Forced to be Luna

By TheLustyLover

178 2 1

19 year old Avina Kipper thought she was living a normal life. Even though she was young she felt her life wa... More

My Life
The Brothers
A View to Remember
On the Run

Out of My Element

17 0 0
By TheLustyLover

Avinas POV:

My eyes slowly fluttered open but my vision was still a little blurry. I sat up slowly before realizing I was in a bed, in an unfamiliar room. I jumped out of the bed as my vision fully focused and ran straight for the door. I placed my hand on the handle and tried to turn it but it didn't budge.

Great I'm locked in here now. I huffed out before seeing another door.

Slowly I approached the door and pushed it open before I let out a sigh of relief. It was only a bathroom. My eyes darted the room again before slinking into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me.

A gasp whispered along the bathroom walls as I looked into the mirror. My hands gently caressed my neck at the small bruises where that man's fingers dug into my skin. I shuddered as my hair was a mess, I was covered in dirt and there were branches and whatever else you can think of from the woods (plant wise) stuck in my hair. My clothes were slightly torn and my body ached.

I looked over at the tub and sighed before I started stripping my clothes. I had some small bruises and scraps here and there from falling last night and of course my body was hurting but other than that I was fine. I slinked over to the tub and adjusted the water to a good temp before I allowed the tub to fill up. There were some epson salts on one of the shelves and I poured some in the tub along with some soap that supposedly relaxed your muscles.

After placing the salt and soap back on the shelf I grabbed a towel and tossed it on the wall of the tub before I got in the tub and sunk my body down in the relaxing water, everything was submerged but my head.

Finally I could feel my body relax in the water before I sunk the rest of the way in letting my body fully submerge into the warm embrace of the water, running my fingers through my hair to help detangle it a little and get some of this shit out of my hair.

After almost a minute I sat back up and continued pulling twigs and leaves out of my, tossing them to the floor before huffing.

Should have gotten a damn shower first but fuck it my body is sore as shit. I nodded to myself, satisfied enough. I'll just hop in the shower after my muscles relax.

My muscles finally started to relax and I couldn't help but let out a moan of relief. I swear not even 5 goddamn seconds later there was a knock at the bathroom door. My body tensed immediately and before I even knew it I was on my feet with the towel wrapped around my body.

"Y-yes?" I forced out, not wanting my voice to be shaky. I wanted to sound confident and not terrified but god only knows how long that will last me.

"There are clean clothes on the bed and the alphas expect to see you at breakfast. I'll be back in 40 minutes to show you to the dinning room." The voice was so sweet and innocent.

"Oh um... o-ok" I managed to stutter out before I heard the main door open and close once again.

I sighed and looked back into the mirror. Definitely looked a lot cleaner and felt refreshed even though the bath was short. I opened the bedroom door and walked over to the bed seeing the clothes put out. I scoffed looking at the matching thong and laced push up bra. Not having much of a choice I put them on along with the leggings, cropped tank top and a thin material hoodie that had a zipper. I pulled the zipper up to cover my body.

I walked back in the bathroom, brushing my hair out before throwing it up in a messy bun before washing my face, getting the rest of the mascara off. After I was finished I turned off the light and sat back down on the bed and waited for whatever was about to happen.

Gils (POV):

I sat back in my office chair before I looked at the door that was now opening. In walked Calix and Jax before they sat down on the chairs across from me, waiting for me to say something. I knew damn well what was on their minds cause it was on mine too. Whether she wanted to or not she is going to become our mate and be the Luna for this pack. I'll simply lie if that's what it takes but I will be getting my way.

"After breakfast we'll all come up here for some privacy and we'll talk with her. Regardless of how things go we will be getting our way even if that means lying to her. As long as we're able to mark her as our mate she's ours forever." I bluntly put it. They just nodded in agreement before I looked at the time.

They also seemed to notice and in unison we all got up and left to the dinning room.

Avinas (POV):

I don't even know how long I was staring off into space but my attention snapped back as the door opened. Quickly I got to my feet and just stood there, watching the door when in walked a girl. She couldn't have been older than 12 with gorgeous dark brown hair and hazel brown eyes. I couldn't help but look at her as she was in a working uniform before she spoke again.

"If you'll follow me miss" It was the same sweet voice from earlier. I couldn't tell earlier that it was the voice of a child but it makes sense now. I just nodded my head before I followed her out of the room into a large hall.

Pictures were all over the walls as we walked past. My room of course was at the end of the hall and we passed 3 other rooms before making it to the staircase. She looked back at me, I guess to make sure I was following, before we made our way down the staircase.

When we reached the bottom we turned to the left and walked into another room, it was the dinning room. Everything was set and food was already on the table before my eyes locked in with those onyx eyes again. I felt a lump in my throat as my heart rate increased before I quickly looked down at the floor.

"Thank you Sandra" The man spoke. A chill sent down my spine at how deep and dominant he sounded. It seemed to affect her as well as she seemed nervous to speak.

"Y-your welcome alpha" She spoke softly before a confused look was on my face and I'm guessing everybody noticed it as Sandra quickly left the room.

"Please have a seat and eat love" The blue eyed man spoke. I pulled out one of the chairs that had a plate of food in front of it before I sat down.

I glanced up for a second feeling all three of their gazes on me but soon they went to eating their food: I looked down at my plate and the delicious food on it. God was I hungry but I didn't think I could eat without making myself sick. I took a couple small bites here and there before pushing the plate out of my way.

"Are you done already princess?" The green eyed man spoke as he locked his eyes on mine.

I wanted to look away but it felt like somebody was forcing me to look at him. I nodded my head a little as I looked into his eyes. My breathing increasing slightly as I felt my face get a little warm as he got a more stern look on his face. Looking into his eyes only made me remember last nights events. I was fighting so hard to stay calm and keep my emotions in check, I'll be damned if I look weak in front of them.

"Use your words" His voice was firm which caused my body to jolt a little.

"I-I'm not very hungry..." I practically whispered as he raised a brow. He just nodded his head before he looked away. Finally I looked back down at my plate thankful I didn't have to look into his eyes anymore. Of course this peace wouldn't last too long as they finished up my attention was drawn towards the man with those onyx eyes.

"We're going to my office to talk" He put bluntly before standing up as did the other brothers. He walked towards me and grabbed my arm and I instantly yanked it out of his grip.

"I can walk myself thank you" I snorted and heard the other two chuckling behind me before the brute just started walking. I turned my head to look back at the other two who were waiting for me to follow. I sighed softly and followed behind the man as the other two followed behind me. We made our way up the stairs again and turned right instead of left, which led towards the bedrooms. There were only 2 doors down this way and when the tall man opened the one door and walked inside I found myself in a large office.

"Sit" He commanded and I walked over to a chair across from his desk and sat down as the other two walked in closing the door behind them.

"Now I'm sure you have a lot of questions and we're happy to answer any question you have but you will let me speak first do you understand?" I just nodded my head.

"Good. First things first my names Gilth Hawthorn and these are my brothers Calix and Jax." I looked back at noted the green eyed man was Calix and the blue eyed man was Jax before I looked back to Gil who never took his gaze off of me.

"We are werewolves and you're our chosen mate and future Luna of our pack. Everything from your previous life no longer matters and all that matters now is your new life and your new responsibilities."

I couldn't believe what he was saying as my mouth opened. Usually I wasn't one to speak out but this sounded insane!

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not sure if you remember what I remember but let me remind you. You murdered my fiancé in front of me, chased me through the woods and abducted me and now you expect me to be in a weird 4 way relationship with people I just met? You are delusional if you think I am just going to sit back and let you ruin my life!" I spat out as I felt the tears welt in my eyes again. He growled and got out of his chair and before I could react his hand was around my throat and his knee was between my legs as he pushed his knee against my core. I whimpered and closed my eyes as I could feel his breath against my ear.

"You don't have a choice darling" He whispered in my ear before I felt his lips against my neck. My body started to heat up as I bit down on my lip and squirmed under his grip. He kept sucking my neck and eventually let go leaving a big ass hickey on my neck but he kept his body in front of mine.

"You can either make your life a living hell here or you can just accept it and live a life you only imagine of. Now do you have any questions for us?" His tone was harsh and serious. I knew deep down what he was saying was probably true but I couldn't believe it. There were so many questions swirling in my head I just asked every one that I thought of.

"What the hell is a chosen mate? What is a Luna and what do they do? And werewolves? I don't even know where to begin with that one. Is it some kind of curse? Are there vampires and witches and stuff like that too? Why can't I contact my family and friends anymore?" My head was swarming with questions. I kept thinking of more and more and I wanted to continue forward but decided to ask the last few questions on my mind. I got quiet and my expression changed before I turned my gaze down at the floor and gripped my hands into my knees. I could feel the tears wanting to break free but I fought them back before I looked back up at all three of them.

"W-why did you have to kill him... you could have let him live and just knocked him unconscious but you didn't..." I could see the mixed emotions on their faces. A mix between anger, jealousy, regret but also sympathy. There was a short pause before Jax spoke up.

Jax (POV):

I was amused by her questions but that last one struck a nerve. I let out a small growl and I heard my brothers do the same. I did feel bad but when you find your mate and see them with another person the jealously and protectiveness just goes through the roof. I'll admit that I lost control but the mate bond was something that I couldn't describe. I felt bad for outcome of things but selfishly happy that I finally had my mate in the same home as me.

"The moon goddess blesses every werewolf with a chosen mate, or their soulmate as you humans put it. You ever notice a certain scent when we're around? Does your body ever feel all weird and tingly? That's all signs pointing that we're mates. Normally wolves only have 1 chosen mate but I guess since we're alpha brothers the moon goddess figured just one female would be enough for us. As much as I'm sure you'll hate to hear this you'll crave our touch sooner or later and submit. In order to complete the mate bond we have to mark each other. It's a very intimate moment..." I paused for a moment before mindlinking my brothers.

Should I lie to her? I feel bad for lying but I can't risk losing her either. She's a human and doesn't understand our ways or know you can reject your mate. Our wolves are already attached to her and fighting to mark her already and a rejection would break all of us. Our one and only soulmate in the universe can't slip away. Sure it was selfish but she'd give in sooner or later.

We all agreed we would do whatever we had to secure this. We can't risk losing her after what we went through to get her in the first place. Gil hissed and glared at me. I turned to Calix who just nodded his head.

"Unfortunately there's no way around it and avoiding it and rejecting it would lead to our deaths. Our pack would be without an alpha and have little chance to survive against the neighboring packs. And yes werewolves are real along with Lycans, which are almost the same as werewolves except they stand on their hind legs instead of looking like normal wolves they're a wolf human hybrid if that makes sense. As for the other beings they do also exist. We coexist for the most part and often you will find a couple of witches and vampires in each pack. Usually the ones that wanted to leave their clans or covens. None of us see this as a curse but a blessing. We were gifted this by the moon goddess and will forever be grateful to her for giving us this life...." I paused again for a brief moment as she took in all the information I just gave her. She was listening intently and once I noticed it looked like she she wrapped her head around it I added in one last thing.

"We are lycans. We all have a normal wolf but when provoked or teased our lycan forms pop out to play." I smirked at her and watched as her body reacted. I crossed my arms over my chest before turning my head to Gil. He'd be better at explaining what the roles of a Luna are.

Gil's (POV):

I looked over at Jax as he finished speaking before I turned my focus on Avina. I couldn't keep my eyes off of hers. They were just so damn enchanting.

"As for you becoming Luna... the roles of Luna are fairly simple. You are in charge of the packs well being and making sure everybody is taken care of. You will attend all pack functions and meetings by our side and your duty will be to protect this pack with your life. Any matters involved the pack whether it be about resources, defenses, fighting tactics, etcetera will all be run by you after it's been ran through by us. Ultimately your input is the most important and will greatly impact our decision. Now I guess I should have explained what a Luna was first. Sorry for getting ahead of myself princess. A Luna is the title given to the Alphas, or pack leaders, mate. Every pack has their own Lunas and alphas and being Luna is the highest ranking in pack. Everybody says it's the rank below alpha but we don't see it that way. You are our mate, our equal and that's how it will be and our pack knows and respects that. Don't be surprised when pack mates ask for your help and opinion." God I hope I explained that in a way she could understand. She seemed to understand as she just nodded her head. I took a deep breath and huffed out before crossing my arms.

"As for your family and friends they wouldn't understand this. It's almost a silent law that we don't get humans involved in our lifestyle and our world. Of course we go out and interact and blend in amongst them but at the end of the day their lives will remain separate from ours. Rarely do wolves or any creatures mates end up human. There are a handful of humans throughout all the packs. Our pack alone has 2 other humans who also had to deal with the same things you do. We'll have to introduce you to them after you've settled in and the after the Luna ceremony." I avoided her last question. I knew I'd only upset her more if I tried to say anything about it.

My eyes darted at Calix and I glared at him. He's said nothing this whole time so now it's his damn turn to say something.

Calix (POV):

I looked over at Gil and rolled my eyes at him before looking down at Avina. It looked like her head was going to explode with the amount of information she was getting but hey she's the one who asked. I knew what question was last and knew I had to be careful with her words.

"Listen I'm sorry for how things went down. These feelings we have are strong and sometimes it's hard to fight back our wolves. They took control that night and we let our emotions get the better of us. I know it's probably not forgivable and will take time for you to want to trust us. We understand and respect that and are sorry. That being said though don't think we won't stop trying to pursue you, teasing and tempting you every moment we get." I smirked and lifted her chin up to look at us. Her lower lip quivered slightly as her face turned a shade of a pink. No denying the mate bond was there and she could feel it. I could smell her arousal and I felt my pants tighten around my bulge. God the things I would do to her right now. I looked her up and down, licking my lips before bringing my face close to hers. Her heart starting racing and her breathing hitched. I warned her.

Sorry for the delay been busy... also if you've made it this far I wanted to say thank you sm for the support and I really hope you are enjoying it so far. I'm happy to hear any input or criticisms you may have as this is my very first story so I'm open to any ideas or tips! Also I added a new page in the very beginning to help more with character description!

Love, Lusty<3

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