-The Children of Darkness- Th...

By Neverland07112

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Aurora Riddle is the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange and Lord Voldemort. She grew up with her brother Mattheo... More

Author's space
Main characters
Our suffering begins
Getting started
The Return of the Dark Lord P1
The train
Welcome to Hogwarts
First Day (P1)
First Day (P2)
Dumbledore's Army
Moments of peace and quiet
Xmas holidays
New Headmistress
Rescue plan
End of the year
"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"
Her mother's daughter
The Last Chance
Dumbledore is dead
New us
Family Loyalties and Forbidden Desires
The Weight of Choices

The Half-blood prince

73 0 3
By Neverland07112

Aurora's Pov
Pancy: Hey, are you okay?

Pancy wants to come closer but I put my hand up to block her
Me: Don't worry, I'll catch up with you later

She nods and leaves the room. Zephyr jumps onto my lap and starts to purr, I pet him, then pick him up and put him on my bed. I fix my uniform and tie and leave the room, heading for the Potions classroom.
As soon as I enter the room I notice that Severus is not there, instead there is a man, quite advanced in years, short and stocky... as soon as he sees me he opens his eyes wide and swallows.
Slughorn: You...?
Me: Sorry, I didn't think I was late.

I wasn't really late, it was just three minutes before the start of the lesson.
Slughorn: Have we met before?
Me: No, I don't think so, sir, my name is Aurora... Aurora Nott.
Slughorn: Nott? Mm, you remind me so much of...no, that's impossible.

I go to sit next to Hermione, Pancy looks at me and then mimes with her lips "What did she want?" and I shake my head.

Slughorn: Good, then we can begin! I am your new Potions Master, Horace Slughorn.

20 minutes later

Slughorn: The presentation of this potion requires great attention to detail...

Harry and Ron appear through the door, I turn to Hermione, I had noticed they would not be here.
Slughorn: Ah... Harry dear, I was beginning to worry, I see we've brought a friend with us...
Ron: Ron Weasley, sir...

Hermione elbows me and tells me to look at all the girls next to us, who were looking at the two boys with dreamy eyes. I then snap my fingers in front of their faces and they wake up as if hypnotised and look at me sheepishly.

Harry: Excuse me, professor, but I don't have my textbook yet and neither does Ron.
Slughorn: Don't worry, you'll find them in the cupboard over there... as I was saying, I prepared some potions this morning, would either of you be able to tell me what they are?

Hermione and I both put our hands up.
Slughorn: Yes, Mrs Nott?

I approach the potions and look at them carefully.
Me: This is the Truth Potion, Veritaserum... this is the Polyjuice Potion, which is difficult to make because of its ingredients... and this... this is Amortensia, the most powerful love potion in the world, you can tell by its mother-of-pearl glow, it smells different to each of us depending on what attracts us... for example, I smell peppermint, mountain pine, whisky and...

I freeze and step back, Hermione looks at me with a raised eyebrow.
Hermione: Whisky?
I look at Pancy and Daphne, they both have a hand over their mouths trying not to laugh.

Slughorn: That's right, ten green snake points, now Amortensia doesn't really cause love, that would be quite impossible, but it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession...

Some girls come up to me and I look down at them, they must be really desperate.
Me: Professor, I couldn't understand what was in it.

He picks up a vial and examines it carefully
Slughorn: Ah yes... this is Felix Felicis Potion, otherwise known as Liquid Luck.
Hermione: Liquid Luck.
Slughorn: Yes Miss...?
Hermione: Granger.
Slughorn: Granger, Granger, is it possible that you are related to Hector Dagworth Granger, founder of the Sta Stradina Society of Posers?
Hermione: Uh, no, I don't think so, sir, I'm Muggleborn.
Slughorn: Oohoh "my best friend is Muggle-born and one of the best in our year" I assume she's the friend you were telling me about Harry?
Harry: Yes sir!
Slughorn: Mm, interesting... As I was saying, Felix Felicis is a very difficult potion to brew, disastrous if you get it wrong, one sip of this and you'll find that all your exploits are successful...

I look up at Draco, he was looking at me too.

Slughorn: At least until the effect wears off, so this is what I offer you today... a small vial of liquid potion for the student who can brew an acceptable distillate of living death in this hour, the recipe is on page 17 of your book...

I smile, Severus had taught me how to brew it, Felix felicis would be mine, Mattheo looks at me, he grimaces, Severus had taught him too, but to no avail.

Slughorn: I must warn you, however, that only one student was able to brew a potion of sufficient quality to win this prize, but good luck to you all, let the preparations begin.

At the end of the lesson
Slughorn began to walk among the whites, the classroom filled with questionable smells, someone had burst the cauldron, others had produced a strange greenish paste-like substance. His hair was swollen from too much steam coming out of his cauldron.

Slughorn: Hmm... surprising, Miss Nott

Slughorn pulls out a leaf and throws it into the cauldron, at first glance the leaf stays still, but after a while it starts to disintegrate, I breathe a sigh of relief.
Slughorn: If no one else can do the job better than you, I suppose the prize will be yours...

I smile contentedly, Hermione looks curiously into my cauldron, then snorts in discontent, my smile fades however as Slughorn shouts contentedly, I turn away and to my surprise see Slughorn shaking Harry's hand.

Slughorn: FOR MERLIN'S BEARD! IT'S PERFECT! So perfect that one drop could kill us all... Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the obvious winner! My goodness, you've clearly inherited your mother's talent!

I cast an incredulous glance at Mattheo and then at Hermione, how was that possible, Harry was never any good at Potions!

Slughorn brings him in front of everyone and hands him the vial of Felix Felicis.

Slughorn: 20 points to Gryffindor and 10 points to Slytherin, congratulations to you too Miss Nott!

I smile smugly, but my hand trembles under the table, it was obvious that this professor had a clear preference for Harry, the Chosen One....

At dinner

Theo: You're angry...
Me: No, I'm frustrated because you know what Potter told me! He said he used advice that was in his book... he cheated in a nutshell.

Daphne: But what do you want Rory, we all know you're the best!
Me: I wanted the Felix Felicis... and now Harry has it, undeservedly ....

One of the second year girls runs towards us, I recognise her by her long ash blonde hair, she was the little girl who was staring at my brother on the first day last year.

Mattheo: Hazel, what's going on, are you OK?
Hazel: Professor Slughorn asked me to give these to Aurora and Zabini.
Me: Thank you, Hazel.

The girl hands us two letters sealed with a dark green seal, I open them and read them.
Lorenzo: What does it say?
Me: It's an invitation... to an exclusive club.

I say with a raised eyebrow, Daphne and Pancy look at each other and then ask me to hand her the letter.
Pancy: The Lumaclub, it's definitely going to be geeky.
Theo: Blaise, a nerd thing hahahah

We finish eating and get up, I look at Draco, we wait for the others to leave for the dungeons, we make sure nobody sees us and we walk through the corridors. We arrive at a tapestry and hold hands. Within seconds, we were in the room of necessities. I take a green apple out of my pocket and give it to Draco.

Me: Draco...

I freeze in front of a large object covered by a blanket, which I remove to reveal a dusty old cupboard.

Me: This is it, isn't it?
Draco: Yes...

Months later
Mattheo's POV

Aurora: He even got a new potions book and you know what he did, he changed the covers and kept this one... I've searched everywhere, nowhere is there any mention of a certain "Half-Blood Prince", even Hermione doesn't know anything about it...
Me: Have you tried asking Severus?
Aurora: Of course not...
Me: And why not, maybe he knows something about it
Aurora: Yeah, maybe you're right, the fact is that Harry is hiding something from me, he spends his days with Dumbledore doing who knows what, we rarely see each other anymore...

I put my arm around his shoulders.
Me: At least you have more time to spend with me, it's been a while since we had a nice butter together...
Aurora: We have never had a beer together
Me: Exactly

She rolls her eyes laughing
Aurora: You know, I would have liked to audition for Quiddich this year, but I don't have time for that either...
Me: What have you got there?

I ask when I see a strange box my sister is carrying under her arm, she stops smiling and a strange shadow covers her eyes.
Me: You didn't want to come with me just to have a nice trip with your big brother... it's not like that.
Aurora: It's something for Draco, he didn't know how to do it, so he asked me... I'll give it to him and then I swear it'll be just the two of us...

I nod unconvinced. When we arrive at the inn we go in and look around, we see Professor Slughorn sitting at the bar and as soon as he sees Aurora he waves for her to come closer.
Slughorn: Here is one of my most promising students, I see you have company, who is this young man?
Aurora: My twin brother, sir, Mattheo Nott, he also attends your classes, professor...
Slughorn: Ah yes, now I remember you, your last assignment amazed me young man.

I smile and motion for the barman to bring us two Butterbeers, the door opens and Potter, Weasley and Hermione enter. I nod at her, which she returns by lowering her head so that I don't notice the wonderful dimples that have appeared on her face.

Slughorn: You know, it's really strange that I've never heard of you two.
Me: Our father never liked company, so I wouldn't be too surprised.
Slughorn: You know, I knew a wizard who...

Draco appears from behind some stairs

Aurora's POV

I put a hand on my brother's shoulder as he winks at me and goes back to listening to Slughorn.
Mattheo: I'll wait for you here.

I reach Draco, he's misty-eyed, so I put a hand on his cheek.
Me: Hey, it's OK... look at me, Draco, look at me!

He lifts his eyes to mine
Me: It's very simple, but you have to use my wand...
Draco: Why?
Me: The Imperius Curse is illegal, if you did it with your wand the Ministry would track you down immediately, I'm not registered, so even my wand...
Draco: Okay...

I'm about to leave, but he grabs me and kisses me softly on the cheek.
Draco: Thank you
Me: I didn't do anything, you'll get my wand back later....

I reach my brother and Professor Slughorn.
Mattheo: Sir, this is an incredible story!
Slughorn: I think so too, my boy, oh look, Harry's here!

I turn to see Harry looking at us with his hand raised in greeting, I look at my brother.
Mattheo: Don't let him get away Rory.

I swallow and walk towards Harry and the others, followed by Slughorn.
Slughorn: Harry, my boy, I've heard rumours that my two best students are engaged, haven't you, Harry?

I embarrassedly tuck a lock of hair behind my ears and Harry smiles happily.
Harry: Sir, what a pleasure to see you, what brings you here?

Slughorn: The three broomsticks and I go way back, I think I remember when he was just a broomstick!

With that he lifts his mug of beer and pours it on my cloak, I flinch, but laugh calmly, although I feel like cursing him for the cost of this cloak.
Slughorn: I really must be going, but the three of us will see you soon, won't we Miss Granger?
Hermione: Yes, sir.
Slughorn: Oh, hello, Wollert.

He says looking at Ron who shakes his head in annoyance, then smiles and nods, waving to the departing professor. I turned back to Mattheo, who had finished his butterbeer and looked around, then caught Blaise and Theo's eyes and decided to join them. Relieved that my brother wasn't alone, I sit down next to Hermione.

Harry: I've decided to talk to Dumbledore about it, he's the only one Mundungus is afraid of...
Me: What's going on?
Hermione: We passed Mundungus Fletcher on the way here.
Harry: He's robbing Sirius's house, my house! He had a suitcase full of valuables, next time I see him...
Hermione: Didn't you just say you'd talk to Dumbledore about it?!
Harry: Yes, you're right.
Ron: I see you don't hate each other anymore!
Me: We lost our father Ronald, that brought us together...
Harry: I'm sorry, Rory
Me: It's OK...

Ron then looks at Hermione, she had foam on her lips, so he raises his arm to wipe it off, but she pulls back.
Hermione: What are you doing?
Ron: It's just that you're... you're dirty.

She looks up and I see her looking at my brother's table, then super embarrassed she flies over to me and wipes herself off
Time later

We get out of the three broomsticks, the snow is falling intermittently and the countryside around us is covered in a uniform white blanket.
Ron: You know about Ginny and Dean?
Me: Yeah, they're cute together.
Ron: That creep...
Hermione: Oh, come on, Ronald, what's wrong with it?
Ron: She's my sister!
Hermione: So what's wrong with it?!
Ron: Rory, please tell me you understand me, what would you do if Hermione and your brother got together?
Me: Um, I think I'd be happy for my brother to date someone as extraordinary as her.

Hermione looks at me
Hermione: Really?
I nod and she smiles
Ron: But it'll never happen anyway, it's not like that... ....

He looks at her, hoping for a positive answer, but Hermione just nods. Besides, Ron was right, it would never happen because my brother is a pure-blood, while Hermione is a rotten-blood. Harry takes my hand and we walk away from the other two.
Harry: I've discovered something...
Me: What is it?

Dear Harry: I'm not supposed to tell you, I promised Dumbledore that only Ron and Hermione would know.
Me: But you know you can trust me.
Harry: Yes, that's why I'm going to tell you about Voldemort's past.
Me: You frighten me, what have you found out?
Harry: Voldemort was born a barbarian and a wizard, not descended from Salazar Slytherin...

My father... my father was a half-blood? I didn't have time to answer before a thud and a scream drew our attention. A girl not far from us has risen into the air, her hair swirling around her wind-blown face.
Harry: Oh God, it's Katie!

Katie starts to scream in pain with a blank expression, her eyes wide with no emotion; Leanne starts to cry and grabs her ankles trying to pull her down.
I look down, my breath catching as I see the parcel I had given Draco, the brown paper wrapping had been opened to reveal the green velvet box with the opal necklace I had enchanted lying on the snow.

Katie fell to the ground and began to writhe on the snowy floor.
Hagrid: Don't come any closer! Stay back!

The half-giant appears behind us and picks Katie up from the ground, Harry notices the necklace and approaches, but I block him.
Hagrid: Don't touch it! Just the paper wrapped around it... do you understand?
Harry: Yes...

At Hogwarts
We are in a classroom at school, Leanne is telling Professor McGonagall everything.
McGonagall: Did she tell you who to give the parcel to?
Leanne: Professor Dumbledore...
I bite my lip, my heart is pounding, damn it Draco! Leanne is dismissed and leaves.
McGonagall: How come when something happens it's always the three of you!!!?
Ron: Believe me Professor, I've been asking myself the same question for six years... ....
McGonagall: Oh, Severus.

I turn away as I see my godfather enter the classroom and approach the necklace with his wand, then he lifts it and looks at it.
McGonagall: What do you think?
Severus: I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive...

I raise my eyebrows, if only that stupid Leanne hadn't tried to take the package from Katie, maybe Dumbledore would be dead and Draco would have nothing to worry about.

Harry: It was a spell, wasn't it? I know Katie, except for matches she wouldn't hurt a fly, if she meant to give it to Professor Dumbledore she did it unwittingly.

The two professors turn, Severus looks at me and I don't look away.
McGonagall: Yes, it was a spell, probably the Imperius Curse... .

Harry: It was Malfoy!

I turn to Harry in disbelief
McGonagall: It is a very serious accusation, Potter.
Severus: I agree, do you have any proof?
Harry: Leanne said Katie didn't have the parcel before she went into the bathroom, and I saw Malfoy go in there...
Me: It's a bathroom Harry...
Harry: I know it was him, I just know it.
Me: You just know? Harry...
Severus: Again you amaze with your gifts Potter, mere mortals can only dream of possessing your gifts, how sublime it must be to be you, to be the Chosen One...

Silence falls.
McGonagall: I suggest you four return to your dormitories.
Severus: Miss Nott, I would like a word with you in my office.

I nod and leave the room
Hermione: What does Snape need from you?
Me: Probably just to know what happened...

Harry kisses me and they say to go to the Gryffindor house, I go down to the dungeon instead, the common room is empty, I get a shock as a hand grabs my arm
Draco: Aurora
Me: It's alright, you just have to be more careful because Potter is watching you, he's sure it's you...

He gives me his wand, the door opens and Severus appears
Severus: You two, with me now!

We enter his office and he slams the door shut
Severus: What were you thinking?
Me: We didn't know the card would break Severus, it was a perfect plan.

Severus: Which one of you fools used the Imperius Curse?
Draco: Me.

He runs his hands through his hair
Me: But he used my wand, no one can get back to me.
Severus: Draco, get out of here!
Draco looks at me and I wave to him that it was all right, he walks out and closes the door behind him
Severus: You can't do everything Aurora.
Me: I didn't do anything.
Severus: You bewitched the necklace didn't you, it was too precise a curse for Draco, he would never have succeeded.
Me: You underestimate him, Severus.
Severus: No, it is you who underestimate what the Dark Lord might do to Draco if he finds out you are behind his attacks on Dumbledore...
Me: You want Draco to fail, not so...
Severus: Don't talk nonsense, Aurora.

I take his hand where the sign of the Unbreakable Pact still stands.
Me: My aunt told me, should Draco fail, you will do as my father instructed and take the glory that is Draco's due!
Severus: Narcissa is perhaps one of the people I care about most in this world and when she came to me for help with her son I thought of him and only him, not me, not the so-called glory you keep bringing up, glory was never my thing and you know it Aurora!

I swallow, my godfather had never raised his voice to me like that.
Me: You're right...

We remain silent for a few seconds
Me: Severus... who is the Half-Blood Prince?

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