Prequel to my version of The...

By Viauchiha

218 3 28

Dear readers this is the prequel to my version of a more modern Lord of The Rings trilogy I don't own any of... More

Part 1
The Beginning
Council of Elrond
Meeting the Fellowship
Hanging Out With Legolas
Archery lessons
Sleepover with Arwen
The Departure of The Fellowship
The Pass of Caradhras
The Mines of Moria
Balin's Tomb
Moria Caverns
Dwariwdelf Chamber
Stairway of Khazad-Dum
Bridge of Khazad-Dum
Dimroll Dale Door
Dimrill Dale Hillside
Edge of Lothlorien
Lothorien Hilltop
Celeborn's Chamber
Caras Galadhon Lawn
Silverode River Bank
Pillars of The Kings
Shore of The New Hithoel
Summit of Amon Hen
Parth Galen Hillside
Falls of Rauros Aerial
Part 2
The Beginning
The Reunion
Rescue Plan
Plains of Rohan
Borders of Fangorn
Fangorn Forest
Plains of Rohan part 2
Theodred's Tomb
Meduseld Throne Room
Fields of Rohan
Helm's Deep
Helm's Deep Battlements
Plains of Rohan part 3
Helm's Deep part 2
Helm's Deep Caves
Helm's Deep Battlements part 2
Armoury, Helm's Deep
Battle of Helm's Deep

Western Emyn Muil

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By Viauchiha

Aragorn lay upon the forest floor, his senses honed to the subtle rhythms of the wilderness. With eyes closed and ear pressed to the ground, he absorbed the faintest whispers carried by the earth. Abruptly, his eyes snapped open, a sense of urgency flashing across his weathered features.

"Their pace has quickened," Aragorn announced, rising swiftly to his feet like a warrior stirred to action by the call of battle. He cast a glance back at his companions, his voice a command tinged with concern.

"They must have caught our scent. Hurry," he urged, his tone leaving no room for doubt as he set off northward, the direction of their escape, his stride purposeful and determined.

Legolas, graceful and swift as the wind, bounded up the hillside behind Aragorn, his elven instincts sharpened by centuries of woodland living. Pausing briefly, he turned back to the others, his gaze filled with a mixture of impatience and camaraderie.

"Come on, Gimli, Liv," Legolas called out, his voice a melodious echo through the trees. Without waiting for a response, he darted ahead, disappearing into the foliage with the fluid grace of an arrow shot from a bow.

"I'm not as slow as I used to be, you stupid elf," Liv retorted with a playful grin, her voice a blend of affection and teasing as she followed in Legolas' wake. With determined steps, she chased after him, her resolve matching that of her companions.

David, watching the banter with amusement, couldn't resist joining in. "Did you just insult him?" he asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Ya," Liv replied with a laugh, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she quickened her pace to keep up with Legolas.

Meanwhile, Gimli struggled up the hillside, his stout frame laboring against the unforgiving terrain. Pausing to catch his breath, he wiped the sweat from his brow and shook his head in frustration.

"Three days and nights of pursuit. No food. No rest. And no sign of our quarry but what the rocks can tell," Gimli grumbled, his voice heavy with exhaustion and determination. Yet, despite his weariness, he pushed himself forward, his spirit unyielding in the face of adversity.

"Gimli, how is my three-year-old daughter faster than you?" Liv teased, a playful smile dancing upon her lips as she glanced back at him.

"Ya, is that armor slowing you down?" David chimed in, his laughter echoing through the forest.

"I'll have you know that this armor can be light as a feather on a good day," Gimli replied, a hint of pride in his voice as he pushed himself to keep pace with his companions.

Suddenly, a small voice cut through the banter, causing the fellowship to pause and turn back. "Mommy, daddy, wait for me," cried Lily, Liv and David's daughter, her laughter ringing like a bell through the trees.

With a tender smile, Liv scooped Lily into her arms, the warmth of motherly love radiating from her as she held her daughter close. "We're right here, sweetheart," she murmured, pressing a kiss to Lily's forehead before setting off once more, her heart filled with determination and love.

With renewed resolve, the fellowship continued their pursuit, their bond unbreakable as they ventured beyond the boundaries of Emyn Muil, their hearts set on the elusive quarry that awaited them in the depths of the wilderness.

To be continued

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