The Forgotten Potter

By ElliosFuego1

458 5 2

What if Harry had a younger twin Alaric. What if That Faithful Night Tom saved Harry's life. What if Dumbledo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

95 1 0
By ElliosFuego1

It has been two years since that night and Harold, or as his relatives dubbed him ‘freak’, has been hating every single moment of it. Currently Harold was crying as he waited in his relatives basement, his wounds burning. The hot oil on his body was still burning him and the blisters made his clothes uncomfortable. He’s been stuck here for who knows how long waiting for another beating because he had accidentally did some ‘freakish stuff’ and then ‘had the audacity’ to bring up the night he got left here. You see most wouldn’t believe him but Harold had read that he had an edict memory that’s why he knew exactly what happened when the awful man tried to kill his brother. When he was even younger he thought that he’s ‘parents’ would come and get him but that was just hopeful thinking.

The old man, Dumbledoor that’s what they called him, placed Harold here before he could say goodbye to the people who gave birth to him, his brother, paddy & Moony and his aunty Cas and Va. Harold started referring to them as ‘the people who gave birth to him’ or just ‘Them’. Harold doesn’t know any other way to make it hurt less. “Boy!” Harold jumped having been so deep in thought that he didn’t realise that his ‘uncle’ had entered. Harold didn’t have time to prepare. Harold's uncle, reeking of stale cigarettes and alcohol, towered over the boy and roughly grabbed him by the arm, his fingernails digging in sharply. Harold cried out in pain as he was thrown against the wall. His uncle had sneered "You've been doing some freakishness!" as he walked over and pulled off the boy's shirt. Harold could feel the belt digging intpo his skin as he was beaten with his uncle’s belt until his skin was raw and bleeding. Eventually his uncle discarded the belt and pulled out a knife. Dragging it across his skin leaving deep, painful wounds that would take weeks to heal. However his uncle didn’t stop there he started throwing him around the room, knocking him into walls and furniture with no regard for his safety. Harold could feel bones break and hear the sickening sounds.
Finally his uncle was done Harold laid in the corner, his body shaking with fear and pain. Harold felt the sharp pain of his broken bones, and he winced as he tried to move it. He had barely been able to make out his uncle’s words as he had stood over him, screaming and yelling. His uncle had ranted about how Harold was a disgrace to the family, and how he would never amount to anything. Finally, his uncle had stormed out of the room, leaving Harold lying on the ground, in agony.

He’s bruised, beaten, broken and bleeding. Harold was sure he wouldn’t make it. ‘Yes you will.’ Jumping Harold looked around for the voice. ‘I’m in your mind.’ Frowning Harold took the chance. ‘Uhm… Hello mind person. What do you mean that I will make it. I am on the brink of death.’ Harold thought back hoping he wasn’t going insane. ‘You have magic at your disposal. Don’t ask right now, first focus and look deep inside of your self.’ Frowning Harold followed the instructions, not caring how insane it sounds. Closing his eyes he focused and after a couple of second, looked deep inside himself’

And then as if by instinct he reached for threads of energy that flowed through his entire body. ‘Yes like that. Now focus that energy and power on your wounds thinking about it healing completely.’ Focusing even harder Harold followed the instructions, willing the energy to spread across hi entire body and into his wounds and thought hard of his wounds healing. Harold almost lost focus when he felt it working but he doesn’t want to risk losing it. ‘Yes exactly like that. When everything is done you’ll be exhausted so you should sleep because your next step is escaping.’ At that Harold fell asleep after a couple of hours of intense focus.

When he woke up he felt more energized than ever and bounced up from of the floor. Then he remembered last night. ‘Hello, mysterious voice?’ He thought not knowing what to say. ‘You can call me Marvelo.’ Smiling Harold went and sat on his rug on the floor or as the Dursley’s call it his bed. ‘You said something about escaping?,' He thought eager to get out of here. ‘Indeed. Focus on your magic and wish for those who are looking for you will find you.’ Harold frowned, someone was looking for him? Closing his eyes he focused and did exactly as he was told, suddenly there was a flash of light and two woman appeared.

The one immediately pulled out a… wand?  However the other spotted him and seemed to be happy. “Harold!” She exclaimed, hugging him close and Harold relaxed as he recognized them. It was his Auntie Cas and Va. “Harold were so glad we found you come on let’s go and you can tell us what happened.” Auntie Cas said holding him tight as tears streamed down her face. “Cas.” Harold heard Va said and glanced around realisning he was laying in a puddle of blood and there was blood all over the room. Auntie Cas paled but before Harold could say anything his other Auntie was casting spells on him that made him feel fuzzy and warm and he was relieved to see her smiling. “He’s okay for now.” She said  before she disappeared and shortly after it felt like he was being pushed through a thin pipe and spit out again. Looking around Harold saw they were in a massive room expertly decorated. Smiling Harold clung onto his Auntie.

His other Auntie was talking to the fire rapidly but then it seemed to explode. Harold heard har say something in another language before she calmed down and walked over and took Harold into her arms. “They don’t believe us, like always.” Auntie Va said looking at Auntie Cas with a sad look before looking at me and smiling. “Looks like we’re your new mammas.” She said before looking at Auntie Cas. “We have to find a place away from here.” Harold looked at them and then heard Marvelo again. ‘Tell them to make a mental link with you.’ Nodding Harold looked at them. “My friend says that you should make a mental link with me.” He said and both of them looked at him and back at each other then shrugged and placed their wands on his temples. ‘Well, hello. First things first Marvelo the real part of Voldemort. Let it be known we’re two different people.’ Marlene and Dorcas looked shocked but waited for Marvelo to continue. ‘Now I own a mansion where you guys can live and we can raise Harold to claim his inheritance.’ Both Marlene and Dorcas nodded and Marvelo gave them the location. So they took Harold before doing the other thing again.

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