TEMPTATION [Cha Eunwoo 18+]

By Alcoholicpanda

24.9K 807 229

Temptation .The desire of doing something, especially something wrong or unwise. For him she was a dark fanta... More

1. Dominant Demeanor
2. Cupcake
3. Nocturnal Emission
4. A Friend
5. Attention
6. Touch Me [๐Ÿ”ž]
7. Your Touch [ ๐Ÿ”ž ]
8. The Taste of You
9. Nightmares
10. Stay
11. Alcohol ๐Ÿ”ž
12. Taehyung
13. Black Vehicle
14. Heartbeat
15. Love
16. Beauty [๐Ÿ”ž]
17. Drug
18. Lies
19. Your Plaything
20. The Girls
21. Chase
22. Try
23. Use Me
24. Perfect Distraction [๐Ÿ”ž]

25. Tension

288 11 5
By Alcoholicpanda



It was a quiet evening. Work had me stressed up these past days, and I needed to relax.

As I stood in the backyard of my apartment complex staring at clouds rising into the sky, it occurred to me that my life had been nothing but stressful lately. Maybe that's why my mind was on autopilot tonight, but it seemed like no matter what I did, I couldn't bring myself to be happy anymore.

The thing is – you wouldn't expect this to happen. You never do with something so minor. It was just a simple infatuation. Something so silly, but now I think about it everyday.

The thought makes my heart ache, because it's true, and it scares me. The person who caused my heartache is someone I know nothing about and yet...I still like her, still want her more than anything. She's beautiful, fierce, funny, intelligent – oh God, She's perfect.

And every time I see her I can barely hold onto reality because she just seems too good to be real. I try not to let myself fall for her, but it's too late.

But then I ask myself why she can't seem to like me? Where did I go wrong? Was it simply fate that made us meet each other? I'm sure that's where the answer lies, somewhere along the line. But for now...I've decided not to question it.

There's too much work to be done and too much anxiety to deal with. So I'll stay focused on the present.

My phone buzzes, interrupting my thoughts, and after reading its notification, I smile sadly. I should probably go meet Namjoon. We have only a week left to Taehyung's wedding and we haven't even decided which tie to buy.

As I make my way to the door leading inside the building, the sound of footsteps coming in my direction catches my attention.

I turn towards the noise and there stands Lilin, smiling at me with her usual sunshine smile. I greet her enthusiastically and offer her a hug, which she gladly accepts, wrapping her arms around me.

"What brought you here?" I asked her once we were out from our hug. "I thought you went home for the day?"

She chuckled, running a hand through her hair. "Yeah, but Namjoon called and asked me if you and I can come over as soon as possible. He wanted to go shopping for Taehyung's wedding gifts," she explained excitedly.

"He asked if we could come right away so he can choose everything."

"Yeah, he just texted me" I smiled.

"He said he'll be there with his girlfriend" she added as we both made our way out of my place.


It's been three days since I slept at his place. The next day he dropped me to my apartment building, said something about having work that morning and left before I got a chance to ask him where he was going.

He then texted me later that day saying he would be coming over after work to pick up the files he needed for his meetings. It was then the third day he didn't show up and I figured he'd either forgotten all about it, or had decided to not come over at all.

"Ughhh" I groan into my pillow as I curl up on my side to try and get more comfortable, only getting more and more upset as time goes by.

"Am I starting to get attached? I mean I love this man, but I don't wanna be the clingy type " I say with an eye roll, "What if he gets bored?"

I was so lost in my thoughts that when I hear the doorbell, I jump a little in surprise, still too tired to open it. When I do though, there is no one there, only the delivery man.

I'm so lost in my thoughts that when I hear the doorbell, I jump a little in surprise, still too tired to open it. When I do though, there is no one there, only the delivery man.

I take his paper from him as he hands me a box, "It's for you ma'am." he said with a big smile. "It's from Mr. Cha Eunwoo" he added.

My heart skipped a beat as I heard his name. "Thank you", I murmur tiredly, the middle aged man smiles and goes on his way.

My gaze shifts over to the note attached to the box, my heart rate speeding up at the familiar handwriting. It's a small card, with simple sentences on it and it makes my chest ache even more than it already does.

'Dear Y/n'

This is just a little gift for my "wedding date", I didn't know which color you'd love most so I bought two of each shade hoping they'll suit you.

With this message, I can almost feel the heat rise on my cheeks and I quickly stuff the note back in its envelope. As I opened the box , I notice a set of earrings with different colored stones, but the biggest ones were what caught my eyes; they were emerald green.

The note was signed by 'Cha Eunwoo', 

After all, this man can be sweet sometimes, I smiled to myself. I slipped them out of the box carefully and placed them into the bag, taking care not to damage any of them.

As I closed the box and put everything away in their rightful place inside my bedroom, a knock rang through my flat and I hurried down the hallway and into my living room.

Standing outside my door was Jimin, who I haven't seen for a while now.

Jimin seemed pretty tired, his under eye circles darker than usual but he greeted me with the same grin anyway, "Hey Y/n" he said softly.

"Jimin-shii" I said with an excited tone before I hugged him tightly , after a few minutes of hugging each other, we pulled away from one another. " Come in, you must be hungry." I said smiling at him as he nodded and stepped inside the apartment.

"Are you staying for dinner?" I asked him as he took off his shoes. He looked up with an unreadable expression then shook his head. He sat down on the couch next to my kitchen table. His hair was messy and it made me frown.

Jimin's hair was usually always perfectly neat and styled like he had a hairdresser come and straighten it out, and yet today he looked pretty exhausted.

"I just came straight from the studio" he started off, while he looked up at me "I'm just worried about this whole wedding ceremony" he sighed, throwing his head to the back.

"I mean Jin will definitely be there and he's gonna witness Samara's and what was his name again- uhm" he paused "Namjoon?" he seemed pretty unsure.

"Yeah Namjoon I think that's his name. The point is I don't know how Jin is going to feel. He'll be broken and I don't want to see that"

"Jimin, you are stressing yourself out over nothing-"

"You don't understand" Jimin cut me off and shook his head "I know I shouldn't care but if something bad happens-"

"It's not something we can control Jimin" I said softly as I sat beside him. "We're all adults and we can make decisions about the things we do. You can't just stress over things you can't control" I said patting his shoulder.

I wasn't sure whether he got what I meant or not. But I knew what it felt like to be stressed and angry at the unfairness of the situation. "Besides, I'm going there with Eunwoo, I forgot to tell you" I smiled softly and I saw his shocked expression. "Wha- How?" he stuttered.

"I'm still as shocked as you" I chuckled "And the last time where Mr. Cha and Taehyung where in the same room together... well I'm glad you didn't see that" I laughed lightly at the memory. "It was a big mess" I finished with a sigh.

"Why? What happened?" Jimin was curious, which made me think that he had no clue about the fact that the two of them knew each other.

"They were this close too fight, it's seemed like they knew each other in the past but never told us". I shrugged.

Jimin gave me a look then said softly, "That's weird."

We lapsed into silence for a moment. After a while, I broke it saying, "So how's the whole dancing thing going?"

Jimin perked up and he turned around fully towards me "It's good, I've been working really hard since the beginning" he explained, I could see he was eager to share more details on the subject of dance. So I listened intently and tried to imagine how much progress he has made. I'm proud of him, really I am. "I'm working on getting better at using different styles" he said shyly, as he fiddled with his fingers nervously.

I smiled brightly "That's great! You should show me your new moves sometime!" I said, Jimin looked pleased and relaxed as he spoke "When it's finished" he grinned happily at me.

I nodded while I stood up and made my way to the open kitchen, "Let me cook your favorite dish for dinner" I said with a smile, while opening the fridge and searching for ingredients. "Sure! Let me help!" Jimin cheered and quickly followed me "It's been a while since we did this huh" I smiled at my friend, gosh didn't even realized how much I missed him until now.


"Sam, can't you just go alone? You can't just drag me everywhere" I complained as we both made our way to Namjoon's car. Taehyung's wedding was arriving and the two lovebirds wanted to buy matching things.

"I need you " Sam insisted. We had just gotten here and I had barely changed out of my dress into something else. We were currently standing outside waiting for Namjoon. "It's been a while since we shopped at the mall!" Sam said in a high pitched voice.

"But you hate shopping. This was supposed to be a nice getaway from work" I argued.

She pouted at me "Come on" she pleaded and I couldn't say no to that face of hers.

Trying to find some common ground, I sighed. "Fine fine! Considering that I don't even have a dress for the wedding yet , you're welcome" I groaned "But promise me that you won't leave me behind." I added. She flashed me a big grin and threw her arms around my neck "Don't worry I won't let anyone keep me away from you!"

As soon as we arrived at the mall we all made our way inside, Namjoon was pretty overwhelmed about the situation which made us a little anxious, even though Sam assured him that everything was going to be alright. 

I tried my best to act casual and calm about this but I honestly didn't know what to think .

After a few minutes of walking aimlessly through the stores, we finally stopped before the shop where Sam told us.

My eyes fell on a familiar figure that was standing across me, looking straight ahead. There's no mistaking who that guy was.

His dark wavy hair was styled neatly and I saw a faint smirk playing around his lips as he talked to the girl that stood beside him.

'Who is she?' Why am I feeling this type of way? I "shouldn't" be feeling this type of way right? I bit the inside of my cheek,

The girl leaned against Jungkook, her long hair falling slightly over her shoulders, the red and white checkered scarf wrapped around her neck.

My heart began beating fast as soon as she made eye contact with me. Her skin glowed under the fluorescent lights of the store, making her features stand out even more.

My eyes roamed slowly down her body, from her long slender legs to her small waist and hips, the perfect shape of which fit the dress she wore. I swallowed hard when her bright blue gaze met mine. Why am I comparing her with me?

My eyes travelled back to Jungkook's, he seemed to avoid me. Of course he would, considering what happened last night . I looked away from him and cleared my throat quietly, trying to clear out my thoughts so I wouldn't start panicking and get lost in them. 

When Jungkook noticed that I had been watching them the whole time, he looked back at me briefly then turned back towards the girl with a warm smile, putting an arm around her and pulling her closer to his side. It almost looked like he was hugging her, but why does that seem so intimate..?

"How are you Hyung?" I heard his deep voice, it's been so long since I heard his voice. As always his tone was soft, sweet and caring. I felt a shiver down my spine hearing him call Namjoon hyung. I turned my attention back towards the store and ignored him, turning my attention back to Samara.

I felt so uneasy, watching him with another girl. But then again, I can't be mad at him. What I did was worse and I clearly told him that I don't want to see him again. It was wrong of me. I'm, sorry that I acted like a selfish asshole. I'm just trying to protect myself.

The whole time Jungkook and Namjoon kept talking excitedly, apparently Taehyung's wedding was taking place in their hometown so they decided to take Namjoon to see his hometown, that's kind of nice.

Even though I don't believe in relationships, marriage and stuff, I can respect people wanting to spend their lives together, and I've seen Samara and Namjoon happy together, so maybe it's possible. Although I don't really want to admit it, I hope this will work out for them.

They obviously adore each other, and Taehyung must be happy about that.

Namjoon suddenly looked at me and said "I'm going to go look for gifts, I might need Sam's help. Do you mind if I leave you here with Jungkook?" he asked me. My stomach dropped as I remembered the last time we spent time together, it ended up badly. So instead of answering him, I just shook my head and smiled weakly in response, trying to avoid any conversation or looks between the two of them.

Namjoon walked away smiling as he mouthed a "thank you"

'Fuck! What did I get myself into?!' I screamed mentally. A few seconds after Namjoon left, the lady across me started to introduce herself.

"Hey. I'm Lilin" she smiled at me. "Nice to meet you" I replied awkwardly. The girl giggled at my response and continued introducing herself.

I didn't pay attention to her name because I was already focused on the person who was standing behind her. He seemed so annoyed by my presence. His jaw clenched and he turned around, giving the woman a tight reassuring smile.

"What are you planning to do buy today?" Lilin asked, giving me a small smile.

"Um- I actually didn't decide what to wear so..." I started off but Lilin cut me off immediately.

"Oh my God! That's perfect! I just know where to take you. There's this store where I bought my graduation dress. You would love it" she said happily as she dragged me to the elevator.

"C'mon Kookie, you'll help us choose" she pleaded, turning her head towards him. Jungkook nodded his head along with an annoyed sigh.


Time Skip

"Try the red one, I think the yellow one hides your body" Lilin was being helpful to be honest.

"Excuse me you guys, I have to take this phone call" Lilin excused herself as she made her way out of the store.

My eyes fell on the dress just to notice that the dress had a zipper at the back. 'Who's gonna help me with that?' Could my day be any worse? I sighed, making my way over the curtains of the changing room.

A few minutes later I was standing there with the dress on, staring at my reflection, I need someone who's going to help me with the zipper.

"Um Jungkook" I uttered softly, he was my only hope.

I sneaked my head from the curtains just to look at him staring at his phone, he looked up at me with a blank expression.

"What do you want?" he said coldly, I never heard him talk to me that way.

"C-can you help me with the dress?" I even stuttered, not daring to look at him in the eyes.

Jungkook didn't say a word after that, instead he walked towards the changing room and closed the curtains.

I turned around giving him my back so he can zip it, but my eyes fell on his reflection from the mirror in front of me. His eyes travelled from my head to my toe until we made eye contact through the mirror.

The tension was getting higher and I couldn't help but gulp.

Shivers run down my spine the moment his fingers made contact with my skin. His touch...it was so addictive. I missed it.

Jungkook helped me zip the dress and gave me one last check through the mirror before he whispered "You look beautiful" but before I was able to say thank you, he was nowhere to be seen.


A/N: You guys😭🙌 I am truly sorry for updating late. Uni life is quite chaotic. I'm really trying to update at least once a week. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I really wanna know your opinions about Jk and Betty...

Thank you for the votes✨

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