Only The two Of Us (With Semi)

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As my brother and his family left, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. With the apartment finally empty, I saw it as an opportunity to let loose one last time before diving back into the responsibilities of life.

Stepping out into the night, the vibrant energy of the city beckoned me. It was a stark contrast to the calm solitude of my apartment, and I welcomed the change eagerly. Tonight was about seizing the moment, about indulging in the freedom that came with youth.

Heading to the nearest club, I could feel the pulse of the music reverberating through the streets. The anticipation of the night ahead fueled my steps as I made my way through the bustling crowds. Tonight, I was determined to make memories that would last a lifetime.

As I pushed open the doors of the club, the throbbing beat enveloped me, pulling me into its embrace. Surrounded by the pulsating lights and the infectious energy of the crowd, I felt alive in a way I hadn't in a long time.

This was my chance to let go of all inhibitions, to dance until the early hours of the morning and lose myself in the euphoria of the moment. Tonight was about embracing the here and now, about living in the moment and savoring every exhilarating second of it. 

Dancing on the dance floor feeling each beat I feel a sudden touch on my waist, I turned to find Terushima, my ex, standing there with that mischievous grin plastered across his face. Despite my attempt to push him away, he seemed determined to pull me into his orbit once again.

"Come on, babe, you know you miss this," he slurred, his breath tinged with the scent of alcohol. But I wasn't about to fall for his charm again, not after everything we'd been through.

"Let go of me," I insisted, trying to assert my independence despite the dizzying effects of the shots I'd downed earlier. But Terushima was persistent, his grip tightening as he attempted to sway me to the rhythm of the music.

With each passing moment, I could feel the walls I'd built around myself starting to crumble. Terushima had a way of getting under my skin, of igniting a spark that I thought had long been extinguished. But I couldn't let myself fall back into old patterns, not when I was finally starting to move forward with my life.

Summoning all my strength, I broke free from his grasp and made my way to the edge of the dance floor. As I took a moment to catch my breath, I reminded myself that tonight was about me, about reclaiming my independence and embracing the freedom to be myself, unencumbered by the ghosts of the past. 

I decide to go to the bathroom just taking a break from dancing and showing of a sudden voice started talking. Feeling a shiver run down my spine, I turned to find Tendou, one of Terushima's friends, standing behind me with his characteristic enigmatic smile. There was something unnerving about the way he always seemed to see right through people, as if he knew their deepest secrets without them uttering a word.

"Don't you miss him?" he asked, his voice a low whisper that sent a chill down my spine. I couldn't help but feel a pang of unease at the question, knowing all too well the turbulent history between Terushima and me.

Shrugging off his probing gaze, I replied tersely, "No, I don't miss him. Why would I?" But Tendou merely chuckled, his eyes gleaming with a knowing glint that made me feel exposed, as if he could see straight through the facade I'd carefully constructed.

"You can try to convince yourself otherwise, but some connections are impossible to sever," he remarked cryptically before sauntering off into the crowd, leaving me with more questions than answers.

As I watched him disappear into the throng of partygoers, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Tendou's words than met the eye. But for now, I pushed aside his cryptic message, determined to enjoy the night on my own terms, free from the shadows of the past.

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