Double Take

Ehrohr द्वारा

79 1 0

After tossing her graduation cap into the air, 25-year-old y/n finds herself at a standstill. Unlike her wild... अधिक

Unexpected News
Unlikely Connections
Spinning Memories: Reunion Revelations
Navigating the Darkness
Echoes of the Past
Between Two Beats
Passion Play: Three's Company
The Next Day: Feeling Guilty
Only The two Of Us (With Semi)
Still at Kuroo's (Everyone's Pov)
Y/n's life story
Semi's Life Story
Kuroo's Life Story
Mira's Story Life

Nightmare (With Kuroo)

8 0 0
Ehrohr द्वारा

Sitting in the classroom, barely paying attention to the teacher's droning voice, I found my gaze drifting out the window. My mind wandered, seeking solace in the world beyond the confines of the classroom walls. As I glanced outside, observing the hustle and bustle of passing students, my eyes fell upon a familiar figure. To my dismay, it was my brother's son, attending the same school as me or well Mya.

A pang of resentment stirred within me as I considered the coincidence of our familial timing. My brother and aunt had both embraced parenthood almost simultaneously, a fact that sometimes left me feeling overshadowed. I hoped fervently that my nephew wouldn't recognize me or, worse still, draw attention to my presence in his class. The last thing I needed was unwelcome family scrutiny intruding upon my already complicated school life.

After class, I slipped away to the bathroom for a quick break, but was quickly cornered by a group of girls from my class. One of them, with a teasing lilt to her voice, probed, "You've been very quiet lately, Mya. Something happened?" Her eyes gleamed with curiosity, eager for some piece of gossip.

I chose not to engage, giving them no fuel to feed on. Ignoring her question, I focused on adjusting my bag and checking my reflection in the mirror, hoping they would lose interest and leave me alone. Sometimes, silence was the best shield against unwelcome prying.

Stumbling backward from the unexpected shove, I caught myself against the sink, my heart racing. "What was that for?" I yelled, frustration boiling over as I straightened up, facing the group with a mix of shock and anger.

The girls exchanged glances, their faces a blend of mock innocence and barely concealed smirks. "Just making sure you're still with us, Mya," one of them replied, her tone dripping with faux concern. It was clear they were enjoying this, using intimidation to amuse themselves at my expense.

Straightening up, I faced them squarely, my voice firm. "Just mind your own business," I said, pushing past them confidently. As I walked out, my shoulder bumped the "leader" of the group, a deliberate little nudge to assert myself. I didn't look back as I exited the bathroom, leaving their surprised faces behind.

As I muttered to myself, venting my frustration, I nearly bumped into Kuroo in the hallway. For a moment, I forgot he was a teacher here; it was so easy to slip back into our old dynamics. "Hey," I said, trying to regain my composure and remind myself of the roles we were supposed to be playing.

As we sat in the nurse's office, Kuroo helped me bandage my knees. "Thanks," I mumbled, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. "No problem," he replied, his voice softening. "But seriously, what happened back there?"

I hesitated, unsure if I should tell him the truth. But looking into his eyes, I found myself opening up. "A group of girls... they cornered me in the bathroom," I admitted, feeling a flush of indignation rise in my cheeks. "They were teasing me, pushing me around. I couldn't just let them walk all over me."

Kuroo deftly wrapped the bandage around my knees once more, his movements gentle yet precise. "Those girls again, huh?" he remarked, a hint of exasperation in his tone. "Are you sure you're okay though?"

I nodded, offering a weak smile. "Yeah, it's not too bad. Just a few bruises."

He paused, studying my expression with a knowing look. "But how about everything else? Are you feeling any better from yesterday?"

I blinked, caught off guard by his question. How did he know about last night? "Uh, yeah," I stammered, unsure how much to reveal. "I mean, I guess I'm okay."

"Semi mentioned you were at a party," Kuroo continued, his gaze searching mine for answers. "After everything that happened, I thought you were done with that."

I shifted uncomfortably, feeling a pang of guilt. "Yeah, I know... I just needed a break, you know?"

He nodded, but his expression remained unreadable. "Just take care of yourself, okay?" he said softly, his concern evident. "And if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here."

I offered him a grateful smile, touched by his sincerity. "Thanks, Kuroo. I appreciate it."

As Kuroo turned to leave, I couldn't shake off the nagging question in my mind. Why did Semi tell him? Was Semi at the party just to check up on me?

"Wait," I called out before he could take another step. Kuroo paused, looking back at me with a curious expression.

"Did... did Semi tell you everything?" I asked hesitantly, feeling a mix of apprehension and curiosity.

Kuroo's gaze softened, understanding dawning in his eyes. "Yeah, he did," he replied gently. "He was worried about you, just like I am."

"Oh" I said feeling a mixture emotions.

"Don't worry y/n" Kuroo then said and walked away closing the door behind him.

I nodded slowly, a sense of gratitude washing over me. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, it was comforting to know that they cared.

I sat in the nurse's office, the sterile scent of antiseptic lingering in the air, my mind drifting as I awaited my next lesson—a class with Kuroo, of all people. It seemed like fate had a sense of irony, or perhaps just a twisted sense of humor.

Sitting in class lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed the vibration of my phone until it startled me back to reality. Mira's name flashed on the screen, a welcome distraction from the monotony of the day. She wanted to meet up at our old haunt, the cafeteria.

Before I could even consider responding, Kuroo's voice cut through the haze of my thoughts, snapping me back to attention. His gaze bore into me, a mix of admonishment and concern.

"What did I tell you about using your phone during lessons?" he asked, his tone firm yet not unkind.

"Sorry, sir," I mumbled, hastily tucking my phone away as a wave of embarrassment washed over me. The eyes of my classmates bore into me, their silent judgment palpable.

Kuroo resumed his lesson, the sound of his voice washing over me like white noise. But try as I might, I couldn't shake the weariness that seemed to weigh down every limb.

As the lesson drew to a close, I made my way to my locker, my mind still swirling with thoughts of the upcoming meeting with Mira. With a heavy sigh, I gathered my books and made my way to our designated spot—the old cafeteria.

Spotting Mira sitting on a bench outside, I approached her with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "So, spill it. What's the big news?" I asked, unable to contain my excitement.

Mira flashed me a mischievous grin before producing a small, elegantly decorated card from her bag. "You know I'm engaged, right? Well, here you go," she said, handing me the invitation to her wedding. "I want you to be my bridesmaid."

My eyes widened in surprise, a rush of emotions flooding through me as I processed her words. "Oh, Mira, really?" I exclaimed, enveloping her in a tight hug. The thought of standing by her side on such a momentous occasion filled me with a sense of joy.

"Of course, Y/n. You've been my best friend since forever. I wouldn't have it any other way," Mira said, returning the hug with equal enthusiasm.

"I'm honored, Mira, truly. When's the big day?" I asked, eager to hear all the details.

Mira's eyes sparkled with excitement as she leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "Next month, on the 20th. It's going to be magical, I promise."

I couldn't help but smile at her contagious enthusiasm. "I can't wait! We're going to make this the best wedding ever," I declared, already envisioning the beautiful celebration ahead.

Mira chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Ah, well, that's still a bit up in the air. Osamu insists it's going to be Atsumu, his twin brother. But you know how those two are... always bickering over everything."

I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of the spirited twins squabbling over such a pivotal role. "Oh, that's going to be interesting," I remarked, already anticipating the entertainment value of their antics.

"Yeah, I just hope they don't end up wrestling at the altar," Mira joked, shaking her head. "But hey, knowing those two, anything's possible!"

We shared another laugh, already brimming with excitement for the upcoming festivities.

As Mira and I laughed, my mind kept wandering back to the tense atmosphere of the party where Terushima and Atsumu had their altercation. I hesitated, unsure if I should bring it up with Mira. It felt like a piece of information that might dampen the joy of the moment, but at the same time, I didn't want to keep secrets from her.

I shifted the conversation away from the party drama, focusing instead on the excitement of Mira's upcoming wedding.

"So who's comming beside ours and Akaashi's families?" I asked

"Well, besides our families and Akaashi's, I've invited a few close friends from college," Mira replied, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Oh, and of course, Osamu and Atsumu are on the list too. Can't have one without the other, right?"

I chuckled at her mention of the inseparable twins. "Definitely not. It wouldn't be a celebration without their dynamic presence," I agreed, picturing the mischievous duo causing a stir at the wedding reception.

Mira nodded in agreement before continuing, "And, of course, I wanted you by my side as my bridesmaid. It wouldn't feel complete without you there, Y/n."

Her words warmed my heart, reaffirming the strength of our friendship. "I'm honored, Mira. I wouldn't miss it for the world," I replied sincerely, a smile spreading across my face.

Heading home to my apartment, my mind already occupied with thoughts of the day ahead, I received a call from my brother. His rushed voice relayed that he wouldn't be able to make it to his son's volleyball match but promised to join later. With a sigh, I realized that the responsibility fell on me to ensure his son made it to the match on time.

Though slightly inconvenienced by the sudden change in plans, I knew I couldn't let my nephew down. Quickly making arrangements in my mind, I assured my brother that I'd handle it, and we agreed on the logistics for the day.

As I hung up the phone, a sense of duty mingled with a tinge of frustration washed over me. Despite the unexpected twist in my plans, I resolved to fulfill my role as both sister and aunt with unwavering commitment.

Opening the door to my apartment, I stepped inside and quickly went about my routine, letting the warm water of the shower wash away the remnants of the day. Lost in the soothing cascade, I almost missed the knock on my door. Hastily wrapping myself in a towel, I made my way to answer it, wondering if my brother and his son had arrived earlier than expected.

Sure enough, as I swung the door open, there stood my brother with his son in tow, a bag slung over his shoulder. With a quick nod of acknowledgment, I ushered them inside, mentally reminding myself of the task at hand. "Come in, come in," I greeted them, my voice a mix of hospitality and urgency. "Just make yourself comfortable" I added, gesturing towards the couch before darting back to finish my ablutions.

Returning to the bathroom, I resumed my prepartions, the sound of their voices drifting in from the other room. As I hurried to ready myself, the gravity of the responsibility I'd undertaken settled in. Though my plans had taken an unexpected turn, I was determined to see them through without a hitch.

With fresh clothes adorning my frame, I returned to the living room where my nephew was waiting. "So, when should we head out?" I inquired, eager to ensure we wouldn't be late for his volleyball match.

"In just a few minutes," he replied, his excitement palpable. Nodding in acknowledgment, I made my way to the kitchen to prepare a quick cup of tea before our departure. As the kettle began to hum and the warm aroma filled the room, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation for the event ahead.

Reflecting on the passage of time, I realized how much my nephew Kyle had grown. It felt like just yesterday he was a little boy, and now he was already eighteen. Memories of his childhood flooded my mind, from his first steps to his mischievous antics as a toddler. It was surreal to see how quickly time had flown by.

As I glanced at the time, I realized it was time to leave. Kyle nodded in agreement and gathered his things while I slipped on my jacket. Just as I was about to leave my apartment, I encountered Semi at the doorway. "Hey, Semi. Feeling better?" I inquired, concerned. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about yesterday," he replied. Kyle, noticing Semi, chimed in with curiosity, "Who's that, Aunt Y/N? Your boyfriend?" I chuckled and shook my head. "No, just a friend. You know, Kyle," I clarified. With a casual wave, I bid Semi farewell. "Well, see you later, Semi," I said before heading down to the parking lot with Kyle.

As I glanced at the time, I realized it was time to leave. Kyle nodded in agreement and gathered his things while I slipped on my jacket. Just as I was about to leave my apartment, I encountered Semi at the doorway. "Hey, Semi. Feeling better?" I inquired, concerned. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about earlier," he replied. Kyle, noticing Semi, chimed in with curiosity, "Who's that, Aunt Y/N? Your boyfriend?" I chuckled and shook my head. "No, just a friend. You know, Kyle," I clarified. With a casual wave, I bid Semi farewell. "Well, see you later, Semi," I said before heading down to the parking lot with Kyle.

As we approached the bustling arena, I felt a sense of excitement mingled with a hint of nervousness. "Okay, Kyle, you have to show me the way from here," I announced, pulling into a parking spot. The parking lot was packed with cars, and the sound of chatter filled the air. I turned to Kyle, relying on him to guide us through the maze of people and find our way to the volleyball match.

Following Kyle through the bustling crowd, memories of my high school days flooded my mind. The sights and sounds around me brought back a rush of nostalgia. As we arrived at the training facility, I was greeted by Kuroo. 

"Hey, are you here?" he asked.

 "Uh, yeah. I brought my nephew here since my brother was busy," I replied. "Why are you here?" I inquired curiously. 

"Well, I'm their coach," Kuroo responded casually. 

"You're a coach?" I exclaimed, surprised by this revelation. "I never knew," I added with a hint of admiration.

"Yeah, it's a recent thing," Kuroo chuckled. " I've been helping out with the volleyball team here," Kuroo explained. "It's been quite the experience, juggling coaching and teaching." he continued.

"Wow, that sounds like a handful," I commented, impressed. "How do you manage it all?"

Kuroo chuckled. "Lots of coffee and late nights grading papers," he joked. "But seriously, it's challenging but rewarding."

"I can imagine," I nodded. "Teaching is no walk in the park either."

"I hear you," Kuroo agreed. "But seeing the progress the students make, both on and off the court, makes it all worth it."

"That's great to hear," I said sincerely. "I'm sure you make a fantastic coach and teacher."

"Thanks, Y/N," Kuroo said, appreciating the compliment. "Anyway, I should get back to practice. Good luck to Kyle in his match!"

"Thanks, Kuroo," I said, giving him a nod. "And thanks for looking out for him."

"Of course," Kuroo replied with a smile. "Take care, Y/N."

"You too," I said as I turned to follow Kyle. "See you later, Kuroo."

As I watched my nephew, Kyle, train on the court with his teammates, a sense of unease crept over me, lingering like an unwelcome guest. Despite the vibrant energy of the arena, my mind couldn't shake the lingering echoes of the nightmare that had haunted my sleep since that fateful party. It felt absurd—I'm a grown adult at 25, yet suddenly, the idea of being alone or returning to my apartment filled me with an inexplicable dread. What had changed? Why was I suddenly feeling this way?

After a few hours my brother finally came. "Sorry I was late, the job needed me," my brother apologized as he settled down beside me. 

"No problem," I replied, already standing up to gather my belongings. 

"Wait, aren't you going to watch the match?" he asked, puzzled. 

"No, not really. I need to catch up on some work as well. See you," I said, offering him a quick smile before making my way back to the parking lot.

The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city. I couldn't help but pause for a moment to admire the beauty of the sunset before heading inside. As I parked outside my apartment building, I took a deep breath, savoring the tranquility of the moment.

With my handbag slung over my shoulder, I ascended the steps to my apartment, the soft click of my heels echoing in the empty hallway. Opening the door, I stepped into the cozy warmth of my home, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. Another day had passed, and now it was time to unwind and relax.

After hanging up my jacket and slipping off my shoes, I made my way to the wardrobe, feeling the weariness settle into my bones. The events of the day had left me feeling drained, both physically and emotionally. As I neatly arranged my belongings, I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Phew, what an exhausting day," I muttered to myself, the words echoing in the quiet of my apartment. The weight of my tiredness seemed to hang in the air around me, a tangible reminder of all that I had faced throughout the day. But despite the fatigue, I knew that tomorrow would bring new challenges and adventures, and I was ready to face them head-on.

The nightmares had only added to the weight on my shoulders, casting a shadow over my already troubled thoughts. It felt like I was navigating through a maze with no end in sight, each twist and turn leading me deeper into uncertainty. The fear of the unknown loomed large in my mind, taunting me with its menacing presence.Was it the darkness that scared me, or was it the feeling of being abandoned, left to fend for myself in a world that seemed increasingly hostile? The questions swirled around in my head, refusing to be silenced. I longed for a sense of security, for someone to reassure me that everything would be okay. But deep down, I knew that I had to find the strength to face my fears on my own.

The night stretched on endlessly, each passing moment feeling heavier than the last. I pulled my pajamas tighter around me, seeking solace in the warmth they provided. But even as I nestled into bed, the chill of the cold wind seeping through the window sent shivers down my spine.

Closing my eyes, I tried to block out the fear that threatened to consume me. But no matter how hard I tried, the haunting images from the dream lingered in the recesses of my mind, taunting me with their relentless presence.

The clock on the bedside table blinked mockingly, its red digits illuminating the darkness of the room. 3:00 am. It felt like time had come to a standstill, trapped in the inky blackness that surrounded me.

I dared not close my eyes again, afraid of what horrors awaited me in the realm of dreams. Instead, I lay there in the silence of the night, the only sound the rhythmic beating of my own heart.

Minutes turned into hours as I tossed and turned, unable to find respite from the grip of fear that held me captive. With each passing moment, the weight of my own thoughts grew heavier, threatening to drag me down into the depths of despair.

The night draped over me like a suffocating blanket, its weight pressing down on my chest as I lay in bed. Tossing and turning, I found no comfort in the darkness that surrounded me. The nightmare that haunted my sleep was relentless, its grip tightening with each passing moment.

Unable to bear the torment any longer, I rose from bed with a sense of urgency, my bare feet making contact with the cool floor. Clad in nothing but a thin top and shorts, I made my way to Kuroo's door, my body trembling from the chill of the night.

Knocking softly, I waited in the hallway, the silence echoing in the emptiness around me. Finally, the door creaked open, revealing Kuroo standing before me, his hair tousled and eyes heavy with sleep.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice filled with concern. But before I could respond, tears began to spill from my eyes, a torrent of emotion that I couldn't contain.

Without a word, I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around him, seeking solace in his embrace. The warmth of his body enveloped me, offering a fleeting sense of comfort amidst the turmoil that raged within me.

In the quiet of the hallway, Kuroo's response was wordless but profound. Without hesitation, he returned my embrace, his arms encircling me in a comforting hold. There was no need for words; his actions spoke volumes, offering me the reassurance and support that I so desperately sought.

In that embrace, time seemed to stand still, the world outside fading into insignificance. All that mattered was the connection between us, the silent understanding that transcended language and spoke directly to the heart.

Wrapped in Kuroo's arms, I felt a sense of peace wash over me.

As Kuroo gently pulled away from our embrace, his touch lingered on my shoulder, a silent reassurance that he was still there, ready to listen. His eyes met mine, searching for answers in the depths of my gaze.

"Y/n, it's literally 3 in the morning. What's going on?" he inquired, his voice a mixture of concern and curiosity.

I hesitated, unsure of how to articulate the tumult of emotions that churned within me. "Um, I just... I needed to see you," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

Kuroo regarded me skeptically, his expression betraying his disbelief. "Yeah, stop lying," he remarked, his tone gentle but firm. With a gentle tug, he guided me to the living room, switching on the lights as we settled onto the couch.

"So, tell me, Y/n," he urged, his voice soft but insistent. "What's really going on?"

"Well, I had this nightmare, and it all started at the party a few days ago," I began, my voice trembling slightly with the weight of the memory. "It's about me and my family... we were all happy, living together. But then, out of nowhere, a tsunami hits us. I'm left alone, and then I find myself in this empty room. It's like I'm trapped, you know? And then the lights turn off, and I'm there all alone, scared... It's like I can't breathe sometimes," I confessed, sinking back into the couch, the vivid images still haunting my mind.

Kuroo, still looking weary but trying his best to understand, nodded slowly. "So that's why you're here," he said, his voice softening with sympathy.

 I shook my head. "No, I'm here just to ask you if I could sleep here?"

He was silent for a moment, then stood up. "Of course you can," he said gently. "You must be freezing in that thin top," he added. 

I felt a blush creeping onto my cheeks as I looked away, feeling embarrassed. "Well, is it okay if I sleep with you?" I asked softly

He didn't seem to mind, instead guiding me to his room. Crawling into his warm bed, I already felt safe and protected.

With a nervous edge to my voice, I murmured, "I'm sorry, Kuroo." My words hung in the dimness, my back turned towards him, unable to meet his gaze. As he settled down beside me, sharing the warmth of the same blanket, the air around us seemed to grow warmer and cozier by the minute.

"It's alright, Y/n," Kuroo replied softly, his voice soothing in the darkness. "Just try to get some rest."

Feeling the rhythm of Kuroo's breathing beside me, I realized he had already drifted off to sleep. It struck me how exhausted he must be, juggling coaching and teaching responsibilities. Despite his peaceful slumber, my mind refused to rest. But with Kuroo by my side, a sense of security enveloped me, and as I closed my eyes, for the first time in what felt like an eternity, I found solace in the darkness of sleep, free from the haunting grasp of nightmares.

Next Morning

As I slowly stirred from my slumber, I became aware of the gentle chirping of birds outside and the warmth of sunlight on my face. Blinking my eyes open, I found myself still nestled in Kuroo's bed, feeling the comforting weight of his veiny arm draped across my waist. Glancing at him, I realized how close he was, his features softened by the morning light, and a sense of tranquility washed over me.

As I shifted my position, turning to face him, I noticed his tousled hair falling across his face, adding to his disheveled morning charm. Just as I reached out to brush the strands away, he stirred, his voice gravelly with sleep.

"Are you already awake?" he asked, his words tinged with a hint of drowsiness.

"Yeah," I murmured in response. "You left your window open; I've been freezing all night," I added, with a playful hint of accusation.

He withdrew his arm from my waist, running his fingers through his hair with a sheepish grin. "Ah, yeah, sorry about that. I almost died of heat while you were sleeping," he admitted, chuckling softly.

He propped his head up on his hand, facing me directly. "So, are you feeling better?" he inquired, his gaze searching mine with concern.

I chuckled softly. "Yeah, thank you. I don't even know if I want to go back to my apartment now," I said, trying to inject a bit of humor into the situation. "It's so much warmer here," I added with a grin.

He then chuckled softly, the sound warm and comforting. "Well, you're welcome to stay here if you want," he offered, his tone light but sincere. "But if you're planning on staying longer, I might have to charge you rent," he added with a playful grin.

"Haha your so funny" I said with sarcasm and threw a pillow at his direction.

Kuroo caught the pillow with ease, laughing. "Hey, watch it," he said, pretending to be offended. "I'm just trying to be a good host here."

I slid the blanket off and stood up, shivering slightly. "It's really cold," I remarked, rubbing my arms.

Kuroo chuckled, stretching out his arms invitingly. "Well, we could always warm up with another cuddle," he suggested with a grin.

Kuroo's playful suggestion made me chuckle despite the chill in the room. "You wish," I teased, but his firm grip on my wrist tugged me closer. With a playful eye roll, I relented, sinking back into the warmth of the bed beside him.

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