Chaos For All (My Hero Academ...

By GrimstoneRX1300

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Today's society, most of the world is filled with people who hold super powers. Or "Quirks" as they've been d... More

Prologue: ORIGINS
Chapter 3: QUIRK TEST
Chapter 8: USJ ATTACK
Chapter 9: THE STRONGEST HEROES (End of S1)
Chapter 19: PRO TRAINING
Chapter 21: CLIMAX
Chapter 22: AFTERMATH
Chapter 24: FINAL EXAM
Chapter 25: ENCOUNTER (End of S2)


105 6 3
By GrimstoneRX1300

The scene shows Arc and Todoroki in Recovery Girl's office getting patched up from their injuries and discussing what went down. Cynthia was with them to check up on them.

Recovery Girl: I finished patching them up. Todoroki's left arm was a bit strained along with some broken ribs, but he'll be alright. Farron had the most injuries with some frostbite and right leg had sustained some burns, but he'll be alright.

Cynthia: Good.

Todoroki: ...

Arcturus: So, when's the next round?

Cythina: Not for a little while. You both basically destroyed the arena, so they're working on repairs. But seriously, both of you could've killed each other from that attack. What were you planning?

Arcturus: I wanted to help. (To Todoroki) You gonna be okay?

Todoroki: (after a moment) I haven't abandoned anything. My feelings aren't so easily reversed. (Thinks back to the match) That whole time, all I thought was my father whenever I used my flames. Instead... Out there...For that one moment... I forgot all about him. Whether that's good or bad, whether that's the right thing to do, I don't know. Maybe I don't need him.

Arcturus: (smiles) I can't force you to make a choice, but if you ask me, that sounds like a good idea. And hey, if you need a hand, don't hesitate to reach out. It's what friends do.

Todoroki: (shocked) Friends?

Arcturus: Yep! Even if we're rivals during this or in general, it doesn't mean we don't have to be friends.

Todoroki blinks a bit in confusion, but soon has a small smile and the two fist bump.

Todoroki: You're a strange person, but thank you.

Cynthia: That's how Arc's always been. But for future reference, try not to do any big attacks in something as simple as the festival. You're both lucky not to have sustained serious injuries.

Recovery Girl: I wish I could say the same with Midoriya.

All the sudden, the door bursts open with Wanda, Izuku, Ochaco, Iida, Mina, Shuri, and Robbie.

Wanda/Izuku/Ochaco/Mina: Arc!

Iida/Shuri/Robbie/: Todoroki!

Arcturus: Hey, guys.

Ochaco: Are you two okay?

Arcturus: Right as rain!

Izuku: That was crazy! It's a miracle you're both okay.

Arcturus: You're one to talk. You and Robbie nearly blew everything up, too.

Robbie: Did you two seriously took a page from our match in that?

Todoroki: I'd say Farron did. Though it wasn't one I expected.

Shuri: Those two matches were the most intense fights I've seen so far. Hopefully we don't have every match trying to follow up like that.

Wanda: I'll take notes on that.

Mina: You could've at least dodge more, Arc.

Recovery Girl: You're much too noisy. I know you're all worried, but I've got to give them a final check over and then they're good to go. Please go back to your booth and wait for them there.

They leave and Cynthia takes one more look at her son and at Todorok.

Cynthia's Thoughts: Even if it wasn't your business, you went out of your way to help your friend. That's the kind of thing Richard and Claire would do, as well.


After repairs, the stage was ready and the matches had resumed. Katsuki went up against Tokoyami which ended with Katsuki winning due to Dark Shadow having a weakness against light. Shuri had almost won against Iida, but he used his reciproburst to pull through and won. Robbie and Wanda's fight was much more intense as the two basically blasted each other with energy and fire attacks, but Wanda managed to pull through and win.

Robbie: Damn, chica. You're good.

Wanda: You too. You were very close to beating me.

Shuri: (to Iida) Guess I'll need more work if I wanna fight a speedster again.

Iida: You skills in close combat is nothing to deny about. I just simply chose to end the match quickly.

Present Mic: And there you have it, folks! The end of the second round! We'll give our runner ups some prep time as we prepare the semifinals! But we've already got the deciding choices up here just to hype you all up!

The screens show Arcturus vs Iida and Wanda vs Katsuki.

Wanda: Nice. I'll get a chance to fight you, Katsuki.

Katsuki: I'll kill you, Witch Girl.

Iida: I look forward to fighting you, Farron.

Arcturus: Same. Just try to keep up.

Mina: Hey, Arc! Let's go check out some of the games here!

Arcturus: Alright, where to first?

For a bit, he and Mina played some minigames while the others prepared for their matches. It didn't take too long as soon, Arc was back and finished getting ready. During this time, Shuri saw she had gotten a few missed calls from her mom, followed by a message saying she was on her way here.

Shuri's Thoughts: That's weird. I wonder what mama wants if she's heading here?


Present Mic: And welcome back all you lively listeners to the first match of the semifinals! Both come from hero families, making this not just a battle of elites, but a race to see once and for all who's the fastest! That's right, it's Tenya Iida vs Arcturus Farron!

Iida's Thoughts: I can't underestimate him like Todoroki did. He has an advantage with his limitless power. Focus.

Arcturus's Thoughts: While there's a slight difference in speed between us, his new recipro burst move gives him just enough speed. I'll have to move fast to counterattack it.

Present Mic: Without further ado, racers, START!

Both take off in a blur and ran around the ring, throwing hits while moving around.

Izuku: Whoa! Look at them go!

Tsuyu: They're not wasting time.

The blurs soon stop as Iida lands a solid kick right on Arc's head, dazing him a bit.

Iida's Thoughts: I have 10 seconds before my engines stall. I have to beat him now!

He grabs Arc to run him out of the ring, but Arc regains his thoughts fast enough to begin spin dashing while Iida's still holding him.

Wanda: Oh boy. Looks like Arc has one more trick to try.

Arcturus: Your super move's cool, Iida. In fact, it gave an idea on this new trick!

Iida's thrown off and he sees Arc's spin form charging up with electricity before shooting like a pinball right into Iida, sending him out of the ring.


Midnight: Iida is out of bounds! Farron advances!

Present Mic: Farron moves on to the finals! I can't wait to see who'll go against this speed demon!

Arc runs over to Iida and helps him up.

Iida: I guess I have more practice to do to keep up with you.

Arcturus: No worries. That Recipro of yours definitely packs some power. And hey, when we can, I'd be down to race you some time.

Iida: (smiles) Sounds great to me, Farron. Good luck in the finals.

They clear out and the other two fighters come in.

Present Mic: And now, Katsuki Bakugo vs Wanda Maximoff! BEGIN!

Katsuki didn't waste time to begin attacking Wanda as she uses her quirk to block his explosions.

Katsuki: Your quirk was always so damn annoying! Now die!

Wanda: Piss off, firecracker!

Both trades blows that would really send people flying. Wanda was getting very close to actually winning as unlike with Ochaco, she wasn't looking to extend this.

Wanda: Time to end this! HEX SMASH!!

When doing that, Katsuki brings both his hands together.


The explosion blinds her as the attack dissipates.

Wanda: Fuck!

Katsuki: Now to end you!

He then unleashes a barrage of explosions that force Wanda back as she tries to block it with her quirk. The explosions didn't stop and she was soon knocked down.

Katsuki: (sadistic grin) I'll always beat you, Witch Girl.

Wanda: (glares) Not always, Dumb-Fuck.

Midnight: Maximoff is down! Bakugo advances!

Present Mic: Oh man! It's gonna be an epic finale with Farron vs Bakugo.

Katsuki looks at the stands and glares at Arc. He simply retains his neutral expression.

Tokoyami: This fight might prove to be brutal.

Momo: After what we've seen, it'll be a miracle if no one will get injured.

As they clear the stage, Arc heads to the waiting room where Katsuki passes by him.

Katsuki: Lightning Prick.

Arcturus: What now, Bomb Bitch?

Katsuki: Don't you dare hold back in this fight. I want you to bring everything you got into this fight so I can beat you at your strongest! Got that?!

Arcturus: I will, but only if you do the same here.

They go off to separate rooms, ready to fight in their match. Up with the teachers, All Might was talking with Cynthia.

All Might: Bakugo and Farron fighting again? Do you think this will be less intense than before?

Cynthia: Unlikely. For as long as I've known them, Katsuki always gets intense in a fight no matter how big or small it is. Arc's usually level headed, but when push comes to shove, he'll go all into the fight with the intent to win.

Soon enough, the fight was ready. The entire crowd cheers for this fight as it was the most highly anticipated match of the day.

Present Mic: Welcome to the final battle of the U.A. High School Sports Festival! In just a moment here, we'll see which first years come out on top! Yes, it all comes down to this, folks! Both from the hero course, it's the speed demon, Arcturus Farron, vs the living time bomb, Katsuki Bakugo!

Katsuki: Glad you made it this far. Gives me a chance to kill you.

Arcturus: Or a chance for me to kick your ass again.

Both glare at each other and were ready to fight.


The two take off in blue lightning and explosions. But as they get closer, Arc starts to feel off. As if he was blacking out...

All the sudden, everything changed in an instant. Arc was standing in the middle of a destroyed arena with little wounds. His breathing felt off, and he looks around in confusion.

Arcturus's Thoughts: What... just happened...?

His eyes widen in shock as he sees Katsuki was in a destroyed wall with his head bleeding and unconscious. He was bruised up, but otherwise, still breathing.

Midnight: Bakugo is KO'd! Farron is the winner!

The audience cheers while Arc was processing what he just did.

Arcturus's Thoughts: I don't get it... We... We were just...

Midnight sees Arc still in shock, and gets concerned. She turns off her microphone and heads to him.

Midnight: Hey, Arc. (Arc looks at her) You alright? You look freaked out.

Arcturus turns his attention back to where Katsuki was being carried off.

Arcturus: I... I don't know... I...

Midnight: Do you need to go take a rest before the award ceremony?

Arcturus: (regains his composure) No. I'll be fine. Thanks for the offer, Ms. Midnight.

Arcturus walks away to join the others, but his thoughts remained on the match.

Arcturus's Voice: The truth was I wasn't fine. I won the match and overall won the sports festival all together. But, I wasn't happy with it... Because I didn't remember the match at all. I didn't learn until later, but it looked as though I was a bit more aggressive than normal. I didn't know why, as the last thing I remembered was running in and then the fight was over. Little did I knew... that this would only get worse.


The award ceremony began with Arc on first place, Katsuki in second, and Wanda in third. Midnight had shared that Iida actually shares third place, but had to leave early due to a family emergency.

Midnight: Now, let's break out the hardware. Of course, there's only one person worth of distributing the awards. All Might—the number one hero!

From up on the stadium, All Might appears while laughing. He jumps off and lands in front of the winners.

All Might: Citizens, I am here!

Midnight: (offers the medals out) Now that you're here, All Might, why don't you start the presentation?

All Might accepted the medals and went to each of winners. First he went to Wanda.

All Might: Young Maximoff, congratulations! (Places medal around her neck) You did an excellent job making it this far. You'll need more practice with your quirk, but there is no shame in growth. I have doubt you'll make an excellent hero just like your parents!

Wanda: (smiles) Thank you, All Might.

He gives her a hug and went over to Katsuki.

All Might: You've done well, young Bakugo! (Places medal around his neck) Keep training and you'll no doubt take first place next time.

Katsuki: I don't need pity, old man.

All Might: (rests a hand on his shoulder) Listen, young man, you have a great quirk and you'll make a great hero one day. But first, you must learn to control your emotions and keep your ego in check. Being a hero is more than just winning. It's an out helping others and being selfless. Keep practicing, and never forget there are those who care for you and will help guide you.

The boy doesn't respond as he takes in the words. All Might then walks up to Arcturus.

All Might: Congratulations on winning, young Farron! I'm impressed with your determination and passion to be a hero. Furthermore, you helped your fellow schoolmates when it wasn't even your place to get involved. You've got a powerful quirk, yes. But more importantly, you have a good heart, and the soul of a true hero. It is my honor to bestow you with this medal!

He places it on Arc's neck and shakes his hand.

Arcturus: Thank you, sir! I'll keep doing my best.

All Might: (to the audience) Behold, your future heroes! (Audience cheers) Everyone today did an excellent display at their heroics. There's still room for growth from each and every one of them, but I believe they all have what it takes to be the world's greatest heroes! Now, then, let's end this off with words of encouragement. Everyone say it with me!



In an unknown location, a figure in the shadows was watching the ceremony. They pause the video, and zoom in on the stands. Specifically at Wanda.

???: There you are...

A phone call was heard and he answers it.

???: Yes?

???: Just checking to make sure you're still on for the upcoming summer.

???: I am. Just make sure you keep your end of the bargain. I don't care for the others, but the girl must remain unharmed.

???: You have my word on that, old friend.

*G.U.N. HQ*

In a military place, a man was watching the festival as well as he looked at Arc.

???: So that's your son, Nightfall? He actually shows potential.

His phone buzzes and he sees a message from a man named Gran Torino saying he'll need assistance with something.


Back in the festival, things calm down as it was now close to afternoon and they were going to one more class before calling it a day.

Shuri: Nice work for the champs.

Arcturus: Thanks, Shuri. It's too bad Iida didn't get to see the ceremony.

Wanda: I hope everything's alright.

Shuri: I'm sure it will be.

They suddenly hear the sounds of a jet, and soon a black ship just appears not too far from them.

Arcturus: Whoa! What's that?

Shuri: (sighs) My mother. She told me she was on her way here from Africa.

Wanda: For real?! How fast is that jet?

Shuri: 5 times faster than a normal jet.

From the jet, a woman in royal clothing exits it with two other women with spears walk out towards the group. They were Queen Ramonda and the Dora Milaje.

Shuri: Mama, you didn't need to fly out here. I was gonna call back after the matches.

Ramonda: I needed to tell you in person.

Shuri: Tell me what?

It was then they noticed the somber expression on the queen's face.

Ramonda: It's your brother.

Shuri was now worried as Romonda leads her away from Arc and Wanda and the two guards give them space. They stop and Romonda speaks with Shuri. Neither Arc or Wanda heard what was wrong, but Shuri soon falls to her knees and looks devastated.

Arcturus's Voice: We didn't learn until later, but Black Panther, King T'Challa, and Shuri's older brother, had passed away. The Queen felt that this was news Shuri needed to hear in person, so she flew out to tell her, and to take her back home for the funeral. To add more on the bad news, Iida's brother, Tensei, was brutally attacked by a villain in Hosu. The paramedics managed to get to him in time, but if they were a couple minutes too late, he wouldn't have survived. From that point, the atmosphere in our class began to change, even though it was gradually at first.

Next chapter: hero names and recruitments

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