A crossover of light and dark

By prodigalSon89

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they are the immortal damned... one family lusting for power and wealth the other driven by revenge vampires... More

1.Gunfire in the tunnels
2.meeting the family
3.the three triads of power
4. unexpected rescue by shadows
5. history lesson
6.walking on eggshells and broken glass
8.unravelling the lines of reality(im gonna need a drink)
9.Chased by a dream (or a nightmare)
10.kings cross station and the investigation of the ritual homocides
11.connecting the dots (and turning in for the night)
12.midnight confessions
14. the answers at the university
15. a stranger in our midst (of our mission)
16. cats out of the bag
17. the aura of history
18.meeting the council
19.the adventure comes full circle
20.playing the largest game of chess
21.the turnings of the tides
22. epilogues and eulogies

13. the attack at the institute

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By prodigalSon89

I dont know how much time passed since the last night when I talked with Selene about having dreams...premonitions,I dont often dream, time passed slowly and a lot of it wasn't easy to remember. I just seemed to pass out and I saw through the eyes of wolves I saw the battles of years past, captured by chains in the confines of the jails, watching the other people like me.

 That when the bars glowed bright red and I said "What wait..here? Where are you coward?" and I heard Abaddon, in the shadows, and in the back of my mind say "Im always with you Ciaran, Im always by your side..little witch" and I turned away from the glowing bars and kicked the wall and it was in that moment I heard howling and a voice that said "oh Ciaran...come back".

 I felt eyes on me when a chain attached to a collar snapped out from the wall and clasped around my neck and I heard "Remember little witch you have a price on your head....and a price on your soul... You owe me" that's when I felt something touch my shoulder and again I heard "come back". I lunged forward and struck out of survival memory and I saw Selene on the floor

 on her ass holding her cheek, lightning flashing in the background from the storm apparently the one in my dream that had told me to come back was her and I breathed hard and said "im sorry..." and she nodded. "Night terror?" I nodded breathed hard and said "Sorry.." she wiped her mouth which was bleeding slightly from my fist that struck her in the side of the mouth and I cracked my fingers.

"I appear to be awake..now le mie scuse"(my apologies) She nodded slowly and before she could respond we all looked over at Caleb and Michael who came down shortly after and said "whats the cries for?". I blinked slightly "Cries?" Selene said "You were screaming in your sleep, either that or I must have made a pitch sound when you struck me" Caleb glared at me "You struck her?" and I nodded trying to ignore the case that I scream in my sleep now " slightly It was an accident I had

 a night terror non era mia intenzione" and Michael looked at me and said "you injured a Sanguine not even conscious, impressive" and I shook my head and said "it wasn't on fault I mean on purpose...but..in the situation that I did get into an actual fight, I have the tactics, and

 ability to make that one punch do so much more, for now, though my punches alone are enough to take on a low-level beast" and She nodded "excuse me low level...I mean I believe you."

 I nodded and leaned up got onto my feet and stripped off my Tokio hotel shirt in front of everyone revealing the gauze that was caked in dry blood from the lycans I fought  and sighed sadly I didn't have a lot of shirts, I winced in pain and went into my backpack I brought with me and slipped into another t-shirt a red and black sleeveless graphic Tshirt of a serpent crawling

 through a skull covering over my gauzed chest that Sherlock and Watson put on me, "Sto finendo le magliette"(I'm running out of shirts) I said and Caleb looked at us and said "your banged up guy do you want breakfast I can-? wait what did you say?" I scowled and said

 "Nothing We need to get to the British Museum" and both of them looked at me and then each other Michael looked at us and said "The museum? What reason?" and I said "The best way for me to answer that question...on the very nature as this ..is at the British Museum....

-home of the Clock Tower "Everyone looked at me again totally confused until I heard "Clocktower? You mean Big Ben?" and I looked up at Watson and shook my head "Wrong clocktower" Sherlock climbed down the stairs next to him and said "The very essence of a clocktower is a tower with a clock on it, therefore Big Ben is the destination elementary.." and I

 raised an eyebrow and looked up and saw our other guest Pogue and kate look walk down and look at them and I heard them say "Let the kid talk" and that's when I raised an eyebrow as Kate

 and Pogue as they also were coming down the stairs. I said "I'll ignore the "kid" remark but... I think I need to take you there for you to see it as I said " They nodded and soon after, through jumping into Caleb's fifth-generation Mustang, silver colored,, Selene, Michael, Sherlock, and

 Watson try to squeeze in and head through into town while Katie and Pogue were traveling by their bike. as we were traveling through town I was talking, for the first time showing my... intelligence, All along having a discussion. "Like I said before The Clock Tower is located at the British Museum. Specifically, the museum is where the entrance to it is situated, with the Clock Tower and its facilities being underground" 

and Selene and Caleb looked at me wayside "A British museum has a secret entrance?" "To what?" and I nodded and looked back at the book I had and said "Extending from Regent's Park. Up until Westminster The Clock Tower was originally only its headquarters in London, but in the

 hundreds of years since its establishment, and as it expanded, more facilities were added. It is the largest magical fortress in the World of Magecraft, protected by hundreds of defensive contraptions, and wouldn't be destroyed even if the Earth itself was so to answer you what in the british museum is a fortress school for the magical and for the gifted and deep in are jails for those who are especially powerful"

and I turned and looked at Sherlock Holms and Selene and continued

"At the deepest part, there is a special area called the "Bottom of the Bridge" where the Association confines many Sealing Designated Magi deemed to be "dangerous because their talents were too outstanding."Campus Comprising the rest of the Association are eleven of the departments such as General Individual Fundamentals Spiritual Evocation Mineralogy Zoology Lore Botany Astromancy Creation Curses Archaeology Modern Magecraft Theory Policies"

And I stopped slightly as Caleb pushed on the gear shift and the car lurched slightly Selene nodded to me and also said to Michael "This sounds dangerous..and off.." I looked over and sighed with a slight drink from my canteen and continued

"which reconfigured themselves as their own college town in the districts and suburbs surrounding London (The twelfth one, Mystile, the Faculty of General Fundamentals and the First Department, serves as the main academic building located in the suburbs of London and

 has a similar appearance to Big Ben It looks like a normal old university on the outside, due to Bounded Fields mystically and psychologically protecting it against people (from physical methods like inspection zones on highways and cartographic erasure to Bounded Fields obscuring vision), preventing passers-by from carelessly walking in."

 sherlock nodded and so did Selene "'ve been in the city for time immemorial and we haven't heard of such a setting...despite the ideals of the real places" I nodded and by this time we got into the view of the Black metal gates in front of the massive marble looking roof and columns of the museum, but as we were heading Caleb stopped and said "Before we go in..does anyone else want food?" and Caleb looked at me before picking up his phone and typed in and said "hey are you guys hungry we dont know what we will be getting into" and there was a huh huh yeah ok"

And he looked around at us and said "Kate and Pogue are talking can one of you guys find a food place?" I indeed and closed my eyes and soon got a view of my area My vision was completely three-dimensional when I moved around in my mind like a map and said "Taco Bell seems the likeness fo food" and I heard over the phone "What? Taco Bell seriously let's sit down and get

 prepared" But Sherlock said, "Not to be the voice of reason but the less we are in the public the better?" I looked at Selene and Michael who was looking kind of dazed "Selene.." and Michael nodded "shes a vampire she's not used to being out during the day, her powers are slightly halved" and I nodded to them. "my honest opinion is that we need food for mana, let's just get food and be out"

So We parked and headed on foot to a Taco Bell cutting through the University of London

next to the British museum gates when something called to my senses and i looked around, Michael and Caleb looked at me "what's wrong?" I held up my hand and looked over and around for a second my senses widened we were only a few meters around the car and over past the streets, freezing everything in my path, and then I gasped when I realized what it was something

 hiding their presence had put up a summoning field around us that's when I heard the growling and the sounds like hissing that's when I looked up at the window of one of the buildings of the University of London, that just happened to be Calebs and pogues school and saw a beam of energy flying in our direction causing us to dodge to the ground. At that I moment I heard the

 sound of a motor nearby and then after running and diving behind the other side of the Mustang the beam struck the car but didn't damage it held the beam against the car it was soon revealed

 it had a shield around it that's when I looked over at Caleb and pogue and both their eyes had shifted to an obsidian black causing the intense nuclear beam that hit us and the car to just freeze their until they swung their hands and it bounced and reverse and blasts a hole in the window and that was when we saw it and started the fight.

 We all climbed back into the car again and I said "Caleb no time for food get us out of here" Pogue who was hiding behind a building jumped back on the bike He grunted and pressed on the gas and the wheels literally burned with smoke and it was NOT going anywhere. That was when I looked out and the creature, a massive winged naga serpent had latched onto our back

 end with her tail while something or someone kept blasting beams of ice and fire and lightning at us from the window of the London university buildings that coincidently where Caleb pogue and Kate went to school - it was blown through. I then continued speaking in a rash likeliness while we were under attack.

"The cityscape is a juxtaposition of contemporary and medieval architecture, with some of the buildings dating back as far as the 12th Century but still being well-preserved, it stands to reason that the buildings hold certain individuals. The town consists of over 40 student dormitories and over a hundred research buildings and school structures of various purposes, as

 well as the business districts that supply the residents. At the center of this area, the first school built among the city buildings is what is referred to with reverence by Magi everywhere as the Clock Tower proper so even as we speak the very building we are traveling to is armed by

 enchantments, curses, summonings, and wards. As several elements affect Magecraft, the classrooms of the Clock Tower are all built in carefully selected locations They are constructed extra sturdily, in the case of experiments gone wrong or altercations between Magi, and are built over top of Ley Lines.!!" 

I yelled as I opened the door since we weren't going anywhere, I pointed my hand in the direction of the creature as it flapped its wings and hissed at me as we kept being attacked by it. My eyes narrowed as I pinpointed where it was coming from and that was when I saw it for a second, A shadow in the form of someone in the inside of the window of the British institution building that was blown out. SHIT this is going to be seen by everyone?" I then pointed both my

 hands out and said "Viel" and a bubble shield flowed around the perimeter canceling the summoning field and creating a curtain barrier the creature could feel it because it blasted another beam at me that was equivocal a beam cannon from Selena's gun like a tank strike that

 struck us hard and bounced off thanks for the shield that Caleb put up around the car and it flew in reverse into the window that our assailant was at, it wasn't effective nor on purpose but we were effectively fighting our assailant and yet it still shook us hard.

 We were sitting ducks and I growled and looked into the car "Whatever you do Caleb dont drop your shield and keep trying to peel!!" Michael Selene I need you" , and with fire in my eyes I ignored their objections and pointed my arms forward "I summon you in the shadowy wood, the stronger one is neither evil or good, the winner is who I feed and see in your trials both are showed to me" It was in this moment that the ground in front of me began to show a massive

 glowing sigil circle that flickered and glowed green that could be seen in the daytime thats when I pointed forward as the creature it was hovering and flying, flapping its wings and hissing, we were lucky that its tail was wrapped around the back end of the car that was trying to peel out so all it could do was charging energy into its eyes and mouth thats when I pulled out one of my athames and slit my both my arms and held it over the symbol just as Selene and Michael

 came out, luckiily my barrier blocked out extra UV Selene and Michael leaped out and I as I handed her a weapon made of my blood, a longsword, I began to chant "one plus two plus three plus four I summon you when I open this door..Nox Nightfire I summon you...your master CALLS!!" and at that moment the creature leaned its head back at us and lunged its head

 forward and a massive energy beam exploded from her face, three beams combined into one and flew forward me selene and michael and sherlock and watson unable to do anything else but shoot energy at us and thats when I closed my eyes and braced for impact...I expected for us

 to be disintegrated, felt fire and nuclear heat but when seconds passed I looked up and the massive circular gate that Nox usually comes out of was standing upright in front of us taking and absorbing the beam hit 

it was that moment that the naga was CLEARLY winded-it was having trouble killing us. right now I can feel the desperation of the creature and in turn its master so it began flying around and dropping its body onto the ground starting to create shockwaves awkwardly as it had to charge and that's when the gate separated and Nox, the massive black wolf the size of Cerberus leaped out of the gate and grabbed the creature by the throat in its jaws and forced it falling into

 the wall with a crash. though because the barrier was around us it bounced off slightly creating a small tremor that no one could see, and very few could feel because I had positioned up that Veil spell that Gabriel showed me. It made us invisible. the Creature was held in the confines of invisibility. That's when everyone by now was outside looking at the battle between the basilisk

 naga and my familiar Nox that took place while they were fighting. The controller by now either by seeing its servant lose its traction or, being threatened by the ability to block and throw their powered energy beam blasts into us had turned and fled that's when I climbed into the car where Caleb was about to hit the gas that's when I said "your cars free let's go, we're going inside" and Caleb nodded and he parked and pulled on the brake.

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