Since I Hate Ugly Bastards I...

By RedCoat415

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Such annoying little friend you end up with through your journey across the multiverse after being stuck in t... More



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By RedCoat415


Tap! Tap!

You send a message to Akane Nanao taking the time to glance to the side Natsuha

Natsuha:'s so hot I'm sweating a lot

After school everyone left for their homes and there were only two of you leftin the classroom she wiped her forehead and reached out to unbutton her collar revealing her collarbone and a large piece of skin under her neck but looking up she found that you are cleaning up the garbage without looking at her at all her face turn a little stiff

Natsuha: Hey L/n kun

Y/n: What's up?

Natsuha: I'm a little hot...

Y/n: I cant turn into Air Conditioner

Natsuha: This man...

Hearing his casual reply she couldn't help but stop even though that guy Masaru Oga said that she was a slut who is just hungry fora dick and wants a man to fuck her and from her thoughts and actions from the past few days she found out that he was right but before this she was always a conservative person who never interacted with the person of the opposite sex even for her childhood she only held hands with him but this time for you she showed a lot of her skin to she barely gather up the courage to do this but here you are not even moved 

Natsuha: Am I unattractive? But he called me beautiful... Maybe if I try this! Huh... my back is itchy damn it I can't reach it hey L/n kun can you help me?

Y/n: She is looking hard for me how should I feel?

BB: Judging on her acts and clingy personality she want it too hard dont miss the chance 

Y/n: *Sigh* Give me your back you spoiled girl 

Her cheeks get redder than before as she did what you told her 

Natsuha: H-He is so bold! This man is beast! 

Scratching a few times she add

Natsuha: It's still uncomfortable why don't you stick your hand into my clothes? We are the only ones in the classroom... you no matter what you do to me no one will know

BB: Do I need to say more? She want your dick here I said it! 

Y/n: You are so naughty Natsuha what if I assault here? 

You grab her shoulders and breath softly into her ears 


If you were in front her you could clearly see hearts in her eyes 

Natsuha: I-I wouldn't mind 

Y/n: Yep she is wild 

Then suddenly you glance towards the door your ears moved slightly and with your abnormal hearing you are keenly aware of someone outside the door just like you were aware of Natsuha spying on you but you give her no mind that day

You grin evilly 

Y/n: That's right there is no one else in the classroom Natsuha you won't tell anyone right?

Natsuha: *huff*... No whatever you want to do j-just do 

Her heart almost jumped out of her throat nervous about her bold actions and also excited about the next thing today is it's really going to happen with you...?

Just like Akane Nanao that day you will definitely play with her ruthlessly right?She wants you to be ruthless!! She want you to shove her head in the ground and tell her she is your bitch!

Her face is red her eyes are filled with boiling anticipation

boom! Bang!

Natsuha: KyaaAh!

After thumping her against the wall you grab the pair of heavy balloons directly and squeeze causing her to let out a moan

Natsuha: Nghn~

Her boobs are huge but less in size than Akane they felt soft and squishy in your palms as your fingers move to her huge pair rubbing them before you hold her nipple between in index finger and thumb  pinching them hard

Natsuha: Hngh~

Ruthlessly squeezing and pinching the more you did so the more she moan

Natsuha: Mhm~ Ahnn~ 

As you kept squeezing her huge boobs you stare at the girl in front of you and looking at Natsuha weak body her charming face flushing red 

This girl... is indeed beautiful charming your strong hands were ruthlessly squeezing and pinching her huge boobs as you felt her more causing her to moan involuntarily it used to be a plot in a dream or fantasy but now it was about to happen in reality her heart pounded wildly both her heart and her body were looking forward to it she knew it she could feel her insides dampening she was wet and she wanted him however after squeezing and pinching her huge breasts for a few minutes you let her go as your face show displeasure 

Intruder Alert 

A hostile Existence Tried To Make Contact With Your Guest The Barrier Already in Action 

Five minutes ago...

Oga: Fucker!!Bastard bastard bastard!

Just now the yellow hair heard the conversation between you in the classroom with his ears pressed against the crack of the door Mu Xiaoxiao he also heard her moans Natsuha Shinomiya's voluntary dedication was not surprising to him she is such a woman after all 

However the object of her dedication should have been him not that bastard She should have moaned from his touch from his cock as he fucked her hard

Those large breasts those cherry lips and that slutty body everything should've been his

Why did that guy take it?! 

Of course he knew why but he forgive him!Since the beginning of school he has been eyeing the stunning beauty Natsuha Shinomiya he thought it would be easy to catch but who knew that the chicken would flee from the egg too soon and he didn't take advantage of anything

Madness Complete Madness! 

Now he has to watch those two people in the classroom fucking around he felt like golden cuck!

The impact of hearing her moans just now maybe it has already been done what even more potful is that he didn't even dare to break in

If it was someone else such as that useless childhood  of Natsuha Shinomiya he would have definitely rushed in and committed violence but the one inside was is monster so the cucker become cuck in the end he could only leave in despair... 

When he thought of this he felt that his dignity has been severely trampled on again which is simply a shame! He is going to take revenge!!Definitely!!

Oga: Huh?

The angry and irritable Masaru Oga was still some distance away from the school gate when he caught a glimpse of the beautiful girl standing beside the stone pillar and she seemed to be waiting for someone,the Yellow hair eye slit up

 Oga: Nanao Akane!! 

She is also a super beautiful girl in the class!

Her chest was even larger than Natsuha and more importantly this girl seem to have a good relationship with Y/n L/n

He immediately regained his spirit

Oga: Right now that guy is too busy playing with Natsuha Shinomiya and has no time to take care of this girl...very good~ very good!

Leaving behind such a beautiful girl alone to wait for you while you are fucking another girl is dummy behavior 

Oga: Don't you know that society is corrupted?

A/n: So who is going to tell him...?

Oga: well let me show you how to do it I will take revenge on you!!!


Akane: Y/n is taking longer than usual...

She looked at the time on her phone she wasn't impatient she just couldn't wait to see him

Akane: When his cleaning is over we will go to the mall to buy ingredients together and I will cook a hearty meal for him tonight~

But her thought were cut as yellow hair walk near 

Oga: Nanao san?

Seeing him in front of her she frown

Akane: What do you want?

She doesn't have a good impression of this jerk so she naturally kept her distance

Oga: Why are you still here are you waiting for someone?

Akane: Yes I'm waiting for L/n Kun 

She knew that he was afraid of her boyfriend

Akane: He will come out soon

Oga: Come? Don't you know that he already left? Nanao I'll take you home instead

He smiled strangely a wicked smile while speaking and stretched out his hand to grab her

Akane: What the hell are you doing!

She hurriedly took a step back

Akane: Don't try to trick me like you are lying to child Masaru Oga I will tell L/n Kun that you were pestering me so be ready for another beat down!

Oga: Pestering you? I'm not only pestering you but I'll show you something even more joyful later as for your boy? heh he won't be coming!

Seeing that she wasn't fooled the Yellow hair simply stopped pretending and his inner jealousy and anger towards you turn into a dark motivation ready to vent on this girl and seeing that there were no students around he rushed directly to grab her and then his sight become red...


A red barrier appear between him and Akane and when he touch it


Oga: Ahhhhhhhh!

He clench his hand in pain as he felt strong electricity moving inside his veins


Nanao Akane was shocked as well but she remember what happened that day and after she sleep with you

You tell her more about yourself and the bio computer you told her that you put a deference barrier around her in case you weren't around it connected with your Bio Computer

Akane: It must be that thing Y/n did to me he said it act like anti virus... So cool!!!

Taking the chance and locking at the guard down Oga who was still holding his hand her leg rise back and slam into the Yellow hair lower area


Oga: Aaahhwahh!!!!

Back to you...

After the alert you immediately said

Y/n: Sorry I remember something so I'm in a hurry If you have something to say let's talk about it next

Natsuha: Wait!-

She extenf out her hand to pull you but you broke free as soon as she grab the corner of your clothes in the end her outstretched hand remained suspended in the air as she watch you leave the classroom

Natsuha: D-Damn it we almost...

The frustration on the girl face couldn't be concealed she finally found a chance to be alone with you yet still didn't work

She was very discouraged

On the other hand you hastily ran all the way,
rushing toward the school gate

Y/n: Akane! You... oh... Nice

It seem she learned from the best

Akane: Y/n!

Upon hearing the familiar voice she abruptly stop beating the trash she dashed forward hugging you tightly

Y/n: You OK?

Akane: It's okay I'm fine the barrier work well but I was still little afraid... That Bastard Masaru Oga actually wanted to take me away

Saying this she pat her chest and she stuck out her tongue at Its who lay down like dying animal

Akane: So I end the rest myself hee hee~

Y/n: Good girl but I told you to go home first anyway you can use your fingerprints to open the lock there is no need to wait for me here anymore

Akane: I just wanted to go back with you and buy some things on the way...

The girl smiled looking at you coming for her make her so happy

Akane: This jerk is very rough and thick I don't think I did a lot of damage

Stepping forward you stare at the yellow hair who was rolling all over the floor with a pain expression you just put your foot on his hand

The rolling yellow hair had to stop and look at the person he hate most

Oga: L/n!!!_ GakAah!!

Moving your foot a little crack can be heard you look at Akane you and just wave

Y/n: Come closer

as she did your grin was clear in your face

Y/n: Akane try harder

She was in daze for second but it turn into an evil smile Akane rush over again to Oga and kick him

Oga: Stop!! You...


Oga: Ahhh!!!!

Y/n: One more kick!


Oga: GwaAaahh please I'm s-sorry I Wil-!!!!

Y/n: Another one use the tip of your shoe and dig harder! 



Oga: *Pig Sound* Onikkkhkkk————!!!!

This time it was a clear sound she did it you rub both her cheeks

Y/n: Who is the good girl who is the good girl?~

BB: Defnitly me!... oh wait

Akane didn't said anything and blush hard at your shameless treatment however she didn't dislike it at all

Oga lay there with rolled eyes he pass out as foaming at the mouth was visible and casually

Y/n: Mission done Let's go home

After you left only the messy and fainted yellow haired person remained along with a few surprised students who were taking pictures of the beaten unconscious scum while whispering among themselves and Natsuha Shinomiya who also followed she looked at your and Akane Nanao with envy eyes

As for poor Masaru Oga? She didn't even look at him as he kept lying on the ground like a dead pig

Minutes Passed

Natsuha: I'm back...

There was no one at home Natsuha Shinomiya lived alone as she went inside her mood was not good she couldn't let go of it for a long time and went back to the bedroom and fell on the bed upset and when she thought of you beating Masaru Oga for Akane Nanao...

She was full of envy just those protective eyes filled with concern as you protected her

Not to mention that Akane Nanao not only care for you but she has also done it...

That make Natsuha even more jealous!

The scene with you in the classroom was vivid in her mind and the feeling of your strong hands body and skin contact still remained...

The hair of the girl lying on the bed stuck to her forehead

Recalling the feeling of you pinching her sensitive nipples she couldn't help getting hotter and hotter she doesn't want to give up

The more you ignore her and left her the more she couldn't help herself

Natsuha Shinomiya tossed and turn as her body getting hotter and hotter burning with desire but suddenly thinking of what you said and did to her she trembled all over

Natsuha: Yuu Chan...

She took out her mobile phone and looked at Yuuta emails the two would occasionally contact each other by email and they communicated quite frequently after they separated..

It's just that the contact in these days has become less and less... and she almost forgot about him..

Natsuha: Do I like him Y/n more... Yuu Chan is my childhood I used to like him but now...It's not just about the body

She bite her lips and wanted to send amessage to Yamano Yuuta but after thinking for a long time she gave up and threw the phone away in the end, a faint sigh echoed in the room

Natsuha: Yuu Chan I'm sorry...

The next day Natsuha Shinomiya sat in the classroom her gaze fixed on you seeing you she eagerly took a step toward you and was about to talk when she found that Akane Nanao was beside you so she had to hold back her foot steps

But after finally waiting for her to chat happily and leave just as she was about to go another girl rushed over before her and started talking to

Chizuru: L/n kun!

Y/n: Yes that me

You stared at the girl in front of you with small 

Chizuru: Will Masaru Oga come to school today?

Y/n: So that why she is here I'm not his dad why asking me?

Chizuru: He called to ask for leave in the morning but listening to his trembling tone full of fear it seems that he is about to crumble L/n Kun you did it right?

Y/n: That right

Chizuru: T-This jerk! I know I saw it accidentally...

She look at you in her eyes you are wild beast so cruel so aggressive she was shocked to see those kicks and beat down but she was even more shocked to see the person who did it was not you but Nanao Akane the sweet and cheerful Akane Nanao violently kicking a person between his legs

That was Terrifying!

Y/n: So you what then? You come Preaching?

Chizuru: No I know that Masaru Oga is not a good person I just came to inform you that Shirakawa Sensei asked you to go to her office

Y/n Oh that it? I will be in my way then...By the way, Shiina Chizuru there are quite few people like Masaru Oga in the school so you have to be careful

Chizuru: ???

Hearing this the girl was confused and didn't know what yoy meant by that in fact you just casually reminded her

After all... not only students but also some teachers are not trust worthy of course except for Chizuru Crush and Shirakawa Miwa that you are going to meet..

She Beautiful orange hair woman with an exquisite and gorgeous appearance intellectual and gentle temperament and personality but she is too gentle

As you arrive you wave at her like she is just friend

Y/n: What's up?

Shirakawa Miwa

Miwa: L/n Kun this is the first time I've looked for you

The beautiful teacher looked at him with gentle eyes

Miwa: Sorry L/n Kun I didn't expect that you have no family


Y/n: Ah yes I'm registered as orphan in the country data base how cliche however my actual parent are alive they are just far away...

Miwa: it must have been very hard to live alone If you have any difficulties in the future you can tell the teacher and I will help you

Shirakawa Miwa changed the subject at this point

Miwa: But even so it not reason to be so aggressive L/n Kun!

Y/n: "..."

BB: Another naive soul

After speaking for such a long time it turned out to be this matter but even so even though she spoke about violence she still has a gentle expression on her face and spoke with soft tone and there was no sign of anger

Miwa: Masaru Oga called to ask for leave because you two got into a fight and you beat him badly but I understand the matter... Family changes always make children distorted I can understand In the future the teacher will take care of and love you and let you feel the love of your family L/n Kun Don't worry the coming days will get better and better

You understand something

This Shirakawa Miwa is too innocent

Y/n: By the way Shirakawa Sensei I didn't write a single word of yesterday homework

You raised your hand and said

Miwa: The homework assigned by the teacher must be done carefully!

Y/n: You just say you are going to take care of me?

Miwa: L/n Kun you are sly wolf I'm not talking about that kind of care

Shirakawa Miwa rubbed the center of her brows helplessly

Miwa: Forget it let's go back to the classroom...this matter is over here but you can't do it again next time okay?

Y/n: Sure~

Seeing her waving her fists in air but a question come to your mind

Y/n: Can this kind of woman really survive in this world?... Who I'm kidding the answer is clear


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