Hero Hunter: Izuku Yagi [opm...

By ManLikeETO

24.6K 458 476

In a world where 80% of the population has quirks the other 20% doesn't. Izuku yagi is one of those 20%. Bein... More

chapter 1: izuku hunting arc
chapter 2: izuku hunting arc
chapter 3: betrayal of hope arc
chapter 5: hero hunter
chapter 6: hero hunter vs hero killer
chapter 7: monster raid arc
chapter 8: monster raid arc
chapter 9: forest training camp arc
chapter 10: forest training camp arc
chapter 11: forest training camp arc
chapter 12: forest training camp arc
chapter 13: forest training camp arc
A/n (important)
chapter 14: forest training camp arc (final)
chapter 15: aftermath

chapter 4: betrayal of hope arc

1.7K 27 51
By ManLikeETO


She said with an excited tone as inko and toshi were hugging her and feeling proud.

Toshi: "I'm proud of you Izumi".

Izumi: "it was all thanks to you dad". She said as she hugged her tightly.

Inko: "now darling, we must celebrate this tonight!"

Izumi: "great I'll go and tell Izuku".


Izuku's anger erupted like a volcano, his room bearing the brunt of his rage. He flung objects against the walls, the sounds of impact echoing through the air. His hands shook with frustration as he overturned furniture and tore through his belongings, the room quickly descending into chaos. He punched the mirrors, walls, teared his pillow apart, heck he even made a crater on the ground from punching it so hard. Tears streamed down his face as he vented his pent-up emotions, the destruction serving as a release for his overwhelming disappointment and despair. He got up and looked at himself in the mirror.

Izuku: "it's not fair...".

Izumi opened the door and saw a horrific sight of the scene. She saw Izuku's hands bloody red, his eyes with red marks and dark circle under it. She looked around the room and saw the chaos.

Izumi: "Deku, what happened?!" she said.

Izuku just looked at her with blood lusted eyes and was about to give her the most brutal insults he could think of.

Izuku: "call me Deku again and see what happens you twisted bitch".

Izumi: "what's wrong with you, Izuku... please, I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to share my good news...". She said in a slight tear.

Izuku: "Good news? What's good about it, huh? You think you're better than me now that you got into U.A.? You think you're some kind of hero, guess what, YOU'RE AS WORTHLESS AS AN ANT!"

Izumi: "Izuku, please... You're not alone. We're in this together, remember? No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you."

But Izuku's despair was all-consuming, his hope extinguished by the harsh reality of his circumstances.

Izuku: "I don't need your pity, Izumi. I don't need anything..."

Izumi: "Izuku, please... I never meant to make you feel this way. I never wanted to hurt you."

But Izuku's anger burned like a wildfire, his words cutting deep into her heart like shards of glass.

Izuku: "Hurt me? You don't have the slightest clue, Izumi. You don't know what it's like to be me, to live with this... this burden every single day."

Inko and toshinori walked upstairs and saw what happened so they asked.

Toshi: "what happened?"

Inko: "Izuku... what did you do?!" she asked in shock.

Izuku's gaze flicked from his parents to Izumi, his eyes burning with an intensity that sent shivers down their spines.

Izuku: "What does it matter? You never cared about me anyway."

His words hung heavy in the air, each syllable dripping with bitterness and resentment. Inko's heart twisted with guilt, her eyes brimming with tears as she struggled to find the right words to say.

Inko: "Izuku, please... We're your family. We love you, no matter what."

But Izuku's anger was a wildfire, consuming everything in its path. He turned away from them, his fists shaking with fury as he fought to control the storm raging inside him.

Izuku: "Love? Don't make me laugh. You've never understood me, any of you. You're all just like everyone else, looking down on me because I'm quirkless."

Toshi's heart ached at his son's words, a deep sense of regret settling in the pit of his stomach. He stepped forward, his voice soft but filled with remorse.

Toshi: "Izuku, we never meant to hurt you. We only wanted what was best for you."

Izuku's face suddenly changed.

Izuku: "what do you mean by that".

(this meme was stuck in my head ever since i made him say that 💀😭)

Toshi realise what he had just said. He had inadvertently let slip the very thing he had been trying to conceal from Izuku. He exchanged a worried glance with Inko, both of them unsure of how to proceed.

Toshi: "Izuku... I-I didn't mean..."

His voice was low and dangerous, a hint of desperation underlying his words. Toshi felt a lump form in his throat as he struggled to find the right words to explain himself.

Toshi: "Izuku, please... It's not what you think."

But Izuku's patience had worn thin, his frustration bubbling to the surface once more.

Izuku: "Tell me, Dad. Tell me what you're hiding from me."

Inko whispering: "toshi, I think we have to tell him"

Toshi whispering: "fine..."

Inko: "Izuku, sweetheart... Please, let us explain."

But Izuku's gaze remained fixed on his father, his expression hardened with determination.

Izuku: "I deserve to know the truth. Don't try to give me advice."

Toshi's heart clenched with guilt as he realized there was no avoiding it any longer. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come.

Toshinori: "Izuku I'm..." he said as he transformed into his buff form.

Izuku: "..." he just looked at him in disbelief "you're all might".

All might/toshi: "izuku... i'm... i'm sorry."

Izuku: "wait, hold on. This whole time you were that i looked up to throughout my whole childhood... you... you told me i couldn't be a hero... it was yesterday."

Toshi: "Izuku, I... I wanted to protect you. I didn't want you to feel the pressure of living up to my legacy."

But Izuku's mind was reeling, his thoughts a tangled mess of confusion and hurt.

Izuku: "Protect me? You lied to me, Dad. You made me believe I was worthless, that I could never be a hero. You... you took away my dreams."

His voice trembled with suppressed emotion, his fists clenched at his sides. Toshi hung his head, unable to meet his son's gaze.

Toshi: "Izuku, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I thought I was doing what was best for you."

But Izuku's anger burned bright and fierce, his pain fuelling the flames of his resentment.

Izuku: "Best for me? How could lying to me be best for me? How could crushing my dreams be best for me?"

His voice cracked with emotion, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Inko stepped forward, her heart breaking at the sight of her son's pain.

Inko: "Izuku, please... Your father only wanted to protect you. He loves you more than anything."

But Izuku's heart was heavy with betrayal, his trust shattered into a million pieces.

Izuku: "Love? If this is what love looks like, then I want no part of it, all of you people can kill yourselves."

Inko's heart shattered at his words, her own anguish bubbling to the surface. With a trembling hand, she raised it high and delivered a sharp slap across Izuku's cheek. Izuku just looked at her in disbelief

Inko: "How dare you speak to your father like that! He's only ever tried to do what's best for you, to keep you safe!"

Izuku just looked at her in anger.

Izumi: "guys can we stop this!?"

Before she could finish her sentence, izuku punched her to the wall making a crack on the room.

Inko: "i-izuku..." she said in disbelief as she was nosebleeding.

Izumi: "MOM!!" she screamed as she went to check on her.

Izuku: "tch... you people dis..."

But before he could finish his sentence, All Might's fist collided with his jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground. The room fell silent, inko and Izumi just looked in disbelief.

All Might stood over him, his expression a mix of disappointment and regret. His voice was heavy with sorrow as he addressed his son.

All Might: "Izuku, I never wanted it to come to this. I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you."

Izuku's mind raced with conflicting emotions, his anger warring with the flicker of understanding in his father's eyes. He pushed himself up from the ground, his body trembling.

Izuku: "tch..."

Izuku's anger simmered beneath the surface, a raging scream within him. With a primal roar, he launched himself at All Might, his fists flying with reckless abandon. Izuku and All Might face off, the air thick with tension and anticipation. izuku's swift strikes meet All Might's powerful blows in a clash that shakes the very walls. Debris scatters as their battle rages on. After a few minutes izuku was punched through the house and was outside in the streets.

Izuku: "this isn't over all might..."

He said as he jumped on a moving truck.

Inko just cried and Izumi began to comfort her. All might transformed back to his skinny form and comforted inko.

Toshi: "i can't believe it..."

Inko: "it's our fault."

Izumi: "tchh." she gritted her teeth in frustration.

Timeskip to a few hours

Izuku POV: "I'll have to sneak back in and get my stuff. I'll just go to the old man for a few nights.

He thought to himself as he jumped out the truck. He was miles away from home and near the dojo up in the mountains. He began walking the rest of the way and climbed up the mountains. Once he got there, he saw bang drinking tea. Izuku took off his shoe and went inside.

Bang: "Izuku? What are doing here at this hour of the night. Wait, why are you all beaten up"

Izuku: "hey master bang, i... c... can i stay here for a few nights." he said in a quiet and embarrassed tone.

Bang: "oh izuku, what happened now."

Izuku began to tell him the events after he took the entrance exam. Him seeing all might and what he told him. The fact that his idol told him he can't become a hero without a quirk made izuku tear up again. He then told him about his fight with his dad or the number 1 hero as he found out this morning.

Bang: "it's going to be fine izuku, you can stay here as long as you want."

Izuku: "thanks master." he said as he bowed down".

Timeskip to the next day

Izuku was now wearing a tight, black, long-sleeved shirt, loose-fitting white martial arts pants, a yellow sash around his waist. He was going home to get his stuff and leave without anyone noticing him. As he got closer to his alley, he could see the police investigating the house.

Izuku: "damn... i need to be quick."

Peering through the window, Izuku scanned the room for any signs of movement. The chaos from the previous night still lingered, but the space appeared empty. Taking a deep breath to steel his nerves, he quietly slid open the window and slipped inside. He was in his destroyed room. He quickly grabbed a bagpack and put a few essential things. Money, phone, clothes, a first aid kit he found in his desk, id, and lastly his air pods so he can listen to juice wrld when he's feeling depressed (lmao). He began stuffing them into a backpack with practiced efficiency. Just as he was about to make his escape, a voice echoed from the doorway, freezing him in his tracks.

Voice: "Hold it right there!"

Izuku's blood ran cold as he turned to face the source of the voice. Standing in the doorway was a police officer, their gaze fixed squarely on him.

Police Officer: "What are you doing here? This is a crime scene!"

Izuku's mind raced as he searched for a way out. With a surge of adrenaline, he made a split-second decision and bolted for the window. But before he could reach it, a strong hand grabbed hold of his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks. It was his own father.

All might: "you're not going anywhere young man, you gav..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was punched in the face and got pushed back, letting his grip loose. This was his chance. Izuku jumped out the broken window and began sprinting faster than a horse. The police made a report and few more police cars appeared in the scene. But izuku was long gone.

???: "what happened here?"

All might (wiping his blood): "Tsukauchi?"

Officer 1,2,3: "Detective Tsukauchi, sir!!" They all saluted him.

Tsukauchi: "What happened here, All Might?"

All Might hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering with uncertainty. He knew he couldn't reveal the truth about Izuku's identity as his son, not with the police involved. But he also couldn't lie to Detective Tsukauchi, a trusted ally and friend.

All Might: "There was an altercation... a family dispute. Things got out of hand."

Tsukauchi's expression darkened, a flicker of concern crossing his features.

Tsukauchi: "Is everyone alright?"

All Might glanced back at the doorway, his heart heavy with guilt.

All Might: "Izuku... he's gone."

The weight of those words hung heavy in the air, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Detective Tsukauchi's eyes narrowed, his mind already racing with possibilities.

Tsukauchi: "it's going to be fine; we'll find him."


Izuku was breathing heavily as he stopped sprinting. He was now finally at the mountains, and he began going up. He was now at the doorsteps of the dojo.

Izuku: "guess I'm not cut out to be a hero".

It had been 3 days since he stayed at bangs dojo. During this time, Izuku had come to a conclusion that heroes were just a bunch of pieces of shits who only do their jobs for money and fame. He was now a completely different person. The police and the heroes are looking for him.

Izuku: "I'll wipe out all the heroes and rebuilt this world from scratch."

Currently izuku was training with bang's disciples. They were all doing martial poses and training. Bang was currently out. doing hero work, so it was only izuku, sour face and the rest of the disciples. Izuku stopped and stood in one place.

Izuku: "tchh... i'm tired of this."

Sour face: "huh?" he asked confused. "What do you mean?"

Izuku: "There's nothing else i can learn here...." "Let's have an actual fight."















Bang: "what have you done izuku..."

hey guys, i just wanted to tell you something. as you might have read the 1st chapter, izuku has been doing hero hunting for almost a year, and then ị nerfed it to 6 months then i realised that the events happing in mha, the timespan since the entrance exam and season 6 have only been around 7-8 months based on the info i found. so i'll be nerfing izuku's hero hunting days to only 1 month. and we will miss the usj arc but thats fine, i don't plan on getting izuku with the league yet. if you have any ideas on how long izuku's hero hunting days should be. good bye for now 🔥🙏

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