The PowerPuff Girls

By JustSira

835 27 14

What if... What if, the girls were born in a complete different world without superpowers ? Bertha, Beatrice... More

A new beginning ?
Let's do this one more time !
The boys are back in town...
Memories, memories...
And the party started !
What was that again ?
And the elections started...
A deal is a deal.
It's a secret.
Goals and responsabilities.
Girls night !
And the contest started.
Menace and danger.
Music and chills.
More than human.


16 1 0
By JustSira

Unknown place:

This place, always chaotic, nothing is in the right place, or maybe our logic doesn't apply here. Like his mind, the place was upside down, and could bring out the worst in anyone. Anyway, this place was boring, maybe the boys might have moved on by now. It's been too long for Him. Too long. A snap of clamps and the boys appeared.

« I'm gonna threw up... » said Boomer. Him rolled his eyes, very sensible this boy.

« It's not the first time you've done that. » said Him.

« I hate that... » said Boomer, trying to recover.

« Why are we here ? » asked Brick. He looked all around the place. Always so chaotic, those years spent between here and the other world. If he could have chosen, he would have spent the rest of his life on the other world.

« It's not like you were occupied boys. I'm always watching you. » Him let his last sentence hang in the air. He wanted to make sure the threat was real.

« Next time you could use something called a phone. » said Butch. « I hate traveling like this. » he scratched the back of his head. This place brought the worse inside of them. Especially Butch, when he's not able to control what he feels.

« You love to complain about everything. I didn't raise a bunch of crybabies. I want to know how the things are going. »

« If you wanna talk about the way you raised us, you'll be disappointed. » mumble Butch.

The room began to shake, the air became heavy and the heat rose. Boomer gasped and before Him could do anything, he asked:

« What ? School or Mr. Morbucks ? »

The room stopped shaking, the air became breathable again and his face broke into a smile. Him taunted Boomer with his charming voice.

« Of course, I really want to know how a bunch of hormonal brats are doing. »

« Sorry, haha... it's compromised... just a little bit. » Boomer measures a little size with his fingers.

« Compromised because an idiot forget to eliminate the main element. This stupid monkey... » Him sounded exasperated. « What have you planning with Bellum ? Murder ? Kidnapping ? »

« You're forgetting two things, one: Morbucks want us to play the « good guys ». Two: the Powerpuff girls. »
Brick knew how to calm Him down, blaming the Powerpuff girls was one of the ways. 

« This is going to be fun.» said Butch a smile on his lips.
Brick glared at Butch, a look that told him to keep his big mouth shut.

« I can only agree, but fun or not, try to stop them. »
The Powerpuff girls... since their childhood, they had stopped Him several times... or maybe Him had let them win. For fun or for more powers. Only Him knows what he wants. Unlike the others, he knew that if he was still here, they would have returned sooner or later. He was ready to continue his game furthermore. He thought for once he had won their little game, it was too easy, not enough. But no, he didn't and this is very amusing for Him.

Him finally anchored his piercing eyes in Boomer's. « Boomer, my son, tell me, are you close to Bubbles ? »

Boomer gasped and said :

« We are not that close... » 

Him's lips curved into a devilish smile. In an instant, his clamps were on Boomer's shoulders. He spoked into his ear.
« You could use her. Let her tell you her deepest thoughts, her feelings, even what she and her sisters planned. »

His gaze sharpened, the air became electric. He stared at him and said :

« And if I refuse ? »
Him laughed and in an instant, the boys were on the floor in pain, their bodies shaking. It was as if their heads were going to be torn off or their bodies were going to explode from the inside. After what seemed like an eternity, the pain was gone, as if nothing happened. Him leaned over Boomer and said:

« What was you answer again ? »

« I- I'll do it. »

« Good. » Him went back to his sofa and looked at the boys. « Ready to go back home ? »

Brick looked at Boomer, his eyes were glued to the floor... or ceiling, it was hard to tell. Cold sweat ran down his back. One of their rules, and of the few they followed, was not to piss him off. Never.
Boomer's fists were clenched. Then he looked at Butch and Butch nodded, for once he was serious. Brick took a breath and said :

« We want a deal. »

« Another deal. The price for the first one isn't enough ? But you always do a great job. What do you want ? »

« Our freedom. »
Him laughed, laughing as if Brick had told a good joke.

« Remember when y'all were just an essence without a body. You gave me your soul in exchange for a body. You belong to me. »

Belong to him... When they dealt with Him, it seemed to their advantage. Getting revenge on the Powerpuff girls, creating chaos and destroying everything. But their needs had changed over time. Being under someone else's control was a total bullsh*t. This bast*rd...
Him lifted Brick's chin.

« I'll let you make me a proposition, after all you are my sons. »


« We guess your name and you free us. »
Him stopped smiling, Mojo knew a lot, but Mojo was stupid, he was far from the truth and had swallowed his lie.

But there is truth in every lie, right ?

Anyways his name must be secret and never known by anyone. It won't be a problem for Him, but for the others...

« The day when my sons will rebel against me, has arrived. » Him laughed. This could be fun after all. « Fine. »
He turned the boys back.

Brick's eyebrow arched.
« Really ? »

« Yes. Good luck to you. » he said mysteriously. Before the boys could say anything they were back at home. Boomer's stomach made him to run to the toilet.

« That was easy. » said Butch, he jumped on the sofa and turned on the television.

« Too easy... » said Brick pensive.
Brick sat next to Butch, he was thinking about everything that had just happened. The riddle, the plan, Boomer and Bubbles. This is so messed up.

Boomer came back and sat down on the floor. Next to his brothers.

« You look like sh*t. » said Butch zapping on the TV.

« Screw you. » replied back Boomer.
Brick looked at Boomer, sighed and walked  into the kitchen.

« What you're gonna do with the blue one ? » asked Butch.

« Her name is Bubbles. »

« Oh, sorry. What you're gonna do with Bubbles ? » he accentuated her name, causing Boomer to give him a dark glance, to the pleasure of Butch. Boomer shrugged, unsure what he is supposed to do with her. One thing he was sure of, he didn't want to hurt her.

« Bubbles or whatever her name is. Don't upset Him. » Brick came back with medicine and water. Boomer took the medicine.

« Him touched a good point, try to find out what Bubbles knows. She could be helpful. »

« I'm not gonna... » a shooting pain settled in his  chest, he didn't finish his sentence and the pain went away.

Brick put a finger on his lips to tell him to shut up.
« Whatever you feel for her, you're gonna use her. »

« You might even get a kiss... or more. » added Butch.

« I'm not a pervert like you. » Boomer fades.

« An epicurean, a lover of good things. Not a pervert. » Butch stopped on a reality show.

« I didn't know you had a such sophisticated vocabulary. »

« I'm too smart for you, pretty boy. »

« Stop arguing. We need to focus on our goal. » said an exasperated Brick.

Brick rolled his eyes and Boomer turned off the TV with his electric powers, ignoring Butch's complaint and concentrating on his phone. His heart leapt in his chest. He received a private text from Bubbles.

« Hey ! I got your number from Mitch. Do you want you want to meet me somewhere ? »

« Why are you smiling like an idiot ? » Asked Butch « It's not different than usual, but... »

« Next time, it's your brain I'll turn off. »
He hesitated before answering, he wanted to play it cool. How does he play it cool ? Like he's busy. Does he wait before replying ?
Boomer he opened the message by mistake, he has to reply and now !

« I'm a busy man. But I can find time, just for you. »
Oh no, this sounded too cheesy or bold. Or both. Very bad. She didn't seem to take it seriously and replied.

« I'm glad you have time for me then. »
He replied immediately.

« Where and when ? »

« In an hour at the mall. »

In an hour... in an hour !? He only had an hour to get ready. Boomer rushed to his bedroom to get ready.

Boomer had briefly explained the situation to his brothers, and Brick encouraged him to get Bubbles to spill everything she knew. He avoided Butch's suggestive remarks. It was boring in the long run. Fortunately, he arrived at the rendezvous point rather quickly. Too fast, in fact. But hopefully, Bubbles was waiting for Boomer, at the entry of the mall. She was wearing a cute black dress with blue bows and long socks.

An angel.

That what went through his mind when he saw her. With a smile on her face, Bubbles waved at him and waited for him to join her.

« Hey ! »

« Hi ! »

« I'm sorry, I hope I'm not bothering you. »

Why did he say a such stupid thing ? He wasn't busy at all or not completely. That little pout on her face and her beautiful clear eyes. Damn, of course he has time for her. She was one of the few people to show any real interest in him.
And now he's supposed to use her like a tool...

F*cking devil.

« Don't worry. Why did you invite me specifically ? »

« I want to buy vinyl. I heard you talking with Mitch once. You have good taste. »
A thrill of electricity ran through him. In a somewhat clumsy attempt, he curtsied and gave Bubbles a charming smile.

« I'm honored you chose me to accompany you. »
Bubbles giggled, this little laugh... He loved her laugh.

« You seem to feel more comfortable with me. I'm very glad. Follow me. »

Boomer hadn't got to the mall yet, it was huge. He turned around to look at everything. A food corner, clothes shops and even a cinema. Bubbles smiled, he looked like a child, his eyes were full of stars, ready to discover everything.

Outside of the shop, Bubbles let her enthusiasm carry her and wandered through the shelves of records. Boomer was watching her.

« Do you know what you're looking for ? »

« I want a Japanese pop vinyl and a French one. Do you know 真夜中のドア or Jean Jacques Goldman ? He was very good. »

« I didn't know you speak Japanese and French. »

« And Spanish. There's a lot you don't know about me. »
She grinned a little and continued her way through the records. At this moment, he wished he could knew more about her.

« I know Jean Jacques Goldman and Johnny Hallyday. »
He followed her and for a long time, between the shelves, they debated whether this records deserved their success or not.

« Ride the Lightening deserved a special place on my podium. »

Bubbles pouted a little.

« I don't think so, it's still a good song but not the best. I'm not really into metal music but AC/DC has a special place in my heart. »

« I love their music too. »

They discovered each other's musical tastes. Bubbles was more into pop music or jazz, but she loved discovering new genres of music, while Boomer was more into rock or metal music. Bubbles was surprised, Boomer was less cold and more open to her. He had good taste in music and knew a lot about it. He was ready to listen to Bubbles's recommendations and vice versa. She discovered new facets of him. His nose wrinkled when he thought, he could even scratch his head. He smiled broadly, with that little upside-down smile that was irresistible. His eyes were full of stars when he talked about what made him tick, but he also had this fascinated look in his eyes when he listened to Bubbles tell him and roses or facts about singers. She also noticed he had the same look in his eyes when he was staring at her, thinking she wasn't aware.

She spent a good moment, laughing with him and chatting with him. They had more in common than she thought. Boomer insisted on carrying her bags and they bought bubble teas.

« Thank you for coming with me. I didn't want to spend the day at home... »

« They're still fighting ? »

« Ignoring each other. But I've persuaded Blossom to come with us to Mitch's concert tonight. Are you coming too ? »

« Of course, he invited me. »

« Great ! I'm still happy to be here with you. I thought you hated me. »

How could he hate her ? She wasn't a bad person and tried to be kind with everyone.
He ran a hair through his head and said:

« I never hated you. I was suspicious... »

« I understand. We haven't had a good relationship, but we can change things. »
He nodded and smiled.

« I have to go, see you later. »
She waved at him before she walked away. He watched her until she became was small point in the crowd.
And he is supposed to betray her...


An ordinary day. The same people, and the same conversations. It was comforting to have a certain routine. The only thing that might have changed were Princess's dreams. Or nightmares, to be more precise.
Her dreams oscillated between nightmares and dreams.

Between beautiful and terrible.

Between light and darkness.

And in the end, the same face.

A face she didn't want to see again.

A face that brought with many memories and emptiness.

« What do you think about this Princess ? »

« Hmm ? » she lifted up her head to look at the girls in front of her.

« You weren't listening. For the next week's dinner, should we use a creamy white or an off-white ? » asked a blonde girl.

« Off-white, a creamy white is for poor people trying to look rich. »

« You're right, that's what I thought. You always have the best ideas. »

The other girls agreed and giggled. Princess smiled, it was a way for her to be admired, a little flock of sheep. She could snap her fingers and they would all come running. Money attracts power, a rule everyone knew. But she knew that if one day she lost everything, none of them would help her.

A twisted game.

The sheep will turn into wolves and eat the shepherd. But it won't happen, never. This is her place. The place where  she belongs.
Princess felt something missing. Looking in her mirror, she noticed that the stone in her bed had disappeared... The employees hadn't told her... It was just a stupid stone her father wanted her to keep. Another thing that her father didn't explain. He was her only support, her only parent, but also the only one who loved her... And he didn't trust her enough to tell her the truth.

« I still don't understand why you're spending time at this high school. You should join our school instead. »
The glint in Princess's dark eyes changed to something much darker. Her smile on her face, she said:

« I have my reasons. »

One of them was the Powerpuff girls. After their disappearance, it was a liberation and a new way for her to get what she wanted. A leadership role was free, it was her will to take that chance, to change her image of "spoiled brat", "spoiled b*tch" to something new. Something special. She was special after all... But everything, or almost everything, was ruined. People only talk about the Powerpuff girls, people only look at them, over and over again. That's what made her blood boil, when they came back, the rage blinded her and made her shoot at them, she was the new queen bee. It was stupid, she couldn't fall back into her vices, into her old self. She had changed. But to see them eating as if nothing had happened... As if nothing had changed...

Stupid b*tches.

She wanted to answer, but a phone text caught her attention. Her group of  "friends" at Townsville high school informed her that Mitch was playing a concert tonight. She wasn't invited, of course. Why would she spend time with... those poor people ? Her smile became devilish.

« Girls, do you have any plans tonight ? »

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