Endless Love

By xxmmas_

2K 148 29

❝ Never in my life have I met someone like you. You're someone that comes once in a lifetime.❞ Aaliyah Mille... More

Authors Note And Character Aesthetics
1 : Pilot
2 : Back To Where It All Started
3 : Depressing Mall Trips
4 : Summer Nights
5 : First Day Back
6 : The Matchmaking Project
7 : First Date Jitters
8 : Suspicious Dreams
9 : A Night To Remember...Or Not
10 : Aftermath Of The Storm
11 : Business Trips And Bad Decisions
12 : Slumber Party
13 : The Reason I Love And Hate Elevators
14 : It's Wednesday My Dudes
15 : DDD (Double Date Disaster)
16 : Friday Night Lights
17 : Suprise Visits
18 : Birthday Kisses And Weakness
19 : Spooky Season Is Officially A Go
20 : Seriously, Whose Idea Was This?
21 : He's Alive...I Think
Bonus Chapter : Cam's Birthday
22 : The L-Word
23 : Move Night
24 : Quinceañera Prep : Scene 14 Take 347
26 : Carpe Diem
27 : Redamancy
28 : Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
29 : "Ride The Ancient Dove Side Charon"
30 : Chaos Around The Christmas Tree
31 : An Invitation To More Drama
32 : Guess Who's Taking Over
33 : New Year, Same Problems
34 : The Charity Gala
35: Where Laughter Meets Reflection
36 : Countdown To 'I Do'
37 : "Promise Me This Is Forever"
38 : Together Forever

25 : Es Hora De Una Quinceañera!

31 3 0
By xxmmas_



It's time for a quinceañera baby!

I've never been to one but I'm so excited to go. I heard they're so much fun.

A couple of weeks ago Lucas told me that Xavier's little sister is turning 15.

They grow up so fast.

It wasn't until then that he asked me if I had anything to wear. Don't get me wrong now I have dresses but not one to wear to a quinceañera.

Why would he think then would be the appropriate time to ask me?

He made up for it because he took me shopping but he still isn't off the hook.

Anyway, I love the dress I picked out. Of course, Desirée already had hers. She assumed Lucas had already told me.

Oh, how wrong she was.

I decided to be a somewhat organized person and started getting ready a good 6 hours before it started.

Now, just because I got up 6 hours earlier doesn't mean I actually got ready.

I know, I know...pitiful.

Desirée barging into my room was my cue to get ready. She already had her hair and makeup done she just had to put on her dress.

She looked beautiful. As always.

She had her long curly black hair down with little beads in it. Her makeup was flawless. She had a light pink eyeshadow that went perfectly with her skin. She also had lip liner on her lips. I always get so jealous because it looks so good on her.

Me on the other hand. I had absolutely nothing on and wasn't halfway near ready.

"What are you doing?" She carefully placed her dress on my bed and rushed over to me. I was sitting at my vanity, "We only have what like 4 hours to get ready. And you know you take forever."

"I lost track of time," I stood up and went to get my dress out of my closet and placed it beside hers.

"Oh my gosh!" she squealed when she saw my dress, "I love it!"

I didn't show her my dress after I got it because I wanted it to be a sort of surprise. Not even Lucas saw it.

It's nothing special, but I love it.

"Lucas is going to lose his mind when he sees you in this. Good job girl."

"Umm. I didn't get this for Lucas. I got this for me."

"Mhhhh sure." She looked at me unconvinced, "Now let's get you ready."

A good hour and 20 minutes later I finally had everything done. It took longer because I couldn't decide on a hairstyle and Des didn't know exactly what to do with my makeup.

I decided on 2 braids in the front pinned back into my messy bun with a few strands hanging out. My makeup was pretty simple I just had a little eyeshadow and some lipstick.

Just looking at me you would think it took probably around 20 minutes. A girl can wish.

"We have to put on our dresses and then attempt to get there at a decent time. Since someone doesn't know how to get ready."

"Don't look at me like I'm the villain. Any other time we would have been waiting on you."

"Not this time though. It's a special event."

She's right. I feel bad now. Omg, am I one of those horrible people that doesn't think of anyone but themselves?

"And no you're not a horrible person that doesn't think of anyone but themselves. So stop your overthinking and get dressed."

She knows me too well.

Des had a light pink floor-length v-neck. It fits her body perfectly like it was made for her.

I had a floor-length black dress with a slit going up the side. It's not noticeable unless I stick my leg out but gosh I loved this dress.

"Perfect timing," Desirée said as the doorbell rang.

"We got our stuff and then headed down the steps. "Wait," I grabbed Desirée's arm, "Do I look good?"

She sighed. "Aaliyah. We're not going through this again. You look amazing."

"You sure?"

"Would I lie to you?"

I smiled and then hugged her. "Now come on."

I started to walk towards the door then remembered something. "Oh shoot I forgot something. Go on I'll be right there."

"Don't take too long," she shouted going out the door.

I ran back...well quickly walked back upstairs to grab something.

Then I went back down the stairs and everyone was waiting for me. I closed my door and when I turned around I met his eyes.

He looked...surprised?

I can't describe his look. Which is weird because usually I can. I walked up to him and that's when it hit me how good he looked.

He had on an all-black suit with a silver watch. Don't even get me started on his hair. I love his hair.

"You look...wow just," he let out a deep breath, "You look stunning, ravishing, gorgeous, and any other word that means beautiful would just about do it."

I blushed. And when I say blushed I mean a full-on strawberry face blush. I don't even try and hide it anymore. "Thank you. You look pretty good I guess."

He chuckled. "Pretty good?"


"I'll take it." He smiled.

He knows how much I love his smile.

Desirée and Xavier were over there being cute per usual. He had on a light grey suit that matched Desirée's dress perfectly.

I love them.

"Oh yeah," I snapped out of my staring, "I got you something."


"No the leaf on the ground. Yes, you."

"What is it?"

"Close your eyes."

He closed his eyes and I took my scrunchie out of my wallet. I slowly placed it on his wrist and then fixed it a little. "You can open them."

He looked down at his wrist and then smiled. "Why?"

"Because you gave me a key to your apartment so I wanted to give you something in return."

"You didn't-"

"Shut up. Yes, I did and that's the last I want to hear about it."

"Yes ma'am."

He stepped closer and leaned down to my ear. "I love it when you get bossy."

There goes those stupid butterflies again.


What? Xavier's been teaching me a little Spanish.

"If you two lovebirds are done we should get going."

I rolled my eyes. She really doesn't get tired of calling us lovebirds, does she?

Xavier and Des got in the front while Lucas and I took the back. The whole ride there was pretty chill just music playing in the background and we talked a good bit.

Every time I looked over at Lucas he was playing with my scrunchie. Guess he likes it.

"I love it by the way." It's like he was reading my thoughts, "In case you thought I didn't or something."

"I didn't," he looked at me suspiciously, "Okay I just didn't think you'd want it."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know."

He just stared at me. I looked away and he started laughing. The whole ride I stared out the window and got lost in my thoughts.

I knew what I had to do. But I wasn't ready to do it.


When we arrived there was a lot of people there. The music was loud and the setup was beautiful. Not to mention the food. I haven't even gotten a bite and I already know it's amazing.

As soon as we walked in Xavier and Desirée were dragged away by his family members.

"¡Javier! ¿Por qué no nos has presentado a tu novia todavía? Ella es hermosa. Estoy orgulloso de ti." Then she squeezed his cheeks. I laughed a little. She seems so nice.

With them gone, that left Lucas and I by ourselves.

After talking to I think half of Xavier's family my social battery was pretty low. And that's saying a lot because usually, I'm pretty good at talking to people.

"Hey," Lucas interrupted and grabbed me by my waist, "Come with me."

Thank goodness. I didn't know what else to talk about. We walked around for a little and found a bench sort of off from everyone and decided to sit down.


"Yeah, no problem. You looked like you needed saving."

"Not really. I just...Okay yeah, I definitely needed saving."

He laughed a little. "Have I told you how good you look?"

"This'll be the seventh time I think."

"I just wanted to let you know."

"Yeah, I think I got it."

We looked at each other and started laughing.

Now's the time Aaliyah.

I cleared my throat. "Umm, Lucas. I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"


Great timing Desirée.

"Oh my gosh, I finally got away. I've never had to learn so many names. But I love his family they're all so nice and sweet."

She finally looked around and saw Lucas and I. "I'm sorry did I interrupt something? I hope I didn't. You know what I just come back later."

"No you're fine," I smiled.

There goes my courage.

We went over to get drinks after socializing with Xavier's family for a good bit.

We were all standing around talking when the doors opened. Ximena walked in and everyone gasped. She looked like a real-life princess. She is so beautiful.

She had on a puffy light purple dress with a bunch of sequins at the top and some going down the dress at the bottom too.

"She looks beautiful," Des and I said at the same time.

Great minds think alike.

After dancing and partying for a while. I went to get me another drink. I don't know what they were but I was amazing.

I heard footsteps come up behind me. I turned around to find Ximena. "Oh my gosh," I sat my drink down then hugged her to the best of my ability. Her dress was limiting me a good bit, "Look at you girl you've grown so much. You look beautiful."

"Thank you," she smiled, "So do you. Thank you for coming."

"Oh no I wanted to come really. It was a pleasure."

"I see you and Lucas are still going strong."

I let out a deep breath. "Oh no," she looked a little scared, "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you're fine. It's just that we broke up."

"What?! Why?"

"Communication issues. But we're good now."

"Do you think you guys will ever get back together?"

"I don't know maybe. Lucas already told me how he feels and I love him I tried to tell him I just can't. I'm scared."

"Well," she said clearing her throat, "In the words of Mark Sloan 'If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you're scared that it's not the right thing. Even if you're scared that it'll cause problems. Even if you're scared that it will burn your life to the ground, you say it, and you say it loud and you go from there.'"

Why didn't I think of that?

I laughed and then smiled at her. "Wiser words have never been spoken."

"Ximena! Come here we have to get pictures!"

"Well, there's my cue. It was nice seeing you, Aaliyah. And remember you have nothing to be scared of. He loves you and you love him."

"Thank you."

She smiled and then walked off.

She's right Aaliyah you have nothing to be scared of.


We made it back to Lucas' house and he didn't look too happy to be there. It was like he didn't want to go in for some reason.

"I just have to go grab something. You don't have to-" I unbuckled my seat belt and stepped out of the car. "Let's go."

"Yes ma'am."

He walked to the door and opened it for me then closed it behind him.

"Lucas?" his mom yelled out.

"Yeah, it's me."

She walked into the foyer and her eyes lit up when she saw me. "Aaliyah," she said as she walked over to hug me, "how've you been?"

"I've been good Mrs. Williams how about you?"

"Didn't I tell you to call me Victoria? And thank you for asking I've been good. I can't complain you know?"

Lucas looked over at her when she said that. Is there something I'm missing?

"So-" Suddenly my phone started ringing. "I'm so sorry," I said looking at my phone, "It's my mom let me see what she wants."

Aaliyah where are you?

Sorry we stopped by Lucas's house really quickly I'll be home in like 20 minutes

That's fine. Wait did you say you were at Lucas' house? How's Victoria?

She said she's fine

Let me speak to her

I walked back over to where they were and handed her the phone. "My mom wants to talk to you."

Hi Victoria

Hey Naomi

How've you been

I've been doing good mostly how about you

I've been good. Any plans for Thursday?

Thursday? What's Thursday?

You don't remember? It's Thanksgiving

Oh yeah, that's right. I completely forgot it slipped my mind. I haven't had time to get anything

How about you guys just come over to our house

Oh no I couldn't I wouldn't want to intrude

Oh, hush you'll be fine. I insist

Well if you insist

Great! I'll see you Thursday at 4

See you then

My mom hung up and Victoria handed me back my phone.

"Thanksgiving at your house huh?" Lucas whispered in my ear.

Someone help me.

"Why don't you go get what we came here for?" I suggested. Lucas laughed a little then headed upstairs. I stayed down here and talked to Victoria.

We went to sit down on the couch and started to talk. I haven't had an actual conversation with her in so long.

"You know Lucas is very lucky to have you."

"No, I'm the lucky one."

"You guys are good for each other. You're like two puzzle pieces."

I smiled at her. Then I heard the front door slam. She immediately stood up. "Hey, sweetie." He looked at her and rolled his eyes.

Well, that was rude. "Hi, William."

"What is she doing here?" He asked annoyed at my presence.

"She's with Lucas."

"Of course she is."

"What is that supposed to mean? Honey be nice."

"For what? If she's with Lucas I'm sure he's already told her what are bad father I am. According to you."

"Because you are."

"You know what it's late and I don't have time for this."

"Naomi invited us to dinner Thursday by the way."

"Why'd you say yes?"

"I didn't have time to get anything I forgot Thanksgiving was coming up."

"Let me guess you were too busy screwing other guys."

What the hell?

Lucas ran back down the stairs and pushed his dad back a little from his mom. "What the hell is your problem?"

"My problem? Why don't you ask your mother." He looked at her with pure disgust.

"Aaliyah, Lucas. Maybe you guys should leave." Victoria said shaking her head slightly.

"What?!" Lucas asked, "Are you kidding I'm not going anywhere."

"LEAVE!" his mom shouted. She looked at Lucas and gave him a look and he nodded his head. He grabbed his stuff and my hand and walked out the door. "Lucas."

"I don't want to talk about it."

So we didn't. The whole ride to my house was silent. I forgot to ask my mom if he could stay but I'm sure she would understand.

I felt so bad for Lucas. I didn't know what was going on at home. I finally understood why he always stayed at his apartment.

The thing I don't understand is why didn't he tell me?

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