she brought the things placing it on table.

"Ice cream and chips?"
"Yes young lady, they are here"
Dad said placing it.

"Until we set the table go change"
She said and I look at the time, its four in the morning.

After I got up looking at the pictures hanging on the wall, I Instantly turn my head aside.
I ascended the curly stairs and entered my room, to see the curtains and design changed back to the same old one as I wanted.

"Mirror is plastered"
I said to myself with a smile, dad must have done it.

Once I change into white top and baby pink shorts I look at the wounds, I change into a sweatshirt and pants making sure I am covered.
Mom smiles when I wear other colors except for black.

As soon as I got down I see mom and dad kissing eachother, I silently wait until they are done but looks like no one is planning to stop.
Well me and Ava grew up into this healthy environment of witnessing our parents love. When I asked dad the most happiest moment in his life he said it was, when mom hugged him and said that he is her home. At that moment only mom was everything to him, his world, his life his breath, dad looks at mom like she is the sole purpose of his life and gives him the meaning to it. One thing similar in me and dad can be the love for Mom and Ava.

"Cole stop it Ar-"
She smiled looking at me and I said
"Did I disturb your personal date?"
"No Ari"
Mom said turning her face aside covering the pink hue on her face.

When my doll blushes, its like she own the world.
What the hell, no book has ever had such an impact on me as much as that nameless book does. It is not any other thing its the character, Gav. Does Emory take me as Gav too? Well Gav doesn't seem that cruel, infact I feel sorry for him
But I need to see the next part of the manuscript which only unknown can get me. But ain't anyway I will text after blocking deleting and everything. I still have the screenshots of the messages, I have Annie as proof but still I want to know if they are hallucinations or not, so I have only some screenshots not all.

"Sit, lets eat"
Mom said as all of us sat on table digging in, right after eating this we ate ice cream.

"And Ari, you don't have a boyfriend?"
Mom asked as dad chocked on his ice cream and looked at me.

"I don't mom, neither do I want one"
"Exactly we love Ariella just enough so I don't think she needs any boyfriend? What will the boyfriend give that I can't give my daughter?"
Dad said as mom answered him
"You don't want me to say that Cole"
"Butterfly, Ariella is still a kid, my little chaos is just Seventeen"
"Your dad stole my first kiss when I was fourteen talk about age now"
Mom said adding more to dad's misery and I laugh at the both of them, they stopped and looked at me, making me laugh more and I raised my eyebrow in between indicating what but they just started in silence.

"You look like my angel baby, you own the biggest piece of my heart and I love seeing you laugh this freely Ari"
She said with a gentle smile and I stopped, looking at dad.
No, don't, not the time to feel guilty now.

"If you want I can laugh mom, I just want to be honest with you"
I said licking my spoon and took dad's ice cream aswell.

"You are spoiling her so much"
Mom said giving me some of her own too, making both of us laugh again
"Mom, oneday me you, dad and Ava will have a date like this again, can we mom?"
I ask her and she nodded her head pulling me in a hug.
"You have no idea how much I miss you, it feels so empty without you here"
"I barely came out of my room mom"
"Your presence is what I miss baby"
She said as we all entered in my room

"Can we sleep together?"
I feel like I am so close to leaving them, I feel like I will leave them and go away so soon.

Mom layed down and I snuggled into her, and dad wrapped his arm around both of us.
I look at my window and see someone staring at us and suddenly got up starling both of them.

I stare at Remi in same way too, I stalk him too, same things I do are repeating with me, I look around for a minute and see no one.
"Can you turn the temperature a little lower, and you guys will be on the bed until I am up"
I said as dad nodded his head pecking my forehead and mom kissed my cheek.

As I woke up I see mom, caressing my hair, I am holding dad's finger in my tight grip and Ava, damn this girl she clicked pictures again and jumped on the bed.

"Whats the time?
"Twelve Ari"
I slept pretty well, I look at Ava who is grinning like an Idiot.
"Dad said you missed me?"
She asked in a teasing way and I got up hugging mom sideways
"Mom said I hold biggest part of her heart"
I said as my hold on her tightened

"Bitch she is mine"
Ava mouthed as mom looked down at me with smile. She has believed that the shrink made it work, and I want her to keep believing it too. I haven't spoken to him after Remi has beat him up. He did call me in middle but I didn't answer.
I don't even answer the calls of saved contacts, he called me with an unknown number.

"Mom, she called me a bitch"
Mom raised her voice a little in scolding way, but Ava just laughed.
"Dad said he can't live without chaos and he calls me little Chaos"
I said as Ava glared at me and jumped on me pulling my hair like a witch

"Get off idiot"
"No, dad loves me more, did I tell this to you that we adopted you?"
I scream as both of them laughed looking at us
"We adopted you from the dustbin there"
She said pointing outside the window, adding more and I turn to dad and then at Ava
"Tch tch tch look at you Ava they didn't find you enough so they had to adopt me, something must be fulfilled right, I came filling that"
"Ughhh, I can't believe you changed so fastly after coming here, I am telling you both she barely opened her mouth there, if she did something then its only teachers calling me to complain for the troubles she caused, and mom she is considered as the mean girl of REU, bitch bee of REU, and you know few people even came to me and said they wanted Ariella's wardrobe"
She said as if her style is not good, Ava dresses as if she is a walking goddess, a walking dior and chanel

"What mom, you are smiling, dad you too?"
"Silver used to be called as one before"
Dad said laughing and I push Ava and got up.

"By the way Remi is downstairs"
Ava and mom said making me and Dad roll our eyes together and Dad looked at me

"When will you introduce him as your bo-"
Me and Dad cut mom off and smiled at eachother again, he looks happy that I said never and we said it simultaneously

"Really Ari? You don't want to date anyone?"
"I am just happy with Dad and uncle"
I open my arms to dad and he picked me up and swung me around in air making me giggle at the air brushing past us, as soon as he placed me back on my feet, I bite his cheek making me smile
"She is a cannibal dad"
"You are a drunkard Ava"
I said moving inside the washroom, but once I turn around again I see Remi, Lan, broth- Eli, Bran and Brother Creigh standing there near the door, I ignore all of them and went inside the washroom and once I came out everyone are gone except for Remi

"Do you need me to put a board on, that says Dogs are not allowed?"
He said making me roll my eyes at him

"Thank my Lordship I am a cat then"
"You are a de-"
My words are left incomplete as I see him near my face, dressed up in black shirt and pants, was the girl whom he danced with that day, was it Bailey? I try to ignore him but I ended up staring into his brown eyes.

"Turn around let me help you with your hair"
He said pushing me on my bed as if he owns this place, which he does not.

"I will do it myself, get out"
"You really want to act stubborn?"
"I can manage things on my own"
I said pushing him off but he stopped me with a grip on my shoulder and made me sit on my place, this stupid.

"I will tell about your wounds to aunt, Ariella"
He said making me stop, did he just blackmail me? He surely did, ughh I can't even stop him, I don't want anything from him from now on.

He brushed my hair and lifted me in air, dad does it when I open my arms for him, but he does it as if he owns me now, which he doesn't, he said I was his property, my foot.

"Put her down fucker she is still seventeen and stop having those filthy thoughts for her"
Lan said coming in and hit his head getting a glare from him
"Get out you both and act infront of me again as if you care I won't ever, like ever talk with you"
"After what ever happened we are trying to forget it considering it as one of the troubles you caused but you are-"
"I can't believe it is you Lan"
Unbelievable, they still think I was the one behind it, damn it, damn damn!! I still can't believe they are actually acting as if nothing happened.

"Get her down I need to wish my little daughter in law first"
I heard Ron and leave them on their own and go down to see all of them, all of them.

"What are you all doing here?"
I said with shock and confetti fell on me making me look at everything

Mom, Ellie and Ava are awafully quite now.
"Yes Ari"
She said as Cesy and Glyn are standing a little away from Ava, did something happen? I see Ava handing Cesy water, so nothing happened, I thought they might have an argument because of me.

"What is this celebration for? And don't even say, its because we are just happy"
I said and move to uncle opening my arms, he lifed me up and I peck his cheek biting it a little.
I don't know why there is a need to say this, out loud to the whole world but I will

He said ruffling my hair, and I adjusted them back

"You said I could relay on them and said I should seek advice from Brother Eli"
Damn that habit of calling him, even though I can easily call him Eli King again, I don't want too, that video can be fake, he is Big brother Eli afterall. But it wasn't a fake one, they even acted just like that way in real.

"None can be you, Aiden King will always be Aiden King"
I said as he smiled at me with pride, Dad looks a little troubled.

"What is all this about?"
"Are you trying to act? You gained success in such an young age, some agencies and authorities are waiting to take you in with highest payments"
Xan said placing a piece of cake near my mouth but dad stoppod him and my eyes widened and I stumbled back, I see him holding me again with a smirk on his handsome face.

"Hands off my daughter"
Dad said and uncle glared at him, others are no less either, specially the four of them except for Cray Cray.

"Hands off me idiot"
I said pushing him back.

"There is wall nut in that Xander"
Uncle Ronan said opening a chocolate bar and placed it in my mouth, its a oreo one.

"I am proud of you Ari"
Everyone is saying this not knowing I am confused why they are proud, dad is acting along with them with a smile but I can clearly see through it that he is contemplating something, something he doesn't have any idea of or maybe something he didn't expect to happen, because I do the same when something doesn't happen in the way I expect it to happen, Mom, Ava and even Ellie they are looking at everything like they are regretting their whole life.

"Do you love writing that much, trust me-"
"I don't Remi, stop asking me useless questions"
I said going inside the kitchen and aunt Teal came to me

"Yes Beautiful"
I said as if I am uncle Ronan, she laughed and said
"Are you happy?"
"I am Teal, I really am, what kind of question is that?"
I said pinching her chubby cheeks, she is shorter than both Remi and Ron.

"Just asking"
She said and I grab some water drinking it following her out but got stopped by a grip on my waist

"I am proud of Ariella"
He said with a sweet smile that I want to wipe it off his face because it is looking so real to its best.

"I hope you know that I don't like you at all and I am proud of myself too"
I said and walk away from him but heard him say
"Thats my girl"
I didn't want to smile but I somehow did, I am smiling like an idiot but soon I composed myself and got pulled by Bran

"Actually you are getting locked up for tonight"
"Have fun Little Nash"
I heard Lev say and glance at all of them, this Remington Astor he diverted me again, I am sure they said they are going out with me, why did they wish me congratulations by the way? I wanted to take that look off them, whats the point of everyone being proud if my family isn't, Ellie isn't?

"Only for tonight and don't be a brat and sneak out okay"
He said and brought his hand to pull my cheeks but I swiftly move away and go into room. We are at Kings right now and I have my other phone which Annie lended me before.

Its almost evening seven and I am sitting here reading Attack on titan theory. Now I understand why powers of attack titan work in that way.

I read for another two hours and felt hungry, I open the door which is unlocked, I know who must have unlocked it.
Creighton King!!

"Where are every one?"
I ask the gaurd who has a stiff face and huge body like elephant.

"Everyone are out for an event maam"
"Thank you, but just Ariella is enough"
I said and he nodded his head as I go back to my room and change into black crop, black jacket with two stripes on each long sleeve and black pants.

I call Annie and she answered it in the first ring
"Bitch where the fuck are you?"
"Got grounded for tonight, no reason by the way"
"Get me a casual dress am sending you the location"
She said with discomfort, and I take a hoodie and jeans pants for her and asked the gaurd if he could drop me.
I swear I have to learn driving early, I can't always call them to come for me.

"Ariella is my name"
I said sternly and he nodded his head and said
"Miss Ariella, the location is the same place sir has the event at, infact its for collaboration, your father's business is-"
I stop focusing on his words as everything fell into depth again, they didn't take me with them.

"Drop me off there and its Ariella again Gaurdzilla"
I said as he smiled a little taken back but nodded his head and said

"Okay Ariella"
As soon as I reached the location I see the party lights, cars, gaurds, many influential people, and some top business men, I can't believe they went to this length to keep their lost princess near them.
And then she says she has no relations with her.
Remi must be here too
"Can I play with you Doll?"
I turn around thinking I heard it wrong, I am sure I heard it.
Who is it? Where the hell are you unknown, I know that I am the doll, but not the doll that someone is killing for me.
Maybe I am?

Wattpad is acting up badly and I don't know how long it will take for the chapters to upload, I will update soon but its taking time for uploading.
Some of you readers vote and also comment without me asking you thanks for that, and those comments really warm up my heart and makes me want to update early and soon.
Do tell me if you liked the chapter!!

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