Breaking Down Your Walls

By twilightblue123

150 15 12

'He's always been like that. So determined yet understanding, a combination that pisses me off to no end and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11

Chapter 10

11 1 1
By twilightblue123


'So, not only you kicked that douche teacher's ass, you got two free days off of school from Victor? Damn bro, that sure is badass on another level.'

I chuckled, eating my chocolate frosty as Sam sat across me, sipping his black coffee. Ugh, how can anyone drink that bitter thing?

'Well, this is a reason I thought of calling you after school and have a chat. But there is another one.'

'If you wanna date me, I already have a boyfriend and a girlfriend. So... well, I could make some time for my MMA master' he winked at me and I laughed.

'I feel flattered, but no, that's not the second reason. I was thinking that tomorrow would be nice for our second training session. At around noon would be nice, since we don't have classes.'

'Sure, lemme inform the guys. No wait, I will add you in our group chat so you can tell them yourself' he winked at me. I put my tongue out to mock him and he laughed. 'I really enjoy your company man. It's a shame we didn't become acquainted earlier. You always seemed so aloof and intimidating.'

I nodded 'I agree. It would be nice to get to meet you guys sooner.'

'How do things go so far? Any progress with your... former friends?'

I had already pondered on trusting him on my and Odette's reconciliation and I thought there was no better way to test his trust by using a half truth.

'Well, my friend Odette called me and she wanted to meet me. I don't know why though and, frankly, I don't know if I should.'

He nodded 'it makes sense. Gaining back your trust won't be easy man. May I ask you something though?'

'Sure' I said. Looks like he believed what I said about Odette, although it is true that I am still trying to figure out if she has regained my full trust.

He looked in my eyes with a serious expression 'what is so special about your friends that not having them in your life is killing you?'

Out of all the things I expected to hear, this wasn't one. Actually, no one in the past few months asked me something remotely close to this topic. My family already knew how important their friendship was to me. I looked down in my hands and sighed.

'Nothing really. Been friends for many years with them. Our friendship literally became a part of our lives. It didn't have to be extraordinary to be special. Sometimes the ordinary, simple things, the things we take for granted, may be the most important ones.'

I didn't notice that my hands were shaking, nor Sam's hand placed softly one of my own. His hand left mine as soon as he saw that I noticed. I looked in his eyes seriously.

'I don't mind. I honestly don't. Fuck the world and what they think. If a simple act of kindness between two men is viewed by someone as gay, then something is wrong with them. Although I don't mind gay people-'

'Don't justify yourself to me man' he interrupted me softly. 'You don't have to. I know what you mean. And you are right. You know, I was surprised. I never expected that you would open up like this to me. And I honestly don't know how to react.'

I smiled as I sat more comfortably on my chair 'thank you. Just letting me share this, is enough. And I don't want to guilt trip you or make this an equivalent exchange type of friendship. We can keep this strictly like a MMA instructor-student bond-'

Sam interrupted me guilt tripping myself and laughed softly at that 'didn't I just tell you to not justify yourself to me? Chill man' he added as he took his phone out of his pocket 'and let me show you a race from a week ago. Of course, I didn't win, but I came in second.'

As he started showing me the video, explaining me certain mechanical differences between his and the winner's kart, I started understanding again why my old friends were precious; we were different, yet we enjoyed each other's company. Sam was similar in that manner, yet entirely different from anyone I have had the luck to meet in my life. He seems trustworthy, but I have to keep things casual for now. I don't want to get hurt again or press him to be my friend.

After about twenty minutes we decided to take a walk, while he was asking me questions about an MMA match he saw yesterday and what kind of names certain moves had. I was laughing as I saw him trying to comically mimic the moves, appreciating the fact that he was trying to cheer me up.

When was it the last time anyone beside my family that tried to do this for me? I shook the negative thoughts that were ever present in my head away and as I looked in Sam's eyes to give him a smile of gratitude, my body froze.

I saw someone walk a few meters behind us and he seemed a little bit familiar in the sunset lights.

'Sam' I said in a whisper. His moves halted, his smile still on his face. As soon as he read my expression, he got serious.

'Is there someone behind me?'

'Yes, one of the people that attacked me and Zane.'

He slowly turned around and saw the guy strolling towards a grocery shop. His face was illuminated fully by the street lamps and I was certain.

'What do we do?'

I looked at Sam, his face was hard as stone, his phone already in hand.

I shook my head 'better not-' I paused as I looked down. Wait. This guy should have still been behind bars right? Unless he is under-age. But the fact that he is out of prison so soon made me feel uneasy. Plus, he was a few blocks away from me and Zane's houses.


Oh crap! 'Sam, remember that I would ask you at some point to do something for me, no questions asked?'

He nodded with a trickster smile on his face 'I can beat him up. Oh I can call the guys too to have their fair share-' as soon as he unlocked his phone to call his friends, I shook him by the shoulder, making him look at me properly.

'Nothing of the sort. I just want to know one thing. Who he is. The police didn't give us details for further discretion, but the fact that this asshole is out of prison, may mean a danger to me or Zane. So my favour is, can you please take a picture of him while he is in the grocery store and circulate it to your friends? Supposedly, the guys that attacked me were already known as a troublesome group, so if anyone knows anything about them would be a good help.'

He looked at me seriously 'are sure you don't want to return the favour? He is alone, vulnerable. A couple of scarves over our faces and we will beat him senseless without knowing who we are.'

The cold tone colouring his voice suited Sam. There might be some true in the thug rumours after all. I smiled amused at his brashness.

'Just knowing who he is will be fine. Because if he is out of prison, his friends might be too. This is serious Sam, no matter how much we like each other's company, I would never put you in harm's way, is that understood?'

He cocked his eyebrows at me 'so you like my company, sugar?' I chuckled surprised at his tone changing from ice cold to flirty 'as you want master. Go home, I will take his picture while you are away. He shouldn't suspect you.'

I nodded as I clapped my right hand on his left shoulder 'thank you man. And be careful.'

'I am a thug, Alexis. He dares touch me, I will destroy him from head to toe. So don't worry' he winked at me with a dirty smile after his very threatening statement and he walked casually towards the grocery store while waving discreetly at me.

As I walked towards my neighbourhood, I changed course of road and ran to Zane's house. I put my phone out and called his grandfather.

After a few beeps, the phone answered.

'Mike, my dear boy! It has been so long since I last saw you! How' he paused while coughing a bit' how are you?'

I stood still outside the central gate 'I am outside your manor sir. I have something very serious to tell you.'

'I see! Wait for me there my boy, I will come soon.'

After a couple of minutes, I saw mister Victor outside the house, strolling slowly to my direction with a warm robe around his body. When he approached me, he seemed thinner since the last time I saw him.

He reached me and grabbed me for a tight hug, which I reciprocated 'how are you doing Mikey? Wanna come in? Zane just left to go to the port for a stroll.'

I froze as I heard what he said. I pulled back a bit 'mister Victor, I saw one of the thugs that attacked me and Zane a few minutes ago near our neighbourhood's grocery store. The one across the flower shop. I am sure it was one of them. Please, ask Zane to be extra careful. And you sir. Secure the house.'

He looked at me surprised. His eyes soon turned calm again 'I see. I will make sure to tell Zane' he coughed again, harder this time. I clapped softly his back to comfort him.

'Are you allright, sir?'

'Heh, I will be fine. At least that's what the doctors keep telling me. Damn lung cancer. I am sure Zane told you about this.'

My mouth hang open. What?

'From your expression, I guess he didn't mention it. Sigh, that boy worries too much and is always so secretive, always keeping things to himself. But yeah, I started chemo treatment and hopefully things will get better.'

'W-' my voice trembled as the truth crashed on me like a ton of bricks. Oh my God. Mister Victor is one of the best people I know. How could this happen, he was always careful with his health. And Zane kept this from me. Or maybe from everyone. 'When were you diagnosed?'

'Two months or so ago. Was a shock, I was never extravagant in my lifestyle, only the occasional cigar. But that's what bad genes do I guess. The doctors are very hopeful. My family makes sure I am well rested. So don't worry my boy. I missed seeing you around though' he said, with voice soft and eyes sad but understanding. He knew something was wrong between me and Zane. 'I hope you and Zane work things out soon and you will come to visit me again. Better yet, you can visit me any time. If Zane is angry at you, he can just stop. Nearly a decade of friendship isn't worth losing over anything. This is why I am sure you will be friends again. He is just thick headed.'

I smiled softly after overcoming my initial surprise. He sure did understand, but he probably didn't know the reason why me and Zane were done. 'Thank you mister Victor. I honestly hope so too. Now that I know what is going on, I will make sure to visit you. Can you keep it a secret that I was the one who informed you about that thug?'

'Certainly, I can even delete the camera footage from outside after the night shift, if that will make you comfortable.'

'Certainly! Thank you, if that isn't too much trouble ask one of your guards to do it. Please go inside, I don't want to keep you out in the cold.'

'It is not that cold. Furthermore, it was nice seeing you after such a long time, plus I needed some fresh air. Thank you for coming my boy. Even when you and my foolish grandson don't talk, you still care. I was right about you all along' he added with a wink on his kindly old face.

'Thank you sir. I wish you good night and a quick recovery. We will stay in touch' I added as I hugged him briefly and walked away.

He waved at me cheerfully 'good night Mikey! And thank you! My regards to your parents!'

I waved back and ran towards my house.

Once I entered, I informed my mom of what happened and she called the police instantly to be informed. I ran to my room, changing to my anchor decorated pyjamas and checked my phone. I smiled as I saw Sam's group chat filled with supportive messages for me, while everyone wrote that they will ask if they know the guy.

I took a careful look at the photo Sam took. It was very well taken and from a very nice angle, showing his face fully. The guy was tall and brunette. His face was oval and it had a very bored expression. He seemed somehow familiar, but from a different perspective. He was the guy I had first thrown my bag at, yet ater looking at his face again, I knew I had seen him before somewhere.

I thanked them all, informing them of tomorrow's planned MMA course and they all cheered with happy emojis, agreeing for 1 P.M.

As I closed the group chat and lied on my bed, I couldn't help but feel angry and sad at Zane. He kept this information about his grandfather a secret from me, while knowing how much I love his grandfather. But I couldn't help the sadness well me up.

He ways kept things inside, always being secretive. Probably no one knew. What a burden to carry. And I wasn't there to help him.

I closed my eyes, letting the warmth of my room guide me to a sweet drowsiness.

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