The Phantom Menace: [Male Jed...

Od Shadow_Collective99

1.9K 84 35

"The inevitable return of the Sith.. A prophecy that has yet to be determined.. Chains have been broken and t... Více

The Negotiations Were Short
20,000 Gungans Under the Sea
Twin Suns, Chosen One!
Act, Don't Think
The Battle of Naboo

Duel of the Fates [Alternative]

171 5 0
Od Shadow_Collective99

A/N: "For the record this isn't canon!"

The Sith stood before the four Jedi, the Naboo, and the Queen. However, Padme remained unfazed. 

Padme: "Who is this?"

Queen Amidala's decoy's words were cut short by a sudden, ominous sensation. "I've got a bad feeling about—" she began, only to be silenced as an invisible force constricted her throat. Panic surged through her as she struggled against the unseen assailant, clawing desperately at her neck, but finding nothing to grasp.

Rahm Kota shoved a push at the Sith Lord who only skidded backwards, slightly. This rupture of concentration had managed to release the grasp on the Handmaiden who was pretending to be the Queen. "We'll handle this." Said the blind Jedi Master.

Kenobi: "Are you certain? Master Kota with all do respect, he took your eyesight in the last duel."

Kota: "He may have took my eyes, but I've learned to see in a different way." He pressed the weapon emitter on his lightsaber, which showcased an emerald color that shined true. "I have a score to settle."

(Y/N): "So do I." The boy ignited his lightsaber as well. 

Qui-Gon's words carried a weight of wisdom as he cautioned (Y/N) against succumbing to his emotions. "You lost control once before. Do not allow anger or passion to cloud your judgment," he advised, his tone firm yet compassionate. Resting a reassuring hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, he imparted his guidance before withdrawing, leaving (Y/N) to ponder his words.

Padme's decision was resolute as she spoke, "We'll take the longer route." With the Naboo delegation diverging, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon followed suit. The Sith Lord's demeanor remained unchanged as he launched himself towards the two Jedi. Swiftly, they raised their lightsabers, meeting the relentless assault of the Zabrak Sith Assassin head-on. Despite the ferocity of the attack, the Jedi stood unwavering, their resolve matching their skill.

The three saber wielders traded green and red. 



The distinctive hum of Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber filled the air as he twirled it skillfully, creating a whirlwind of lethal energy. With a swift motion, he hurled the spinning blade towards Kota, intent on striking him down. However, the Jedi Master's reflexes proved swift as he deftly evaded the deadly arc of the weapon, narrowly avoiding its lethal touch.

Emerging silently from the shadows, (Y/N) launched a powerful downward strike at the Sith Lord, channeling all his strength into the attack. The Sith, however, reacted with lightning reflexes, engaging in a fierce struggle with the Padawan. With a surge of power, the Zabrak Sith called upon the Force, hurling the lifeless body of a fallen Naboo Guard at (Y/N), momentarily diverting his attention.

The body collided with the boy with a thud. Using his strength to move it to the side, in which he was barely able to dodge the downward skewer from Maul. The blaster fire from the opposing sides of the hangar made it more difficult to concentrate on the duel at hand.

A few droids attempted to fill (Y/N) with blaster holes, which diverted the Padawan's attention slightly. The location needed to be changed. He used the Force to pick up a blaster from the lifeless Naboo guard, shooting at the interface that connected the Generator Door. Kota followed his Padawan with the power of the force as he leaped over the Sith Assassin.

He gave chase to them both. The two Jedi were now on the backfoot as the Generator Door closed behind them. The ferocity between the three sword fighters continued. The two Jedi retreated onto an elevated catwalk with the Sith Assassin joining them. 

Maul was quick on his feet to avoid a decapitation attempted by (Y/N). The plasma within the tubes would spark with convulsiveness with each lightsaber strike connecting with one another. Eventually, one was able to temporarily blind (Y/N), which gave Maul the opportunity to slash (Y/N)'s right shoulder.

As the searing pain surged through him, the Padawan gritted his teeth against the sensation, his initial uncertainty giving way to a surge of aggression. With a fierce determination, he unleashed a small burst of Force lightning from his left hand, but his attack was swiftly countered by the Sith Lord. Redirecting the energy, the Sith aimed it at the Padawan's Master, momentarily incapacitating him with a stunned shock.

Kota plummeted to a lower catwalk, his descent mercifully halted before any serious harm could befall him. Engaged in a fierce duel, the Sith Lord unleashed ferocious strikes with the aggressive style of Form VII, Juyo. A wicked grin adorning his face as he clashed blades with the apprentice. With deadly precision, the two adversaries exchanged blows, but it was Maul's superior experience that ultimately sent (Y/N) hurtling over the edge, his grip on his lightsaber slipping away in the tumultuous struggle as he plummeted to a catwalk that was lower in elevation. 

(Y/N) was able to successfully break his fall, but at the cost of his right arm in which he tumbled on. He cried out in pain.

"Kota!" (Y/N)'s Master cried out, but before he could react, a sudden right hook struck his face, sending him staggering backward. Despite the blow, the elder Jedi Master managed to grapple with the Sith Lord, dragging him along as they tumbled onto a nearby catwalk at surface level. Kota would retaliate with his own hook straight into Maul's nose. 

Darth Maul growled as he stumbled backwards, which allowed enough time for Rahm Kota to recover back onto his feet. The two would then continue to duel towards the field generators with Kota on the backfoot and Maul on the offensive. 


"Gah! Kriff!" (Y/N) gritted his teeth against the searing pain of his broken arm, his lightsaber tantalizingly out of reach over the edge. Despite the agony, he summoned his resolve, channeling the Force to draw the hilt back into his functioning hand. With determination burning in his eyes, he ignored the pain, knowing his Master was in dire need. With a leap fueled by sheer willpower, he vaulted onto the higher platform where his Master and the Sith Lord clashed in combat.

Locked in a relentless duel amid the flashing laser grids, the combatants clashed with fervor until they were abruptly separated by a barrier. Recognizing the futility of breaking through, Kota deactivated his lightsaber, his expression resolute. Maul, consumed by rage, continued to slash at the impassable barrier to no avail, frustration etched across his features. Finally conceding to the impasse, he deactivated his double-bladed lightsaber, licking the blood that trickled from his now-broken nose.

Arriving at the edge of the grid, (Y/N) deactivated his lightsaber, his broken arm throbbing with pain. Though Kota masked his concern, he couldn't ignore the worry for his Padawan's safety. Meanwhile, Maul, sensing (Y/N)'s inner turmoil, grinned sadistically, his yellowed teeth bared. With the barrier down, Maul wasted no time, launching a vicious force push toward the young Jedi.

As the Sith Lord's relentless assault threatened to overpower him, the Jedi Master found himself perilously close to the edge of the reactor shaft. With a swift maneuver, Kota countered the momentum, igniting his lightsaber and driving it into the ground, halting his slide toward the yawning abyss.

In an instant, the Sith Lord transformed into a cyclone of lethal intent, hurtling towards Kota. The Jedi Master deftly intercepted the assault, their clash echoing in the tight quarters. Seeking to reunite with their Master, (Y/N) tapped into the Force, empowering their limbs with a surge of energy, striving for the elusive swiftness of Force Speed. However, Maul sensed him in time to avoid, yet another lightsaber strike. Despite, only using one arm, (Y/N) remained a threat.

The Jedi pressed their advantage, keeping Maul on the defensive, his every move a struggle to find stability. As their lightsabers clashed in a deadlock, the Sith's frustration boiled over, etching a scowl across his face. In a swift, brutal motion, Maul unleashed a roundhouse kick, targeting (Y/N)'s already injured arm, sending shockwaves of agony through the Padawan's body. Amidst the overwhelming pain, another sensation surged—an intense, searing agony piercing through (Y/N)'s abdomen as the Sith's lightsaber found its mark. Staggering backward, (Y/N) fought to maintain their composure amidst the onslaught. Before, slumping down to the back of the wall.

Kota sprang into action without hesitation, his resolve unwavering. Determined not to suffer the loss of another student, he harnessed the Force to draw Maul into his grasp, initiating a whirlwind of combat where their movements blurred into a frenzy of strikes, too swift for the human eyes to follow.

(Y/N) stood frozen in disbelief, a sense of paralysis gripping him as he reached out with his remaining functional arm, tracing the searing pain of his wound. Wisps of smoke curled from the injury, a grim testament to its severity. His gaze shifted to his Master, whose emotional turmoil left him vulnerable—a weakness Maul exploited to empower his own assault. With calculated precision, Maul drove a knee into the Jedi Master's midsection, then thrust his blade through his abdomen. The Jedi crumpled in stunned silence, first dropping to his knees before collapsing onto his side, a tableau of shock and anguish.

???: "Yes... Embrace your hatred, (Y/N). Only together can we save your Master."

(Y/N) stood dumbfounded, rendered speechless by the unexpected turn of events. The enigmatic figure extended a hand towards him, offering cryptic reassurance: "It will only be temporary." Though fraught with distrust, (Y/N) found himself cornered by the urgency of the moment, compelled to entertain the notion of desperate measures. With hesitant resolve, he reluctantly reached out and clasped the outstretched hand, bracing himself for what was to come. In an instant, darkness consumed him, engulfing his senses in an abyss of blackness.

In an instant, (Y/N)'s world plunged into darkness, shrouding his vision in an unfamiliar void. No longer recognizable, he seemed transformed beyond recognition. Maul spun around in astonishment, confronted by an overwhelming surge of palpable hatred emanating from (Y/N), whose once familiar eyes now gleamed with a haunting pitch-black hue, accented by menacing crimson pupils. Rising to his feet with an eerie calm, (Y/N) appeared unfazed by the torment that had just wracked his body, his demeanor now cloaked in an unsettling aura of otherworldly presence.

(Y/N)[?]: "Ah, it's been eons since I last roamed the depths of a mortal's soul!~" He turned to Maul. "You will be my test run." (Y/N)'s broken arm was mended in seconds time. Maul was stunned, yet he still had a task to fulfill.  He lunged at lightning speed towards the possessed Jedi, but was met with extreme prejudice of Red Lightning. It was unlike anything he has felt. A scream followed by a dozen more howls erupted from the Zabrak Warrior.

(Y/N)[?]: "Hahaha!~" The red lightning stopped from Maul's smoking body. The Zabrak barely rose to his feet until he was met with an invisible force which grabbed him by the throat. He was choking and with a violent snag, he was pulled towards the possessed Jedi. In the next moment, he found himself sliced in half, bisected by the waist. Maul was horrified, but couldn't let out a scream. He was pushed backwards into the reactor shaft along with his bottom half.

Even as the possessed (Y/N), with a malevolent grin, sent the fallen Dark Lord's double-bladed lightsaber hurtling into the reactor shaft alongside him, his expression twisted with wicked satisfaction. But as he collapsed to the ground, unconsciousness claimed him, and the darkness relinquished its hold. When he awoke, (Y/N) found himself restored to his former self. With urgency coursing through him, he rushed to his Master's side, whose life hung by the barest thread.


Rahm Kota was on a transport back to Coruscant. Master Qui-Gon, Kenobi, and (Y/N) all gathered in the Queen's palace, having a royal feast in the celebration of liberating their planet for Trade Federation control. Chancellor Palpatine was newly-anointed as Chancellor, and he too, would also be invited.

Everyone was having fun in their festivities, except (Y/N). He stared at his fried oppee sea killer skin, almost saddened. This didn't go unnoticed by Obi-Wan. He asked, "Do you want to talk about it?"

(Y/N): "No, I don't." He got up from his chair and left. The actual Queen who was in her designated attire went after him. Qui-Gon Jinn only furrowed his brow, however Shmi engaged in a conversation with him and he didn't have the time to question it.

The young Padawan looked from the balcony. He defeated the Sith, but the way he had done it was not something he wished.  His biggest regret was getting too aggressive in which Maul used it against him. He let out a sigh, as he sensed Padme approach from behind him.

Padme: "You're worried about your Master, aren't you?"

(Y/N) nodded.

Padme: "I may not be a Jedi, but I understand the means of familial attachment." She walked right beside him. "It must be tough."

(Y/N): "It's more scary if anything."

The Queen turned to him, yet (Y/N)'s gaze remained out to the trees and the waterfall that ran below them. "Yes, but we must learn how to face our fears if we are in order to progress. If it weren't for your noble efforts, we wouldn't have secured the palace as quickly."

(Y/N): "Even with two other Jedi?"

Padme: "We were surrounded by Droidekas by the time we were closing in on the throne room, yet that alien in the black robes would've been far more dangerous."

(Y/N): "He was an ancient enemy of the Jedi. Something that hasn't appeared for a thousand years."

Padme: "A Sith?"

(Y/N): "That exactly."

Padme's hand drifted gently to (Y/N)'s cheekbone, tracing its contours with a tender touch. His complexion was smooth, imbued with a vitality that seemed to radiate warmth. "Whether you admit it or not, you were brave to take on that Sith to ensure our success." She kissed him on the cheek, and the human Padawan's face lit up.

Before he could respond, the Queen was guiding him back to the banquet. For once, the Padawan took in his surroundings, along with a few noblemen dancing with their noblewomen.

Padme: "Care for a dance?"

(Y/N): "I was never the person to enjoy a dance."

Padme: "This will be different, I'll assure you Master Jedi." The two found themselves waltzing in the sea of patrons. Padme was graceful, even if (Y/N) accidentally stepped on her boots a few times in the beginning. Eventually, he was able to get the hang of it. 

Padme: "You're a quick learner."

(Y/N): "Depends on the teacher."

Padme blushed slightly with a smirk on her face, "I guess I'm that good of a teacher."

The night afterward was unforgettable. The three remaining Jedi returned to Coruscant and the Council congratulated them on their success. Windu was skeptical about knighting (Y/N) early, so even though he wasn't allowed to graduate earlier than his other classmates, he has technically completed his Jedi Trials beforehand.

(Y/N) was in his room, trying to tuck in for the night. Immediately, met with a notification from his personal holo device. The message read as followed,

Translation: "How are you holding up?"

(Y/N) responded.

Translation: "Other than feeling bluer than Blue Milk, I feel extraordinary! Thanks for asking."

Translation: "You're funny for a Jedi, you know?"

Translation: "The other knights don't think so."

This would go on for a while. The messenger would be none other than Padme. (Y/N) simply talked about his life at the Temple and she would share her life in return. From that day forward, (Y/N) found himself enjoying the virtual company of the fourteen-year old monarch. She seemed refined in aspects of culture for a Naboo Queen. (Y/N) chuckled, despite their age gap, they had a lot to discuss about politics, and it never expanded anything more than that.

- Fin -

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