由 hhgfddrt

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yoongi hate Hoseok hoseok hate yoongi how the hell will they survive in their forced marriage? 更多

1rst guy
stop the car!
shut up
I'll kill you
what challenge???
craving attention
clean the house
"what the fuck?"
"whats your problem?"
"à bientôt chérie"
"Don't follow me"
"miss iu?"

"i missed you"

349 31 35
由 hhgfddrt

Today,unlike any other day seems to be different.yoongi walked into his company with his usual cold and confident look his black suit fitting him perfectly with his hair tied back,with each step he took greeting were thrown his way which was only answer with a curt nod,he wasn't arrogant or anything,he was simply just tired to greet everyone back,beside they're only going to give the same answer anyway.

"Well look who decided to show up"

Yoongi automatically rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile feeling at ease that a human he did not hate too much was here for him."what's up bro!"jimin wrap his arm around yoongi's shoulder trying to match his height,yoongi cringe stepping away."you know I love my personal space more than you right?"jimin gasp in mocking surprise stepping back dramatically."the betrayal!"yoongi scoff and walked faster away from jimin who caught up."how have you been?"

Jimin sigh his face growing sad."you know the usual just my wife nagging me everyday uugggh I miss her already"yoongi halt in his steps just behind his office door and turn to jimin who was trying not to laugh."can you ever be serious?"yoongi ask thinking it was impossible for his best friend to ever be serious when he started giggling."come on,don't act rude you're the one who needs my help"it was true,he did call jimin and asked for help after what hoseok had done,nobody seems to have interest in their offer until Jim in came in and found a company who was willing to invest.yoongi was grateful but that didn't stop him from finding jimin annoying.

As they walked in and took their seats they waited patiently for the other company members to arrive jimin had explain beforehand that they would be arriving a little bit late since they were coming from another country.yoongi had no idea who they were,this could only go in two ways either it'll be a huge success or a big disaster, he was risking his job cause usually he would never work with someone he didn't know personally but what could he do?he was in desperate need and couldn't think out of the box,he was left with only hope that this was going to turn out great.

The sound of the door being pushed open alerted them as they quickly stood up,yoongi felt anxious no matter how professional he was he still felt nervous in moment like this,especially this time when he couldn't predict anything.

Men dressed in expensive suits emerge into the room at once,they looked intimidated almost more than yoongi.


They all stoop up with smile adorning their face as they welcomed them yoongi went forward to shake who he guess was the boss since he dressed differently and looked more CEO type a handshake but the guy only stared at his hand then moved away to reveal a very classy and beautiful girl.

Yoongi breathing seems to have stopped as he stared at the familiar face that did nothing but to have his heart racing,not in a good way.

The girl lips formed a smirk as she watch yoongi surprised expression,just what she was expecting,quickly forming an innocent smile on her face she moved her hand for a handshake."I must say its quite pleasant to finally meet you min yoongi"she said in a sweet delicate voice to which yoongi wanted to roll his eyes but suppress it by forcing a smile and shook her hand."likewise"the girl smile widen and yoongi didn't miss to feel how her grip on his hand tighten slightly before she let go and took her seat sighing heavily without another choice yoongi joined them too and they immediately started the meeting.

After the meeting.

"Give me a kiss!" Yoongi pushed jimin away as he jumped on it happily."I told you it would be a hit,do you see how I handled that!?"the deal was sealed everything went successful, it went better than yoongi thought but for some reason he wasn't happy but jimin didn't seem to catch up on that cause he kept making jokes and jumping onto him."so now that I kept my part of the deal its time you keep yours"jimin chuckle wrapping his hand around yoongis shoulder who pulled his phone out to text someone."fix me a date with hoseokie"yoongi scoff thinking thatched jimin was crazy,to give that hoseok didn't like him at all was funny even if hoseok liked him yoongi wouldn't allow it."just kidding just kidding,just help me find a way to impress Tae "yoongi saw the way jimin eye lit up when he said Thaehyung's name a scoff couldn't help but leaving his lips." You were so confident asking him out in the hospital but now you're acting all shy and shit who do you take me for?"jimin glare at him playfully as they started walking out of the building to go get their cars."but come on I know I was confident but it was in the heat of the moment,you know I'm a sly bitch I never get nervous to ask someone I like out but then again have you seen Kim Taehyung?,he's not only gorgeous but that man is BEAUTIFUL. he's a literal angel I could kiss and hold him all day well get married in two years kids in three years we'll be unstoppable together-"

Yoongi pushing the door harshly open cut jimin off he quickly understood that yoongi was irritated by his nagging but he still kept going." Please please please come on help me,I'm your best friend"yoongi sigh his walk slowing down as he turned to jimin."do I look like I give a fuck?the last thing I'm going to do is stuck my nose into a couple business because if you guys don't work out,I'll be the one to blame"jimin scoff wrapping his arm around yoongi's shoulder he was about to say something when a soft voice cut him off.

"Hey,I need to talk to you"

Yoongi and jimin turned to the owner of the voice,both having different reactions,yoongi wanted to roll his eyes but didn't just not to look bad while jimin was curious to why she was still here he thought she left."she's talking to you"yoongi said loudly to jimin making sure the girl heard them as he stare at her dead in the eyes,he turned around to walk away but the same voice stopped him again."Min Yoongi!"yoongi clench his fist and gritted his teeth as he slowly stopped in his tracks while jimin stopped too and was now looking at both of them.getting the hint he quickly came up with an excuse and left them both there.

As jimin left yoongi faced the girl slowly jaw still clench as he glare at her,the girl only smiled lovingly at him.

"How long has it been?,13 years? 14 years?" The girl frown tilting his head to the side as if she was thinking all while approaching yoongi who still had a blank expression. "Anyways who cares,the only thing that matters is that I'm back" her smile widen as she reach yoongi she stared into his eyes with affection and a little bit of longing hidden in the debt of it all,hesitantly she reach for yoongi's hair and tucked it behind his ear lovingly.

"I missed you"

Yoongi couldn't help but scoff as he glared at the girl harder if look could kill she would've been dead by now."we have a lot of catch up to do suga"yoongi sigh and pull away."we have nothing to catch up on iu,don't do this"as yoongi said this hurt flickered in iu's eyes for only a minute before they returned to those flirtious eyes yoongi was once addicted to.

"I just want to talk-" her sentence was cut of by yoongi phone ringing,she watch as yoongi pull out his phone not missing how his eyes slightly lit up by the contact she was trying to read but couldn't see.her fist clench together once she saw the beautiful wedding ring on yoongi's finger,she felt a sudden anger rising in her skin but knowing this wasn't a moment to get mad she kept smiling even if was now fake.

Yoongi finished the call and glance at ui who was looking at him with so much adoration that he chose to ignore."I have somewhere to be,please excuse me"yoongi bowed out of respect to her and made his way outside.iu heart tugged painfully as she watch yoongi go,he couldn't let him go just like that."suga!"she yelled stopping sugar mid way her bodyguards behind her.she fidget with her hands while yoongi only stared at her brows frowned."can...can we meet later?I need to talk to you"yoongi lips formed a thin line as he answered. "We have nothing to talk about"." You better come cause its work related"she sounded more serious which made yoongi nod after a moment. "See you at six"

With that yoongi left immediately as he did iu's smile drop her anger now visible as she scoff."we have nothing to talk about,my foot"a little smirk formed on her face as she left to go get ready to see yoongi again later.


"Seok!?,Seok!??,where are you!?" Yoongi rushed into his house like it was on fire.his heart raced as he didn't see no sight of hoseok."hoseok!!?,come out this is not funny!"yoongi hiss searching in the entire house hoseok was no where to be found.

"Where the fuck is he!?" Yoongi groan kicking a random bedroom door open."why is this boy always causing trouble?!"his face confront into worry placing his hands on his hips he run a hand trough his hair.suddenly he heard a psss and his soul almost left his body when he looked up and saw hoseok head poking out of the attic."Jesus Christ seok!!?,what the fuck are you doing in there?"yoongi yelled out of shock cluting his chest tightly."ssshhhh!"hoseok shushed him."you came.."hoseok said almost in disbelief as he stared at yoongi who was already staring at him."you called"hoseok didn't know why but that sentence alone was enough to let butterflies burst in his stomach he smiled until he remember the reason why he called yoongi here.

"What were you doing in the attic?"

Hoseok signal with his eyes to the corner of the room where a cockroach was nibbling silently on something.

Yoongi turn to him and gave him a look of."are you kidding me?"hoseok scoff as he slowly got down only to jump on yoongi's back he didn't expect it and almost fell."Seok what is wrong with you!?,I hope you didn't call me here for this shit"hoseok eyes widen as he grip on yoongi neck tighter almost choking him."its not just 'this shit' yoongi is a fucking living cockroach in my room in my fucking room do you know how crazy that is!,that's DISGUSTING!! "yoongi could hear the disgust in hoseok voice which made him roll his eyes." Its just a cockroach "hoseok scoff highly offended." Its never just a cockroach! You never know what they can do".

Yoongi tried to get hoseok off of his back but the boy did not want to let go.

"hoseok get off!!".

" no!,go kill it!"

"Why me?"

"Cause you're a man?"

"Then what are you?"

"That's not important just kill it!"

"Then get off?!"

"Never my feet is not touching this floor ever again!"

Yoongi sigh heavily and look into the corner where the cockroach was just to see him gone."perfect now its gone!"hoseok groan before his eyes widen as yoongi threw him on the bed and hover over him pulling his tie of harshly he tied hoseok wrist together with it and tied it to the bed.the last thing hoseok expected was for yoongi to make out with him aggressively,biting hoseok lips for access hoseok got the que and let yoongi explore his mouth no matter how much he wanted to push yoongi away he couldn't and that wasn't because his hands were tied.

."what's wrong with you?,why did you call in such a panicked voice do you know how worried I was!?"yoongi yelled at hoseok once they pull apart looking worried,hoseok blinked for a few moments before a huge smile formed on his face."you were worried...about me?"yoongi eyes widen as he realized that he had exposed himself he quickly tried to cover it up but end up stuttering which leaded to hoseok giggling.

"I love seeing you stutter min yoongi,is such a rare yet satisfying sight to see"hoseok smirk purposely biting his lips and yoongi swear he had the urge to fuck him right there right now.

Groaning he untied hoseok hands and stood up." Stop calling me for stupid things I really have more important places to be"hoseok huff flicking his tongue at him."we may be enemies but I'm still above everything in your life,I'm your first prioritie remember that"hoseok got up flicking his fingers sassily as he walked past yoongi before he let out a loud scream and jump into his arms."yoongi,yoongi its there!"he yelled pointing at the cockroach who went into hiding again.

"Can you not jump on my bed?" Yoongi request for the tenth time just for hoseok to ignore him again as he kept jumping while putting yoongi's clothes since he didn't want to wear his cause of those cockroaches that he didn't trust."this is not your but....its ours"hoseok mumble the last part thinking yoongi wouldn't hear him but he did and immediately smirk.yoongi sat on the side of the bed leaning his back against the headboard as he waited for hoseok to finish up,

he stared at him as he dressed up taking in the little details,how he would scrunch his nose when the clothes wouldn't match or how he pouted when it was too big yoongi took it all in and he couldn't help but smile at the adorable sight.sometimes he wished things would've been different.

"Let's go I'm done" hoseok announced yoongi snapped out of his daze."let's go"yoongi humm as he grab his car keys.he was walking out of the room but saw that hoseok wasn't coming he turn to him with a frown."why are you not coming?"yoongi asked making hoseok pout then yoongi got it and he roled his eyes.

He went over to hoseok and pick him up,hoseok immediately wrapped his legs around yoongi's waist and arms around his neck,he leaned in laying his head on yoongi's shoulder softly as they went out after locking the door.

"You just like to torture me don't you?" Yoongi huff as he carried hoseok to the car like he was a kid,even tho hoseok had the age of adult his weight was the same as the small lanky eighteen year old hoseok he knew.

"Why do I have to walk when I have you?"hoseok wiggled his legs like an excited kid he wrapped his arms tighter around yoongi's neck." What's that?"he frown when he saw something sheiny on the front porch yoongi frown too and approach the thing."can you get off for a while?"yoongi asked staring at hoseok over his shoulder."no!"hoseok shook his head stubbornly yoongi sigh and lean down to pick up the thing that looked like a gift.

Hoseok gasp and quickly snatched the gift from yoongi,he moved away from yoongi's back and blush widely making yoongi frown."what's that?"he ask and hoseok blushed more."K.S"hoseok mumble with happiness in his voice,yoongi gritted his teeth seeing hoseok blush like this for anyone other that him made him want to run that person over with his car.

"Hey yoongi wait!!" Hoseok ran after yoongi as he walked furiously to his car."isn't this guy so special!??, he's been sending me gifts almost everyday"yoongi grip the keys in his hands tighter fighting the urge just to go inside and throw all those things out but then..he frown cause why was he feeling this way?he was so confused.

Hoseok pout when yoongi didn't answer him and only walked to the other side and step into the car.hoseok crossed his arms while tapping his feet on the floor as if waiting for yoongi to come to him,he waited and waited until he gave up and poke his head into the car."are you mad?"yoongi turn to face hoseok which was a bad idea cause his heart instantly melted at the sight.

Hoseok was looking at him with a pout and it was the most adorable thing,he quickly composed himself and got out of the car opening the passenger door for hoseok(as usual) hoseok climbed in,yoongi closed the door harshly making hoseok flinch as he step back into the car and closed his door too.

"Why so aggressive?" Hoseok scoff as he lean back into the chair but just then  he smelled something and frowned,he began sniffing the car.yoongi eyes widen as hoseok began sniffing him,moving to his neck hair and chest until finally he found the source of the smell yoongi's hand he gritted his teeth as he pull back and glared at yoongi."where have you been to?"yoongi frown as he answered."work,why?"hoseok eyed him suspiciously. "Really?,work?" Yoongi nod,hoseok face grew red like he was about to explode."so you're lying to me now?,if you went to work why do you have a woman's perfume on you!!??"yoongi frown but then he remember iu and sigh.

He didn't get the chance to say something as hoseok kept scoffing while trying to put on his seatbelt. "Fuck why is this not going in!!!?" He struggle his hands shaking for a reason just when yoongi lean in to help him hoseok pulled on the seatbelt so hard that he ripped the whole thing of.yoongi eyes widen."you fucking piece of shit!!why can't you do what they made you for!!?,but at least you're not meeting other woman behind my back and then come acting like you don't know,fuck!!!"

Yoongi eyes were wide as they glued onto hoseok,he looked so angry that yoongi dare to say anything he silently started the engine and drove away while hoseok was silently cursing under his breath.


"Where do I off?" Yoongi asked carefully seeming that hoseok was still angry and totally out of it."wherever you're going"hoseok made his point clear with gritted teeth.yoongi sigh and decided not to talk further.


Once they arrived yoongi opened the door for hoseok and was going to help him step out but hoseok gave him a side eye and step out himself. Yoongi sigh and shook his head.

Hoseok eyes widen as he realized it was yoongi's workplace,to be honest he didn't want to go there but who cares?cause he didn't.

Yoongi step inside with hoseok following close behind,suddenly hoseok pulled him into a passionate kiss that left his heart racing and eyes widening."what was that for?"yoongi ask touching his lips,when hoseok smirk yoongi groan and look to his side to see all the employees looking at them then turn away once he looked.he didn't know what hoseok was trying to prove but he knew it was not good.

Hoseok trugde into the company head held high arms crossed as if letting people know that he was there.

He looked good especially in his husband's clothes and he knew it.yoongi saw some guys and girls eying his husband it made his blood boil.

Hoseok stopped eyes scanning the room,the employees in his area was bowing and greeting him but he could barely hear them as he frown seeing how many girls were working in the company and how short their skirts were.they weren't even that short but in hoseok eyes they were.

"Are they trying to seduce my husband?" He scoff."why does he let them wear such short clothes!?....wait does that means he love the attention!? "Hoseok head snap to where yoongi was discussing something with a fellow girl employee.

" I mean just look at him.....he's tall,handsome,powerful,has the best kissable lips in the world,and has money and many more....of course everyone would try to seduce him"hoseok scoff taking his nose mask as he watch them talk from a distance.

"Why did he have to wear that color when he knows he'll look so good!?,god he's driving me crazy" hoseok pouted then his eyes went to the girl.

" look at her....throwing herself at him like that....fucking whore"with gritted teeth and clenched fist hoseok made his way to yoongi and pull him away."what's wrong–"hoseok hook their arms together and dragged yoongi into an vacant and open elevator.

once it closed hoseok pushed yoongi against the wall and kissed him aggressively. Yoongi didn't know what was going on with hoseok but he went with the flow.turning their position he press hoseok back against the wall and picked him up.hoseok wrapped his legs around his waist while yoongi attacked his neck with kissed and bite that hoseok shamelessly moaning.when yoongi pull away he stared at hoseok blushing figure glowing in his arms,hoseok stared back then kissed yoongi again this time harder,his lips silently telling yoongi the words he couldn't tell him himself. "You're mine.yoongi felt it,almost like an open book he could read hoseok he smirk into the kiss.

Gripping hoseok arms he moved them above his head and press them against the wall,now having control of the kiss yoongi slip his tongue into hoseok mouth,explore everywhere his tongue could reach leaving hoseok moaning loudly.

The elevator door open to the busiest floor.yoongi left hoseok lips and went to mark him again that's when hoseok got the chance to see how everyone in that floor was looking at them shocked.he gasp." Yoongi they're loo-fuck~"hoseok groan when yoongi found his sensitive spot and started sucking on it,he grip yoongi's hair tightly,his eyes rolling into his head."let them look,let them look all they want"yoongi groan sucking hoseok neck more to make him moan louder."let them see what a shameless slut you are"hoseok didn't know if this was a way of yoongi answering his unsaid sentence,telling him he was his too or he just wanted to humiliate him but he didn't care,the way yoongi was kissing him making him moan while everyone was looking so shocked until the elevator closed once again was a huge turn on for him.

He kissed yoongi's neck,marking him too like he did to him."fuck"yoongi groan kissing hoseok harshly again until they felt the need to breathe.they panted heavily as they connected their forehead together,hoseok legs still wrapped around yoongi,holding him close."I want to fuck you so bad"yoongi panted making hoseok moan."I bet you wanted me to fuck you right infromt of all those people,you would take it like a good boy right?,you crave to show everyone what you really are,a useless whore"hoseok groan loudly.he hated when yoongi was right.

"Fuck yoongi" hoseok tug on his ziper desperately making yoongi smirk."beg for it"hoseok gulp,he couldn't belief he was doing this."fuck me,fuck me please,right here right now"yoongi smirk widen as hoseok desperately unzip his pants,seeming eager than ever.just the elevator open.

And yoongi's dad was standing right in front of them.


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