More girls, more problems

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Millie's POV:

We're currently in the meeting room where we're discussing what to do now that, Ren, is here with us.

I was so happy to have my baby boy back! But... he was so angry when he saw me. Why did he yell at me? What happened to my sweet baby boy I used to know when I first met him?

I peeked through the doorway to check up on him and saw him still sitting on the couch in the break room. I'm assuming he's listening to music because he's wearing his headphones while looking down at his phone.

He glanced up when he saw me, and I waved to him with a smile on my face. But he merely stared at me with a blank annoyed expression before going back to staring at his phone taking a puff from his cigarette.

I frown sadly at this.

I returned to my seat next to, Moxxie, and he took notice of my sad expression.

"Millie, what's wrong?" He asked me with concern.

"I finally have my baby boy back, but he's just so angry. He even yelled at me!" I explained to him.

"No offense, honey, but what did you expect? We just straight-up kidnapped him. Of course, he'd be upset, and react the way he did earlier." Moxxie explained to me in a calming tone.

"Not to mention that he remembers all of the shit he's been through when he was a little kid. He grew a pair of balls somewhere in life while growing up, and strangled the absolute shit out of me!" Blitz comments irritably.

"Which was hilarious," Loona comments with a smirk.

"NOT TO ME!" Blitz yells angrily. "I say he leaves!"

"YOU'RE NOT TAKING HIM AWAY FROM ME! HE'S NOT LEAVING ME AGAIN!" I scream like a madwoman at him.

"He stays, and he'll attract unwanted attention!" Blitz argues.

"Not when I'm around he won't!" I argue back.

"That still happened the last time he was here! Besides, he left before, and we were fine!" Blitz counters angrily.

After that comment, I got so angry that I leaped from my seat, stood on the table, and grabbed Blitz by the collar of his shirt.

"WELL, I WASN'T FINE!" I shouted.

Blitz remained quiet as I continued.

"He was a little kid scared of his own shadow, and I didn't want to leave him alone like that! He was small, cute, and adorable! I didn't want him to be killed by us just for seeing us, and I wanted to take him home with us so he could have a new family! I don't care how much trouble this can cause, I lost him once, and I'm not gonna lose him again! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" I screamed at the end.

He nodded his head so fast that I thought he would break his neck.

"Good," I said before returning to my seat.

Blitz composed himself before he continued with the meeting.

"Ok fine, he can stay. But he's staying with you and Moxxie. He's your responsibility!" Blitz said.

I squealed in joy knowing I get to keep my baby boy!



"But what?" I asked.

"Loonie is attached to him too. So you two are gonna have to share, and take turns with him." Blitz said.

"What?! But she treats him like a pet!" I objected.

"Don't care. End of discussion. The meeting's over. Let's go home already." Blitz said, ending the meeting.

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