Ben 10: What If Carnage Get C...

By Huyhuynh4061

35.8K 785 141

(Y/N)/Carnage: "Let there be...CARNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A young boy name is (Y/N) (L/N) and he... More

Harem Part 1
Harem Part 2
Friends & Supervillains
Prologue 02: The Red Slayer
Chapter 1: The Summer Time
Chapter 2: The Omnitrix & Chaquetrix
Chapter 3: Powers Of Omnitrix & Chaquetrix
Chapter 4: Hunter Drones & Diamondhead
Chapter 5: Washington B.C
Chapter 6: The Krakken
Chapter 7: Permanent Retirement
Chapter 8: The Hunted
Chapter 9: Tourist Trap
Chapter 10: Willis & Reina & Felicia (Lemon)
Chapter 11: Carnage's Awakened
Chapter 12: The Alliance
Chapter 13: The Last Laugh/Insanity
Chapter 14: The Family Grave
Chapter 15: Lodes Lwcus
Chapter 16: Xena & Helen (Lemon)
Chapter 17: Frightwig & Charmcaster (Lemon)
Chapter 18: A Small Problem/Massacre
Chapter 19: Forever Knight & King's Death
Chapter 20: Ghostfreaked Out
Chapter 21: Gory (Lemon)
Chapter 22: Absolute Carnage!!!
Chapter 23: Carnage V.S Zaskar
Chapter 24: Carnage V.S Kevin 11
Chapter 25: Rick Summon Carnage
Chapter 26: New Family
Chapter 27: King In Red
Chapter 28: Mating The Girls (Lemon)
Chapter 29: The Queen & The King
Chapter 30: Ending Epilogue

Prologue 01: Hello, Rick

1.8K 35 4
By Huyhuynh4061

3rd POV:

In Somewhere Else.

???: "*Coughing*" He was coughing and keep coughing out little bit and make him was stare down at the body of wound that he was been shot by someone else...and when he tries to slowly got up from the ground. Then the person who was slowly goes seat right up by himself and he just tired for going through and he was sigh out little bit and he take the whiskey bottle out and opened it up by himself.

This man was a son of bitch.

Crazy, and psycho.

But a great genius in his own mind.

He had a name for himself is...Rick.

Yes, Rick Sanchez.

Rick Sanchez.

Rick: "Fuck you all, assholes. *Chuckle*" He was chuckling out and make him was sat there and then he knew this is going to be end for him as well and he turn his head to look around and he saw how chaos of the dimensions from Rick and his families were fighting each others and keep killing and more's like a war for the dimensions. Then Rick knew this is going to be end for him as well and make him was sigh out and he turn his head to look up at the sky and he was close his eyes little bit.

Rick: "*This world was definitely fucked up.*" He thought himself and make him was watching the battle of clone wars were keep fighting and more fighting like this...well, that wasn't good at all...and how many clones out there in this world. Then Rick just enjoying to witnesses the whole things are fighting out there and keep fighting like madness as hell...and of course it is...all everything around here was madness.

Rick: "*Well, it is suck for them.*" He thought himself.

Rick: "Sucks all of you in hell." He said to them.

Rick close his eyes and prepare for fate all everything around here by himself.

After all everything was done right now and make Rick who was sat there by himself and until few moment later that he saw all everything was it is stop that everything was stood right there. These characters who were stood right there by themselves and they are keep fighting each others and out of nowhere there was a dark figure who was fly down on the ground by himself and make him was stood right there.

???: "Hello, Rick...Hello." He said to him.

Rick: "*Chuckle*" He was chuckling out little bit and make him look up at the figure who was stood right there dressing all black clothes by himself...he wore black leather jacket, black hoodie underneath, black half red blood t-shirt, black cargo pant, black leather fingerless gloves, and black leather shoes too.

Rick: "What the hell you took so long...." He said and cough little bit.






Rick: "(Y/N)?" He asked him.

(Y/N): "Busy...been busy like a lot." He said to Rick.











To Be Continued.

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