The Mystical Life Of Caitlynn...

By MiraCarleen

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[This Story Contains Gender Bender Themes] Two lives become intertwined after Skylynn and Caitlynn are both i... More

Prologue - The Accident
Chapter 1 - A World Gripped In Isolation
Chapter 2 - An Otherworldly Intervention
Chapter 3 - Learning Confidence As A Girl
Chapter 4 - Caitlynn Acacia
Chapter 5 - November's Follies
Chapter 6 - A Make-up Fiasco & Caitlynn's Emergence
Chapter 7 - Conflicting Personalities
Chapter 8 - The Hitode's
Chapter 9 - Dispelling Cynthia
Chapter 10 - A Growing Suspicion
Chapter 11 - Turning Around
Chapter 12 - Seeing Both Side's
Chapter 13 - Dispelling Blair
Chapter 14 - Relationships & Trust
Chapter 15 - Memory Fragments
Chapter 16 - The Construct
Chapter 17 - Heartbreak
Chapter 18 - Life Lessons
Chapter 19 - Revelations
Chapter 20 - Just Lynn
Chapter 21 - Memories
Chapter 22 - The Accident
Chapter 23 - Healing Hearts
Chapter 24 - Carolynn Acacia
Chapter 25 - The Missing Fragment
Chapter 26 - Romance
Chapter 27 - The Man-In-Black & The Hostile Takeover
Chapter 29 - Narcissus Syndrome
Chapter 30 - Broken Hearts
Chapter 31 - Destructive Ways
Chapter 32 - Sorrows Like Sea Billows Roll
Chapter 33 - Onward To Atlantis
Chapter 34 - Attacked
Chapter 35 - The World In-Between Worlds
Chapter 36 - Last Sunrise
Chapter 37 - River Acacia
Chapter 38 - The Death Of Personality
Chapter 39 - The Wailing Ceremony
Chapter 40 - The Final Plight
Chapter 41 - Paradox End
Chapter 42 - Sisters
Chapter 43 - Life After The Paradox
Chapter 44 - The Mystical Life Of Caitlynn Acacia
Chapter 45 - The Leave Taking
The Ten Types Of Magic In Caitlynn's World
The Aos Si Races

Chapter 28 - Trouble In The Cadabra

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By MiraCarleen

Friday – August 14th 2020

It was a lovely summer afternoon as November and I were strolling in Illahee Park, walking the very short path along the waterfront as we had returned to start packing up our lives.

After a month or so, November and I had decided to move back to Ocean City. I would live at mom's place and November would stay at her parent's place and when we needed to go to work, we would teleport to my Bremerton apartment which had its rent paid to the end of the year.

Ocean City was our home!

With my time running out, I wanted to spend as much time as possible with mom and dad, before my metamorphosis made it impossible. Plus...the ocean was our home. It was the place where our memories lived and the past came to haunt.

November's career was in the middle of flourishing as mom was busy keeping her busy, to elevate her status in the fashion world. Even I was taking on a new direction as I gave up modeling at Caitlynn all together and began modeling as Caitlynn's equally lovely sister, Carolynn. The cover story: COVID.

"I heard about your gig in California!" I comment as November's been ecstatic all this morning "Congratulations sweetie!" I caught myself walking feminine as I corrected my walking pose as I did not want to give the wrong impression. But I guess when your soul is female, it is hard to kick habits that come naturally!

"Thanks! It's certainly is paying off!" November remarks. "Your mom says that this could lead to my acceptance by the others."

"Is that what you want?" I asked her as November smirks.

"You and I both know that the Wailing takes two souls. One of the land and one of the sea."

"Yeah...but if you do this, you might not see your mom or dad ever again! There is no saying what this Wailing-thing does!" I comment, still having my doubts from time to time.

It isn't that I do not trust mom. It is that I do not want it to be true! I rather this all be one big lie and I am being played the fool...but in my soul, I do not think she is lying to me.

"I'm surprised that Aradia is even helping get jobs as yourself." November holds me close as she asks "How are you coping with Rose being gone?"

"It's tough...she and I became close friends during the time when mom was lying to me." I sighed as I hold her locket. "But then, she is my I guess it is a good thing we are close! I just feel bad for Blake!"

"Yeah" November remarks "he seems to have taken this change quite well though."

"Well, he is dying!" I remarked as she nods in agreement.

"The accident really did a number on all of us!"

"Yeah; if only that truck did not drive like a maniac, none of this would have happened!" I thought about the truck that caused the accident, seeing it from both Caitlynn's and my own perspective. "To bad we know nothing about the driver! I would like to give them a piece of my mind!"

"Uhm, I remember who it was." November comments, remembering the slowly spinning wheels of the truck as the torn metal of the ten letters printed on the side of the truck were in large blue letters: "Sea Sprites."

"Sea Sprites!?" I muttered, knowing them quite well. "That is the Hitode's company! Are you certain it was them!?" November nodded.

"One hundred percent certain, without a doubt!" she confidentially said "Why do you ask? Do you know them?" I nodded, remembering the CEO quite clearly.

"Sea Sprites is the company of that woman who tried to buy off my locket! She is a dangerous woman!"

"Well, it was her company that caused all of this!" November replies as her phone rings as she pauses our conversation "I need to take this!"

"Sure thing, sweetie!" as I take the moment to check my hair and instinctively, my makeup, which I was not wearing as I was still in my male form. November looked excited from hearing the good news, but that then started to fade away. 

"Oh really? What happened? Tomorrow?" as she looks back at me, troubled. "That's awfully short notice! Is there any flexibility in that time? I understand. I will be there. Bye." she sighs as she hangs up "Shoot!"

"What's wrong?" as I walked closer to her.

"One of my gigs just rescheduled for tomorrow, but I've got another job interview already lined up then."

"Can't you reschedule the job interview?" I asked as she shook her head.

"No. Tomorrow is the last day that they are doing interviews. It seems that Cadabra Corporation needs new designers quickly!" November was really bummed out about all of this "Darn! I really wanted that job too! Oh well, that's life. I'll call them to let them know that I cannot make it."

She pulls out her cellphone, however, I come up with an idea to help her.

"Wait a second, Ember! Maybe mom can help us?! I know she helped you get this job! She would want to see you happy, just like me. Let's ask her first!"

"Sweetie!" she smiles as she brushes back my blonde hair which has taken over my original hair color...signs of the end coming soon "I would need to be in two places at once, so...uhm..." she pauses as she thinks " think your mom could make one of those construct-thingy's for me?!"

"It won't hurt to ask." we left the exposed beach and hid in the woods as I focused on mom's place back at Ocean City as I opened a portal to the sweet and sour scent of the salty ocean. November passes through as I followed her and we walked to the door as it opens with mom looking down at us, curious as to why we were back so early.

"A little early to be returning!" mom states "November, I thought you have that interview tomorrow?"

"Uhm, so about that...that is what we wanted to ask you." as she explains her dilemma. "My client just called with a rescheduling. I have to be at the clothing shoot to make adjustments for a fashion designer who just called out. We were wondering if you could create a construct to send to the interview?"

"I would love to, my dear...but things have become sort of complicated in the Emerald City. Sending a construct to Seattle could be too risky right now. But there is a second option." she smiles, glancing over at me "Uhm, Carolynn? How busy are you tomorrow?"

"What? Why?" I asked as November already knew what was on mom's mind.

"Oh, that's a great idea, Mrs. Acacia!" as November looks at me, thrilled.

"What is a great idea?" as I was not following either one of them.

"I could transform you into November's construct, then you can go to the job interview in her place. It's the perfect job for a dear friend, wouldn't you say, sweetie?"

"Yeah, that would be great!" November cheers "Are your busy tomorrow?"

I sighed as I really didn't want to be transformed into anything! Especially to be transformed into my own dear friend!

"I never thought I'd regret having a day off in my life!" I groaned.

"Oh, come on," November teases me "being me for a day won't be too bad, right?" she holds me closer "You've been Caitlynn dozens, if not hundreds of times...not to mention being your own feminine-self! This will be a sinch!"

"I suppose," I sighed, I could not tell her no "but do you think this will be, ahhmm, weird to see me as you? Plus, I do not know anything about fashion design or would be a disaster!"

"You're a fashion model." mom remarks, walking down the stairs towards me "That's close enough to being a fashion designer. Plus, you know November's work quite well."

"Not really," November argues "but I'm sure you can BS your way through most of their questions. My portfolio will carry you through the interview, and you can read over my recent resume." she gets all cute and pleads "Pleeeeease, Lynn! I really would like that job!"

"I'll do it." I said with a forced smile "I'll do my absolute best to get you that job, I swear!"

"Yes!" November celebrates "You're the best! I'll take you out to dinner at any place you want tomorrow! My treat!" as she jumps into my arms.

"I'll tidy the guestroom." mom smiles as she turns to get to work and begin enchanting dinner.

'I guess turning into November isn't the worst thing in the world.' I surmise 'What could possibly go wrong!?'

'Oh sweetie!' Mom sighs, telepathically, as she could hear my thoughts loud and clear 'That's the last thing you of all people should ever say!'

"Can you send me back to your apartment so I can prepare?!" I nodded as I opened a portal and we walked back into my living room in the apartment as November runs to her own place to grab a few boxes and her paperwork for me to familiarize myself with.

We then returned back to mom's place as I began taking a crash course in November's professional life.


Saturday – August 15th 2020

I stood in mom's living room as I felt like this was a very bad idea.

I have already transform into Carolynn and have the ability to change into Caitlynn when I touch her picture...but into my girlfriend...I cannot fathom it! Does November know how this even works?! My body will be an exact match to hers, straight down to the birthmark on her right hip!

I'll know her on a new level that no man could ever know their love one! This all just feels wrong!

"Mom!" I called out to her, scared. "If I change into November...will I also have her memories and personality?" Mother, however, shakes her head.

"No. I know you do not like that stuff, so I reworked my spell to cut out the personality."

"But I will at least have her memories! Right?" Again, she shakes her head.

"No...those are typically bonded to the personality and the soul. Sorry sweetie! This is the only way to reduce the effects of the personality switch...but like yourself, you will have her please keep that in mind!" she began her spell, asking me "Please hold still, transformation magic is already difficult without you moving around!"

"Okay..." as I stopped pacing "...go it!"

"Hold still...I do not want any issues!" she smiles.

"That is very reassuring!" as mom wasn't helping my confidence! I watched my body change as I found myself shrinking and reforming into an exact copy of my beloved! "That looks about right." as my voice was still male, but changing into November's. "I know this is nitpicking, but for what it's worth, her toenails are not that color!"

"Whoops!" mom laughs, changing my light blue to red "So, who's the interview with?"

"Cadabra Corporation...they want to hire her for a new lingerie line."

"Good!" Mom nods "And what makes November a worthy choice?"

"Ember also designs bras, panties, swimsuits, and even nighties. Like most of her clothes; most of what she wears are her own creation."

"Just finishing up the body now." mom states as I've avoided looking "How's it turning out? Just like hers?"

"Let me check" as I inspection the breasts and curves "Hmm, the breasts have the right size and feel to them. Just as soft and squishy as the real ones..."

"Of course! The first thing you'd examine would be the breasts!" mom mocks me. "It's good news...means that we still have some time before the paradox collapses! Because you are still thinking in masculine terms!"

"To be fair," I defended myself "I prefer them when they are not on me! This, however, just seems wrong!" as I blushed, surrendering them "I can handle my own breasts now, but another woman' is like a secret that I should not know!"

I examined myself, smiling as I was indeed my girlfriend now. I exclaimed, congratulating her.

"Nicely done! I look exactly just like her. Okay, now I need something to wear. Fortunately, Ember has been spending the night a lot at my place recently, so she's leaving some of her clothes here." as I began going through them.

"Did November not give you instructions on what to wear to her interview?" I shook my head.

"No, but I should have asked. Let's see what would had left out to wear!" inviting mom to look at a mini-dress with black heels. "She 'did' look good in this little black dress and with matching heels!"

"Uhm." Mom mutters "I do not think that is appropriate for a job interview, sweetie!"

"I'll wear the matching leather jacket with it and I'll look great!" I moved to the heels, slipping them on. "Oh, I didn't know November wore the same size shoes as me! She'll be so excited when I tell her she can wear any of my shoes. I used to go a bit overboard shopping as Caitlynn as you know!" my female side was quickly taking over. I posed before the mirror, exclaiming "See? She looks amazing like this."

"November would never wear that to a job interview...your making a mistake, my love!" mom continues to warn me, but wants me to learn from my own actions: Right or wrong!

"Yep, I look great!" as I flirted and giggle at my reflection "I mean, she looks great." I slipped on the jacket and look back up at mom "Now where's her purse and portfolio?"

"I got it right here, Lynn!" as she brings it over, handing them to me.

"Thanks! I'll be on my way then. Wish me luck!"

"Good luck!" mom says as she opens a portal as I leave through it...

"You'll need it!" as she looks at a paper from the Na Breathnoiri documenting the hostile takeover at Cadabra by Eileen Hitode. She only agreed to send me I could gather more information on what Eileen's plans were as her spy wasn't concealed in magic.


Sailing across Puget Sound to Seattle, I took a seat at the table as I began reading over her portfolio and resume as I was wishing that mom had just given me her memories and personality. Without them, I ought to be a whole different woman!

"God please do not let me screw this up!" I prayed.

I looked over all of November's drawings and outfits that she had made and sold. Of all the times I had transformed, I only had myself to fail...but now as November, I not only had myself to fail, but also November!

'I have to land that job! Get her into Cadabra!'

With the ferry arriving at Seattle, I began the long hike up the hill to Harrison Street and Terry Ave. To the Cadabra Corporation Headquarters. I walked through the doors as I followed the signs to a room crammed with woman...all eager for the job.

I was sitting alone, reading, and rehearsing every line. Even though I am mind was Carolynn. I'm not a fashion designer! I'm a fashion model...I am out of my league!

"Miss Brookes?"

For a few seconds, I did not respond as I did not recognize the name; I only typically respond to Mr. Danica and Miss Acacia.

"Oh right! That's me, dah!" as I laughed, standing up, blushing.

"You are Miss November Brookes?" asks the woman as I nod. "Nice to meet your acquaintance, Miss Brookes, my name is Mrs. Andrena Saeb...I will be conducting your interview. Please follow me." she says as I follow her and notice that she seems to be having an issue walking in heels and just looks uncomfortable in her own skin.

As I follow her, I just have this nagging feeling that Mrs. Saeb isn't whom she appears as. There was an odd feeling, and energy swirling around her...almost like an enchantment as I rubbed my eyes.

'Must be a side effect of mom's spell!'

Guided inside a large corporate boardroom with mirrors on one side to make the room appear larger, I sat across from Mrs. Saeb and her hiring director, Mrs. Page.

"So" says Mrs. Page as she looks at November's resume "you graduated valedictorian at the Pacific Northwest College of Fine Arts in Portland, very impressive, if I must say!" I wish I was half as good as November, in school! I just pray they do not ask any of those 'AP 400' questions!

"And you've certainly got a nice portfolio!" says Ariana as she flips through the many pages.

"Why, thank you." I reply.

"This page has very lovely nightgown designs." Andrena comments as she was getting use to her own, new position "What would you say were your inspirations while creating such designs?" she asks.

"Uh..." 'Crap!' "'s just something I thought would look really great on a woman! It fits Of the figure and whatnot. Plus, see-through material typically is in high demand with the male cliental whom typically do the buying."

"I mean," Andrena comments "whom are some of the designers, you take inspirator from?"

"Oh! There are so many fashion designers I know about...uhm...Donatella Versace...Italy seems to have an majority of fashion designers, like Prada" whom I have worn some clothes months ago "and Ferretti? Gucci. Designers like them, who have inspired some of my work and have resisted the ages of time..."

"I see..." Mrs. Page comments, not impressed.

"Check minus on that answer." Andrena comments.

"How would you describe your personal style on art and design?" Mrs. Page asks next. I was hoping for some easier questions! The ones they were asking, they were not in November's resume or portfolio.

"Art is such a combination of many...different concepts of, uhm, colors I guess and uh, patterns. There are so many styles to incorporate into the fundamentals of uhm, drawing dresses. Like watercolor, oils, and charcoal. You know? I guess you could say those are my personal styles."

'What the hell is she talking about!?' Andrena was puzzled 'It is as if this girl does not match the resume...possible forgery!?'

"Wow," she sighs, annoyed "you'd think someone with her credentials could form a cohesive thought. Should we get this interview over with and move on to the next one?" Mrs. Page, however, whispers to Mrs. Sabe, noticing how I was holding my pose almost perfectly. Even their top models could not compare to my natural skills.

"Hold that thought, I have an idea." Mrs. Page comments, glancing back at me. "Miss Brookes, I hope you do not mind me saying that I happened to notice that you have a very nice pose and self-control when you entered the room. Even now, I am impressed by the way you emphasize your own designer clothing with your flawless body movements."

"Oh, uhm, thank you? It's just a habit, I guess." as I cannot believe that even my modeling struts are noticeable while in this form. I was really messing this interview up!

"Do you happen to have any experience with modeling?" she asks as I smiled, nodding.

"Well, uhm, yeah. I do happen to have some experience with modeling."

"It's not listed on your resume!" says Andrena, not certain if I was being truthful.

"I did not believe it was relevant for this interview." as that was clear "Why do you ask?"

"Well" Andrena comments, seeing what Mrs. Page was thinking "I think it is highly unlikely that we will hire you for one of our designer openings. We need someone with more 'focus' on the job; and to be brutally honest with you, you seem rather unprepared. But there are plenty of modeling positions available for your...level of professional expertise. I tell you what. How about you take off that jacket, show us your catwalk again, and do some modeling poses so we can see how you look?"

'Craaap!' November is going to be furious with me! But this is at least better than going back to her empty handed. It is a foot in the door. And once she is back in command of her own body, she can show them her worth that I cannot.

"Uhm, yes ma'am."

I revert back to my modeling styles as I strut around with my hands on my hips for posture. I find that modeling as her is slightly different then as modeling as myself -- to be kind, she has some extra weight.

"Wow, she's surprisingly a lot more talented with this than what she was applying for. She got the confidence of a model, alright." Andrena comments, impressed.

"See? She wasn't a lost cause!" Mrs. Page smiles "Her figure is thin and has the right number of curves to it. Plus, she's got such an adorable face and lovely hair." she looks at me as she smiles "Miss Brookes, would you be willing to model lingerie for us?"

"M-me modeling lingerie?" I ask with November's voice. Well, I have modeled lingerie plenty of times before, but November certainly hasn't. I cannot imagine how she will react to that... "Uhm, yeah, I'd be willing to do that."

"That's great!" Mrs. Page smiles "We just so happened to have a cancellation last week."

"We just so happen to think that you would make a fantastic model for us." Andrena remarks.

"Uhm, are you sure there aren't any other models you interviewed that would be interested?" hoping they change their minds.

"You make it sound like you aren't interested in the job offer. Are you turning us down?" Andrena asks me, a dangerous question from a company as big as Cadabra.

"No! Of course not! I'm just...perplexed!"

'Me too!' Andrena thinks.

"Great! We'll have our modeling department email you everything you'll need for the go-see. We'll also need your measurements so that we can get your outfits fitted ahead of time." Mrs. Page comments as I nod, knowing November was going to kill me!

"Uhm, sure thing!"

"Right this way, Miss Brookes." Andrena says as she guides me out of the office. "I have to say, I have never seen someone walk out of an interview with a job that they weren't applying're a first in my long career!"

"It's certainly an odd situation." I commented in reply. 'A situation that I am going to get an earful about in a few hours!'

"I think you are better cut out to be a model, than a designer anyway."

"Well, I do not know about that." I remarked "I am just not really myself today. Hopefully in the future, I can prove that I have what it takes to be your best fashion designer."

"Well, that day is still yet to come." Andrena mocked me, guiding me through the maze of hallways and corridors.

We walked down to the modeling department, observing the many different departments that covered everything from electronics to food! When we passed the CEO's office, a shrill voice had sent a shiver down my spine!

"Andrena! There you are."

Both Andrena and I turned, facing Eileen Hitode who was walking down the hall in her white heels, white pants, white undershirt, and white suit with her white hair neatly styled with too much moose!

'What is the CEO of Sea Sprites doing here!?' I wondered.

"Where's the paperwork I had asked for!?"

"Paperwork?" Andrena asked as I stepped backwards, trying to make myself as small as possible so that she would not concern herself over me.

"About the merger?" she grills the poor woman as Andrena cowards "The paperwork that you are two weeks behind in submitting!"

"I apologize, ma'am. All your monotonous busywork has been taking up a lot of my time." Andrena comments.

"Don't you use that tone with me, 'missy', or else your employment as my secretary will end up even longer!" Eileen barks, quite cold she was. She then looks over at me as she noticed the advanced sorcery that was keeping me in the form of November. My presence had actually caused her distress as she could sense that I was a fae.

'Hmm? What's a transformed person doing here?!' she then walked over to confront me, asking.

"Excuse me, miss. But, whom might you be?" Eileen asked.

"Me?" as I could feel her trying to peel back the spell that mother had placed over me "My name is November Brookes."

'Let me do a quick mind be certain!'

Without Caitlynn's 'safe-guards', my mind was like an open door as Eileen easily slipped inside and found that the spell being used was an advanced transformation spell implanted within a soul spell, within a complicated paradox curse. Very complicated and ancient magic! She begins to read the memories as she gasps from what she finds.

'It's that same woman I met with the locket! Well, I should say the man who was a woman. Hmm, it seems this guy certainly does get around being various women! He also seems to be in the process of awakening, too. How strange! What fae has this power to construct such powerful curses and sorcery!? Power to turn a human into a fae!?'

Of all the people she had metamorphosized, she was amused to see that I was the first to actually prefer this life as a woman.

'Its a strange form of soul magic! Like, there are three people living inside one body!'

She dives even deeper as she begins sorting through the various souls: 'So...November Brookes is actually Caitlynn, and a guy named Sky Danica? But there is a soul even deeper, hidden...Carolynn...' Eileen's eyes then opened wide as she then discovered the haunting last name.

"Excuse me...November...but do you happen to 'know' someone by the name of Carolynn Acacia? Hmm?"

I was horrified! Only a few know of that name. Most certainly she wasn't one of them.

"Uhm, yeah. May I ask of how you know of her?" suspicious and feeling exposed as Andrena looks at us with a rather odd and fearful gaze. The only time she has seen her boss acting like this, bad things happen!

'Is she one of them too!?' Andrena contemplates. 'Why is she so invested in this girl!?'

"Let's just say that I have my ways of finding out the truth!" she smiles, playful "Anyhow, several months ago I noticed that Miss Caitlynn Acacia..." as she was now referring to me directly "...had a very beautiful locket that I wanted to copy the design of. Until now, my engineers have done a very poor job at replicating the spell-ecial design of the locket."

"And what does that have to do with me?" I asked her, playing stupid. "I am only a fashion designer. I do not know nothing about spellecial lockets."

"Since I know you 'represent' Caitlynn, I wanted to make another offer to purchase the locket so that my engineers can properly copy it." as I felt her scanning me once more, looking for the locket's whereabouts "To say the lease, your contribution would change the world, forever!"

Wait! Does she actually know who I am?!

"Well, like Caitlynn had already told you, it's not for sale at any price. That locket is a gift from her mother!"

"Such a shame." her voice threatening "Do you happen to have it on you?" she asked me.

"Why would I have it when I am not Caitlynn!"

"Sure, you aren't Caitlynn! Or November. Should I call you by your true name...Carolynn!" My suspicions were verified as I stepped away from the dangerous woman.

"So..." I step back once more, the energy probing me was certainly coming from her. God knows what she will do to me! She seems desperate to get that locket " do know who I am! Then, that makes you also a faery!"

"Quite so!" Eileen comments "I've had enough of these childish games. I know that locket is enchanted, and I want it. And I always get what I want! Understand, sweetheart?" Andrena leans in, warning me.

"Be careful with her, Miss Brookes! She's dangerous!" she warns, her voice echoing fear.

"Huh?" as I was not expecting Andrena to side with me. What has Eileen done to her to make her so terrified of the CEO of Sea Sprites? Does she also know that Eileen is a mythical sea creature in human form...just like me?

"Trust me," Andrena begs of me to listen to her, trying to spare me from the agony of serving this woman, possibly for life! "She's not someone you want to mess with! Give her whatever she wants before she makes you regret it."

"Andrena!" yells Eileen "Unless you want to become a lingerie model, like our young little fairy here, I suggest that you shut your mouth! How about you go make yourself useful and wait in line at the cafe! I need my cappuccino!"

Andrena sighs, taking one last look at me. I could tell that she was trapped and begging me to help save her. She then sighs, nodding...obeying.

"Yes, ma'am." she walks off as Eileen then turns back to me as every part of Caitlynn's soul was screaming at me to run for my life!

"Now, as I was saying. I want that locket, Carolynn!" using my faery name, no longer playing "Name your price. Money is no concern to me!"

"And, as I was saying." as I stood between her and total conquest of the human species "It is not for sale! Never ask me again for the locket! I will only disappoint you!"

I turned on my heels, walking out of the office, calmly fleeing for me life from the fae that could be described as a 'Unseelie'. I was scared out of my wits, listening for her chasing after me like a banshee. I would have teleported out of there...but I did not dare show her where I live! I did not want her to know that I had abilities of my own.

I have no choice now! She knows who I am...she could easy find out where I live. I have to leave my apartment and stay with mom...for only she can protect the locket from that evil faery!

'Please forgive me, Ember...I have dragged you into this conflict without any regard for your safety!' as I knew I was most certainly going to get an earful from her now!


Eileen hurries outside as she watches me rush away as she has all of the information to make my male life a living hell. She would do anything to pressure me into surrendering my locket. And if I still refuse to give it -- she might have to resort to sending me to the otherworld and bring forth the wrath of the Fairy Queen!

"We'll see about that!" as she turns around...heading to reprimand her young secretary. Because of her defiance, she had lost her only chance to move to phase two.

Andrena sees Eileen, red with anger as she wants to flee, but she has no where to flee to! Eileen grabs Andrena and they teleport back to her office where Andrena was tossed to the ground as Eileen walks behind her desk.

"You have been nothing but trouble since I've allowed you to keep your memories!" Eileen barks as she sits down. "First you allow that Na Breathnoiri to run off with my sister..."

"You were the one who changed him into a woman...and turned against your sister! Not, me!"

"Silence!" Eileen orders, casting a mute spell as Andrena was unable to talk "Then you drag your feet on the merger! Complaining that you do not have the time! Now this!" as Eileen throws her trinkets off the oak table. "You have no idea what you just cost me! will cost you everything!"

Andrena begs of Eileen to spare her as she pleads with her hands as Eileen summons a brilliant purple light that coats around Andrena as her motions suddenly stop and she lays their motionless, emotionless. With the spell lifted, Eileen looks down at Andrena.

"Andrena?" she tests.

"Yes ma'am?" she says with a smile as the fairy holds her head gently within the palm of her hand. "Sorry to bother you, I just have the world's worst headache!"

"" as Eileen casts a healing spell causing the pain to go away.

"Aw, thank you, ma'am!"

"Your welcome, now, I need you to finish those merger orders and I want you to research everything you can find on Skylynn Danica, Caitlynn Acacia, and especially Carolynn Acacia!"

"Right away, ma'am!" as Andrena hurries over to her computer to get to work. Eileen sat behind her desk, looking outside as she was pondering what she was going to do to protect herself from the wrath of Aradia who will most likely hear about her business at Cadabra.

"We might have to move up the timeline and implement phase two now..." she pondered.

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