Trouble | Theo Raeken

By devinemoves

75.8K 2.7K 664

"You look like trouble to me" She knew falling for him was a bad idea but she did anyway because falling was... More

0.0; Half the Fun
0.2; An Extra Coffee
0.3; Whats Your Story
0.4; Not My Type
0.5; Get to Work
0.6; Nine and Three
0.7; Intense
0.8; I Told You
0.9; Glimpses

0.1; Minor Details

10.9K 317 45
By devinemoves

0.1; Minor Details



It was 11:30 pm, pouring rain and Audriana Lahey was beyond frustrated. She had just gotten off a 18 hour flight from Paris which was enough to make anyone cranky, not to mention the poor weather and bumper to bumper traffic.

Visiting her brother all summer was great, and Paris had been amazing. (I mean what young, fun, fashion loving girl wouldn't adore the city?) But sadly the bubbly blonde had worn off that high about 3 hours into the plane ride when the toddler sitting behind her started repeatedly kicking her chair. It had been that very moment when her mood began an on going downward spiral leading up to this very moment.

Adriana reached for her phone seeing as though she wasn't going anywhere soon, only to be met with absolutely zero reception and a clock reading 11:37.

Just great. She inwardly rolled her eyes, before (rather harshly) tossing the gold Samsung back in the cup holder. That effort however, rendered useless when a couple seconds later a Audriana was impatiently snatching the device back up, and swinging open her car door.

At the very least she could let her friends know she was gonna be late, and if that was gonna happen she needed to go bar hunting.

Wedged heels clicked against the pavement as she began walking. Audriana's eyes stayed focused on her phone, paying no mind to the people in the other cars giving her strange looks. She however, might have been a bit too focused seeing as she failed to notice the boy standing outside of his own car. Her obliviousness to his presence resulted in her running straight into him dropping her phone in the process.

"I'm sorry." Audriana blurted out as she bent to retrieve the device, which was now laying on the wet pavement. Upon standing , she was met with a gorgeous pair of blue eyes, the realization that the rest of the boy was just as handsome as his eyes caused her to stand up a little straighter.

"I didn't see-"

"It's okay."

They both made a move to talk causing their words to jumble together. And a amused smirk to make its way on to the cute stranger's face.

"I was just trying to get reception. This storm's a bitch." Audriana made a somewhat awkward hand gesture to the dark sky.

"Tell me about it. I thought it wasn't supposed to rain in California." He joked.

Audriana laughed. He was right it wasn't supposed to rain in California, but it definitely rained in Beacon Hills. And one point Her and Kira had a full blown conversation about the weather in relation to all the crazy occurrences.
"You aren't from around here are you?"

The boy, who she had yet to learn the name of offered a sheepish smile. "Is it that obvious?"

"Let's just say, I definitely would've noticed you before." 

The rain, that had calmed down was beginning to pick up again, causing rain drops the begin to splash on the two teens. Audriana winced and pulled her cardigan tighter around her body. "I should probably get back to my car."

She had made it about ten steps when the boy was calling out to her, causing her to turn back towards him. "Hey! What's your name?

The blonde silently debated whether giving the attractive stranger her name was a good idea. Eh, what's the harm. "Audriana"

"I'm, Theo." The smile he sent her way was swoon worthy and Audriana was immediately glad she'd given the boy her name.

"Well, I'll see you around Theo." 


Adriana Lahey pulled up to Beacon Hills High School at 12:05, she silently sang a prayer to herself for making such good time. Granted, she might have broken a couple laws to get there, but those were just minor details. Being mindful of the many puddles that littered the parking lot the blonde finally began her trek into the school.

Before Audriana even had the chance to search for a familiar face among the sea of seniors Her name was being called. "There you are! I didn't think you were gonna show!"

The outburst causing the young Lahey to whip her head around to be met by the familiar face of her strawberry blonde best friend, who seemed to have abruptly abandoned the people she was talking to. Audriana cracked a wide smile. "I know, I thought about just staying in Paris. Great food, hot guys and the shopping, oh mg God, the shopping." She practically whined remembering some of the outfits she'd picked up in the many boutiques she visited.

"About that, I expect my presents!" Lydia demanded. There was a reason she had made Audriana a list before she shipped her off.

"Don't worry, you'll be more than compensated for" The blonde teased making her friend crack a smile. "Hey, Where's the rest of the Scooby gang?" Audriana asked. Only just realizing the rest of her friends were missing.

Lydia over dramatically rolled her eyes at the mention of their friends. "I don't know, I can't get a hold of anyone. I think a service tower got knocked out because of the storm."

Yeah, Definitely knocked out. Audriana silently grumbled to herself thinking back to her previous phone troubles.

She didn't get the chance to elaborate out loud before Stiles, Malia, Scott and Kira were all walking through the door. Leading Audriana to wonder how they all managed to fit. She definitely would've fallen on her face had she attempted that.

"Guys where have you been? The whole senior class is here!" Lydia exclaimed at the late, and extremely wet group of teenagers. Who only stared back at the two girls with content faces.


Ariana laughed breaking the silence." Are we doing this, or not?"

The two couples just smiled in reply and walked past her and Lydia into the library with their arms wrapped around each other.

Audriana cast her gaze to Lydia, who still seemed annoyed at how late everyone had been. "Senior year, Lyds." The blonde beemed before half hugging her friend, causing a smile to grow on her face as well. "We made it."

"Oh, just come on"


EDITED: November 25, 2016

New A/N: Im ready to revamp this book and hopefully finish season five. But in order to do that I'm gonna have to clean it up a little, its been over a year since I started this and my writing has changed a lot so hopefully by editing this it'll flow a lot nicer and be an overall smoother read.

AN: sorry about the length but this first episode didn't really have much in it for a character unless I wanted her to get picked up by stiles and Malia but that would entail her having to up interrupt certain moments. I promised the next chapter will be at LEAST 1k words.
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote.

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