child of divorce

By femke9052

2.1K 42 4

after a huge argument, tim and lucy decided it would be best to go threw separate ways. their daughter kianna... More

angelas house
divorce papers


351 6 2
By femke9052

it was finally the court day, lucy woke up with what felt like 1000 weights on her back. lucy got ready and woke up kianna. kiannas been dreading this day since the huge argument at her aunts house, she really just wants to live with both her parents in one house. after scrolling on cliptok for a bit she got up and got ready.

30 minutes later she came out her room and her and her mom headed out the door. after a 15 minute drive they finally made it, as their were walking up the stairs to get into the court house they saw angela.

angela: "hows my girls?"
lucy: "okay, all things consider"

angela gives lucy a tight hug and kianna an even tighter hug. they all headed in lucy took a seat on the left stand with her lawyer while angela and kianna took a seat with the rest of the civilians.

moments later tim walked in with his lawyer and headed over to the right stand giving kianna a weak smile.

judge: "today we are here deciding who gets custody of kianna bradford, tim bradford say your statement." 

tim: "i think i should get custody of my daughter because her mother cant even remember to pick her up from soccer practice, i also think lucy isn't emotional standable."

as those words come out tims mouth lucy is in disbelief.

judge: "and whys that"

tim: "2 days ago i was at her house and i couldnt help but see how big of a mess it was and the their was plenty of empty vodka bottles everywhere."

kianna couldnt help but cry, it sounded like her dad was out to get her mom.

lucy: "if i may?"

the judge nods

lucy: "look your honor, i wont deny the house is a mess and ive had a couple drinks, but i can assure you im more standable then he is. the whole reason this divorce is evening happening is because he put not only me, but our daughter in jeopardy, you cant even have an adult conversation with him without him getting mad or blaming everything on me."

the judge writes some notes down.

judge: "I'd like to invite kianna bradford to the stand"

kianna looks at angela confusly, angela gives her a reassuring nodd while wiping kiannas tears.

she walks up to the stand, when she gets their she sees both of the pain in her parents eyes.

judge: "what do you think about this whole divorce?"

kianna: "its stupid."

the judge looks at kianna with a strict look on her face, kianna looks at her aunt in the crowd to see her nodding her head.

kianna: "um, sorry. i meant i'd rather them be happy again."

judge: "and whos the parent you'd rather live with 80% of the time?"

kianna dosent know what to say, i mean deep down none, but she knows she has to pick one .

kianna: "i dont know, my mom i guess. her house is closer to my school.."

the judge nods and sends kianna back inti the crowd.

angela: "hey, you did great"
kianna: "do you think my dad will hate me?"
angela: "of course not."

angelas hugs kianna.

after more statements from her parents and lawyers fighting, lucy ended up winning, meaning tim got her every other weekend and lucy got her the rest.

after the trail was done kianna ran over to her dad who was crying.

kianna: "im sorry dad."
tim: "its okay kiddo, i love you"
kianna: "no dad its not, ive been acting like a brat. i just wanna live with both of you."
tim: "i know baby, i promise ill call and text you everyday, and still come to all your games."

kianna hugged her dad for a little longer and tighter before letting go.

after a while lucy and tim was friends and kianna came close to both her parents again, the exchanges were easy but sad.

i hope you enjoyed this story!!

i wasnt the surest about the whole court thing works but i tried

but please have something to eat and drink. remember your the most beautiful person everr!!

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