Korn and Kurt Cobain

By Kurtcobainsaves

119 2 10

There will be clips of Kurt Cobain of talking or doing something!! I will give a scenario behind the video th... More

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49 1 4
By Kurtcobainsaves

This Imagine takes place with the live footage shot from a Live Nirvana show. Ultimately, Kurt  Cobain saves you from a sexual assault. *Video Above*


You opened your eyes and stared at your ceiling for a moment before gasping, "It's Christmas Morning!!", you said with delight. You threw your covers off of you and stumbled out of your bed.  Taking a mental note of the scissors you left on the floor from last-second gift wrapping. In the darkness of your room, you looked at the door where tiny slits of light shot through. You ran to the door and threw it open, carefully, you didn't want to dent the wall. "Merry Christmas, baby!", your mom cheerfully greets you. "Morning, Mom!!", you ran up and hugged her tightly, she and your older sister were all you had. Your sister then came out of her room, "Hey Kas!", you said exchanging a smile with her. Your mom went over and kissed her on your forehead, "Well, c'mon...what are you waiting for!!" Your mom made a gesture towards the living room. You and Kas exchanged a smile. You wanted to give your mom and Kas their gifts first, so you and Kas came together and got your mom a purse. You got Kas a camera. Kas loved your gift, she got you a pair of tan corduroy pants. You already started putting outfits together inside your head. Your mom was smiling a huge smile, your mom set two beautifully wrapped presents in front of you and Kas. Your mom began taking many pictures of you and Kas, she was starting to tear up. "Oh Jesus, she's crying!" Kas said, embarrassed and abashed. "Mom, don't cry." You said sweetly. You ripped the paper off the box and were shocked when you opened up the box to see a hand-made quilt with beautiful floral panels sewn next to shades of green striped fabric. Your mom loved to make your quilts, blankets, or clothes herself. Under the quilt was an envelope, you waited until Kas got to the envelope. Kas got a quilt that looked just like yours but periwinkle. You and Kas exchanged a look, knowing that whatever was inside those envelopes could be something extremely important. You both open the envelope and find....CONCERT TICKETS!! You and Kas studied the tickets. You were going to see Nirvana live on December 31st, 1993. The concert was going to be held at the 'Oakland, California Coliseum Arena' You never dreamed of Nirvana ever coming to Oakland. You jumped up and down!!! Kas read her ticket and was shocked, jumping up and down with you. "Who are you going to go see!?!?" She asked, "Nirvana!", "The Smiths!!", you both went and hugged your mom tightly, "Thank you, Mommy!!", "Oh, it was the least I could do."
December 31st, 1993
8:30 AM

It was finally the 31st, New Year's Eve. You woke up to your alarm blaring, 'Rooster' by Alice In Chains. You stretched, rolling over to look at your clock. You got out of bed, stumbling to your closet to get your planned outfit you had. You set it on your bed and then walked out the door. Your mom waited for you in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Hi, baby!", "Hi, Mom!" She hugged you. "I'm going to the store in a little bit." You going shopping with your mom and Kas was just hell, but could be fun. Just then, Kas walked out of her room, you noticed very visible dark circles under her eyes. "Jesus, what happened to you?!" You asked, "Hayden." Kas replied, "Hey, that phone bill ain't cheap." Your mom said angrily. You went back into your room to look presentable to go out to the store. At the store, you got all the essentials, counting...inessential items. You got random accessories you thought were cute. You picked up some white colored sunglasses that looked just like Kurt's, "Mom, look at these!" "You should wear them to the concert!" 

7:35 PM

"Alright!! I'm leaving!!" You yelled, "Have fun, call me if you need me!" Your mom shouted as you stood in the doorway. It was cool outside so you had on those tan corduroy pants and a white long-sleeve shirt tucked into them. Paired with a green printed flannel.  Kas' Smiths concert wasn't until January 3rd. So Kas' stayed home. Your friend, Sawyer came to pick you up. Sawyer had been your best friend for an extremely long time. Sawyer was a good driver and overall a good person your mother trusted. You got into the car, with your ticket resting inside your pocket to make sure you didn't lose it.
"You siked?" "Uh...DUH!!" You said with an extreme amount of emphasis. Sawyer drove to the coliseum where Nirvana would be playing.

8:00 PM

The concert started in 25 minutes. You arrived, found a good place to park, and made it into the coliseum. The place was packed full of people, the noise wasn't as loud as you had expected.

8:25 PM

After waiting in line for what felt like forever, you and Sawyer were taken to your seats. You expected seats farther away from the stage...you got THIRD ROW SEATS!!!! As you made it closer and closer to the stage, your heart rate spiked up. You were in total disbelief and shock, your mom had gotten you one of the best seats ever! Sawyer had to pay for his ticket but he wanted to be the one to take you to your first Nirvana concert.

8:31 PM

The show was about to start when you FORGOT TO USE THE FUCKING bathroom. "Shit." You quietly whispered out loud. "What's wrong?!" Sawyer looked at you with concern boiling in his eyes, "Oh I forgot my sunglasses.." "Oh, sorry." "Oh, I'll be fine." You did actually forget your sunglasses.

8:35 PM

All of a sudden...Kurt Cobain..the man you had wanted to see your whole life...came on stage. Your heart rate was so fast you thought you were in the midst of having an actual heart attack. Your face got hot and your face flushed, "Sawyer, I think I'm gonna pass out.." Sawyer looked over at you with a smile on his before realizing that you were serious. "Shit, Y/N, I got ya." Sawyer grabbed your arm,  tightly linking his arm around yours. You felt a little bit better and more relaxed, still feeling the excitement of seeing Kurt  fucking Cobain...live and loud!!! Krist Novoselic, Dave Grohl, and Pat Smear then came onto the stage. You couldn't help but want to shriek with excitement! The house lights dimmed and Kurt picked up his guitar and neared the microphone, loudly clearing his throat. You were close and you could hear all the side conversations between Dave and Krist. "What are we starting with?" Dave began to already grow impatient, "Uhh, Radio Friendly Unit Shifter." Krist Clarified. Kurt began playing the opening to 'Radio Friendly Unit Shifter', and you died with excitement. "I fuckin' love this song!" You chanted to Sawyer, "Me too!" The entire room began to fill with energy from other people. After the first song came the next...it was 'Drain You'. The intro started and you began to sing line for line...you were looking Kurt..dead in the eyes. When the chorus got to the line..'I like you..", Kurt looked you in the eyes. You blushed and he smiled back, still shocked and amazed that out of the entire crowd..Kurt looked at you..individually. As the song ended you were shaking with the thrill of just standing..in a room with the presence of Kurt Cobain. After about a minute the room relaxed, "How you people doin' out there?? Alright party!!" Kurt joked with this kind of punkish tone in his voice. "Alright.." Kurt's voice trailed off. The opening to 'Come As You Are' started playing. You couldn't help but want to scream, you did!! You let out a little scream. Sawyer looked at you, confused as all hell. "Y/N, are you okay?!?" You were speechless. As you turned to Sawyer to sing the repeated line, "No, I don't have a gun", you noticed a man looking at you. He was standing still and looked a little sketchy. You turned your head away from him, filling with unease. The song finished up.

9:45 PM

Nirvana had played a ton more songs from some of their other albums, you stood there filled with admiration. Kurt was just talking with Krist and Dave about the songs they wanted to play next. You heard Dave begin to play the drum intro to 'Stay Away', you waited for Krist's bass to come in..then right in line, came Kurt's guitar. You were loving every minute until you looked behind you again and saw the man..and he appeared to be moving closer. You began to panic. You remembered when you had to go to the bathroom earlier, the sensation had steadily grown worse. You tried to dismiss the sensation, it was too hard to ignore. "Sawyer..", Sawyer did not look at you, he did not answer you. You were so embarrassed by the fact that you were going to make your male best friend walk you to the bathroom. You wanted to tap Sawyer...then figured the humiliation of asking Sawyer would be worse than pissing your pants. You turned to go to the bathroom. You told yourself, 'Go quick' and 'you'll be fine'. You made it to the bathroom. You came out feeling relieved. You went back down where you came from..you were kinda lost. You were in the midst of a panic attack when you heard someone call your name. "Y/N!" It was Sawyer, you rushed and walked over to him..almost wanting to hug him. "Hey, you know I would've waited outside-," "Sawyer, it's okay." You were so embarrassed, "Are you sure?" "Yup!" You said looking towards the stage.

11:23 PM

Kurt, Dave, and Krist just finished 'Territorial Pissings' along with all their other hard-rock and fast-moving songs. Kurt pulled out a chair and rested his acoustic guitar over his thigh, looking out into the audience smoking a cigarette. Sawyer looked at you, "Hey, I'll be right back." He said, "Will you be alright?" "Yeah, I'll be fine." You watched as Sawyer walked away. You were surrounded by a ton of people standing shoulder to shoulder. Kurt sat in the chair while Krist and Dave were setting up for 'Jesus Doesn't Want Me For a Sunbeam'. This was a cover song, a cover song you didn't mind. Kurt moved his hair without using his hands, he cleared his throat again. The song started and you felt the soothing tempo of the song. It was one of the most beautiful cover songs Nirvana would ever perform. In the second verse, 'Don't expect me to cry', you notice someone standing behind you. You can feel the presence of someone behind you. You turn around and...you stop breathing. The man that you had seen an hour earlier was now..standing behind you. You looked up at him in fear, he was taller than you had imagined, and his eyes were daggers of green. This man was way older than you, you guessed 27. You didn't move, you were frozen with fear. You stood there. The man then looked at you, "Come with me, I know a place." Your heart rate spiked, "Come on." The man then put his hands on your lower back, his hands sliding down. You panicked and didn't know what to do, you prayed Sawyer would be coming back any second. You tried to back away from the man, but he held you tightly and grabbed you. "Don't expect me-," Kurt then suddenly threw his guitar on the ground and got up. He came to the edge of the stage and began yelling at the man who had just sexually assaulted you. Kurt began pointing to the exit with his finger, telling the man to get the hell out. Kurt then bent over the side of the stage and pulled the man away from you, giving you time to get away from him. Kurt then shoved him and then stood up and spit on him. You wanted to jump up on stage to thank Kurt for saving your life. Some people came around you and relaxed you, asking if you were okay. You nodded and they all cussed out the man that grabbed you. Sawyer came back to where you were, you grabbed his arm. You grabbed him and held him tightly. "Y/N, what happened? Are you okay?" You didn't answer him, you stood sobbing into his chest. The audience began cheering and clapping, you let go of Sawyer, watching Kurt walk back over to the chair he was sitting in. You began shivering and shaking. He picked up his acoustic guitar and sat down. "Coppin' a feel ay buddy?" Kurt joked, humiliating the man. "I got you Y/N, I promise." Sawyer held his arm around you, Sawyer took off his jacket and put it on you, protecting you. You felt safer with Sawyers's arms around you. Krist then started, "Look at him, look at him." Krist pointed into the crowd at the man who touched you, he started mockingly laughing at him.
12:02 AM, JANUARY 1st 1994

After everybody counted down to the New Year, you were still very upset with what had happened earlier. You wanted to leave...but you didn't. You felt like something was missing. You felt relieved that Kurt had stuck up for you. But something was bugging you. The room started to empty, you looked at Kurt again, smiling. "Hey, are you okay?" You looked at Sawyer with bloodshot eyes, "I guess so." You lied. "Do you want to go?" You didn't want to leave yet, "Yeah, let's go." Your eyelids grew heavy. Sawyer looked at your hand, "Can I?" You looked at him, admiring him for asking, "Sure." You said. You both turned away and started walking. You heard a voice behind you, pleading to get by. You for one second, thought you recognized the voice, you dismissed it because you thought of the impossible. You and Sawyer had to stop, the exit was full of people. Just then you felt someone tap your shoulder, you turned around in disbelief. "Hey, I wanted to check on you." a man, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a height of about 5'7, had just tapped you. You gasped, you wanted to hug him, but you stopped yourself. "Hey," you began sobbing, "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked with sweetness to his voice. You couldn't get words to come out of your mouth. You looked up at him. "Do you want to come with me?" You looked up at him and nodded, crying even harder. Kurt grabbed you by the hand and looked at Sawyer, "Hey, come with us!" Kurt smiled. Kurt walked you up the stairs of the stage, and you both looked at each other before asking him, "Coul- could I hug you?" "Yes." Kurt opened up his arms and you hugged him for a minute. You opened your eyes and truly figured out the scent of Kurt Cobain, he smelt like fabric softener. After you pulled away from the hug which lasted a minute, he cleared your hair from your face. He also wiped your tears, you finally were able to speak, "Thank you." You looked up into his eyes, he looked into yours "You're welcome, Y/N." You had no idea he knew your name. Kurt let you sit in his chair while he introduced you and Sawyer to Krist and Dave.  "Hello there, Y/N," Krist said with complete relaxation in his voice, "It's nice to meet you." Krist shook your hand, "Hi, I'm Dave," "I know you!!" you laughed. "I know you do!" He said with enthusiasm. "Thank you all so much!" You said. Kurt looked at you, he took his sunglasses out of his pocket, "Take these, you'd look grungy in them." "Thank you." "No problem, could you hold onto this for a second?" Kurt handed you his gorgeous acoustic guitar, the one he tossed on the ground, so he could come to save you. While you were inspecting the guitar, Kurt, Krist, and Dave were all doing something behind your back. Kurt took the guitar from you and thanked you for coming and talking to him and the guys. You thanked them again for their support. You went over and gave Dave a manly
hug, and Krist gave you a side hug. Right before you stepped off stage, you had to go back and give Kurt one last hug. When you pulled away, Kurt kissed your forehead, "Goodbye, Y/N, until we meet again." Kurt smiled, and you smiled back. You smiled and walked out of the huge room where no people were.

12:34 AM, JANUARY 1st 1994

You looked at the sunglasses Kurt gave you, your heart felt so warm and comforted. Sawyer took you outside and stopped and looked in the eyes, "Sawyer, what's wrong?" Sawyer looked at you, "I am so sorry," Sawyer looked away, "For what?" "I wasn't there to protect you." "It's not your fault." You said calmly, "You can't prevent a sexual assault." He smiled, "Can-, could I kiss you?" Sawyer looked at you with his eyes round and full with a soft expression, "Yes, I'd love that." Sawyer put his arms around you and gently leaned you back, softly kissing you.

1:03 AM

Sawyer had gotten you home, you hadn't fallen asleep. He opened your door for you, you were trying to be quiet so you wouldn't alarm your mother. You leaned up against the door of Sawyer's car, Sawyer softly kissed you goodbye. "Good night Y\N please call me when you wake up." "I will," Sawyer started walking to the other side of the car, "I love you," "What was that?" Sawyer smirked, "I said, I love you, Sawyer." "I love you more, Y/N." Sawyer came back over to you and kissed you softly again.

1:11 AM

You went inside, went into your bedroom, and quickly put your comfiest pair of pants on, you then went out to the living room. It was so late you just realized you still had Sawyer's jacket on, you put your hands in the pockets. You found a cassette tape that would go into your Walkman, you found a folded piece of notebook paper with Kurt's, Krist's, and Dave's signatures signed on it. You were shocked when you realized that they had all left their phone numbers. Kurt had written a little note to you, "I promise, I will see you again." Kurt made a promise. There was another note, "On the tape, there are live demos that I recorded." Tears slipped to your eyes, this was the best day ever. You met Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic, and Dave Grohl, and hugged Kurt, and on top of that....Sawer kissed you. You went and grabbed your Walkman, opened it, and put the tape in. You listened to the tape and fell asleep on the couch.              ☆The End
I hope you all enjoyed this. I know for sure that I did. Kurt Cobain is just one of the sweetest people that had ever lived. He deserves so much.


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