The Vanishing Choice: Frolic...

By MiniSupu

959 98 74

Remain or DISAPPEAR!! Which button will Professor Cyrus press for Elisa? 'NO SIP OF OXYGEN LEFT!!' - Now wha... More

Only Hatred
Game of Destiny!
Unfolding Chapters
Tensions and Tears
Mystical Encounter
The Unicorn!
Echoes of Devotion
Suffer or Separation?
Your Touch!
I'm Not for You CYRUS!
Into the Depth
Songs of Sacrifice!
Sunday or Funday?
Is It a Rainbow?
Stay With Me
Words or Emotions?
Flourished in Heart!
Collect The Moments
Beyond The Destiny!
Thanking Note!

Enchanted Quest

23 4 2
By MiniSupu

[The Doctor thoroughly checked Cyrus, but his pulse is constantly draining. Now the blue blood had spread to his ribs. The Doctor checked the time.]

[The time was 3:30 pm in the afternoon.]

The Doctor: (whispers) Only 30 hours left.

[On the other side...]

Elisa: Sunset will be sometimes after. I've to cross these vines before the night falls.

[She noticed their unnatural movement and the way they seem to react to any nearby movement or sound. She understands that a direct approach is too risky.]

[She constantly looked at them and understood that they were moving after 3 minutes of gap.]

[Elisa carefully applied her observation power and as the vines momentarily ceased their movement, allowing her to pass through unharmed.]

[Then she carefully maneuvered between gaps in the thorns, timing her movements to avoid the areas where the vines were most active. She considered alternative routes, sought out hidden paths that might bypass the thorn-infested area altogether.]

[Despite her caution, at one point, she misjudged a vine's reach and received a deep cut in her right leg.]

Elisa: Ahhhhhhh (screamed).

[She saw blood rolled from her wound. But she couldn't do anything at that time as the vines started moving again.]

[Ultimately, she successfully navigates through the enchanted thorns, emerging on the other side with a renewed sense of purpose.]

Elisa: Huhhh! Finally it's done.

[She took a long sigh.]

[At that time...]

Person: Bravo my girl, bravo.

[Elisa turned back and noticed an old woman standing in front of her. She was a figure of quiet mystery, her age veiled behind a mane of silver-white hair that cascades down her back like a waterfall of moonlight. Her eyes, the color of deep emeralds, held a timeless wisdom gleaned from years spent among the whispering trees. Her weathered face tells tales of ancient magic, etched with lines that map out a life intertwined with nature's secrets. Her attire was a patchwork of moss-green robes adorned with embroidered runes, each stitch a symbol of her connection to the unseen energies.]

Elisa: Who are you Grandma?

Person: I'm Emberlyn. I live in this 'Moonlit Glen'. Are you going towards the 'Infinite jar of Oxygen'?

Elisa: Ummm.... Yes. But Grandma, why did you say 'Infinite'?

Emberlyn: Because that jar can give infinite oxygen. No one would ever worried after got that Oxygen.

Elisa: That's great. I thought it was just some extra sips.

Emberlyn: But don't you tell me for whom you came here? As it was not an easy path.

Elisa: Umm... Actually. I came here to save my Professor.

Emberlyn: Just for your Professor. How's that possible? Girl, you know this is a cursed forest and you came here without any defeat. That's possible only when you are willing to save your closed one.

Elisa: Ummm... Granma it was not like that (hesitating tone). I'm just a student of him.

[Elisa's cheeks slightly became red.]

Emberlyn: (little smiling) Oh, 'him'. Now I can understand.

Elisa: Understand what?

Emberlyn: Now I can understand why my little girl's cheeks became red. (In a teasing tone) I can clearly see your love towards him. (After a pause) Tell me who is he?

Elisa: (Blushed) His name is.... Cyrus.

Emberlyn: Okay okay.... (After a pause) Now you've no time to waste. You have only 19 hours to save him.

Elisa: What I'll do now Grandma.

Emberlyn: You go straight until you can't find a portal binding with 2 magical trees.

Elisa: A portal!! Then?

Emberlyn: Just entered on that portal and you'll find that.

[She nodded and went straight.]

[After going some distance, she noticed a portal in front of her. It was blue in color. There were 2 trees twisted with each other.]

(img- Pinterest)

[She slowly walked into the portal and within a second, she noticed that there was a pink bottle and there was a pink butterfly inscribed in it. Many pink daisies surrounded by that bottle.]

(img- Pinterest)

Elisa: Wow, this is soooo beautiful. (Keeping her hand in mouth)

[She was very excited and that's why she jumped twice.]

Elisa: I've made it sir (teary eyes). I've made it.

[She closed her eyes and she imagined Cyrus's ]

[She was about to touch that bottle but at that time Emberlyn appeared in front of her. But now she was changed into a witch. A witch who can devour any happiness.]

Elisa: (smiled) Look Grandma, I've made it.

Emberlyn: Yes, I can see.

[She gave a witty smile but she couldn't notice that.]

Elisa: Shall I take the bottle?

Emberlyn: You don't need to pick it. Just write your Professor's full name on a paper and put it into the bottle.

Elisa: (smiled) Just it? I have my pen and paper.

[She was about to open her bag but Emberlyn stopped her.]

Emberlyn: Wait, my girl. Yet there's something left.

Elisa: What is left Grandma?

Emberlyn: Don't you know what the rule of nature is?

[Elisa looked at her in a surprising way.]

Emberlyn: If you want something from nature you must give something back to it.

Elisa: I can't get it, Grandma.

Emberlyn: In one word, you have to sacrifice 2 things to get infinite oxygen.

Elisa: What was that 2 things grandma?

Emberlyn: Think about it again girl.

Elisa: I came here by that extreme journey. And now if I have to sacrifice even my life, I'll not discard it, Grandma.

Emberlyn: Okay, The 1st you've to sacrifice is..........


What was that 2 things?

Guess and comment down.

Thank You for reading........

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