The start of a new game(haunt...

By mrjohnnyjoestar

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"You think I wanted this?! To be chased By some obsessed female demons and angels?! Why is this happening to... More

Joker's persona's
Haunted Past... Hunted Present...
The monster's return
Ren's return
More girls, more problems
Welcome to the velvet room.
More girls more problems part 2
Take over
Birds of a feather, keep Joker FOREVER.
A Mother's Persuasion.
Family dinner birds
The shadow's unleased
City for Sinners.
Pretty Little Psycho Demons.
A Familiar face joins the hell
Aftermath of the shitshow
the phantom thief
Everyone Knows
Secrets of Paimon
The mighty strike-out slugger Junpei Iori!
The arcana's
Shadow Variants
How Ren escaped (joke)
Dream meeting
What don't you all not understand?
holy Arena p1

Day fucking ruined.

170 3 0
By mrjohnnyjoestar

Flashback, eleven years ago:

Five-year-old Ren POV:

After we walked through a portal, we're now in a room with a faded red coloring to it, and a large desk with a phone.

Sitting behind the desk while looking at an iPhone is what I'm guessing is a wolf girl or something.

Hey Loonie Tooney!" The tallest of the three monsters said happily.

"Blitzo." The wolf girl said, not caring at all, and didn't look up from her phone.

Oh, so that's his name.

However, she began to sniff the air when she smelled something. She looked up from her phone and saw me.

"What the fuck?! Why did you three bring back a human kid?!" She demanded with a growl, which scared me.

Millie felt me cringe, and she held me tighter.

"Loona, knock it off! You're scaring him!" Millie said.

"So what if I am?! That's not the point! Why do you three dumbasses have a human child with you?!" Loona demanded once again.

"Our target had a kid with him, and Millie thought it would be a grand idea to take him with us," Blitzo explained, still not liking the idea.

"Why not just kill him?" Loona asked.

"I tried!" Blitzo shouted in frustration.

"I wouldn't let him, and I suggested that we leave him where we found him," Moxxie said.

The two turned to look at Millie and me, and I could hear Millie growl at them like a feral animal. This made the two flinch in fear.

"B-But Millie was insistent on keeping him." Moxxie pointed out.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Loona said angrily.

"Oh knock it off, he's only a kid," Millie said.

"Well the last time a kid was here, they were a piece of shit! The only good thing about that brat was that he was the target we needed to kill." Loona said.

Wait, they killed a kid before?!

I began to shake in fear at the thought of getting killed by these monsters, which didn't go unnoticed by Millie.

"Oh great, you scared him!" She said irritably.

"I don't care," Loona said, walking back behind the desk, and sitting back down in her chair.

I was still shaking in fear in Millie's arms as she took me to another room. I didn't want to get killed!

"Awww. It's ok, sweetie. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you. Not even that big mean hellhound." Millie cooed at the end as she comforted me.

She sat me down on the couch and sat next to me with her tail wrapped around my waist.

I kept staring at the floor to avoid eye contact. I couldn't get the thought of them possibly killing me out of my mind. I glanced at Millie to see that she still had her eyes on me, and I immediately looked away.

"Aw, what's the matter? Are you still scared?" Millie asked me.

"... Yes," I said quietly, afraid of her reaction.

"Oh, it's ok." She said, pulling me into a hug as I leaned on her shoulder.

We sat there for several minutes. I'm not sure how long exactly, and I didn't want to look up because I was still scared of where I was. I was also afraid to look up and look into the eyes of one of the monsters. One of them is sitting right next to me and giving me a one-sided hug.

She may be the nice one so far, but I don't know if I can trust her.

It was pretty quiet, to say the least, and I slowly began to calm down. However, the door suddenly burst open, which scared me, and I saw Blitzo standing in the doorway.

"Millie! Conference room! Let's go! Also, bring the kid. This concerns him too." He says before leaving.

"Ok, Blitz. C'mon, sweetie." Millie says as she picks me up, and carries me to wherever the conference room is.


My mind soon awakens from my slumber, ending the flashback.

As I do so, I soon hear three people talking. Two males, and one female.

I also feel restrained by my wrists and ankles. I also feel that someone is hugging me from behind, and I can feel a pair of pillows pressed against my back.

Wait a minute... I don't think those are pillows.

I decide to pretend to be asleep as I listen in on their conversation. Seriously, what else am I supposed to do in this situation?

"I still fail to see the point of keeping him here." The deep male voice that belongs to the flatscreen TV-headed guy says.

If you don't see the point, then why am I here?

"I told you before. Velvet wanted to find this human, and keep him for herself for whatever reason because she thinks he's cute." The first male voice said.

I don't know who or what this guy looks like, but I'm not opening my eyes just yet.

"Can you blame me?! He's even cuter when he's sleeping!" The female voice, who I'm guessing is Velvet, says enthusiastically.

"Besides, Vox. While Velvet may be the one keeping him as her plaything, we've agreed to use him for other purposes. Remember?" The male, who's not the flatscreen guy, said.

Other purposes? Ok, judging from the tone he used, that implies that he intends to use me for whatever he has planned, and I'm not gonna like it.

"Yes yes, I remember. I'm not an amnesiac!" Vox said with annoyance.

"Hey guys, shouldn't he have woken up by now? He's going to miss breakfast!" Velvet asked.

"So? If anything, he'll be less annoying to deal with," Vox says.

I couldn't tell if she was worried or not.

Wait, breakfast? Have I been knocked out until morning?!

"Wakey wakey!" Velvet chirps, gently poking my right face cheek.

I don't budge.

"Poke, poke, poke!" She continues.

I still don't budge. I'm not opening my eyes until I think it's necessary.

"Pinchey, pinchey!" Velvet continues, this time pinching my cheek.

As annoying, and embarrassing as this is, I'm still not gonna budge.

"Let me try something," Vox said.

Velvet suddenly hugged me tighter and gave him a feral hiss that nearly startled me into opening my eyes.

However, the thought of being surrounded by three demons keeps me from doing so.

"Oh relax, Velvet. I'm not gonna hurt him... yet. I'm just gonna give him a mild shock to wake him up." Vox explained.

Velvet growled before she complied.

"Fine! You better not fry him or I'll personally hand your circuit-ridden heart to the radio demon!" Velvet warned as she got up from the couch, leaving me there.

Radio demon?

"I make no promises," Vox said.

I could hear him approaching. I'm not sure what to do, so I mentally ask Shadow Narukami for help.

'Dude, a little help please?'

'I'm afraid I'm still too low on power, so I'm unfortunately unable to do anything besides talk to you mentally.' Shadow Narukami explained.

'What?! Are you saying I'm screwed?!' I mentally exclaimed in disbelief.

'Not entirely. You still have access to some of our power. You just won't be able to fully use it like I can.' Shadow Narukami explained.


Once I knew Vox was close enough, because I could hear the electrical buzz he was making, and immediately hatched a half-assed idea.

Acting fast, I began to concentrate and felt my teeth alternate easily as they turned into sharp teeth.

How do I know? Because my tongue can feel my teeth change.

I soon heard Vox chuckle darkly as he stood in front of me, and I knew he was greatly enjoying this. So with ya second to lose, I snapped my eyes open as I sat up straight, and gave the most menacing laugh and smile.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" The flatscreen guy screamed in terror.

I saw my reflection in the guy's face as he screamed in terror. I can see the shining metallic glint of my now crazed smile, meaning they're the same as Shadow Narukami's.

But fits my size.

Once the guy came to his senses, he took a deep breath before glaring at me with a growl. I of course return the gesture with a glare, and growl of my own.

I'm starting to like the shadow self behavior have from Yu.

"Yeah, fuck you too." I spat, my eyes transforming back to normal.

"Were you seriously awake this whole fucking time?!" Vox yelled angrily.

"Of course, I was, stupid! I woke up hearing you say you didn't see the point of keeping me here, and frankly, I agree! So what gives?!" I demand angrily, completely disregarding the fact that I'm in a room with three dangerous demons.

I noticed that the other male demon looked like an insect of some kind while wearing the clothes of a stereotypical pimp, and he was sitting on a couch across from me.

He looked pretty cheap and tasteless to me. What generation is he from anyway?

Without missing a beat, he took a puff of his cigarette holder (whatever it's called, it's a long stick with a cigarette at the end), and blew out a puff of pinkish-red smoke before speaking.

"Well, boy, if you must know, you're in the company of three notoriously powerful demons in Pentagram City. We're known as... The Three V's. You've already met Vox." The pimp demon said, gesturing a hand to the flatscreen TV demon.


"I'm Valentino." He says, gesturing to himself.

"And last but not least is Velvet," Valentino says, gesturing to Velvet, who stands by the couch I'm sitting on.

"Hey, cutie!" Velvet greeted me while making a heart with her fingers, and winking at me with her tongue sticking out cutely.

Velvet. (room)

"Yeah, hi, so why the hell am I here?" I demanded.

"Because Velvet saw you on my app known as Voxtagram." Vox began to explain.

"Let me guess. Hell's equivalent of Instagram?" I say, putting the simple pieces together.

Valentino then continued for Vox.

"Exactly. Anyways, she thought you were cute. She showed us the picture of you with Veronika Mayday, and she gave us a suggestion. First, she wanted to go out to fetch you herself because she wanted to have her human to, and I quote, play with. We thought it was going to be a waste of time until she came up with a brilliant idea." Valentino explained, his already devious grin becoming a sinister smile.

That smile honestly sent a chill down my spine, and I felt uneasy.

"Which is?" I dared to ask.

"Oh, it's quite simple. Velvet gets to keep you all to herself. However, you have to work for us in return." Valentino smirked.

"What kind of 'work' are you talking about?" I asked.

"Well first, tell me. What do you know about demon overlords?" Valentino asked me.

"Nothing," I answer.

"I figured as much." He says before he stands up, and holy crap he's tall!

He walks over to some large windows that overlook the city outside and continues to speak.

"You see, boy, here in hell's pride ring we not only have the king of hell himself that runs the show behind the scenes. We also have the average demon, be it hellborn or sinner. There are those with the capability or capacity to achieve a sense of power. That power can be achieved with many means, or you can be born with it in this world. To make a long story short, Overlords are sinners so powerful, and so dangerous that they're just below the Ars Goetias. We're feared, and respected, but mostly feared by lower-ranked demons. We, the three V's, are overlords ourselves and are well known throughout the city. Being an overlord also comes with the title over a certain medium. Do you see where I'm going with this, boy?" Valentino explains before turning around to ask me that question.

"Uh, not really," I answer honestly.

Although, what he said about the hierarchy of this place has piqued my curiosity about who's ranked high or low around here, and what their position is.

This did inform me that the goetias are above these guys. But that doesn't mean I'm safe with big shots either.

"What I'm getting at is that we overlords have our mediums. My medium is pornography film. Vox's medium is television, for obvious reasons. Finally, Velvet's medium is social media." Valentino explained.

"Say sexy!" Velvet says, suddenly appearing by my side, and taking a selfie of the two of us.

"Are you starting to see where I'm going with this?" Valentino asked as he returned to his seat on the couch.

"You want me to work in whatever your medium is?" I questioned.

"Bingo," Valentino confirmed.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go with fuck no on all accounts," I say.

"I'm afraid we can't simply let you leave. An opportunity like this doesn't just happen, and we intend to not let it go to waste." Valentino stated, earning a chuckle from Vox and Velvet.

"Well tough shit, bitch. I already got a bunch of demons on my ass as it is, and two of them are goetias! So what makes you think I'll comply with your bullshit?" I stated, already agitated.

They didn't seem to like that reaction. Velvet kept her smile despite that, and it felt uncomfortable with how she was staring at me. Valentino smirked once again before he spoke.

"Maybe I should sweeten the deal then." He said, taking a puff of his cigarette.

"Psh! Oh yeah? How?" I scoffed.

He then whistled and called out to some people.

"Oh girls~" he purred.

The doors to the room opened as a dozen demon girls walked in wearing sultry and revealing outfits.

Knowing now that Valentino's medium is pornography, these girls are most likely strippers, and pornstars.

They all walked with sultry smiles, and a sexy sway in their hips until they all stopped behind the couch Valentino was sitting on.

"Girls, this boy here is being rather stubborn about his place. Care to put him at ease so he's more, shall we say... cooperative?" Valentino suggested.

"Yes, Mr. Valentino~" the girls purred.

They then began to approach me with lust-filled grins, but I wasn't having it. my eyes turned golden before I yelled out

"Magtazu Izanagi Picaro!"

M Izanagi pic then swings down its blade as a warning scaring the strippers off, or at least got them to back off for the time being. Most of them were scared, yet a few of them stumbled back where they were.

"Now now, no need to be rude to the girls. After all, they're willing to fulfill your-" Val said before I cut him off.

"I don't fucking care! I'm no one's fuck boy!" I snapped at him.

"Watch your tone, boy," Vox warned.

"You watch yours before I put you on mute!" I spat with venom in my tone.

Velvet cackled like a mad woman from my quip.

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Put him on mute! Ahahahahahahahahahahaaa!" She cackled like it was the funniest thing she ever heard.

Valentino growled in anger. It seemed like he was about to blow a fuse.

"Why you weak ignorant little-"

"Wait!" Velvet spoke up, having calmed down from her laughing fit.

"How about this? Instead of working for all three of us, he gets to choose which one of us to work for?" Velvet suggested with glee.

"What?" Val questioned.

"That's completely ridiculous, even for you!" Vox spat.

"Oh come on! He can't leave anyways, so might as well make it less difficult for him!" Velvet explained.

"Why do you care?!" Vox demanded irritably.

"Because I called dibs on him first! I'm so sick of the same old sex addicts walking in here every day! They're boring as fuck! I see the opportunity of a lifetime, not just for sex, but for business too, and I'm not letting the two of you FUCK IT UP!" Velvet argued.

"Oh please, you'll break him like you do with the others!" Vox pointed out.

"I'll only break him if he disobeys!" Velvet counters.

"ENOUGH!!!" Valentino yelled, silencing the two.

"After giving this some thought, I'll... Ugh!... Let him decide." Valentino growled, reluctant to even agree to this.

"Yay!" Velvet cheered.

"You can't be serious, Val," Vox said in disbelief.

"It keeps the two of your mouths shut, doesn't it? Plus, the last thing we need is Velvet throwing a fit." Valentino pointed out.

"Fine." Vox reluctantly agreed.

"Alright, brat. Choose your boss. You can either work in my studio, work for television with Vox, or work for Velvet and social media. Choose wisely." Valentino said, smirking at the end.

As all three looked at me for an answer, I was in my thoughts to see if I could find a way out of this.

'Shadow Yosuke, any ideas?' I asked mentally.

'With our powers so low, you're more vulnerable to these three. So tread carefully.' Shadow Yosuke said.

'Ok, but what about getting out of here?' I asked.

'I'm afraid you're gonna have to wait it out until we have enough energy to escape. There's only enough energy to roar, and make your teeth sharp.' Shadow Yosuke explained.

'So I'm a-'

"Will you hurry up, kid!" Vox demanded impatiently.

"Knock it off, I'm sorting out my options here!" I snapped.

'So I'm a sitting duck?!' I questioned.

'Unfortunately for the time being. So you might as well choose which of these three will be tolerable for you.' Said Shadow Yosuke.


I then look back and forth between the three of them before I make my decision... even though I don't want to.

"I choose..."



To be continued...

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