A crossover of light and dark

By prodigalSon89

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they are the immortal damned... one family lusting for power and wealth the other driven by revenge vampires... More

1.Gunfire in the tunnels
3.the three triads of power
4. unexpected rescue by shadows
5. history lesson
6.walking on eggshells and broken glass
8.unravelling the lines of reality(im gonna need a drink)
9.Chased by a dream (or a nightmare)
10.kings cross station and the investigation of the ritual homocides
11.connecting the dots (and turning in for the night)
12.midnight confessions
13. the attack at the institute
14. the answers at the university
15. a stranger in our midst (of our mission)
16. cats out of the bag
17. the aura of history
18.meeting the council
19.the adventure comes full circle
20.playing the largest game of chess
21.the turnings of the tides
22. epilogues and eulogies

2.meeting the family

17 0 0
By prodigalSon89

The trip had begun on the train, a little sooner than a week ago after I finally got my senses back we grabbed the quickest hotel and while Jasmine, Aimee, and the others went off to prepare for it, we got the hotel to keep me out of the hospital where I was likely to be attacked, we got two rooms, one for the girls, one for us, and it was there that discussed in depth about my condition and the following mission. As I was changing out of the wretched robe Judas spoke.

"Caleb we need to talk," and I waved him off "lets talk later I need to hear about this next mission the church has given you è più important" which meant "this is more important" He scowled "Very well but we're going to discuss Selena you know very well that-" and I held up my hand "senare?"which meant "later?" and He sighed and said "very well I got a mission from a group in London, they appear to be needing some firepower and maybe some acquired guns" and I raised an eyebrow "London? Cant they send sherlock holmes out there?" and he scowled "ha ha sherlock holmes was out of the office or they wouldnt be sending us " and I raised an eyebrow "OK so aristocrats are asking for backup for what? Jack the ripper wasnt he caught? " and Judas shook his head "no but fortunately this isnt a case of missing girls but still the same SOMEONE is slaying members of the family and they are calling us before taking their street war to the public"

I sighed "Of course we're never too far from a war with someone or something, whether it Alexis, hell, or these guys so when do we leave, and who do we meet ugh ancora più guai guai spaventosi" Which meant "more trouble scary trouble"

And he nodded "I'll give you the details on the way to pick up the girls" and I widened my eyes slightly.

"What right now? I just got my senses back!" He shrugged "Do you want to be of use or dont you?" I smacked the side of my face, sighed, and said "Very well what do I need?" judas said "Im going to pick them up pack up for as long as you need to" I nodded and he was gone...

hour 8 into the mission:

we all were heading through the Paris Gare Du Nord to catch the Eurostar bullet subway train into London, and all the while we were discussing what we were dealing with;

"Dear Ciaran, are you sure you're better? you just woke up ana qaliq ealayk "which meant "I worry about you" in Arabic. My sister Kali asks me and I nod "Im ok for a trip like this, now according to Judas we're heading to London where we will be prepared to deal with some major control issues so stay vigilant" Selena popped in "What about codenames and who are we meeting and why?" and he sighed and as we passing through a conveyer belt and said "we're meeting some aristocrats" I was gonna ask for more info but this is a mission of upmost importance and we were passing other passengers and he continued "so we're going immediately so keep close" and Selena pipped on "can we sightsee? sarebbe emozionante" which meant "that would be exciting" in italian and everyone looked to me and to judas I looked to judas and judas said "Of course, we'll be in another part of the world what would be the point of your fortune if you didnt use alittle for fun" I didnt say anything but I had my doubts theres usually is one, but honestly I had to agree with Kali I never went to London, and it was a little exciting to work in exotic locations, not gonna lie.

Two hours later we had our tickets paid and wed found ourselves in a luxury car-like train setting with tables and booths, we all sat down at one of the chairs and Sarah was the first to speak and said "Why do I have a feeling this is a bad move?" and Selena said "its ok Sarah we're all together just enjoy yourselves" and I nodded and we all had menus passed to us and before long we were engulfed in fun, food, and company...

My eyes opened wide and I realized that I heard voices and when I felt something on my cheek I opened my bright green eyes and grabbed the white vampire girl Erika and dropped her to the ground and at that moment charged a crystal into my hand and when she looked up slightly frightened she leaped onto the ceiling and hissed at me and dropped off and  kicked me in the face and ran and at that moment I threw my red crystal at her feet  that lit up the room causing fire to explode from the window and room momentarily that's when I looked around and said "where am I?" and I heard "our estate where everythings expensive please dont use power like that unless you want to pay a chunk out of your allowance" I turned over in time to see Selene sitting in a chair watching me and I grunted

"your estate where's my crew?" She said "Lying down, I wanted to talk to you alone" and I scoffed "And what do you want with me? che non puoi gestirti da solo, potrei aggiungere" which meant "that you can't handle yourself I might add" and she kicked her feet slightly which were bare apparently vampires liked to walk barefoot in their own home. "I need to pick your brain about the recent attacks that you plan on helping us with, we have our own agenda but when my people are being slaughtered it's a big fuckin deal" and I scowled and raised an eyebrow.

"ok so tell me more" She jumped from the large chair and said "The corpses are staked, the blood is gone, and they are charred like fire. lycans dont do that, nothing has the power to char a vampire, and it doesn't look like claws or fangs do it, furthermore, I've read stories of people like...yourself taking souls...and there's someone in particular Im worried about..hes a human" I listened thinking about this and said, "where was this?"

with her eyes closed briefly she said "Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Newham, Enfield, Haringey, Croydon, and Lewisham ironically its the most dangerous places that house my people's attacks either by the reason of the dangers of these districts or despite someone appearing to be setting examples" and I scowled thinking, and then I said "It appears that way; if I was preying on your people, and I wanted to make a message, the dangerous people would have to know that this is going on and bring in the curious like moths to flames poetico come sembra" which meant "as poetic as that sounds" in Italian and She nods "ok so how do I stop them?" and I took out a weed cig and said "can I smoke?" and she sighs "If you must just open a window our senses are 10 times that of the average bloodhound" and I nodded and slipped one between my teeth and lit it an took a drag off it and blew out the smoke  and said "We need to know who your people connect to..we need to know where and when you interact in these specific districts..especially your boy that you sprayed bullets with that got away He's my first suspicion if not him attacking your people then he can easily take hits on you" and She nodded

That was when the door flew open and selena, Kraven, judas, walked out and said "Selene, Erika leave us" and we were alone soon after Kraven spoke, "That girl Selene has an eye for the special she been crushing on a new guy and I've just kept it under wraps I need to know have you thought about the attacks if they are caused by werewolves rogue vampires or anything else?"

Judas piped in saying "So far lycans are on my list as suspects, especially after seeing the bullets that rid you of one of yours respectfully," I said looking at Kraven, apologetically giving him the five-pointed prayer "But we can't ignore the chance that it's a magic user" and Kraven raised an eyebrow "a magic user here? how do you know? I doubt it here?" and Judas piped in "what he means to say is that we can't ignore IF it could be a magic user we have experience as warlocks in Europe on the ideals of black magic, failed assassin attacks, and more, for now, let's leave speculation on facts" and Kraven nodded and so did I and said "what's the story with the crush any chance he or she could be in charge of this?" and He scoffed.

" you must mean Rigel, he was a good death dealer, and one for our cause  he died doing what he does best,and what we are bred for the best way to make sure he doesn't die in vain is to find this beast...but doubts the one she's been crushing on is a human and yet I can't say why," Setsuna said "But we can't rule out anyone's crushes to get close in, and can easily cause chaos, and for the remainder due to the obvious call us codenames, Im Setsuna, that's Caleb, for reasons we cant explain we dont need dangers coming here..." I nodded and Judas said "maybe we'll check on things in a few days, for now, we need to check into a hotel" and Kraven nodded "But your fine with us" and we all shook out heads "thanks but we need privacy" and I spoke "hold on Judas I think in their present situation maybe living under the same roof as this family might be wise as we are trying to understand whats hunting them especially given the fact that they are...aristocrats you three should fit at home" and Judas thought this over and said "my colleague does speak true, is there a chance you guys could get attacked in your own home" and Kraven thought this over and said "maybe it's not out of the realm of speculation if we are dealing something worst than lycans, but no lycan has ever stepped foot under our roof" 

 I said "And magic users? Mind you from here where I come from vampires and witches are bitter rivals and witches make the best vampire hunters" he raised an eyebrow and said "You have...aristocrats from where you from?" and at that moment Kraven called "Selene, Erika" and both girls came back in, barefoot, elegant and yet meek and Selene long black hair, young moderately thin, and Erika bleach blonde, both eyes were blue moderately thin, B cupped, gorgeous vampires in dresses, Erika was wearing a black and white dress and Selene was wearing a black t-shirt  and jeans, they weren't without the look and feel of poisonous chocolate. Selene said, "We aren't your concubine Kraven.." Erika slightly nodded agreeing and Kraven gave them a look and that quickly stopped, they both looked slightly at the carpet they understood the meaning of time and place, and along with them so came  Sarah and Kaliya slightly shorter, more energy, both no less elegant and loving and beautiful, however.

 Kaliya, was dressed in an elegant blue and cyan dress, shirt, and leggings, and Sarah was dressed in a red and black corset dress. One thing Selene and Erika did well- they showed the highest caliber hospitality to little Kaliya and Sarah.    At that moment Kaliya and Sarah smiled turned around slightly and said "How do we look? Selene and Erika gave us some help" and they both nodded proudly and did I catch a low five from one another?.  I smiled and nodded to them both and Judas crossed her arms and nodded. Though beautiful, Kaliya was in bad shape she seemed to fall into a chair and upon deciding on NOT sitting down in her new dress, got up, she winced from getting shot, she was slightly blueish in the face and arm since her shirt was sleeveless, which was the sign of poisoning from the silver nitrate.  She then coughed slightly. her upper chest had a bullet mark a few in fact where we saw the markings of the venomous silver nitrate bullets. 

at that moment Setsune stepped over to Kali who coughed slightly and sniffled like she had a cold and Setsuna caught her as she was slightly weak, Setsuna nodded to her and said"Kali you've woken" and she smiled weakly and said "Yeah..barely that silver nitrate bullet did more work on me than I once thought but IM..me," she said smiling and shrugging Kraven looked at her and said "Ah right sorry our guns are meant for wolves not...whatever you are," after we heard her say "I couldn't help but overhear vampires have to be elsewhere I ran into them very often "non sono difficili da individuare se sai cosa cercare"

I turned to Kali who turned to Kraven and he blinked as everyone kinda changed glances even Selene and Erica were confused on Kali's Dialect and he said "what did she say?" and Judas blinked "You guys and girls can't understand other languages?" and Kraven cocked his head to the side and slightly gave an indication that he was thinking then said "I can understand other languages, we're multilingual but that one she said too fast?" and Kali looked up at the sky sarcastically rolling her eyes  and said "Im egyptian Italian  I speak Arabic and Italian much like my family as such I said "they aren't hard to spot if you know what to look for" at that moment Kaliya smiled slightly and so did Sarah.

that's when Kraven nodded then raised an eyebrow then looked back at her "It's not hard happens a few times,  back up what did you mean you've run into us often how often?" Kali sighed and said "On my way over here from Paris I was in New Orleans and fought wolves, vampires, witches the triad of cajun supernatural superstitions of New Orleans and I saw the mark...aristocratic sanguinarians and witches made on one another Kyries told me the story of the witches and vampires and it's not a pretty one," and I looked at Selena and she nodded. "When I got there to pick her up after hearing you fell Ciaran I saw the powers us vampires have different strands but are not without their differences, 

the vampires like us from Europe, the vampires from New Orleans, and the vampires here are all different strands so we have to decide if our assailants are also different IF they are dealing with other than lycans" and Kraven looked at Selena then to me and judas then to Sarah and Kali "Very well we'll take you up on your offer, but we request records, legends, and anything that pertains to anyone that could be suspicions" and Kraven nodded "it's yours, for now, I'll have Selene take you to your rooms let this one get some healing time in girls to girls and guys to guys" and Selene nodded and soon we were walking through the house, passing generations of vampires what he spoke was true, there was an army of vampires in that house but the main few vampires that were leading were. Selene and Erika and Kraven walked us five up the stairs to the rooms.

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