#LoveSTAY - Stray kids x read...

By ih3artskz143

49.2K 715 1.7K

stray kids x reader scenarios, imagines and reactions that hopefully won't make you absolutely cringe and die... More

When they have a crush on you
How you make them blush
Morning cuddles
Them being bothered/upset
Your guys' song
Ways they show they love you
Late night texts
Stray kids in British secondary schools
You have a crush on him and he finds out
Someone hitting on you
You being upset
Christmas with them
You got your wisdom teeth taken out
2 months vs 2 years
Confessions and time taken
Them getting a bit too drunk
Getting ready together
You struggling to sleep
Movie night
Trips/ holidays with them
Them as love languages
Them getting in a physical fight
You call them by their full name
You're sick
Arguments with them
How they like their kisses
You feel bad about yourself
Them getting clingy
Cooking adventures
Them meeting your parents
You end up in hospital
When they're away on tour
First 'I love you'
Stray Kids as friends to lovers tropes
Your outfit is revealing
Ideal date

Meeting their parents

817 12 67
By ih3artskz143


-despite you and chan dating for what felt like forever now, you never actually got the chance to meet his parents face to face yet since they lived in Australia and you never had the opportunity to go together for such formalities

-this didn't stop you from being the best of friends with his mom, whom he sends a million and one photos and videos of you, in addition to the fact you often find yourself talking to her over the phone whenever your boyfriend calls her

-you were actually so excited to finally meet her in person and you weren't nervous at all, you knew she'd loved you from the very beginning before you and chan even dated when he would tell he all about you over the phone and she could tell you genuinely made him happy. walking up to the doors of his family home, you were practically jumping up and down impatiently

''[name], hi!'' his mom squealed when she swung open the door and ran straight to you instead of her son first, ''you look even prettier in person, wow!!''

''hello too you too'' chan scoffed, crossing his arms and chuckling to himself at the fact his mom came over to you first and not him

-after the greetings and hugs from all of his family members, you made your way inside where his mom immediately grabbed you by the arm and dragged you into their garden, where a beautiful BBQ with plenty of dishes was set up for yours and chan's arrival

-you spent the afternoon laughing, telling stories about your adventures with their son and eagerly listening to all the little stories his mom and dad had to share in return, a flustered chan burning his hands in his face when he heard half of them

-afterwards, you went out on a walk with his family and their dog, sitting on a bench beside his mom whilst his dad and younger siblings went off into a convenience store and chan was walking around with berry, which left the two of you. his mom turned around to face you better and held your hands in hers, putting them on your knees gently as she looked up at you

''I can tell you're the one for my boy'' she smiled, squeezing your hands, ''you don't even know how many nights I've spent up discussing you with him over the phone, he really does love you [name], more than you could ever imagine''

-with no response needed, you exchanged a huge smile with her once again before turning your heads to look back at your boyfriend who was walking berry as if he was 12 again, even more excited about your future with him and feeling loved by his mom, who you couldn't thank enough for raising the love of your life into who he is today

Lee Know

-'' stop being so nervous. my mom and dad will love you'' he whispered, squeezing your hand as he rang the doorbell

''and if they don't?'' you whisper-shouted back, biting on the insides of your cheeks nervously

''...then we'll run away together''

-luckily, there was no need for plot to run away with your boyfriend, because the moment that door opened you could tell you were genuinely going to be loved and in a place where you didn't even know you belonged in and needed until you got there

''minho, [name], hi!!'' his mom squealed excitedly, putting her hands on either side of your arms and gasping as she got to have a good look at you in person, ''minho baby, how did you find yourself such a beautiful girl?!''

-she showed you around excitedly and showed off the amazing meals she prepared, which you were looking forward to hearing the way minho spoke about her food AND she was also the one who taught your boyfriend how to cook, which says a lot

-you got pretty comfortable pretty fast, and soon you were sat around the table with his parents (and cats who were of course tangled in between everyone's legs) laughing and speaking casually with no awkwardness at all, something you were really worried about. of course, you had to pop the big question you were waiting for all night;

''you don't happen to have any photo albums of baby minho, do you?'' you asked politely, smiling at minho knowing damn well this was the one thing he asked for you not to do 

''I thought you'd never ask!'' his dad chuckled, already up and on his way to the drawers from which he pulled out a huge stack of albums

''dad, don't you dare-''

-with no power over his parents whatsoever, minho accepted his fate and watched as you eagerly listened to his parents who flicked through the pages for you, explaining the context between each and every one of these photos

''you know this one time he wet himself and-''


-you carried on laughing with his parents and watching him pout at you fussily, shy about the baby photos you knew you'd be cooing over for the next month

-time passed by so ridiculously quickly and it was getting late much sooner than you thought it would, so you helped his mom clean up a bit and did your part in washing up the dishes, it was the least she could do for you after hospitable and sweet welcoming for you

-in the corner of your eye, you caught minho smiling to himself from ear to ear as he watched you bond with his mom whilst washing the dishes. to him, it was endearing to watch his two favourite people growing closer to each other, once again reminding him of the reason he fell for you

''how much do you bet he's not aware we know it's us he is grinning so widely about'' his mom whispered, smiling with a suppressed laugh as she quickly put a finger over her lips to stay quiet so he doesn't realise

''I could bet an arm and a leg on that''

''I can tell he truly loves you though [name], I never knew he'd turn THIS soft for a girl'' she smiled, looking at you then at minho, who had caught on that you were talking about him and how now tilting his head in confusion as he tried to listen, and then at you again, ''you've got to be really special to him, more than I could ever comprehend''


-changbin is super close with his parents, so naturally, he was hoping you could get just as close to them so you could be like a big happy family for him

-your first meeting with his family was at his sister's graduation from university party, which wasn't ideal since it was a huge gathering and was bound to cause you sickly anxiety, but you knew you'd try your best to converse with them properly even with a huge group of people around

''do I look presentable? is this appropriate for meeting your parents for the first time? do you think they'll like it? wait no I'm showing too much skin and-''

''[name], stop worrying yourself to death. you look beautiful'' your boyfriend affirmed, rubbing circles with his thumb on your waist comfortingly ''they'll adore you from the moment they set eyes on you, just like I did''

-you made your way inside the venue, fiddling with your hands placed at your front as you walked over nervously to his parents, whose faces brightened seeing you, easing your nerves massively

''[name] dear, oh I've been looking forward to meeting you for so long now!'' his mom said, pulling you into a warm hug right away, which you of course returned lovingly

''it's lovely to meet you too, binnie has spoken so highly about the two of you''

-you spoke very politely and formally to his mother and father, but they immediately told you to speak informally with them, stating that you're now family to them

-even with all the noise and cheering and celebration going around you, you managed to appropriately introduce yourself to his parents and laugh with them for quite a while, just the way you wanted to. their first impression of you was extremely important to you, so you were relieved that although your first meeting wasn't in a quieter, calmer place, you still managed to hit it off well with them from the beginning

-you also made your way over to his sister to introduce yourself, giving her the small gift you prepared for her and a bouquet. she fell in love with you right away and adopted you as her new best friend, introducing you to all her other friends and making you feel like a part of something big and welcoming, naturally getting involved in conversations which began running smoothly as you got to know each other better

-' this is for sure the one'  his sister mouthed to his dad, pointing at you with a grin when you and changbin smiled at each other across the room while both being absorbed into separate conversations with different groups of people

-the crowd slowly began to disperse and the venue emptied, leaving just a few select close friends of his sister's and his parents, plus you. it was time to say goodbye to his parents, who you were gutted about having to leave already

''she's a keeper I can tell you that, don't screw this up. If you don't marry her one day, I'll lose my faith in you son'' his dad said, patting your boyfriend's back

''oh I promise I will dad''

-after the whole crowded, lively celebration was over and you both got into the car to go home, you both set out a sigh of relief about finally having your first moment to yourselves this evening

''hi.'' he grinned stupidly, caressing your face with his thumb

''hey'' you said back, putting your hand over his which was on your cheek

''that wasn't bad at all was it? they loved you just like I said they would''

''they're the sweetest, no wonder you grew up to be such a gentleman with amazing parents like that''


-you were so, so anxious about meeting hyunjin's parents in case they thought you were not good enough for him or he could do better, but luckily the moment you stepped through that door into their warm welcomes, you realised that wasn't the case

- in fact, it turns out his mom already knew all about you because your boyfriend told her EVERYTHING when he was crushing massively on you, which is why it took you by surprise when you were conversing with her and she knew a ridiculously large amount of things about you

-it turned out for the best though, because conversations with his mom and dad, who by the way were the sweetest people known to mankind, went really smoothly and it didn't feel awkward at all, more like family you weren't aware you needed until they entered your life

-you sat in his homely, cosy dining room together and enjoyed a nice meal, laughing and discussing together as if this wasn't the first time you've met, which really calmed the nerves you were feeling about this whole parent meeting thing

''you know, when hyunjin was badly crushing on you he would-''

''okay, okay- mom!!'' he whined, nervously smiling whilst picking up some side dishes and practically force-feeding them to her to get her quiet ''let's just skip the details, [name] doesn't need to know all that!!''

''oh, I need to know EVERYTHING please, tell me all the little details!' you added, giggling and sticking out your tongue at your boyfriend whose mom was stressing him out by sharing all his top secrets about just how much of a big fat crush he had on you

''it was love at first sight, I'm telling you'' she smiled, pinching his cheeks which made you giggle at how some things never change for parents, even when their child is now a fully grown man 

-hours passed like minutes, and soon you were helping hyunjin's mom with packing some extras for the two of you to bring back home with you, which you were extra grateful for considering her food was to die for, but bummed that you had to go home already as you really enjoyed your time here

''you treat her well hyunjin'' his dad commanded, chuckling faintly as he pulled you both into a hug, ''tell you what, why don't you invite your parents over next time as well? we'd love to have you around more often''

-you got in the car and let out a huge sigh of relief, smiling stupidly to yourself as you repeated the lovely conversations you had in your head, content about how your first meeting with them went 

''you might be their favourite soon-to-be daughter in law, you know''

''what do you mean favourite?! am I not the only one?!'' you gasped, smacking his arm playfully

''I'm joking! you're their favourite and ONLY one, I can promise you that''


''what are the chances we can just tell them I died or something and we can run away together and''

''breathe.'' your boyfriend said, looking deeply into your eyes and slowly taking deep breaths which you soon synchronised with and stopped your heart from racing so much, ''you're amazing, you know that? my parents will love you''

-you agreed to go out for a nice meal with jisung's parents so that he could finally introduce you to them, something he's been eager to do for so long now and his parents too have been looking forward to it

-every time the door's little bell rang to indicate someone coming into the small family restaurant his parents recommended, you felt your heart skip a beat as you hesitantly raised yourself from your chair, unsure as to whether it was his parents or not

-it was like a constant cycle for a good few minutes, but eventually, his parents arrived and you knew right away; your boyfriend was the spitting image of his dad, who had the exact same smile as him

''I can see where you get your smile from now'' you whispered, bowing politely at his parents as they made their way over to the two of you

-you know how it goes; hugging, shaking hands, exchanging greetings and then sitting down to begin talking. it all seemed so easy, yet it was the most nerve-wracking thing you've done in forever. despite trying to keep your cool as much as possible, for some reason controlling your breath became extremely difficult, every exhale being an obviously shaky one that anyone was bound to notice

''oh honey, don't be so nervous!'' his mom giggled, reaching out to hold your hand in hers, ''we don't bite''

-the worst of it passed and soon you found yourself very comfortable with talking to his mom and dad, who were some of your favourite people now, no wonder your boyfriend was so sweet. as for this sweet boyfriend of yours, he carried all the conversations and hardly gave you or either of his parents a chance to speak, he was too busy excitedly telling them all about you himself and all the memories made with you that he had to share

''you two are perfect for each other, we're both so happy for you'' his dad smiled, giving jisung THE dad thumbs up, causing you both to chuckle

-you adored his parents, and his parents adored you; in the end, everything turned out exactly how you were hoping it would and any worries you had melted away, allowing you to freely speak to his parents and connect with them, something which also made your boyfriend happy. he didn't want to say anything since you were already stressed enough on your own, but he too was slightly worried about how this would look

-afterwards, you all went for a walk and you noticed jisung and his dad were gradually walking at a further distance behind you and his mom, who was asking you about all your little beauty tips and secrets since she couldn't believe how someone could be as pretty as you

''I really like her dad'' he spoke up, smiling at the floor as he realised how cheesy he was being with his dad right now, ''she makes me so, so happy, you know?''

''I know you do son, I can see it all in your eyes''

-you and your mom eavesdropped on the conversation as you both giggled like teenage girls, awing over the love your boyfriend had for you

''she really likes you too ji'' his mom turned around and shouted from quite a distance ahead of them, leaving him all flustered that you were listening


-meeting his family made you fall in love with him all over again on a closer, more connected level, which is something you didn't know was possible considering how close you were previously anyway

-similarly to chan, it also took you a while to meet felix's parents in person due to his home country being australia, which naturally also made you more nervous since you've been in a relationship for so long yet haven't had the chance for meeting his parents, something which is usually one of the first things you do when dating

-his parents were already waiting for you and him upon arrival at the airport, they didn't want to have to wait any longer. they impatiently stood at the arrivals with a big sign saying 'our lovely felix and [name]' and big smiles on their faces

-you saw them and the nerves hit hard, but a wave of excitement came at the same time. the mix of emotions made you feel all queasy but in the best way possible, you honestly wanted to run and give them a huge hug but had to take short, witty steps forward instead as a form of self-control

''hey- hi! I've been looking forward to meeting you so much dear!!'' his mom cried out with a smile impossible to contain making its way onto her face

''it's like you've taken the words right out of my mouth!'' you giggled, your head naturally resting on his mom's shoulder when she hugged you, where you felt her motherly, caring nature right away

-maybe the fact you've dated felix for so long without ever seeing his parents in person made it easier in a way? you've spoken to them over the phone many times and are always sending his mom photos/videos since you even have her number saved in your own phone, but also the fact you've been together for so long was almost like a guaranteed approval of you 

''it's taken us way too long to say this [name] since we wanted to wait until we meet you in person, but welcome to the family'' his dad smiled, also gesturing for you to come into a hug

-already, you felt secure with your place in their family and felt like a genuine part of it, the idea of this only being the beginning making you even happier than you thought you could get

-you walked across the many footpaths of harbour bay where your boyfriend and his family introduced you to all the beautiful scenery in the heart of sydney since it was your first time in australia and you were amazed by the beauty of it

-to both yours and felix's surprise, his parents prepared a cute little picnic in a local park for you, so you could all enjoy each others' company under the warm sun instead of just sitting at home since you'd be doing the same thing in both locations either way; talking and laughing over some food and drinks

-you all did your parts in helping lay everything out and took a seat on the big family blanket, where his mom patted the space beside her for you to come to sit closer to her

-as you were all talking, his mom began sectioning pieces of your hair which she stated was the prettiest she'd ever seen and began braiding flowers into it, something which made you want to cry from the purity of it. she was treating you like her very own daughter, something you couldn't be more delighted about

''you laugh just like your dad lix'' you giggled after a joke was said, which caused everyone to burst out laughing and you noticed just how similar he and his dad are

''he does, doesn't he?!'' his mom chimed in, ''my two boys are so similar to each other!''

''you know [name], I still can't believe my little boy is so grown now and has a girlfriend of his own, it felt like just yesterday I was changing his diapers and-''

''okay mom that's enough!'' he groaned, rolling his eyes at you with a smile about his mom's unnecessary comment

''I saw that!'' she remarked, hitting his arm playfully for giving her attitude, ''but I'll let it slide because it was a cute interaction between my two cuties- oh I'm so happy for you two!''

''mom, are you crying?!''

''no! not yet, oh but I might-''

''can you imagine her on your wedding day?! the woman will be in shambles'' his dad added, causing you all to start laughing again

-hearing the word 'wedding', you and felix looked at each other with huge grins. maybe one day, right?


-the drive to seungmin's family home was pretty silent, a million thoughts about how his parents would perceive you flooding your head all at once. you wanted to make a really good first impression on them since both you and seungmin felt you guys were a forever thing

''you're acting like you've never spoken to my family'' your boyfriend chuckled, in an attempt to lighten the mood

''over the phone and in person is way different! what if I accidentally embarrass myself awfully upon arrival?!''

''if you embarrass yourself today, I'll embarrass myself next week on purpose so that we're ever, deal?'' your boyfriend proposed a great idea, about which you thought long and hard. it was your boyfriend's turn to meet your parents next week after you meet his, so it seemed like a reasonable promise to make


-once you saw that warm, homely smile of his mom's you're always happy to see over the phone, all your concerns melted away in an instant and you remembered who raised your boyfriend lovingly to be the seungmin you know and love today

-both his mom's and your arms naturally opened wide to pull each other into a hug, something you didn't have to think about twice, it was almost like a reflex upon seeing the woman you admired so much

''[name], love, it's so good to finally meet you in person!'' his mom squealed, reaching out an arm to pull seungmin into the hug too, ''oh my baby has finally found his person!!''

-as soon as you stepped foot inside, you knew you belonged right away; the atmosphere was so welcoming and a place which was supposed to be unfamiliar to you felt like you'd been in it a thousand times before

-enthusiastically, his parents led you by the arms up to seungmin's childhood room, which you could tell was filled with so many memories. it was decorated with all sorts of baseball-related decorations from signed gloves, to hung-up bats and outdated posters on the walls which were exactly how seungmin left them

''it's been so long since I've been here'' seungmin exhaled, falling back onto his bed

-you spent some time all together in his room reminiscing about his childhood and sharing a few points about yours too since his parents wanted to know all about you, they were so intrigued by how their son found himself such a beautiful girlfriend

-afterwards, you all relocated to the dining room where your boyfriend's mom prepared an amazing meal for you all, boasting about how she made it extra special for your first, and definitely not last, meeting with them

''[name] sweetheart, tell us about how you and seungmin got together, he always avoids the topic!!'' his mom pleaded, which of course you couldn't say no to

''I don't know to be honest, I guess I just realised he's the one and it happened naturally'' you responded, turning your head to share an amorous moment with your boyfriend when you both smiled like fools at each other whilst you carried on your story, ''though I must say- his small acts of service and sacrifices of his time to spend time together when crushing on me FIRST are what really did it for me, it was when I realised I wanted to be more than any sort of friends''

''he was probably quite subtle about it though, wasn't he? he's never been too expressive about his crushes or anything of that sort''

''oh not at all, it was so obvious to everyone from the very beginning'' you giggled

''I guess love really does change a person'' his dad shook his head with a chuckle, reaching over to squeeze seungmin's shoulder

-the evening was simply perfect and filled with good vibes, his parents made you feel so welcomed in their home and you were able to comfortably talk and laugh with them all evening, to the point you lost track of time

''I guess there'll be no reason for me to embarrass myself next week then?'' your boyfriend asked with a smirk as you both got back in the car

''I guess not'' you smiled, leaning over to kiss him ,''that was a perfect meeting.''


''oh my god jeongin, she's gorgeous!'' his mom awed, twirling her hair through your perfectly curled hair in admiration whilst she took in the beauty she was looking at 

-the moment you introduced yourself to his mom and dad, you hit it off so well with them that they completely forgot they had a son visiting them too, focused fully on their son's flawless, ethereal girlfriend

-according to his mother, you are now officially the daughter she never had, since she raised 3 sons without another girl in the house, so getting along with you so well was such a refresher for her, she knew she had to keep you under her wing forever now as if you were her own

-his mom was already sharing all her family recipes with you and telling you all about the whole of jeongin's family when his dad interrupted and also added how he's looking forward to you meeting all the extended family too since you're 'one of them' now

-you sat beside your boyfriend at the dinner table, glancing at each other every now and then with a satisfied smile, which his mom quickly caught on with and practically melted every time the two of you looked at each other, she just thought the two of you were 'too cute' and the 'perfect couple'

-you were very happy with the way this meeting turned out, you were so scared prior to it that you even told your boyfriend you're going to make flashcards on his family and their interests so that you know what to say, but he soon talked you out of that and reassured you that they're gonna love you, which they really did, if love is even a strong enough word for that

-his mom was ready to have a full-on meltdown when it was time for you to leave, she shielded you from your boyfriend, claiming that she was 'stealing' you from him and he had to say his goodbyes there and then

''[name] sweetheart, don't leave me alone with all these boys already!''

''I promise I'll visit again soon, I feel so welcomed and loved here I truly enjoyed meeting you''

''okay okay, but don't take too long before you come again, I'd love to have you around more often!'' his mom whined, disappointed you had to go already, but finally freeing you from her embrace and letting you go home

''so, what did you think of them?'' your boyfriend asked, reversing out of the car park with one hand whilst the other made its way into your hair, comfortingly brushing through the long strands

''I think I like them more than you''

''I don't think that's possible'' he grinned, ruffling your hair like he always does, ''but see? you were nervous for nothing!''

''I'll make sure to tell you the same thing next week, it's your turn''

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