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The story is written with pure imagination and everything here is not real. I would love to share this story... More



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/"Green goddess soup, I see it will be remembered it was truly delicious."/

*Bell ringing*

"*Inhales* *looking left and right* The class is over?"

"Good morning sleeping beauty or say afternoon."

"Dave what happened is it really....".

"Don't worry about it mounette *packing things up* I think professor davidson is cool with it."

"Cool with it? *Stands up* no no I didn't mean too dave why wouldn't you wake me up ahhh."

"Mounette relax I'm sure he let you sleep for like most of his time you know his not that some of uhh other people who is stone hearted I mean he saw you many times yet chooses to ignore you which means I am sure his cool with it, don't worry."

"Noooo I need to apologize to him where is Mr. Davidson please tell me."

"He went out I think it will be the last time we will see him."

"What *shouted* why?"

"He mentioned earlier that he will take a break I don't know what he means by that but he just said that there will be one who will substitute for the class and don't worry for sure next week there will be a substitute for him."

"Hayss thanks Dave I'm so exhausted I think I need a rest, see you."

She leaves the class with a tired face it looks like she hasn't slept since last night She spends most of her time studying for the upcoming finals it must be really important for her since she's a scholar at this campus she needs to maintain good marks. As she leaves the class she observes the surroundings She sees couples kissing and people with some overdressed clothes yet she doesn't care she chooses to walk straight with a tired face while she is walking dave ran to her as he is trying to say something

"Mounette wait nette hey!! Wait *holds her shoulder* wait."

"What up now davey you need something."

"Uhmm you see I'm kinda free today after this last class I mean uhh I wonder if I could ask you for a coffee hangout?"

"I don't know dave I'm kinda tired I don't know if I'm still sleepy I'm not even sleepy anymore, all these voices in my head shouting at me."

"*Laughs* oh yeah? What does it says punch dave or kick him hard in his nuts.".

"Silly you *chuckled* noo I mean look at this big campus."

" Yeah what's wrong with."

"I mean does it bothers you like how these people live their lives I mean look at him bringing and seeing his face at the mirror all the time and her look at her she uses that lipstick too hard her lips is such a red now *laugh*."

"Does that bother you?"


"I mean.... No it's not.... I don't know."

"Well same thing to me *smilled*."

"*Looking at dave* Thanks dave."

"Owh thanks for what?"

"For being a weirdo all of a sudden."

"Weirdo? *Laughing* hello why I'm a weirdo now?"

"I mean don't lie to me I saw you being a stalker this early morning and don't you lie to me."

"Woaah woah hold up right now me.... stalker that's a no no *laughing*."

"*Laughing* I saw you dave I said don't lie to me."

"I think it's you who thinks that I'm stalking you *laughing*."

"Noo I literally saw you behind *stops walking* that tree right there *pointing a tree* yes right there you were there and staring at me like you are planning something."

"*Laughing* really now that is weird now you are the one who is weird I mean this morning I'm late you silly."

"You were?"

"Yes when I came to our class you were sleeping when Mr. Davidson is about to teach you are already sleeping who is silly now *laughing* *bumping his body to her*."

"I mean hey what if you are late because you are stalking me I can't believe you did that."

"I went to my grandmother yesterday and we arrive back home like super late I only sleep at the train station and after I wake up boom guess what it was already 1:53 P.M and guess what again I literally ran home and take a bath and change clothes and the rest is now."

"Well don't expect me to believe in that *chuckled*."

"Ehhh what now well you don't need too anyways."

"I mean I know you are telling the truth. Dave. I trust you *smiled*."

"*Blush* Well what can I say we've been friends for so long."

"Yeah you were like my brother to me. Dave."

*Owwhh yeaa yess I am your I mean I don't want to be your brother anyways *whispered*."

"What do you say?"

"Nothing, I mean as I said.... If I could ask you.... For a coffee.... I mean if it's okay.... Mounette."

"Silly you."

"Yeah I'm sorry I think...."


"Owwhh really?"

"*nodded* mmmmh."

"Great *shouted* I see you this 4 P.M mounette I mean it will be special I swear you will not gonna regret it."


"Yeah I am sure you will like.... my gift."


"Byeeee!!! *running* see you later!!! *waving his hands*."

"Hey dave wait what do you mean by gift? Hey!!"

Dave ran while mounette is confused about what he meant by the gift and she is curious about the gift yet as she turns around and started walking while she was walking she observes again the surroundings as she was in the big doors of the campus she saw a field full of varsity players she started to walk again and the sun light shines her eyes and she covers it with her hand as she walks she saw this man with a charismatic guy a tall and attractive one all cover with his sweat as she walks she was staring at this guy

'This campus is full of busy people i mean what are they doing after their school I wonder if they hangout ehh of course they do I am sure they are rich and with their money they can buy anything they want like that guy over there he must be the musicians I mean I saw him playing that electric guitar and it's so fire and this girl this girl is pretty and she....'

"Hi there."

"*Shock* hello uhh nice to meet you."

"Natasha *Offers a handshake*."

"Owwhh mounette i am mounette Xanders."

"Natasha Anderson *smiled* I saw you earlier."


"Yeah and you seem very tired I mean you sleep at Mr. Davidson's class like the whole time *chuckled*."

"Oww yeah yeah I mean is heeeee mad about it?"

"I don't know I think he didn't see you crazy right?"

"Really? That's impossible I'm on the third row almost in front of him."

"No shit, hey by the way thanks you are pretty as well and I mean that. You got a boyfriend."

"What uhmmm I mean noo I got none."

"Shit that's new and sounds absurd to me but I'm sure you are not lying right?"

"Yeah.... I mean some guys tried but I.... refused....them."

"Do you regret it?"

", I'm a scholar at this campus so I need to focus more and give as much as I can."

"Wait you are a scholar too?"

"Yes I am that's why I...."

"Great!! *holding her arms* hey wanna be friends?"

"I mean... aren't we."

"*Laughing* of course we are hey wanna hangout tomorrow I mean we don't have that much of a class tomorrow."

"Well I'll try *smiled*."

"Very well, mounette."


"Hey I gotta go now imma see you somewhere later or tomorrow and I was nice to meet you. Mounette."

"Nice to meet you too, Natasha."

"Hey wait you mention earlier that you don't have a boyfriend?"


"This is your chance girl you see that guy over there is a 10 out of 10 his a varsity but I mean not 10 since his such a spoiled freak his parents always give everything like almost the world."


"Pffftttt *Laughing hard* You silly I got you I knew it."

"*Laugh* wait what?"

"I know you want some love of life I mean who doesn't but hey destiny will do maybe just walking out at that exit gate you might find your the one and only *laughing*."

"Tskkk I thought you were leaving."

"*Laughing* I am sorry I just love making jokes at people I mean I got you right *laugh*."

"Yeah, you got me *chuckled*."

"But hey it doesn't look impossible for you to find one and I'm sure you'll find your own. See you."


"*Waving back*."

Mounette didn't expect that to happened she told herself that is that really is to make friends or is it really she's just friendly as Natasha walking back to campus mounette standing and watching Natasha go for a while and after she proceeded to go turn around and walk through the exit gate she didn't expect that she will have a new friend since for most of her days dave is the only friend she got in that campus she is so busy studying and studying she forgot to enjoy her youth she is so focused and determined to learn and to become a doctor for she made a promise got herself that what happened to her dad will not happen again to somebody her dad died in her hands she can't cure her injured dad from a massive riot luckily she was saved by the police but her dad wasn't as she was getting carried by a police she was crying she wanted her dad back but what makes her more sad is she knows that she cannot bring his dead dad back to life

3:20 P.M

"Natasha, Natasha Anderson have I met her before I am not sure but it's my first time seeing her I mean she's cool but it bothers me how she knows...."

Someone bumped into her

"Ohh I am sorry *head down*.... I didn't mean to do...."

"It's alright but next time please watch you way you just make my shirt wet I know."

"Wet? Wet? 'Don't tell me I got him' *she looked back to him* I am sorry sir 'oh no his on a white shirt and it's coffee it's coffee' again sir I am I am sorry I really didn't mean to ruin your style."

"Style *removing his shirt* well too late it's already...."


"Have I seen you before?"


"The campus at the campus."

"Uhmm I don't really pay attention to my surroundings I mean I don't know if I see you...."

"Lies *chuckled* *throws his shirt* Give it back later at 4 P.M make sure it was washed properly I'll wait for you at the campus *leaves*."

"Eeeeeehhh.... Excuse me? Hey!!! *Followed him with aggressive walking*
Hey excuse me I am talking to you who do you think...."

"*Holds her arm* I don't need to repeat myself lady this shirt costs a lot....".

"That's not the point *took back the arm from holding* who do you think you are mister cold white guy or pale guy."

"4 P.M *leaves*."

"Uuuuhhhhhh!!!! His annoying *stomping her feet aggressively* who is he uhhhgghh *sniff* *sniff* *smelling the shirt* His perfume I know this is expensive I could tell *sniffing the shirt* wait is he one of those rich guy in the campus did I just make myself into a mess!??"

Meanwhile she arrived home at her dorm 3:34 P.M with the shirt of a random guy she removed her shoe and pants and put the bag at the chair she fold the cloth and put somewhere that it will not ruined she knows that she might cause herself trouble she think that what if the guy is rich he can make her scholarship removed she must not do any harm at the shirt yet after she take a quick bath even though the temperature is cold she always clean herself she care for herself cause that's what her father used to tell always when he was alive and after she take a big sit at her bed and grab a hot chocolate drink and drink it for a while but she suddenly remembered that she will meet Dave at 4 P.M and she checked the time and it was 3:44 P.M she quickly drink the hot chocolate grabs a new pants and jacket to wear and she's ready to leave until

"Oh no 3:46 I need to hurry."

As she opens the door here was a mail man about to knock but I was opened by her when it's about to knock and she was surprised for a guest to come and suddenly

"*Opening door* owhh ahh hi sir how can I help you?"

"Mounette Xander?"

"Ahhh, yes yes it's me is there a mail for me?"


"Owwh who is it from?"

"Here know it yourself."

"Th....thank you.... sir?."


"Sir durand, sorry I can offer you some drinks but now I really need to go I'm in a rush now I am sorry."

"No worries."

"Ookaayy.... Imma put this letter here so.... There well sir thank you uhh it was actually my first time receiving a letter and I wonder who sent me."

"Ain't you gonna read it?"

"I hope I can I am excited to read it but I really need to go now *closed and locked the door* Have a great day, sir."

"Great day?".


"Great day? For how long I haven't experienced a great day *step closer" I forgot what it feels like again.... *Step closer* tell me woman great day...."

"Okay sir *steps back* I really need you to go and I'm in a rush now so bye sir thank you for...."

"Soon we will suffer.... What does it really mean to live? Does life really matter? Tell me beautiful young one me....*steps closer*

"*Steps back* hey sir please don't let me do this."

"Life really matters to those who can control someone's long as they have a purpose they will continue to live....time comes *steps closer* soon *steps closer* they will be useless.... and....they can be killed....or worse.... *Steps closer* forgotten."

"Sir what are you saying? You look so tired....your....eyes....It's so red and your....eye bags have gotten worse."

"My eyes.... Woman i tell you this eyes tells no evil.... Believe me these eyes are it really beautiful to witness a.... painful truth....Truth yes yes *nodded*".

"Sir are you.... Okay?

"Truth is.... Soon this world will experience fear....screaming....full of bloods....woman be strong."


"Live your life please....*cries* *please!!! Please!!! Please!!! *kneel down*

"Sir, are you alright *steps closer* tell me I can offer you to stay here I'll give you meds as soon as I get back you need sleep sir your eyes are...."

"Eyes....eyes....when you meet him....don't look at him in the eyes...."

"Sir! It's alright everything is okay *touches his head* You are hot sir you are sick."

"Woman a kind one you are quite rare you see no see no fear....for now.... Woman."


"Find who you are and don't make the devil lose you."

"The devil?"

"Know your worth....know your value *touches her hand* woman.... It's better to die meaningless than to die with no value."

"*Stares at the eyes of the guy* Sir! You are making me...."

"Scared? That's not it...."

"Worried, I am worried about you."

"*Cries again* woman *stands up* be strong....for the weak....he is coming....strong or weak he will hunt them."

"Who will hunt them?"

"The Monster."

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