Misled By L.O.V.E

By KhensaniDlamini7

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A story about a 16 year old girl who has a really boring lifestyle until she meets someone who'll Change ever... More

Chapter 01: The dismay
Chapter 02 : The unexpected (PG 18 SN)
Chapter 03 : Statistics
Chapter : 05 : A kinda new beginning
Chapter 06 : The outcomes
Chapter 07 :Non more to it?
Chapter 08 : Perception
Chapter 09 : Call It complicated

Chapter : 04 : Nothing but friendship?

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By KhensaniDlamini7

When Sarah got home that day she really didn't know how to feel. She just came in had something to eat and changed into her PJs,she really was thinking about Tom but the fact that he was indeed Mintys big brother made her feel weird. She really would love to have Minty as a friend but the problem was that she knew that in a friendship she would have to share things with her Friend. She'd always trusted her friends and wouldn't hesitate to tell them anything. At some point she really did wish to tell someone about this thing with Tom,and maybe get a different view on things.

When she was done she decided to prepare dinner for herself because she really didn't know when her parents were gonna be back. She made some Mac and cheese with Steak and she also felt to make some ribs as well and so she did.

As she was making dinner there was a knock on the door,it was her aunt Melanie. "Oh my god auntie " she excitedly said
"Hey champ thought I should hit you with a suprise how are you"
"I'm okay I guess I just missed you so much"
She gradually pounds at Melanie giving her a very big hug. She was so happy and excited to see her aunt after so many weeks of being apart. She felt she should atleast tell her how her days in New York had been but it was all just things she'd hoped to tell a friend. Things that might get some people in trouble and that's not what she wanted especially not for Tom. And when it came to Miranda and her friends she just didn't want any drama for herself especially around school.

They had dinner and Melanie told Sarah how her journey had been. She had even got Sarah a gift. Sarah was really happy because she really didn't get anything for her birthday from her parents because she has hardly seen them ever since they moved here. Last year her dad bought her a new car and it was exciting but he wasn't there to give it to her. It got delivered by the company and as much she should've been happy she couldn't be because she wanted him there just to show her that he cared. All he cared about were the gifts he could get her and not the most important gift which was the love and affection of both her parents. At some point she did really miss her parents miss them even though she never really knew them.

Although she had Melanie but she couldn't always be there I mean she also had a life that she had to live. Sometimes she'd really wish to just have her all to herself and not have to share her with the world.

When they finished eating they cleared up the table and washed the dishes together. These were some of the things she'd wished to do with her mum while her dad was watching Mabe soccer on the TV. After that they prepared some popcorn to watch a movie and just as they were Sarah got a call from her mum
"Hey honey your dad and I aren't coming back today,maybe tomorrow okay"
"Yeah well that's okay Auntie Melanie is here so it cool"
"Oh Melanie thank god she arrived anyways tell her I'm glad she got my message sooner I'll see you tomorrow okay"
"Yeah okay"
When Sarah hung up the call with her mother she wished that she never answered the call because now she knows exactly why Melanie was here. As much as she's her auntie she always gets summoned by her mother just so she can babysit. Sometimes it would feel like she was a burden and that even though she was happy to be with Melanie she also was asked to come over. She felt like Melanie didn't just come over because she always wanted to but because she wouldn't say no to her mother. Maybe that was because her parents had already done so much for Melanie that she too felt like this was how she could repay them.

After the movie she went straight to bed because she didn't really feel thrilled to have her aunt here anymore. She just thought,when was her shift ending because that's just the reason she was here. Although she really didn't wanna think that of her aunt she couldn't really consume herself from those thoughts. When she woke up the next day her aunt Melanie had some breakfast prepared and set it outside near the pool," Good morning sleepy head how'd you sleep" she said
"Great I guess...what's all this" responded Sarah.
"Well breakfast, I just saw how the morning was so beautiful and wondered why not have breakfast outside next to this beautiful pool"
"Oh this is nice of you auntie thanks I guess"
"Come on your my niece I'd do anything for you anyways come join me"
Do anything for me? Sarah questioned herself in her thoughts. Come on you know that your here because you wanna please my family the breakfast is just some bonus I guess maybe they might pay you extra she thought to herself.

"So any plans for the day"
"Not really besides finishing of dozens of homework you know"
"Well how about we go out maybe shopping"
"Ahh no I can't, I mean I think I've had too much shopping done around here"
"Come on you know there's no such of a thing as ' done too much shopping' for a girl your age"
"There is you know"
"Okay then how about you accompany me cause I still got things I wanna shop for before I go back home tonight"
"Your leaving tonight?"
"Yeah ey I wish I could stay kiddo but I can't I have to be back to work by Monday"
"Oh okay then I'll go with you"

Sarah didn't agree to go shopping with her aunt because she wanted to but because she knew how much she loved having her around since she was the only person she could have around. And so she went upstairs got ready and they headed down to the mall. When they got there the phobia Sarah had about too much shopping had already worn off because there's nothing she loved like shopping with her auntie. That was 'her go to gal ' no matter what. They shopped,had ice cream,made fun of people,had lunch and even watched a movie at the cinema. As much as they both enjoyed all that it hurt them to remember that later on they would have to depart. And so they tried to not overthink about that by having as much fun as they could. Later on when Melanie had to leave, Sarah's heart was rather broken but she smiled just so she wouldn't make Melanie feel bad for leaving her without choice of staying but by the force of actually going back home.

When Melanie had left,Sarah sat up the whole night finishing off her homework and when she was done she kept watching the videos they took and kept looking at the pictures they took.

The next morning when Sarah woke up she prepared for school and as soon as she got out of the shower there was a knock on the door. When she opened up she saw a basket that had a bunch of red roses in it,she picked it up and took it inside. She put it on the kitchen counter and saw a letter in the middle it read:

I know your probably angry at me. So if you wouldn't mind,meet me at this location later on around 17:30 pm so I could explain...
Greenvilla hotel
725 marabol road

She found the letter from Tom rather sweet but she was mad at him but she did want to hear the explanation and so she decided that she was gonna go only to get clearance for herself but not because she would love to hear him apologize and she knew that it was both actually. Now that Sarah had Minty to talk to especially at school it was easier to avoid Miranda and her friends. She and Minty were inseparable and that kinda made her feel good about their friendship but it honestly wasn't even a friendship well that was according to Sarah but to Minty it was a friendship and it meant alot to her. She was happy to be around Sarah and as much as Sarah didn't wanna admit it she too loved to spend time with Minty and also wanted to spend as much time with her even at home but she was avoiding Tom as much as possible.

When school was over,they drived home and Minty suggested that they hang out but Sarah said she had plans but didn't say what it was with exactly. Although Minty asked her so many questions about where she was going exactly,she said some things about getting groceries for the house and Minty even wanted to go with her but she insisted on going alone. After a long argument with Minty she eventually got free. She went upstairs to her room to take a shower,scent herself,fix her hair,choose an outfit that would make Toms mouth water. She dressed in a red tight dress that was short and mini with sandals matching it,she curled her hair and even made it look shinier then it would look normally,she wore her most expensive jewelry and accessories for her hair. She looked like a princess from one of the Disney movies. She even painted her toes in white nail polish and made sure her hands were clean. She grabbed her black leather jacket and purse then went out. She was happy, excited and very thrilled in what would happen exactly. She really didn't know what to expect exactly.

She got to the hotel 30 minutes early and waited for Tom to arrive. He arrived at exactly 5:30 pm,she then waited another 30 minutes before she would actually get in. When she entered Tom was sitting sipping on champagne and as soon as he saw her his jaw literally dropped,he felt something so extreme something he had never felt before. He didn't know if his heart was beating or his eyes were the ones pumping the blood. He felt something he had never felt for Brittney he felt Sarah looked like an angel and he was lucky to be the one actually waiting for her. When Sarah walked in as soon as she saw him she saw that one guy she loved so much,the guy she thought was her saviour saving her from her own life. The life that she hated so much. She thought she'd already found the one. When she got to the table,she sat down and got to business
"So why am I here" she asked
"Your not even gonna greet,rude "
"Come on you called me here so I'm listening"
"Wait your going somewhere or?"
"Yeah kinda..."
"Well you can go...I mean I'm not begging you to be here if your scheduled for something else,we can reschedule"
Sarah felt that was a harsh response and because she didn't wanna feel small she stood up and turned to leave. Tom watched her till she even got out of the room. Sarah hoped he would've followed her even before she got to the parking lot but she even got to her car but Tom wasn't behind her. Tom on the other hand waited about 2 minutes to actually get up and follow Sarah. When he got to the lot Sarah was already in the car,he went into the passenger seat...

"Why are you acting up,that's not lady like of you,you know"
"Lady like and well that wasn't man like of you to talk to me like that"
"What was I supposed to say exactly,you wanted to go and it's not like I'm your prison warden and your my prisoner and so you don't owe me really"
"Oh...I see,but you weren't suppo..."
Before she could finish her sentence Tom was already near her face and just smiled he reached in for a kiss. He didn't even wait for her to kiss him back,he just wanted to kiss her. She obviously kissed him back,one thing led to another and they made out. They went on for about 2hours. When they finished they decided to book a room and stay the night. The next morning they had breakfast together and Sarah decided not to go to school,Tom didn't go to work and they sat in bed for the rest of the day. They had some soaks in the jacuzzi and sipped on champagne,watched movies and even had pillow talk. They made out in the shower and that was the most romantic thing Tom ever did with anyone and especially just enjoy it. When they were done they went back to bed and enjoyed this moment they had with each other.They felt good not only about themselves but of just being together. They didn't want the moment to end. They both just felt happy to be together, Sarah's parents obviously wouldn't notice she wasn't home,and Toms fiancee wouldn't even be a problem since Tom felt he had some type of control over her.

If you saw them you wouldn't want this moment to end for them because they deserved it. They both had a miserable life and they both owed it to themselves to remain happy and not think of anyone else but themselves. Sarah avoided the talk about Brittney,him being engaged and not even mentioning Minty. This thing between them, had already become more than friendship but they weren't really friends. It was kinda special and unique in its own way,it was something that gave them their confidence back,the confidence they needed to face the world. This thing between them had grown to a very affectionate phase where their feelings got the best of them,they forgot that they'd have to go back to their miserable lives. Thing is they weren't happy about having to leave each other but they weren't sad either because they now knew they could be with each other whenever they wanted to but they'd just have to make proper arrangements. I mean they wouldn't have to goodbye each other I mean they were neighbours after all.

When the sun was setting they figured one more round wouldn't hurt anyone and so they made out again and oh they both just loved it. After that they got dressed and left the room. They got downstairs,to the parking lot and just didn't want to turn away from each other. Sarah gave Tom a really big hug and he also hugged her back,he smiled and said "till I see you again gorgeous,now don't be a stranger"
Sarah just smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. On the way home Tom couldn't stop thinking about Sarah he felt like he could just turn the car to the opposite direction that she went. He just kept listening to RnB music and kept thinking about Sarah. When he got home his fiancee was on top of the kitchen counter,lights dim, candles and rose petals all over the house. She had a red lingerie on and looked so horny. Tom didn't really wanna do it especially with her but just so he could get her off his back,he fucked her. They went for about an hour which was probably not even the minimum they would normally go. After that Tom went to take a shower,went outside to smoke a blunt. When he got back his fiancee was already in bed...

"Where were you Tom"
"Excuse me"
"Yeah you didn't come back last night and they told me you didn't go to work and then you show up this evening thinking I won't ask anything I'm your fiancee Tom"
"Ah please don't give me that fiancee shit, I don't owe you an explanation your not my mother and besides I'm not having this conversation I'm going to bed"
"No mister your gonna tell me where you were you hear me"
"Oh is that some type of a demand,look Brittney I'm the accountant in this house and yet your giving me demands. What makes you think you own me"
"I didn't say I own you I have to know"
"You know what it's pretty obvious I'm not gonna sleep here so I'll leave you to your space fiancee" he laughs at her and then walks away.

He didn't see any reason to explain anything to her,he didn't like to be nagged constantly and that's what Brittney always did. He just wanted Sarah,wanted to see her and be with her. Because this little pity party that just happened with his fiancee was nothing compared to what he felt when he was with Sarah. He felt like a man of his own rules,a need and a want to this beautiful girl who lived next door. He felt like king and that's all he wanted but it was pretty obvious that he wasn't gonna get that from Brittney ever. He only realised that what he felt for Brittney was fading away ever since he met Sarah. The fierce young lady made him realise that the world wasn't as bad after all.

When Sarah got home her parents weren't there obviously. She went in and just went to the kitchen and made herself something to eat. She then went upstairs to her room to imagine the moment she had with Tom. She was happy and very excited to have this type of thing in her life. She dreamed about him and her being together.

Something so dreamy,out of the ordinary had already manifested itself into Sarah Silvermans life and Tom Waterson's life. Things were great about life. It wasn't friendship it was more than that,definitely something more than friendship.

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