And It All Started With A Pun...

By axelakutz

15.1K 384 2.8K

"Wait..." She grinned, "you were thinking of Anya?" "WH-WHAT!!! NO I WASN'T!!!!!!!" --- (Updated story cover... More

CH. 1 - Apparently Mistaken
CH. 2 - Are you catching feelings, Desmond?
CH. 3 So you are.
CH. 4 - The supposed plan
CH. 5 - Mahal (twiyor)
CH. 6 - Realization
Ch. 7 - That precious little girl
CH. 8 - Sorry, ...Forger.
CH. 9 - Loid, what are you doing here? (twiyor)
CH. 10 - Anya's tutoring session - Announcment
Ch. 14 - Paired up!
CH. 15 - Puppy love
CH. 16 - Just for the mission
CH. 17 - Glamourous ball
CH. 18 - It was never my intention
Hello to my readers again... (this is the last A/N "chapter" promise)
CH. 19 - I'm sorry
CH. 20 - A date
CH. 21 - A certain pink girl's awakening
CH. 22 - The hell?
CH. 23 - Pink haired girl
CH. 24 - Becky the not-so-amazing-cupid

CH. 25 - Tease

376 10 188
By axelakutz

Please start playing this song at the sign where it says "-----=-=-=-=-=-----" For the best experience. Thank you!


Damian silently exited the room.


She has another one already.

Well, to be honest, I deserve it.

He slowly walked out of the hospital, processing his thoughts.

Anya, please, he's only using you...

He came to an abrupt halt, staring at the ground in reflection.

I have to go tell her. She can't be used by him,

He ran back to the hospital, and barged into her room, ignoring the call of the nurse at the counter.


He slammed the door open, "Anya! Don't fall for it! He's just trying to use you—!"

Anya looked his way, interrupting him. "He's not! He's honest!" She shouted in anger.

Arthur glanced at Anya in surprise, smiling. I could get used to this!

Damian couldn't believe his ears, he clenched his fists trying to contain his emotions. "Fine, if that's what you want! I only tried to warn you!" He closed the door harshly, and went outside, still out of breath from the marathon he ran.

Pulling a contact card out of his pocket, he dialed it into a random phone booth.

Dduuuduu...ddduuu.... went the dial of the phone.

"Hello?" Came the vinyl-like voice Damian had been waiting for.

"Iduna, I'll ask you one favor. Can you be my fake partner? I'll pay you for this," He said.

Silence was her only reply from the other side of the phone.

"Please, I'll pay you... let's see... 100 thousand. Is that enough?"

"Oh! Yes! Definitely! When do we start?" She asked greedily.

"Next week. Meet me outside the hospital, that's when she's getting discharged."

"She?" He could hear the suspicion in her tone. "Ugh, don't tell me it's that 'pinkie.'"

"It is." Damian flat out said, then ended the call with somehow, a feeling of relief.


It's ridiculous, but...




Anya said her last goodbyes to the staff, and went out of the hospital arm in arm with Arthur.

Damian spotted her, and quickly turned to Iduna. "Quick! Pretend we're talking,"

"Oh, Damian boo~! I looove your perfume~," She said, sniffing his shirt weirdly.

Damian cringed. "What the heck are you doing!?" He whispered. "I asked you to pretend like we're talking!"

Iduna looked up at glared at him, "This'll work,"

Anya caught sight of them and a bolt of...

Wait, what was she feeling right now?

Let's see...

a. Anger

b. Sadness

c. Jealousy

d. Maybe all of the above?

Anya quickly pushed Arthur towards her, and laughed like an idiot.

"Ahahaha! Uh, Arthur! You're so funny!" She fanned herself with her other hand, laughing hysterically.

"Uh, yeah, haha!" Arthur laughed awkwardly in response.

Damian glared at the pair. "Iduna, your eyes... uh... stand out!" He said, pulling the girl upright.

"R-really!?" Iduna said, a glimmer of hope shimmering in her eyes.

"No." Damian said silently, then started laughing 'politely.' "Ahaha! Ha! Ha... ha..." He stole a glance at Anya, and found her glaring at him and Iduna.

Anya quickly looked away, blush tackling her cheeks. "Arthur, I love your hair!" She said, examining his hair with her hands. Ew. It looked like he hadn't showered in days...

Unfortunately, her act couldn't help her at all. The disgust on her face was a bit too noticeable.

Damian watched as Anya continued doing random things to Arthur, like pinching his cheeks and saying she had the most adorable boyfriend ever, but there was one thing he really did notice...

Her expression of disgust after every action she did, and her blush every single time their eyes met.

A smirk crossed his face as understanding dawned on him, unimpressed by Anya's horrible attempts to hide her feelings. Oh, so that's how you wanna play? "Come on, dear. Let's go to Red rock Cafe." Damian said, emphasizing the 'dear' and the location loudly. He took Iduna's hand and pulled her away, walking to the cafe.

He glanced back at Anya and saw her mad, and smiled as he pretended to talk with Iduna.


Anya had just exited the hospital, and now look what she saw. Damian with that dog!

"Oh, Damian boo~! I looove your perfume~," The dog said, and sniffed his shirt aggressively.

Anya scowled at her. You wanna try me!? She roughly pulled Arthur towards her, slapped his shoulder multiple times, and laughed like a maniac while she was at it.

"Ahahaha! Uh, Arthur! You're so funny!" She laughed in staccato, fanning herself to emphasize the hysterical laughing.

She took a peek at Damian, only to see he wasn't looking at her. Instead, she saw him tugging the girl and started complimenting her eyes.

So what!? My eyes are more unique! Anya was absolutely jealous. Mad, sad? Perhaps, but that was out of the point. She had to make Damian jealous... she had to...

All of a sudden, Damian caught her stare.

He caught me!!! Anya immediately looked away, her face flushed with red. Needing a solution, she found Arthur's hair and decided to compliment it.

"Arthur, I love your hair!" She said, playing with his hair joyfully. Yuck. It's so... oily...

Then, Anya started pinching his cheeks and saying random things, until she heard a loud Damian say they were going to a cafe.

What!? Anya pulled Arthur's ear and started to drag him over to a bush to hide, sneaking over to the cafe as well.

They were finally at the cafe, and Damian could see Anya and Arthur sneaking up on them behind a random bush. "Hey, wanna order?" He asked Iduna.

She nodded happily, "Yeah, can I get a double-stacked-cheese-ultra-mega-whopper-whoopy-dog-style-macaroni-dopper-whoapper-french-fries with a sundae please?"


"Sure miss... that'd be, uh... 50 dollars." The staff at the register said.

Damian handed over some money to the staff, and sat down with Iduna at a random table.

Meanwhile, Anya and Arthur came in minutes later.

"Can I please get a peanut cookie, and my BOYFRIEND here, will get water? Thank you, keep the change," Anya hurriedly said, dropping a 20 dollar bill on the counter.

Then, she sat down right in front of Damian's table. (Unfortunately, the table behind him was already taken.)

Damian, meanwhile, saw that they secured a place in front of them. Watch this. He smiled, then turned to Iduna.

"I'm drowning in your eyes," He said, starting to play with Iduna's hair.

Iduna blushed, tucking a strand under her ear, thinking he really meant it.

Damian cringed inside, but it was worth it when he found Anya's rude glare at Iduna.

"Ugh..." He heard her mutter. "Uh, um... AHA! Oh, mushy mushy Arthur!~ You're sooo cute! I love your... uh... eyes!" She said, pinching his cheeks so hard they turned blue.

Damian couldn't help but chuckle at her miserable attempts to make him 'jealous.' Is that the best you can do?

He was about to tease Anya again, when the waiter interrupted him with his drink.

"Thank you," He dismissed. "Let's share this." He said, grabbing Iduna's straw while he started to sip out of his.

Iduna, the hungry dog, was obviously enjoying this.

And Arthur, was certainly not. (He was like a personal 'vent to me' machine for Anya.)

Iduna happily started sipping out of her straw as well, talking about random things like how 'her makeup sucked' to Damian.

"Oh, yeah? I'll buy you more makeup then," Damian said, and looked at Anya who was already staring at him, he could assume that was jealousy in her eyes.

Wanting to irritate her more, he was about to say another to Iduna, when Anya unexpectedly marched up to his table and pulled him by his collar.

"What the—!?"


"What are we doing in the Staff room!? It's so dark—"

"You're doing that on purpose!" She said, enraged. She pinned him to the closest wall near the door, which was half open and still had a bit of yellow light coming out of it.

Damian only smirked. "You only noticed now?" He straightened himself, and pushed her lightly in a playful manner. "Dummy,"

Anya gritted her teeth in anger as she walked a step back. "Those pick up lines weren't even good."

"I love how you think yours were better."

Anya wanted to smack the living heavens out of Damian. Annoyed, she let her intrusive thoughts win. She was preparing to punch him, when he caught her wrist,

Turned her around, and pinned her instead to the wall.


Silence was between them, and the tension only grew stronger when their eyes held the gaze.

Her breath hitched as he tightened the grip on her wrist. What is he thinking right now...? Is he... is he gonna—!?

"It''s really hot in here...I, I think I should g—"

"You know it's inappropriate, but you want me to kiss you, don't you?"

She stiffened up, her heart beating faster by the second. Their faces barely an inch away from each other. "Wha—h-hu—...!?"


"U-uh... pardon my... intrusion..." The shaken staff said, his hands empty of the object he just dropped out of shock.

Damian straightened his posture and casually let go of Anya's wrists, "No, it's fine. She was just asking me how I was doing."

Anya's eyes sprinted to Damian in shock, This jerk!

Damian glanced at Anya, "Let's go." He said.

Anya mumbled a small apology and hurriedly ran awkwardly along Damian's side. "That was..." She stole a glance at Damian, before hurriedly looking away, flustered.

"Where were you?" Iduna asked angrily.

"I paid the staff a tip," He said, sitting down on his chair.

Iduna glared, and continued sipping her drink.

"What was that?" Arthur asked.

Anya's face turned red, recalling what just happened a moment ago. "I... uh... um..."

Arthur's eyes slightly narrowed. She has to fall for me, not him... my plan isn't working!

Huh? Anya's eyes ran to Arthur. Plan? Oh, I get it. He's using this as an excuse...

Arthur suddenly looked up, and their eyes met. He suddenly turned red, looking away.

Anya shrugged it off anyway, and continued stealing glances at Damian. She didn't really know what to do at this point, knowing his plan.


"Oh..." Anya smirked, getting a new idea. Arthur looked up at her confused.

"Huh? Oh, nothing." Anya dismissed.

You thought you were slick, Syon. But I'll show you who's better!



"Omg! Finally, a new chapter after waiting a month! It's short. That sucks. And Author will probably post after a year, bruh." You might think.

Well, fear not readers. I, who finally got to the drama, will be writing a lot of chapter starting from now on and will hopefully be publishing them on time.

Isn't that great? I can't tell you guys how many times I've reread this chapter and I still don't think it's good enough. Sorry for bad writing, but I couldn't delay the chapter even more.

Anyway, finally we've got a new damianya scene! (Instead of angst. I know you guys are here for damianya moments and I gave angst instead, well here you go. Prepare to have a knee slapper and throw your device at the wall because of the tension coming up.)

Of course, nothing more than mild teasing which I obviously can't handle writing AND reading.

I was quite hesitant in publishing this chapter, even now. I might rewrite it.

But anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and thank you for almost 10k reads! <3

Thanks guys for everything, see you in the next chapter! ~💗

- Alexa 🐧💗

Word count: 1837

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