By the_rom_royalwriter

5.1K 435 144

In a world where women are considered to be shy, quite and dutiful...Princess Saudamini encounters the most h... More

The Meet
The Help
Rudra marks Damini
The unexpected guest and a shock
The Invite
The Talk Under the Moon
Heart to Heart Conversations
Gathering at the royal temple
The duel in the practice ground and the idea
Damini brings laep (medicinal paste) for Rudra
Rudra's past and Bhadra's advice
Threat to Rudra's life
Damini's doubts, Rudra's confession and the initiative
The Danger and the unknown traitor
Enemy still at large and the twisted ankle
Meet in the library
A name to use in ekaanth
Prince Arjan corners Rajkumarisa
Shawl-clad traitor
Rudra takes a risk
Rudra's apologies and Damini's confession
Tara advises Rudra
The interrogation
Damini's fears and realisation
I love you Damini
Kiss of Confession
The Assasins' Attack
I love you, Rudra
Damini's solution
The unfulfilled promise
The Invite to the Library
I want to be your home
Rudra punishes Damini🌢️
Her first orgasm🌢️

Rudra's Wrath

134 14 6
By the_rom_royalwriter

Rudra POV -

I finished the Pooja and made my way back to my chamber. Rajkumarisa looked upset....I wanted to know why, but I couldn't ask her properly with everyone present in the Mandir. I silently made a note to ask her. I couldn't stand a line of pain or misery on her beautiful face.....if it meant I had to take on the whole world, I'd do it in a jiffy, just to see her happy. With these thoughts I got ready. I wore a yellow Kurta and a dhoti. I tied my kamarbandh and secured my dagger there. I looked at myself in the mirror. The tied hair didn't suit the ensemble, I decided to undo the bun and let my short hair flow freely. Contended, I walked towards the door and was about to open it when I heard Bhadra and Kritika talking..... Kritika... It's not the time now....yet. I stopped in my tracks when I heard Bhadra take my name.....I didn't open the door, I stood rooted right behind the door, listening to them. There was something Bhadra was keeping from me... But what?

Are you sure Bhadra? We need to tell Kunwarisa....I don't think it's good to keep it from her for that Rajkumari Saudamini also has voiced her fears, Kritika sounded worried. But what worried me more was the mention of Saudamini's fears. I frowned. What was happening?!!!

No way Kritika. You've seen Simha right....she's bound by Ranasa's honour to not harm Arjan. Else he would've been dead by now, Bhadra sounded stressed. the hell were they talking about?? And what has happened..... That might compel me to harm Arjan fatally. I controlled the impulse to stone out and confront them, but I decided against it. They might not tell the truth if I did that.

But, Bhadra.....I still think we should.... Kritika tried convincing Bhadra but he cut her short.

Tell what Kritika? That Arjan cornered Rajkumarisa and misbehaved with her?Grasped her arm aggressively .... Trying to get her to talk to him!!!If Simha gets to know about it, she won't spare a thought before punishing him, Bhadra revealed. My eyes widened with shock and in a second, anger courses through my veins.... My blood boiled. I wanted to break that bastard's hands for touching my Damini!!! I banged open the door and stepped out huffing angrily. Bhadra and Kritika were taken aback by my sudden appearance.

How can you keep such an incident  secret from me Bhadra!!!! How dare you!! I thundered. He flinched, fear evident in his eyes. He looked down guiltily. I looked angrily at Kritika and Bhadra, both hung their heads.

When did this happen!!? I demanded!! He looked at me apprehensively and muttered, more than a week ago....


Simha....I handled it.... She's alright.... He trailed off.

That's not the point Bhadra!!! What if something bad had happened to the Princess. I would've died!! And how sure are you that he won't make a move on her again.  I questioned him angrily.

Simha. Trust me... She's like a sister to me. I would never let anything happen to her.... He tried pacifying me gently but my head was not in the right place.

I couldn't risk you hurting Arjan.... Now when we..... He trailed off, indicating towards the secret mission we were undertaking to foil his plans. I glared at him. My mind made sense of his logic.... But my heart wasn't ready to accept it. The thought of her getting hurt due to Arjan... Under my watch was enough to scare me.

Anger rushed into my very nerves. I took a few deep breaths.... Still angry.... But rational....

Next time.... Anything like this happens with her, you come straight to me and report it to me. You will not keep such things a secret from me, you understand Veerbhadra? Telling this in a stern low voice.... I took a menacing step towards him and he gulped. He nodded in affirmation. I glared at him for a few moments, collecting my thoughts, I huffed and took a step back. He exhaled a relief.

We must go to the Rajbhavan, Bapusa must be waiting for us, he nodded. I started walking wordlessly with Bhadra following me silently.

I'm sorry I yelled at you infront of Kritika, Bhadra, I muttered apologetically.

Don't, Simha. Your anger is justified. I should be sorry for keeping it from you. I should've informed you earlier itself. He said guiltily.

It's alright. But don't do that again, I trust in you completely Bhadra and I expect you to be honest with me, not as the commander of my army, but as my best friend, as a brother, i said looking at him.

He nodded guiltily. I will, Simha, i promise. But please, I request you. Keep your cool in the sabha today infront of Arjan. I know how angry you are at him, but please, don't let him get you ..... We can't afford to do anything which might make him act impulsively.

I know, Bhadra. But i cannot guarantee it. I can tolerate my insult, but if he talks I'll about Rajkumari sa..... Even a little hint..... I'll lose it. I'll forget the maryaada of the sabha and trash him, I said angrily. Bhadra didn't argue, he resigned to my ways and walked silently. We reached the Rajbhavan and took our seats, waiting for Bapusa.

I took a seat next to Bhaisa, Bhadra seated behind me. Dhruva and Atharva were seated beside me. Arjan was seated directly infront of me. Looking at him made my blood boil, but I controlled my rage. I'll deal with him later....

Bapusa came in and we all stood up, in his respect. He took his seat at the high pedestal... on the throne. Bapusa....where is Masa, isn't she coming? Bhaisa asked.

No Shourya, we have the tailors coming today, so she's there with Mrunalini, so she won't be coming today. Bapusa replied. Bhaisa nodded.

As the proceedings started, all the Mantri gan came forward and discussed the policies and took certain decisions related to the administration of the kingdom. We took a break for lunch and assembled back there. This time, it was just us, Bapusa....his children, Bhadra and Arjan.

Simha, how is the progress in Gurukul going? Bapusa enquired.

It's going really well, Bapusa. We had been to the Gurukula regularly for more than a month, now we're slowly handing over the administration and the teaching to the Matajis of the Gurukula. Soon we'll be equipped with a set of teachers and students, ready to graduate out of the Gurukula. As you know, we've instructed the panel for the survey and land finalisation and the architecture and design team to get in with their work. And that we'll be gathering for a meet only after Bhaisa's wedding. Bapusa smiled and nodded.

Very good!! I'm extremely proud of all of you!! I nodded and smiled.

We're also working towards getting our own team of elite women soldiers too Bapusa, in a year or two with Mahakal's blessings, they will be ready, I said proudly. Bapusa was about to respond when Arjan interrupted....

Women soldiers? What use are they?! Cannot fight like men do. They'll be liabilities, he scoffed.

My anger towards him came rushing back, Bhadra's words about Rajkumari sa ringing in my ear. I balled my fists, to control my anger.

You under estimate then, Arjan. I'm sure you of all people know the strength of a woman warrior, Bhaisa shot back at Arjan, he smiled eerily at me and stood up and approached the floor, standing in the middle.

That was a lucky miss, Yuvraj. I'm sure now, we don't need women in the army, they're good at home, cooking, cleaning and taking care of the house, he looked at me loathingly and contained, If they are trained too much, they start to think to much of themselves, Bhadra tried to make an aggressive move at him, but I stopped him. I stood up and approached Arjan.

What do you mean, Arjan. Spit out whatever you're insinuating, I said coldly to him, trying to contain my anger. He smirked an evil smirk.... Looked at Bapusa and continued, ignoring me

Ranaji..... Samrat!!! It so happens that when we start giving more power to women, they start getting complacent...... Think they are better than men, he said glancing at me. I stared at him angrily, nails digging into my palms, knuckles turned white.

They think they're better than men. So much so that they THINK they can lead men to battles ..wars.....he said looking at me directly. I kept my eyes on him, the bastard.

Simha led the campaign successfully to Dravid-desh and emerged victorious in the battle, Arjan. That's enough proof for your about every woman's abilities, Bhaisa said in a controlled anger voice. He turned and smiled maliciously at Bhaisa and continued....

Battle? Yuvraj? My apologies but Kunwarisa didn't fight a battle. She merely challenged a king to duel and won it. Ranaji.... soldiers are trained for war.... And if they don't get it, it's a shame to their ego, an insult to their power.....what kind of a leader doesn't believe in her army?! He argued.

I averted the loss of thousands of lives, Arjan, if that means I'll be labelled as a coward, so be it, but I will do it every time ... If it means my soldiers can go back to their families, I said in a slow menacing voice. It was getting difficult to contain my anger. He scoffed loudly and turned his back to me and continued....

It's their duty to die for Simhaksetra. And as far as the duel with the king of Dravid-desh is concerned, she got lucky with it. She's nothing but a coward in the mask of a warrior, he declared.

ARJANNN!!!! ANOTHER WORD AGAINST JIJI AND I'LL CUT YOUR TONGUE, Dhruva roared, ready to attack Arjan but I stopped him, stay back Dhruva, it's an order, let Prince Arjan speak his heart out. Dhruva was still in rage, but held back by Atharva, who also sported an angry glare.

What kind of a army is it if it's lead by a woman? A woman who dresses like a man...? He asked incredulously, but I held my cool, he slowly approached me, how can someone who is confused at what she is lead an army of men..... Do you know what everyone calls people like you, Kunwarisa, he said scathingly, a...c-

ARJANN!! HOW DARE YOU- Bhaisa thundered when Bapusa interrupted

ENOUGH!!! Bhaisa stopped with great difficulty. Bapusa rose with an angry expression, I've allowed you to come to the sabha ..... Even after everything you've done in the past.... Just for my Jiji... But insult Simha and I'll break the promise I made to Jiji and give a free reign to Simha, he ordered.

A flash of fear crossed Arjan's face, which he concealed with an evil smirk, apologise Ranaji, but what I'm saying is women can't be in the army.

You see, they must stay at home, it suits them. He came near me, standing directly infront of me. I glared a death stare at him. Every impulse in my body encouraged me to trash him but a strand of sanity prevented me from doing so.

Imagine, Kunwarisa, I'll soon make sure to be Saudamini's husband. My thread if sanity was breaking. I was shaking with anger. He continued with an evil smirk, malice dripping in his voice. I will make sure of that.... And you... Won't be there to protect her..... Even if you wanted to..... Imagine all the things I'd do to her if she was mine......

I could sense my sanity slipping. He was whispering, making sure only I heard whatever he was saying, she is so ravishing.... Isn't she. I'd not leave her for a moment..... Those soft curves on her body.....I'd...just... He said with an evil glint in his eyes and that's it, I lost it....

I landed a hard punch on his face. He fumbled back, but I held his collar tightly and punched his face again and again,

YOU DARE TAKE MY SAUDAMINI'S NAME IN YOUR FILTHY MOUTH, I punched him harder, he tried evading my punches but the adrenaline in my body had made me stronger now, what drive  me was the thought of him harming Saudamini. I went crazy with rage.

HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT HARMING HER. HOW. DARE. YOU. I roared. He grasped my hand holding his collar... Digging his nails in them....trying free himself. But i didn't let him go

SIMHAA!!! leave him!!!! Bhadra and bhaisa tried to pull me away from him, but i was a hurt lioness, trashing the life out of the scumbag who threatened to harm my love!!!! I didn't leave.

I'LL KILL YOU FOR TALKING..... EVEN THINKING SUCH THINGS ABOUT SAUDAMINI YOU PIECE OF SHIT....I punched his nose and I heard a crack which satisfied me, still it wasn't enough. He has unleashed a beast in me... And he was going to face the wrath of this lioness today!!!

HOW DARE YOU!!! YOU INVITED YOUR DEATH HERE WITH YOUR WORDS, NOW THERE'S NO SAVING YOU!!!! I roared like a wounded lioness. Finally, with great difficulty, Bhadra and Bhaisa dragged me away from him while Dhruva and Atharva saved Arjan, although half heartedly. Bapusa stood in between us.

Basss....bass....Simha, marr jayega woh. Bhaisa shouted into my ear while  struggling to hold me back. I looked at him. He was lying crippled on the ground....His face has become bloodied.... With little hint of skin. His nose looked crooked with blood flowing through them. His eyes and tears in them. I wanted to trash him to death, but Bapusa's glare stopped me.

Iss baar choddiya, agli baar praan le lenge agar Saudamini ko kasht ya dukh pohochane ke baare mein socha bhi toh, I warned him, anger coursing through every pore in my body. I roughly freed myself from bhadra and bhaisa's hold and started walking angrily to my room.

I was sure my eyes were bloodshot. I was so angry at the moment. I would harm anyone who came in my way. I made my way towards my chamber when I saw Kritika, she saw me walking angrily to my chamber,

Simha... Wait!!! Bhadra shouted running behind me, following me Bhadra, that's an order, I shouted and Kritika flinched at my raised voice, but I couldn't care more. Bhadra stopped in his tracks, half heartedly trying to follow me, ultimately standing beside Kritika.

I disappeared into the corridor of my chamber, opened and shut the door with a resounding thud. I made my way to the balcony and stared into the horizon. Arjan's words kept coming back to me and a new wave of anger washed over me, I fisted my palms and they hurt a little, but I ignored it.

I took my seat on the lean back chair. I closed my eyes....tried relaxing.... But I seemed far from it. His words resounding in my ears, my head started pounding. The thought of even slight pain to her gripped my heart with a fear that was foreign to be ..... But now was too real.

However after a while....I relaxed my mind a little, and didn't realise when I had dozed off to a light slumber. I felt a cool sensation on my knuckles, at first, I dismissed it as something I was probably dreaming but it was getting too real.

The cooling effect was immense, soothing the pain on the knuckles on my right hand, which had bruised and swollen red due to the continuous punches I had given Arjan. I finally awoke from my light slumber. With eye still closed, i inhaled deeply. A Jasmine scent hit my senses, awakening something in me... While having an immense calming effect on my senses, on my heart....

I fluttered my eyes open my gaze still blur. The Twilight sky cast it's glow on the figure sitting on the floor beside me. Within a few moments, the figure beside me became more clear. My eyes widened with shock as I realised who it was.

Saudamini? I muttered in utter disbelief.

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