Barry Kramer Fanfiction

By Odd_Sock

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When Cassie Baker moves to L.A she meets Barry Kramer and it all starts of friendly but will they become mor... More

Chapter One: Last Day of Summer
Chapter 3 -Want to come over?
Chapter 4-Jon's House
Chapter 5-A Date?
Chapter 6 Bad Days & Cuddles
Chapter 7-School Day's
Chapter 8-Dance and Birthdays.
Chapter 9 -Barry's Birthday

Chapter 2: First Day of School

203 4 0
By Odd_Sock

Chapter 2: First Day of School

I woke up to my alarm beeping, I turned over to see my clock blinking 5:45am the passing bell rings at 6:55 so we should be at school at 6:50 and we walk so we leave at 6:40. I rolled out of bed and started to make my bed, I went to the closet and grabbed my black converse,blue jeans,pink flannel and a white t-shirt, I got changed and rolled my sleeves up before going downstairs to see my mother making breakfast, "You look pretty good to see you not in total black," my mom said with a hint of sarcasm or maybe it was sass "Thanks mom" I replied "Can you get the girls up for me?" without even replying I went upstairs to get the younger girls up but I bumped into Gabby on the way. Now we get along about 50% of the time she likes to blame me for everything and thinks I am a boy because I'm not big into princess things, needless to say when I was little I was not the girl she wanted but Nate and I got along. "Geez Butch watch out!" She glared at me, she calls me Butch to get at me because I'm a "boy". "Sorry" I tried to not start a fight this morning, once I helped the girls we went down to eat. After eating I ran upstairs to get my phone and bag it was about 6:40 so we all got ready to head out we had to take a picture and we said our goodbyes and left to go to school, on the way I dropped Brianna and Ali off at their school and continued to walk to my school. When I got there I saw a big sign that read "Palos Verdes Peninsula High School Home of the Panthers" in yellow and black. I walked into the school and went straight to the office there the principal addressed herself her name was Mrs.Willson "So you came from Idaho?" she asked me "Yes M'am" I said with a smile. "Well I will get someone to show you around because your first class seems to be Homeroom with Ms.Thompson" she gave me a re assuring smile before turning to look at two boys "Ah Mr.Kramer could you come here for a minute" a boy walked towards us he was about 4"-5" taller then me with short dark brown almost black hair with blue/grey eyes, he had slight stubble but not too much he was a cutie I will admit that! "May I see your schedule Mr. Kramer?" Mrs.Willson asked he handed it over while she read it he gave me a reassuring smile. "Perfect! You and Ms.Baker have all the same classes do you mind showing her the school, I will get you out of Homeroom." She asked the boy he smiled at us both and replied with "I'd love to M'am" just then a lady walked by but the principal stopped her and started to explain why we may not be in her class I guess that must me Ms.Thompson she then marked us here for her class and walked away after shaking my hand. Then a bell went off and all the kids shuffled to get to class but we stayed and talked to the principal for a little while longer once the announcement and the national anthem ended Mrs.Willson left us be and walked away. I was nervous to be with the boy but he turned to me and stuck out his hand and said "Barry Nathan Kramer but you can just call me Barry" I blushed at his gesture and stuck my hand out "Cassadee Ann Baker but you can call me Cassie" I smiled at him and he chuckled a bit before asking to see my schedule I handed it too him.

It Read: Locker Number 3115

Passing Bell-6:55a

Period 1- Homeroom(Media Arts) 7:00a-7:55

Period 2-English 8:00a-8:56a

Period 3-Biology 9:02a-10:04a

Period 4-Math 10:10a-11:06a


Period 5-Gym 12:08p-12:43p

Period 6-Computers 12:49p-1:44p

Period 7-Chemistry 1:50p-2:45p

He looked up at me and gave a grin "Wow we do have all the same classes" "Cool" "So I guess I can show you our lockers, your 3115 and I'm 3117" he said while leading me up to the third floor of the school, once we got there we put our locks on and put our stuff in our lockers. After he gave me a tour which was mostly filled with us talking about me and why I moved that kind of stuff, once finally done showing me the 3 floored school we where on the 1st floor going to our first class because we still had about 20 minutes left. He opened the door for me and I thanked him while he gave me a grin "Ah Mr. Kramer and Ms.Baker thank you for joining us, you too can take the two computers at the back by Jon we are just getting use to the computers and working in Photoshop" Ms.Thompson said while turning back to her laptop. "Sounds good" we both said while laugh that we said it in sink.

We made our way to the back of the class, and sat at the two last computers, I was against a wall then Barry and then Jon,"Hey Barry! Who's your friend?" he said with a wink that made Barry blush a shade of red "ugh- her her name is Cassie" he said with a studded that made me blush at him "I'm new and Barry was showing me around" I smiled at him "Cool!" Jon replied.

The rest of classes where spent with Barry and Jon, I liked them they made me feel happy they made me smile a lot. It was now lunch and the guys invited me to the cafe with them so I accepted.We made our way to the second floor and went into because the guys wanted to buy lunch, I passed Gabby who was with a lot of girls well at least she made friends, "Oh hey Butch!" she said "Shit" I said while the guys looked at me, Gabby walked over and looked at the guys "Well they look like nerds just like you, so good job" she smiled at them devilishly "Oh leave them alone and shut up" I said in a firm tone while she walked away "Who was that and why did she call you Butch?" Jon asked while Barry nodded in agreement, "She is my sister and she calls me that because it gets on my nerves because she thinks I am boy because I like video games." I said both boys looked at me with a big smile "What?! You play video games? You should join us sometime" Barry exclaimed. "Sure I can come over one day"

The rest of the day I was with the boys, when it came to home time Barry walked up from his locker and asked where I lived, I told him and he smiled and said he lived about 5 minutes up the road from me and asked if I'd like to walk with him and of course I said yes. Jon went home the other way but told us he would text us then we all exchanged numbers before walking away I noticed Jon nudge Barry and when he came back he was blushing a shade of red. We walked until we got to Ali and Briannas school and I told him I'd be right back when I came back with the girls the both immediately asked "IS HE YOUR BOYFRIEND?!" Barry and I both blushed and he replied "Nope I'm her best friend my names Barry" the girls looked at each other and whisperer something then giggled and said "I'm Brianna and this is Ali" he smiled at them and we started to walk again and I turned to him "Sorry about that" I said feeling a little embarrassed he looked at me a grinned "No no I don't mind." We continued to talk and walk while the girls giggled and talked about who knows what."Cassie can you take us to the park tonight?" Asked Ali "Sure why not but you have to ask first" then Ali replied with an okay. Once we got to the house the girls ran inside and I turned to Barry he smiled at me and said "Can I text you tonight?" I laughed a little before saying "Sure anytime!" "Okay cool, well I'll talk to you tonight then" he said while laughing "Yep talk to you tonight!" I said while waving goodbye and he waved back. Once I walked inside I ran upstairs and set my bag down and took off my shoes and went downstairs to see Nate and Gabby had got home, Nate gave me a big grin while Gabby just pushed by me and went upstairs. "Come on girls lets get your school clothes off" I said noticing my mom mouthed 'thank you' to me and I just smiled at her, while I ran up the stairs with the girls I picked out Ali's outfit but I figured I could trust Brianna to pick out what she wanted, we then went back into the living room and I sat on the floor playing with Daxton while my mom and brother made dinner, we were having spaghetti Ali and Bris (Briannas) favorite.

Once my dad came home we sat down to eat it was about 5:15, we went around one by one starting with mom,dad,Brianna,Ali,Nate,Gabby,Daxton and then I was last, it was Nates turn I din't see him today but he said he made a new friend his name was Alex and he said he liked him and also his classes also that they walked home together that's why he was late. Then Gabby talked about her many new friends and she was late because she signed up for cheer leading and that's why she was late. Then everyone looked at me like I was a chicken with no head, I laughed and said "So Dax did you have a fun day with Mama?" everyone laughed and Daxton replied with "Ya ya ya" I chuckled at him and my dad turned to me and said "So now we know he had fun, so what about you Ms.Cassadee Ann?" I got a little nervous and looked up and said "ugh it was good I like my classes" "That's good...Did you meet anyone knew?" I knew that was the killer question because all the girls saw Barry and Gabby saw Jon too, "Ugh yeah" I studded out "Are you lining?" my dad asked a little sterner and I shook my head no while Gabby interrupted "No really she was with these two nerdy guys so at least she socialized" she said in a rude tone "Hey! They weren't nerds!" she replied with an "Sure they aren't" this time Brianna interrupted "Yeah and they are dating!" my parents both shot their heads toward my direction "No we are not" I defended myself "He just walked home with me." I said with my head down, "But you like him right Cassie?" asked Ali, I could tell at this point I was blushing and I replied with "As a friend then yeah" the girls started to giggle.Mom then said "I'm glad you met some people, what are their names?" "Barry hes the one that walked with me, and Jon" I said feeling a little less nervous "Well you should have them over one day" said my dad while smiling at me. We ate in silence for a bit before Ali asked if I could take them to the park my parents agreed and I interrupted "Well we can all get out of the house for a bit and you two can be alone, I mean the last time it was just you too was before the move" "Yeah I mean Alex invited me over so I can leave" agreed Nate "Yeah I was invited to the mall with Brittany" agreed Gabby "And hey I can take Daxton with us" I joined in. "Well I guess if you kids don't mind" said my dad with my mom agreeing. We all left our ways and once I got upstairs I noticed I had a text message from Barry it read

Barry- "Hey! Whats up?"

Me- "Gonna take my siblings to the park, what about you?"

Barry- Nice, and nothing :(

Me-"Do you want to meet us at the park?"

Barry-"Do you mind?"

Me-"Not at all!"

Barry-"Then sure! See you soon!"


I then put my phone in my pocket and got changed into some shorts and a hoodie and threw my converse on, then I walked downstairs to get Daxton and the girls, mom had backed the backpack so I picked up Dax and me and the girls headed on our way to the park, it was about a 10 minuet walk before we got there, once we were there the girls ran straight to the swings. I walked to an area of grass and put down the blanket and Daxton, I gave him some of his cars and he just sat there playing with his toys. I got up and turned to see Barry walking up I walked over to him with a stupid smile on my face and he had a great big grin to, once at each other he leaned in and gave me a big hug "Hello" I tensed at him hugging me but I gave in and knew all the blood rushed to my face we pulled away and I just smiled and said "Hi" he chuckled and walked over to the blanket, we both sat down and Daxton walked over to me and sat on my lap I chucked "Playing shy buddy?" I looked down at him but he looked up and smiled at me "This is Daxton he will be a year in October, and he gets kinda shy at times" I told Barry "Well he is quite the cutie, Hi Daxton I'm Barry" Barry gave him a high five and Daxton said "Bear!" we laughed at him but he walked back to his cars. "So you have a lot of siblings anymore I don't know about?" Barry asked "Ugh you met them all but one Nathan he is Gabbys twin brother he is at a friends house though" I explained "Oh cool" "Yeah" just then Daxton came back over "Swing" he said pointing to the girls "Okay Dax lets go on the swings, Want to come?" I said while picking up Daxton "Of course!" Barry jumped up, once at the swings I put Daxton in the baby swing, the girls saw Barry and the smiled and Brianna asked what he was doing here and Barry replied with "I thought I'd come hang out with you guys!" the girls had no complaints just the request that Barry push them on the swings he of course jumped right in and was giving them under doggies making them laugh uncontolibly which made me giggle at him and then I picked up Daxton and started to sway him as he looked tired, the girls ran of to go play on the slide well I sat down on the wheelchair swing and started to sing Daxton to sleep, "Your a really good singer Cass" I looked up to see Barry I immediately became embarrassed, nobody but Daxton hears me sing "Thanks" at this point Daxton was out cold asleep, so I walked over and put him in the stroller and rapped him in the blanket and brought the stroller over to the swings, I sat down with Barry and we talked for a long time until about 7:55pm and then decided I should take the girls home, "Um can I walk home with you?" "Sure" I smiled at Barry and we got the girls and started walking back home, once at the house the girls went inside and I thanked Barry for coming and he said he'd love to do it again sometime. I turned to look up at him and he leaned in and he gave me a great big hug and whispered "Have a great night" I whisperer back "You too" and then we let go and he waved and left while I brought Dax back inside. There were my parent my mom chuckled "What I was just saying goodbye to him" they both laughed and said nothing but thank you for taking the kids out. It was now about 8:15 and in walked Nate, who was smiling at me but he walked upstairs after saying hi. I then ran upstairs and knocked on his door he said "Come in" so I opened his door and walked over to his bed he was sitting on his computer chair, "Why have you been giving me looks since I got home?" I asked and he laughed at me "Do you like Barry?" I was shocked I had no idea what to say "Ugh as a friend" was all I could spit out, he chuckled "I saw you two together that's all and I just wondered, anyway get out I need sleep love yeah little sis" I had many questions but never asked and just said "Love you" and I walked out and went to bed, once showered and in bed I was on my phone when Barry texted me.

B- Had a great time!

M- Same here :)

B-Have a great night,see you tomorrow!"

M-You too!

I just smiled at the fact he texted to say night.

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