A Timeless Miraculous Tale

By MiraculouslyMari_

173 3 0

This will be a collection of One-Shots, or an entire story depending on how you would like to read it! Chapte... More

The Antique Shop ☠︎︎
The Gallery ✈︎
The Museum ⚠︎✍︎
A Frozen Moment✍︎☠︎︎

The Warehouse ✈︎☠︎︎✍︎

18 0 0
By MiraculouslyMari_

This chapter will contain some swearing, and sexist behaviors, along with minimal gun violence and a main character death, though not described in the chapter, there's also references to sexual acts, and character alcohol consumption, though all characters are of proper age to drink!

Marinette stood in a warehouse, entirely alone as she wandered the halls of fashion history, staring down the elegant gowns and fabrics designed by famous artists, she easily passed them all, having seen the works of Versace, and Dior, it was the brand AA that caught her eye, a masterpiece of design, red, shimmering velvet, 1980 dated on the very bottom, roughly around when her own mother was born in Shanghai, though there were many Chinese designers along the hall, none could ever compare to those in Milan or Paris, two of the largest fashion capitals in the world, Marinette felt lucky to have been sent here on a project for school, granted she'd planned on traveling to try and find her Adrien anyways, but here she was standing in front of the design of an Adrien... hopefully one of her previous Adriens... One that hopefully had a happy end, just as the last memory she'd found in The Louvre. Standing in front of the dress Marinette smiled as she reached to gently stroke the fabric, she'd not heard much about the designer, almost like he never existed in the first place, all she knew was that his designs were... Inspiring, in more ways than one as thoughts began to cloud her mind.


The young woman stood at the door of a church, a white wedding gaudy wedding dress clothing her slim figure, she was getting married, but to who, this was the first time Marinette felt truly conscious in her body, looking around as she tried to figure out where she was, a large white chapel in the middle of a still developing Milan, standing at the end of the isle a familiarly disgusting face, Luka, she glared at the man letting go of her father's arm and rushing out, ripping the horrendous dress nearly to shreds, the gown was nowhere near worth her time, standing in front of a shop window Marinette looked at herself, she looked like she'd been robbed, perhaps she had been, though not of anything monetary, but it would've been of her freedom as she sorted through her memories, an arranged marriage to none other than Luka, the one man in the whole world she couldn't stand, she didn't want to see his face ever again, and she was glad the hatred for Luka had crossed over several lifetimes, looking around she saw several men in suits, walking over to the group, she could see 2 men in the center arguing, looking down at herself she realized she looked as horrendous as she felt, turning her head she saw a dress in a shop, a white gown in the window, she rushed in searching the small coin purse at her side for hopefully some money that she could purchase the white number, so that she didn't look like she'd just robbed the grave of some unfortunate bride, the unfortunate bride being herself, but that was beside the point as she found just enough money to cover the cost, changing and throwing the tragic looking wedding gown into a nearby bin, she weaseled her way through the crowd to see 2 gentlemen standing that the center, one brunette with an athletic build, the other a striking blonde, with beautiful green eyes she would recognize anywhere.

"Adrien!" She yelled into the opening, the blondes head turning towards her voice, hope ran through her veins, they'd definitely already met by the look on his face as he ran over to her, wrapping her in a tight welcoming embrace, their feeling palpable as their eyes finally met when he placed her to the ground.
"Hello princess..." He whispered to her, looking into her eyes as he placed a hand on her cheek, Marinette's heart skipped a beat at the affectionate nickname, they'd been together in this life, accepting the fact that she would have to marry Luka for her family, though having always discussed marriage between themselves.
Though, his life was far too dangerous for her to be anymore romantically involved with him than she already was. "I couldn't do it, I couldn't marry Luka." Marinette's voice was as soft as possible as she heard footsteps rushing up to them, through the crowd.
"You have to go to Marinette, I'll see you tonight at our usual spot." He spoke pushing her away before turning back to the man in front of him, stepping back Marinette nodded, turning her head as she saw her entire family running up, Luka at the forefront looking exhausted as he'd seemingly been the first to sprint after the runaway bride.
"Marinette...what are you wearing?!" Her mother screamed, as the dress she was wearing was definitely not the ugly wedding dress she'd been wearing less than 20 minutes ago.
"Oh, um, my dress got dirty, I thought this was far more my style." Marinette spoke as she looked at the white gown that was far more simple and definitely more elegant, peeking over, she could see Adrien eyeing her up and down clearly he liked the dress on her. Even if his eyes weren't on her, she knew he was paying attention to her interaction.
"Come on Marinette, you can't expect us to believe that..." Luka's voice was judgemental, not believing a single word she said, Marinette wrapped her arms around herself not knowing what to say, her heart breaking slightly as she glanced towards Adrien.

Soon after Marinette was dragged back to the chapel, the marriage documents in front of her were fake, she could tell, she couldn't bring herself to expose the truth, not that she would want to, but the fact that she couldn't run away again held her captive in her mind, she wanted to run, go find Adrien again and tell him how horrible all these people were, hold him tight and kiss his lips as she had so many times before, her heart broke as she wrote her name on the paper even though she knew it wasn't real, it still felt as though she were signing her life away to someone she didn't love, she held her head at eye level as she was forced to walk back down the aisle on Luka's arm as Mrs.Stone, a name she was not fond of, she would have much rather been known as Mrs.Athanase, though, she knew it was never possible, Adrien's life wasn't suited for settling down and starting a family, they'd talked about it, he was always moving, always hunted, always on the bad side of things even if he was a good guy, she couldn't settle with him, as much as she hated Luka, she had no choice.


Marinette climbed in her personal car after she was sure Luka had gone to bed, they slept in separate rooms as per her demand, she refused to share a room with him, which made it perfect for her to sneak out like she was a teenager even though she was 25 and well into the prime of her life, but that didn't stop her from chasing the love of her life, she was dressed in a pink dress that she'd made herself, going to the typical private bar she and Adrien usually met at, stepping inside her white stiletto clicking against the floor, she walked to their normal spot, a secluded table in the back corner where no cameras could see or hear them. A charming blonde gentleman with an olive green suit jacket and black pants sat waiting for her, Marinette gently placed her hand on his shoulder sliding in right next to him.

"What are you doing here alone?" Her tone was flirtatious as she gently combed a hand through his neatly gelled hair, loosening it and allowing it to become its typical charming mess that she loved so much.
"Waiting for the most beautiful girl in the world." He responded as he turned to face her, their lips meeting shortly after in a mind numbing kiss, their lips held place until their lungs required air pulling back slowly and placing their foreheads together.
"I wonder who that might be?" Marinette teased as she backed away from him, watching as a smile creeped onto her loved face, his smile alone taking her breath away.
"I believe I'm looking at her." His voice was like honey, smooth yet so incredibly sweet it was intoxicating, causing her to nearly drown just from his voice.
"It seems you've found me." She spoke softly as she nuzzled into his cheek, affection invading her tone as she stroked his other cheek gently with her thumb, their romance was not convenient by any means, Marinette was technically, though not legally a married woman, and Adrien was in a situation where he couldn't marry anyone, though he could do everything in his power to make sure she was available when the time came he could.
"I suppose I have, though, I wish we could be together more, before your parents decided that their lineage was more important than your happiness." Marinette held his face in her hands, she knew that their love ran so much deeper than just physical attraction, she felt as though their souls were entertained with fate to bring them together, looking into his eyes she pressed her lips to his once again.

Their lips meshed up until a waiter came up to them to take their drink and food orders, something they went plain and simple with, just ordering an appetizer and bottle of wine before shooing away the waiter, they were entranced in their own world as they held hands talking about the life they wished they could live together, small kisses exchanged between gentle touches, the wine began to fog their minds as all reason flew out the window, their hearts were held within each other's palms, and before they knew it the clock struck midnight, Marinette's heart breaking at the thought of having to leave his side, she knew they would see each other again, but her heart couldn't take it.

"I'll find you princess, just do as they say, cover your tracks, we don't exist. Remember?" He asked softly as their gazes remained on each other, Marinette nodded as she kissed him one last time before they had to go their separate ways.
"We don't exist, Marinette Stone doesn't exist." She whispered to herself as she drove back to the dark house, one that she wanted no part in, her room, entirely black and red, held no personal touches, she didn't want to leave any trace of her presence. Wrapping herself in a robe she'd left at the front in case of the emergency that Luka was awake when she arrived home.
"Marinette? What are you doing?" The dark haired male asked as Marinette clattered in the kitchen, getting herself a glass of water to get ahead of any sort of hangover or drunkenness that may remain from her evening with Adrien.
"I couldn't sleep, to much on my mind you know?" Marinette spoke more so in a questioning tone as she looked at her 'husband' he would be collateral damage if he truly had any feelings for her, of course the itching feeling of hatred burning into the back of her skull as she donned a sickeningly sweet smile.
"I understand, but you should really try and sleep darling." Luka sighed, Marinette knew internally he was only looking out for her, but couldn't help but internally scoff at him, she would play the role of a loving wife for now, but that was only her part in this scheme for now.
"I will just go back to bed, I'm about to take a Benadryl and I'll head straight to sleep." Marinette shooed him back up to his room, taking her glass of water up to her room, the teal carpeting cushioning her feet as she entered her room where the carpet switched from teal to white, a bad idea for a girl as clumsy as her.


Six months passed, Marinette was playing her parts perfectly, Luka had no idea the marriage was fake, while Marinette was off working on her own agenda, she'd met with Adrien just a week ago, he needed designs, Marinette's specialty, he was posing as an up and coming designer for his most recent job and was hoping his beautiful partner could come up with some for him to get his foot through the door, which Marinette happily provided to him, a design for a floor length red dress, with a slit up the leg, Marinette knew it would sell, it was a beautiful gown she'd intended to make for herself.

"Do you have a sample of this dress my love?" Adrien's voice melted her heart, they'd met at the bar to exchange the designs. Aside from most of their correspondence going through the mail, Marinette had pleaded with him to meet her in person, missing him desperately.
"Unfortunately not love, I decided to let the actual designers do that, since my love is some sort of designer now." Marinette laughed softly as she wrapped her arms around him, their affections were written mostly, they couldn't express things any other way or they would get caught, and that was not what they wanted, their mission was one of infiltration, on both sides of an organization that was posing as a fashion house, but behind closed doors sold government banned guns and medications illegally.
"Not much of a designer, more like a superhero in designer clothing." He joked Marinette's heart fluttering as she giggled at his jokes, they were incredibly stupid, yet they made her heart happy.
"Well you certainly are my superhero." She whispered, placing a hand to his cheek before their lips met in a gentle kiss, there wasn't much she could do to show her affections for the blonde aside from placing her lips to his.


Her life within the walls of her home were mundane, they had a dog, though Marinette found herself to be far more fond of felines, she had demanded a cat, yet Luka had greeted her after work with a puppy, claiming the pet store had been out of kittens, though she didn't believe it as Luka had always talked about his childhood dog that his father had for some odd reason named Fang, though the one thing the couple though the disdain Marinette held was palpable, they could get a laugh out of Luka's fathers ridiculous manner of acting, the man was eccentric to say the least, and Marinette made sure to mark that down many times in her letters, it was almost unbelievable that he was nearly at the head of an illegal company, though, Luka was absolutely believable, he was cunning, charming, if Marinette hadn't accidentally run into Adrien on a fated Tuesday evening, she might've just fallen for Luka's games, but Marinette was a professional at playing the ditzy wife, entirely oblivious while scheming to take down everything he held dear.

"Darling, is dinner ready?" Luka called from the top of the stairs, Marinette assuming he was expecting his lovely wife to have made dinner already.
"Almost!" Marinette responded back up the stairs, scowling as the dog came rushing down the stairs, a beagle that Luka had named Trixx, the dog going up to his food dish on the floor and eating from the kibbles within.
"Oh sweetheart, I forgot to mention one of my new coworkers will be joining us, so if you can prepare a few extra servings!" Luka called, Marinette groaning in frustration to herself, now she would have to at least triple what she'd already made, looking at the meal in front of her, she had made a small roast, but with a few extra sides and some dessert and appetizers, she was sure she could make the meal extend a little further than just a casual night of a husband and wife having dinner together.
"Thank you for the heads up." She mumbled to herself sarcasm lacing her voice as she tied her apron around her waist and began preparing even more food for them, a fake smile plastering on her face as Luka approached her from behind kissing her cheek.

After making a few more sides for the impending guests she began to work on some small finger foods, making up something for all to snack on before the final meal was served, grateful her parents also ran a small bakery and were always happy to provide the couple with ample treats so there was always some sort of dessert item within their home that was homemade even if not by Marinette herself.
After making sure everything was fine in the kitchen Marinette rushed up the stairs, slipping into her best pair of high waisted light wash jeans, styling it with a thick black belt and a red 3/4 sleeve form fitting shirt, she was dressed well enough to welcome company into their home, while making it obvious she hadn't exactly expected to be entertaining that evening. As she walked down the stairs she was met with scrutinizing eyes as Luka looked over her outfit with disapproval.

"Go change, put on a dress or something Marinette, at least make yourself presentable and not look like a bum." Luka glared, Marinette visibly shrinking beneath his harsh judgment, going back upstairs, she sighed as she dug through her closet, trying to find something she hadn't worn out recently, in case any of his coworkers ever recognized her at the bar she met Adrien at.
"There..." Marinette sighed as she threw on one of her mother's old Chinese gowns, it was from fitting and matched her skin tone, though turning to the side, she looked swollen, groaning as she had been snacking in the kitchen throughout her cooking causing her stomach to bloat, she couldn't have anyone get the wrong idea as she turned to gather a loose fitting pink 3/4 rectangular dress from the closet, tightening it around her waist with a chunky white belt and placing on some white gloves that ended at her wrist.
Going downstairs Marinette looked as uninterested as ever as she went back to the kitchen, grabbing a full body apron instead of her waist one, not wanting to get any food on her clothes. Stepping away from the stove as she heard the doorbell ring she went opening the door, freezing as her eyes met with all too familiar green eyes. "Evening Mrs.Stone." The familiar voice was teasing as green eyes met blue.
"Good evening Mr.Allegretti, Luka is in the living room if you would like to join him." Marinette smiled softly, knowing she would at least have some decent company in a crowd of unknown people.
"I would much prefer to spend time with you, but if I must." He whispered just loud enough for her to hear, causing her to giggle as he walked to the living room.

Marinette walked back to the kitchen, listening to the conversations she could hear as she wiped some sweat from her forehead, though she spent most of her time alone she didn't care if it meant she got to spend more time away from Luka, eavesdropping I to the living room conversation she could hear Adrien mimicking the comradery of all the men that surrounded him, Marinette brought in a tray of food, smiling genuinely as their eyes met, Marinette quickly turned her gaze down as Luka pulled her close, keeping her at his hip Marinette could see the subtle hatred behind Adrien's eyes every time their eyes ever crossed paths, Marinette excused herself to the kitchen to finish the meal hearing Adrien excuse himself to the bathroom shortly after, passing by the kitchen Marinette watched as he glanced back before slipping into the kitchen, his hands resting on her waist within moments before their lips met.

"You know how hard it is not to punch him in the face?" Adrien asked in a hushed whisper against her lips as they couldn't let on that they were currently stealing secret kisses in the kitchen.
"I know, I fight the urge every time he puts a hand on me." Marinette whispered back as her arms wrapped around his neck tangling into his blonde hair as they exchanged for just a moment longer before separating to catch their breath.
"Perhaps I should go to the bathroom before we're discovered my love." Adrien's voice was sweet, Marinette pecking his lips with one final kiss for the night before he exited the kitchen, Marinette's face was flushed as she leaned back against the kitchen counter, thinking all about Adrien until her thoughts were interrupted.
"What's got you flushed?" Luka's voice broke her free of her daydreams that were filled with a small house off the grid where she was alone with Adrien, 3 children and a hamster named-
"Just lost in thought, and this kitchen is awfully warm is it not?" Marinette asked, distracting herself from her thoughts now as she pulled the roast out of the oven and finished the sides for the dinner.
"It is, however, you look as though you've had a glass or two of my special French wine." Luka commented his tone almost angry as he stepped up to Marinette.
"I haven't, I swear to you, I'm just too warm, see." Marinette took his hand placing it to her temple and sweat beaded down her forehead from stress and the heat of the not very well ventilated room.

Luka looked as though he didn't believe her, however he looked as though he couldn't deny the clammy feeling on her forehead, the flush to her cheeks, or the warm temperature of the kitchen. Marinette could only watch as Luka huffed turning to leave the kitchen, giggling softly as she watched Adrien peak around the corner and blow her a kiss before returning to the group of men in the living room, Marinette served up dinner, sitting herself at Luka's side, knowing that she had a role to play, she had to cover any suspicion that she might not actually like her husband all that much, however she did feel nothing towards the man on her left. The man on her right however, held her entire heart in the palm of his hand. She had to force herself to keep her eyes and hands to herself. Marinette laughed pitifully as she heard Luka make a joke, but her mind immediately went down to the hand on her right knee, it wasn't visible from above, but she could definitely feel his hand on her leg as they ate, both adults clearly in their own world as the silent sign of affection didn't go unnoticed by Marinette, though, the backhanded flirts and compliments had not escaped Marinette's attention as she listened to Adrien compliment her cooking.

"You know, if I had a wife, I would want her to cook just as well as you do Mrs.Stone" Adrien's voice made her heart flutter, knowing well that Marinette wanted to be his wife more than anything, though their mission held far more importance than their personal agendas.
"Perhaps you'll find one in the future, Adrien." Luka's voice made Marinette cringe, of course the dark haired male clearly had no clue of the love that was held between Marinette and Adrien.
"Perhaps." Adrien hummed, Marinette watching his every move as he slipped his hand from her knee, standing up and excusing himself, he nodded at her, she knew exactly what that meant...distract Luka until he returned.
Reaching her hand up on the table she placed her hand on Luka's, immediately catching his attention as she'd not been quite so handsy with him since their marriage. "I think it's time we move this event to the backyard don't you think darling?" She asked in a sweet voice as she stood from the table, they had a full bar in the backyard where they could properly entertain their guests.

She continued to entertain, keeping everyone distracted with different stories from the last 6 months of her 'marriage' to Luka, there wasn't much to share, but when Adrien finally returned and gave her the signal he'd found what he'd needed, Marinette then feigned exhaustion, yawning as she entered the home after excusing herself to the group, she could worry about clean up and all other issues in the morning, waiting inside as Adrien said goodbyes, when he entered the house Marinette walked him to the front door, making sure they were alone in the house before they exchanged a kiss at the door.

"I love you." She whispered to him as he opened the door, his hand on her waist as they were still alone.
"I love you too, this will all be over soon..." Adrien whispered as he kissed her one last time before making a quick exit, he couldn't be caught with the information he now had...


It had been 3 months, no letters from Adrien, no unexpected visits, and on top of that, she was being pressured every day by her own parents to start a family, of course Marinette had an interest in starting a family, just not right now, and not with Luka, and she thought she had made that abundantly clear, but clearly not enough, as new years approached and she was given a dress on Christmas, a red dress she vividly remembered designing, the same dress as one of the designs she'd given Adrien a couple months back which meant one thing, their mission would come to an end soon, she'd been undercover for 9 months, and was ready for it to end, her modern consciousness had been fading which meant things would end soon something would end, either her or...him... Standing in her bedroom looking at herself in the mirror, Marinette smiled softly, red suited her, more than any color she'd ever worn, not caring about the repercussions it would have with Luka or her family she dressed up, doing her hair and makeup how she liked versus how Luka wanted her to dress, this was her life, fashion, and preventing or in this case, ending crime.
Stepping out of her bedroom, she had a mask in her clutch, red with black spots, much like a ladybug, it provided easy recognition of her alias as she walked down and climbed in the car, allowing Luka to drive her around one last time, when they arrived at the company Marinette smiled knowing this was her final night as Mrs.Luka Stone.

"I'm going to go chat with the other wives." Marinette excused herself, waiting towards a group of women before turning off in a different direction, taking her mask from her clutch and placing it over her eyes, glancing around the room for a pair of green eyes surrounded by a black mask Marinette quickly located them, approaching him with ease. "Seems we meet again Chat Noir..." Her voice was confident, and calculated as his arm slipped around her waist pulling her close.
"Seems we do M'Lady." He whispered to her as he slipped the rings from her ring finger, replacing it with a separate more suitable set. "3 months is far too long for no contact." He held her tight, clearly not intending on letting her go for a long while.
"I entirely agree, now, how about we get to work." Ladybug whispered as she placed a small earpiece in her ear, they had quite the mission to pull off if they were going to get this place shut down entirely by midnight.
"Of course, keep in touch?" He asked as he placed his own earpiece in looking at her with those enchanting green eyes that hypnotized her with ease.
"Always." They placed a peck to each other's lips before heading off in opposite directions, Marinette making a B-line for Luka's company office as Adrien headed to the security room.

Marinette stood in the doorway, having snagged Luka's spare office key from his office at home, he never used it anyways, so it wasn't like he would notice it missing, or miss it in general, a little thievery could be looked over for the sake of getting the job done, it also helped that she was still technically undercover as his loyal wife, which meant what was his was hers. Digging through the file cabinets she looked for everything she could find, though, there was nothing, not a thing on the illegal activities that she knew were going on.

"Anything M'Lady?" Adrien's voice rang into her ear, and Marinette just shook her head, looking through every page she could get her hands on, looking over the pages two, three, four times, not having any luck finding anything.
"I think my luck is starting to run thin kitty cat." Marinette spoke aloud softly, hearing a small beep as the security lock on the door started to alarm, knowing she didn't have much longer.
"Get out of there bug, we'll figure something else out, a different method to catch them, the security is tight, it's all that new tech that's been coming out, I can't crack it." Adrien's voice sounded panicked, she knew he must be seeing things that were causing her danger that she didn't know about, but she had to find something anything. And at that moment, she did.
"I FOUND IT!" Marinette yelled out in success, that was until the click of a door caught her attention, turning her head, she was like a deer caught in headlights as she came face to face with the barrel of a pistol, and her 'husband' standing behind it.
"And I found you, Marinette." His words were like ice, sending chills down her spine as she dropped the paperwork, Adrien yelling incoherent words into her ear, something about getting out of there, that he would meet her around the back of the building, but Marinette was unable to process anything, looking to the camera in the room and mouthing the words, 'I love you' to the camera.
"NO NO MARINETTE!" His voice rang through her earpiece as she knew he was watching the exchange in horror as Marinette turned her head to meet eye to eye with Luka.

Ringing was all she could hear as he took her out, right between the eyes, she was gone before she could even recognize any pain. At least he'd been merciful in this life.


Marinette flinched as she'd come out of her trance, the dress was red, no blood stains would show on red fabric, seeing the original design next to it, she smiled softly taking a picture to recreate the gown herself once she arrived back in Paris for her newfound internship at a company called Gabriel, having heard the CEO had a son named Adrien, Marinette hoped to meet him, though, she had also heard that the young heir was currently off 'finding himself' but that didn't stop her hopes, or leave her fretting that they might not ever come face to face again, hearing her phone ring she looked at the small device as she saw her best friend calling.

"Hey Alya, what's up?" Marinette answered as she started to walk away from the gowns and suits, she had a flight to catch back to Paris in 3 hours, and hell would have to freeze over before she was late for that.
"A weird guy just approached me and asked if I knew you, granted, he was pretty cute, but like, talk about sketchy." Alya's voice rang through on the line, Marinette laughing softly as she heard her friend rant about this guy.
"What did he look like? Maybe I know him." Marinette asked, wondering if the guy had blonde hair and green eyes, much like her Adrien had in every artifact of her previous lives she'd found so far.
"Well, he was probably like 6'4, sunshine blonde, body of a greek god, man, if he hadn't been looking for you, he would have been a catch, maybe he has a friend." Alya spoke, causing Marinette to laugh as her brunette friend fawned over who Marinette now was fully aware was Adrien.
"That's Adrien, we kinda have history..." Marinette laughed as Alya quickly made multiple remarks about never having heard about her having a boyfriend.
"Girl, you need to start telling me these things! If I'd known he was your man, I would've just handed over your number and sent him to Italy." Alya yelled into the phone, Marinette's giggles ringing through the Warehouse as she finally reached the exit, pushing through the heavy door, the slamming of it behind her sending her into a sort of temporary shock as it reminded her of the gunshot from her most recent memory.
"Is he still close? I'm not opposed to you giving him my number, maybe even my apartment address." Marinette joked as she listened to Alya continue ranting about how her best friend was practically a stranger.
"Come on, just cause he's your type doesn't mean I'll just hand out your info." Alya scolded, knowing at least her bestie has a specific type nowadays, a man almost akin to a golden retriever was definitely right up Marinette's alley.

Once in the taxi to the airport Marinette continued to chat with Alya up until her arrival at the airport, Marinette having only brought a backpack with her to Italy, traveling light had become her thing as she never wanted to be to burdened in case she came across an artifact she could take home with her, like the painting of herself and Adrien that she'd had modified by her artist friend Nathaniel, who despite his qualms that the piece was one of a kind from an artist hundreds of years ago, Marinette insisted that Luka be cut out, it seemed people always got in the way of her happiness, but she wouldn't let that happen, not Luka and especially not Felix, she didn't know anyone by those names in her current life, and she fully intended to not meet them, aside from maybe Kagami, to see if they could have a budding friendship. Knowing it might be Adrien looking for her and that he was aware that Alya might have a connection to her made her hopeful that they would find each other sooner rather than later, she had no idea what the future held, but she hoped it was a house in the countryside, 3 kids and a hamster named-
"Miss, we're at the airport." The taxi driver spoke, Marinette thanking him and climbing out, suddenly speaking perfect Italian while the entire trip she'd been struggling trying to use English as a bridge language, but the memories of her life in Italy helped her quite a bit.
"Thank you sir, have a good rest of your day." She climbed out of the cab, rushing into the airport and through security before taking a seat at her gate.

Pulling out her phone Marinette looked up the son of her new employer, smiling softly as she was met with the face of a model, green eyes, blonde hair, and unbelievably handsome, a face that would be viewed as such throughout multiple centuries, millennia even if that were the case, scrolling through his pictures on his social media she discovered a private account with his name on it, accidentally requesting to follow it, but before she could remove the request, it was accepted, and a message was sent to her, looking at it her eyes widened.


"Please tell me you are who I'm thinking you are."


Marinette stared at the screen thinking about a response typing out multiple responses before settling on a simple question of her own.


"Depends, who do you think I am?"

"Depends on the life, but to be short, My Soulmate, if you're okay with that."


Marinette's face broke into a wide smile, looking at the screen as she started to type her response, she knew she couldn't stop this now, their strings were tied together in a knot that had been cut and retied over centuries, and this felt right, perfect, absolutely unbelievable.



"I'd like to say the other end of your red string, but considering what I just found, red isn't exactly a color I want to see anytime soon."

"Trust me, I've seen enough blood spilled to last me several lifetimes."


His response made her giggle, this was definitely her Adrien, her partner, her soulmate, her future.



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