A crossover of light and dark

By prodigalSon89

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they are the immortal damned... one family lusting for power and wealth the other driven by revenge vampires... More

2.meeting the family
3.the three triads of power
4. unexpected rescue by shadows
5. history lesson
6.walking on eggshells and broken glass
8.unravelling the lines of reality(im gonna need a drink)
9.Chased by a dream (or a nightmare)
10.kings cross station and the investigation of the ritual homocides
11.connecting the dots (and turning in for the night)
12.midnight confessions
13. the attack at the institute
14. the answers at the university
15. a stranger in our midst (of our mission)
16. cats out of the bag
17. the aura of history
18.meeting the council
19.the adventure comes full circle
20.playing the largest game of chess
21.the turnings of the tides
22. epilogues and eulogies

1.Gunfire in the tunnels

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By prodigalSon89

The war had all but ground to a halt in the blink of an eye. Lucian, the most feared and ruthless leader ever to rule the Lycan clan, had finally been killed. The Lycan horde scattered to the wind in a single evening of flame and retribution. Victory, it seemed, was in our grasp, the very birthright of the vampires. Nearly six centuries had passed since that night, yet the ancient feud proved unwilling to follow Lucian to the grave. Though Lycans were fewer in number, the war itself had become more perilous, for the moon no longer held her sway. Older, more powerful Lycans, were now able to change at will. The weapons had evolved, but our orders remained the same: Hunt them down and kill them off, one by one. A most successful campaign. Perhaps too successful. For those like me, a Death Dealer, this signaled the end of an era. Like the weapons of the previous century, we, too, would become obsolete. Pity, because I lived for it. They are the descendant of a secret legacy, but one family hunted for more vanished...until now.....now in the city of london, three different bloodlines will cross,and four different powers will be unleashed in the city of london england"

1. GUNFIRE in the tunnels

A massive shriek of the wheels and a gust of wind made it clear that the destination had arrived the engine idled and the doors opened with a blast of air letting out the passengers of guys and girls of all ages grumbling including five individuals looked rather young for others point of view, they had made it into London at St Pancras International station, two males that looked in their late 20s, and three females of different ages, one that was in her early 20s and two that were either teens or slightly older than teens;

the youngest girl was Kaliya Amber Night, a nineteen-year-old girl at 5'5 with deep blood-red shoulder-length locks that she occasionally twisted in her fingers when she gets nervous, and deep caramel skin, very tan she had the Egyptian glow that made her deep green eyes shine bright. She had on her favorite black T-shirt with a silver, shiny butterfly on her stomach and chest and on the back was the quote "I like girls who kiss and bite". Deep Blue apple-bottom jeans that showed off her assets and sneakers or were they skate shoes? She had the purse slightly smaller than a mini backpack and it had a book, a knife, a necklace, and a few other things. She also had a guitar bag.

Second was the slightly taller bright almost dead white country girl in a pair of steel-toed boots giving off the gothic cowgirl vibe. She had on a deep black denim jacket with silver etching, she was about 5'8, with deep green eyes, a soft exterior long black hair that went to the middle of her back in strands. she had blue jeans with etching on her asset and like it was said boots that were both country and steel-toed. She gave of a unique aura one that said she was the essence of a wild west outlaw dark and anarchic, and she spoke with an accent at times that sounded German. her T-shirt was white with a black graphic quote that said "Girls from the country play like a boy love like an angel and know their way around a shotgun, her color was a vibe. She was Selena Lux Raveneye NIght

She had a rather small bag for clothes but a guitar bag

The third was the muscle of the group. Still, the most feminine, It was a guy Burgundy haired slightly shorter than the other two, a 5'11 moderately foreign boy with deep green eyes like the other two, a leather jacket with four pockets(two up front and two inside)usually a band shirt from Europe, this time was T.A.TU and wore fingerless gloves, and two rings on his hand, on was the viking  tree of life The ring was used for direction for meditation each white dot is a world I essentially wear the map on my finger It's the world tree. Another was an unknown. he had a rather large backpack with a book on runes, a book on tarot, a book on meditation. On the inside of his jacket he had a pair of knives and a solid book and pen that he kept on himself....why was a mystery for now? This individual was known as Caleb Ciaran Willow Night aka me.

us three individuals were known as the night family me, Selena, and Kaliya.

The other two who joined in were the relationships to the Night family, There was the long brown-haired male about the same height as me, with glasses who spoke softly, who too had an aura around him he wore a velvet jacket around him with a hood attached, jeans and a shirt of red and black and skate shoes this was Judas due to reasons he doesn't have an a last name he is the relationships to the anarchic cowgirl Selena

And the last was a girl the same size as Kali, with blue eyes, long blackish hair thin beautiful almost russian looking with an English accent and she wore also a jacket with a hood she was slightly freckled, cute,wore a punk jacket and had blue fingernails-the youngest. This was Sarah, Judas's sister, and Kaliya's girlfriend.

The trip wasn't long, but it was tedious, after a long trip traveling from Paris I was still getting used to being dead for a time. However, at that moment we were quite excited about traveling to London, was it an assignment? Was it a vacation honestly I think the girls would take anything for some time with me selena and Judas but right now little Kali and Sarah were having a tickle fight with one another leaving me Selena and Judas to chat.

"Vampires? Is that the reason you dragged me and Sarah along and Kali? non puoi essere serio"

 which meant "you cant be serious" in Italian and I pouted slightly 

"Sis it seems that you have forgotten piuttosto rapidamente that for a long time, we have been barred from each other dont you think Little Kali  Judas, you and I and Sarah deserve some time together before I, I mean we once again go off and risk our necks?"

 and she scowled she knew what I was referring to and she understood Italian because I slipped in "rather quickly" in Italian. It wasn't long ago that I had come back from the 7th circle of hell called the city of Dis as a prisoner from the tombs of heretics, and due to her..shines we almost couldn't bring back Kali, this whole journey had many pitfalls that could have cost any of their lives and souls.

"I know dear brother I know what we've been through but for us vacations aren't always "breathing time" She did the air quotes "It's often an assignment or a fight who are we meeting up with? vogliamo del tempo da soli con te" which meant "We want to spend alone time with you" in italian.

 and I looked to Judas who raised his arms as if saying "Im not saying it" I sighed and said

 "We're meeting up with a group of aristocrats in the center of London," 

she raised an eyebrow at me and judas and pulled her black denim vest closer to her. 

"we are meeting a group of aristocrats? Wow puoi darmene un po' di più? Like who they are? what they are?" which meant "Can you give me a little more" in Italian. I scowled 

"That's the weird part we dont know" and She scowled slightly and started to do her makeup. 

"Then how do you know they are vampires?" Judas piped in

 "Because we are meeting them at night?" 

she scowled "ok so what else besides aristocrats in London at night?" she asked slightly being moved about by the train.

 and took out the paper copy from the email and handed it to her and when she grabbed it she blinked and  read;

"Even a man who is pure in heart, and says his prayers by night, May become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms And the moon is full and bright Or crave each other's blood when the sun goes down and his body takes to flight" Underneath it says in bloodred letters, "in the rain of the London skies, our family is being slaughtered and we dont know why or who, we invoke the warlocks of Rome as a last resort before we starting arming ourselves, the auras of the deceased is neither ours nor anything we've faced, some of our members are prone to superstition and the ghost stories of vampires werewolves and witches dont help"

It wasn't soon after that the train entered London's train station, and when we exited up onto the streets of the city, Kali was first to say 

"It's RAINING why is it raining ladayna hazun fasid? I want to see the sky and take pictures with my cameraphone ghuyum ghabia" which meant "we have rotten luck" and "stupid clouds".

 We covered ourselves and unanimously decided to go back down into the tunnels. Sarah, at that moment, said "But Babe I want a picture now though" and

 she shoved both her hands into her pockets in her jeans and Kali said "Well I wanted to save our moment and have it too but it's raining" and I rolled my eyes.  

"Judas if there's a killer loose, should we forego the trip and go directly to the hotel?" I heard defeated cries and Judas was like "Now look what you did Ciaran you upset the girls" 

and I rolled my eyes and said "åh skräcken Ok OK let's go out a bit but at least after it stops raining and we're staying together no more of your "lessons" remember the last time we were together?" I had said 'oh the horror" in Swedish.

 Selena looked at us both and blinked and said "What happened?" she asked admiring her bloodred nails that she flicked something off she had done the makeup on the train and Judas shook his head and said 

"for what it matters it wasn't my fault" She blinked "Someone tell me what-" SELENA!!! She sighed and said "Yes sistas" and she walked over to us "Come be in this selfie with us""law samaht"

 which was Kali saying "please" in arabic.Selena smacked her forehead and grumbled "I'll be back" and was whisked off to enjoy some sister bonding time in the tunnels with Sarah and little Kaliya and that's when I said,

  "I'll take this wrap for you Judas but you owe me Im the last person that needs to make sure you DONT risk our necks while your wrap is pretty bad cattivo ragazzo ." which meant "bad boy" in Italian,

 he scowled. "I'll take that so I dont hear it from Selena but for the record, YOU'RE the cause of risk in our adventures" 

I pointed my finger at the sky as if saying "One moment" and said "Wait a minute"...then saw Judas look at me with a raised eyebrow and then did a tally on the fights and investigations we've been in and finally said 

"ok your not wrong, getting us lost, fighting Hiaki, getting into it with Gabriel and Alexis, the bomb in the Vatican and a few other moves was MY fault SOO Selena isn't entirely the only one who had checkered past Odio sbagliarmi" which meant "I hate being wrong" in italian

 and Judas nodded.

 "We all have a checkered past Caleb, so lay off Selena a bit"

 I nodded, watching Selena taking pictures with Kali and Sarah and I said 

"But still the reason Im..we're in such a mess is because she didn't trust that I would have their back"

 and He added. "And just what exactly were you going to do to bring back Kali if you ended up leaving her? Would you have the Lazarus touch?" 

and I closed my mouth,I couldn't argue with that.

 "I know she risked you but she did what she could to help you all get back"

and I sighed and said "But I made a promise to get them home  I was going to start forcing myself or sacrificing myself to get them home... "

 "And you would have been as if they would  fail to rescue you in the end Caleb it seems that what occurred in the end brought you all home safely..'

The voice belonged to Nox my familiar who I've since gotten to my head was a real spirit, after all, what else could have come out of the spirit realm to fight the sphinx when the Black crosses captured me? I sighed and said "in any case..we.." and that's when I sensed something far off a gunshot a crack crack crack and suddenly something whizzed past my ear and I forced myself and Judas against the column just as Selena forced Sarah Kali back as bullets whizzed by four at a time of two different types.

 I heard cries and I heard "A fights happening and Selena says that Kali maybe hit" and I blinked "NO shit that there's a fight going on, but from what and where? è tutto?" which was sarcastic and Italian for "is that all?" in italian.

 I heard slight cries and I looked over and said "Selena is Kali..?" my voice was drowned out by BANG BANG BANG whiz whiz whiz crack and the lights went out as one of the bullets ricocheted off the light and put us in the dark and then we saw them two on one side and two on another sending off glowing bullets and flashing fire of the guns they used and I looked back as the bullets kept bouncing that's when I closed my eyes and made an astral form on each side of them and said "you've trapped us cease your fire" and that's when the men and woman shooting the glowing bullets turned and ran, spooked by the idea of authorities and when I awoke the two were pointing guns at us. 

"Vat are you doing in London and why are you here? are they after you?" Selena answered first by pointing her spirit pistols at them "Come now boy and girls dont you think there's enough gunplay?" one of the males pulled off one of his masks and it was Kraven and the other was Selene who took off her mouthpiece "Why are we stopping? those wolves are likely to get loose if we dont take the time to track them they could meet up with hundreds more and they'll be up to our fangs in lycans" and I narrowed my emerald eyes at her "let them, your dealing with us for now hai maledetto ipericoli" which meant "you accursed dangers or hazards" in Italian and she growled at me Selena got back up and said "guys hold off ze confrontation LIttle Kalis has been shot and...I'm not much better off your bullets.." she winced and I raised my volume at them and said "Why are you playing with guns when there are civilians around farai del male a qualcuno??" which meant "you will hurt someone" in Italian.

 She pointed her gun at my chest and said "whose playing...?" I growled back and grabbed her barrel and held her barrel to my forehead. "real cute go ahead I dare you to try that, take the shot I assure you you'll regret it hai fallito, scusa, sanguisuga  "which meant "You failed sorry leech" in italian. I growled at her, and she hissed at me, either in the moment or she knew what I said was inconclusive revealing her fangs and blue eyes that I leveled with my emerald gaze at cooly, and I waited to hear the crack of the bullets then the explosion as my spirit double blows her apart which in a matter of seconds...then two then one then when I opened my eyes I said "what's the matter you yellow? maledetto codardo"which meant "you damn coward" in Italian and She narrowed her eyes and...pulled her gun back and PUNCHED me in the mouth.

"I wouldn't waste a bullet on a civilian that I could save for a lycan" Judas, selena, Kali, and everyone else winced because that looked like it hurt. I pursed my lips and then spit the little blood to the ground because she split my lip and muttered "Good choice" Sarah meanwhile flapped her arms in the air and said as Selena was holding her side "Guys can you stop your posturing while Kali and Selena are hurt?" and Kraven looked at us "Selena? Kali? And your Caleb the night children?" and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Yes..why?" and he said "Im Kraven this is Selene. You're the ones the church called?" and I nodded.

 "You must be one of the aristocrats" and he smirked revealing vampire fangs and I looked at Judas and then he shrugged "I thought you knew?" and I said "your vampires?" and she said "No we're aristocratic sanguine We dont like the term vampires," and Judas stepped forward and said "selena, Sarah, and I are vampires" and he raised an eyebrow. "Then the silver nitrate won't work on you guys they are meant for wolves, what about her?" she asked looking at Kali who in a matter of moments was up on her feet wincing and wiping the the silver from her shoulder and leg and said. "Ugh Silver clashes with my wounds, why would you SHOOT me? hal 'ant marid fi alraas" which was Arabic for "Are you sick in the head?" Selene raised an eyebrow. "You took the hits and survived IM especially impressed and she then looked at me. "And...what are you?" I wiped the dust off me and said "A civilian that could wipe the floor with you if we didn't need you nice punch by the way non farlo più, maledetto invalido" which meant "dont do it again you damn invalid"

 She scowled at me "I'll do it again so dont cross me or I'll cut you," and I raised an eyebrow "With what your razor-sharp wit?" She pointed a gun at me again and said "You want to try putting my gun to your head again? trust me I spared you on a whim" Kraven grabbed her gun shifted it away from me and said "Selene these are the...ones that the church sent to help us with our..little problem" Selene raised an eyebrow and turned to us "You? Our survival is the hands of these misfits" and I crossed my arms and said "yes you sent us by email se puoi crederci" which meant "if you can believe it" in Italian and she growled and said "then we're in trouble" 

 Kraven spoke "Yes we did and the fact that..half of you are vampires is a plus" and I piped in "Im a sorcerer," Selene paused and said "What about her?" she asked bending to Kali and said "What can you do little one?" and Kali punched her in the jawline causing her to back up slightly and fell on her butt  and said "OW why you little-" and Kali crossed her arms "don't call me little and that's for hitting my big brother in the mouth min almumkin 'an tastadim bishahina" which was Arabic for "you can get hit by a truck" and she bit her thumb at her. I smirked but hid it away and she said "Cute she got the bite of a slayer seems all three of you can fight, we'll take what we can get" and I nodded. "We all have skills that could help you in this situation"

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