
By JadenSeptum

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Keep up with me and my current projects by diving into this unedited story written by myself (acting as the "... More



24 2 56
By JadenSeptum

But Uriah leapt from a small ledge and buried his axes into the scales of the huge monster, causing it to cry out instead and begin whipping his tail to get him off, flapping his wings before Uriah stuck a dagger in his teeth and lodged one of his axes into the dragon's left wing, ducking his head from the swing of his tail as dark blood poured from the wound.

Meanwhile, Moira's blade met the throat of another thug as she yanked it out and splashed crimson all over the snow, another warrior running to her from behind, ready to stab her with a spear.


That was when Ikatere jumped upon the man. But with his feral rage slowly ebbing away and the sedative from the dart slowly making him lose consciousness he didn't have enough power to finish him off. The thug kicked him off as he clawed at him making him let out a loud whine. As the wounded man stood up again to finish him off he suddenly got an arrow through his throat. As his body dropped down Moira ran over to Ikatere as the poor beast started to lose consciousness as well. She then was hit on the back of her head with the back of an axe by another warrior. It completely went black in front of her eyes for a second as she fell down just in front of Ikatere who already lost consciousness. She tried to stay conscious but felt so terribly dizzy as she looked over at the man lifting his axe to finish her off.

Kahu kept going as he was determined on getting this done. He noticed hiccup was running out of strength and used that to his advantage.


Finally when Kahu kicked the sword from Hiccup's hand, he was able to smack him hard with the back end of his spear across the jaw, forcing him to his back in the snow.

Nov 30, 2023, 11:44 AM


"Well this has been a blast..but it ends here.." Kahu said as he raised his spear to stab Hiccup through his heart. But a few inches away from Hiccup's chest he stopped when something caught his attention. The dragon that had been going after Toothless had him now pinned down and was about to deliver a final blow wanting to rip his throat open. "Whetū!" Kahu called the dragon at a strict tone after he whistled loudly. "Kaua!(don't) we need him!" That's when the dragon called Whetū snapped out of it rumbling lowly clearly annoyed as he looked over at his rider. "..stupid shark.." Kahu mumbled as he returned his attention to Hiccup. "Alright, where were we? Oh right." He said with attitude.

Nov 30, 2023, 1:12 PM


As soon as the enemy dragon hesitated, Toothless shot a blast that was meant for his face but it instead destroyed the left fin on the beast's head and Toothless tried to bite him to finish him. But Kahu instantly pulled out a little me handed crossbow and shot Toothless in the neck with it, making his muscles stop working almost immediately.

"Toothless!" Hiccup shouted and tried to get up but he fell back in pain as he knew a rib was cracked.

Nov 30, 2023, 2:48 PM


Whetū roared furiously and in pain when Toothless did that. But then he watched Toothless fall down as he breathed heavily. "Alright I have had it.." Kahu said suddenly at a cold tone as he saw Astrid coming from the corner of his eyes. He quickly swung his spear her way as he ducked hitting her legs as she tripped over it falling full face down. He scoffed as he watched her as he got up again and stepped off hiccup who he had one leg on before. He grabbed Astrid by her hair and pulled her back up before holding a dagger to her throat. "Last chance Haddock..give me the artifact...or I will not spare you and your friends.."


"Wait! J-just hold on!" he replied in a panic as Astrid tried not to cry out in pain, grabbing his arm with her nails to try and scratch him deep as she could.


Kahu held the dagger closer to her throat showing her to stop moving. "..One last time..surrender or none of you will be spared.." He said calmly with a very sharp edge to it.


Hiccup's heart was beating fast as Astrid tried to be strong, her face angry but her eyes terrified. He glanced around the battlefield as he saw his people being beaten, inches away from possible death, their dragons all downed and the enemy numbers seeming just as large as before... It was clear that these were no normal ruffians. Who did they work for?

The words of his father pierced his mind like a spear, "A chief protects his own". And right now he saw his people dying--and Astrid... He panicked as the thought of her dying made him suddenly terrified. "Okay! Stop!" he said and dropped his dagger into the snow. "Stop!" he shouted again.


A smirk appeared on his face as he lowered the dagger before pushing Astrid Hiccup's way. He then let out a very loud whistle. Instantly his men and their dragons stopped looking into his direction as he did. "Gather the Berkians!" Kahu told them. He wanted to know exactly who had the artifact.


Astrid stumbled and kept herself propped up on her hands and knees before her fingers went to her the back of her head where she felt the most pain. She got a horrible feeling in her stomach from what he did but the survival part of her was relieved she didn't just die, of course, even if it would have been an honorable end.

The man who had his blade to Uriah backed up as he hesitated, looking over at Arne who was crushed under his dragon, hoping he wasn't badly injured but now he was just confused as to what was happening, not being close enough to hear Kahu and Hiccup.

Snotlout looked around in confusion as well when they didn't kill them.

"I have a condition!" Hiccup said to Kahu before the man turned his back, a serious look on his face.


"..and what may that be?" Kahu asked as he raised an eyebrow. He seemed amused by the fact that Hiccup even dared to ask for it. But he was an honorable man so he would at least hear him out.


"Take us to who's calling the shots here and don't harm my men in the process... Then you can have your artifact," he said, trying to sound confident but inside he was still out of his league.


Moira had her eyes shut tightly when her attacker let his axe come down at her. Waiting for the impact, pain and then death she stayed still. But nothing happened..She opened her eyes confused as looked over her shoulder again at the man who just stopped. Confusion spread across her face mixed with the pain as she wondered what happened to make them stop.

Kahu sighed deeply as Hiccup suggested that. "It would be so much easier to just kill you and your friends..take it and your dragons but oh well.." he said with a shrug as he kneeled down in front of Hiccup holding his hand out to him. " got a deal.."


Hiccup's face was bloody and bruised, Astrid looking his way with dragon blood all over her own face, wondering what this meant for them.

Tuffnut looked like he was about to protest but Ruarcc put a hand on his shoulder with a stern look in his eye.

Hiccup felt nauseated but he took the man's hand reluctantly and got back to his feet.

"Is there some reason you're not attempting to take me on?" Uriah asked the warrior standing over him as he struggled to get his leg free. One more yank did it as the bandit grabbed his arm. "With me," he said.

"Right," he said and acted like he would comply but then said, "Oh can you hold this?"

The man seemed confused before Uriah smashed his face in with the back of his axe and spun it to slice open his throat. He then grabbed Arne and ran with him back towards the others.

Moira looked over when she saw him come out of the trees but the men pointed their bows at him and dragons breathed in heat as they growled a threat in his direction.

He saw that all of them had surrendered and lifted his hands to show he would too, Arne gladly doing the same as he could barely walk, his face bruised and swollen so much his left eye was basically shut.


"Now walk.." Kahu told them both as he pointed to were the others were.

As their eyes met, Moira carefully tried to get up because of her head when she saw Uriah coming but the man standing next to her pulled her up by her arm roughly. "..your coming with me.." he said to her coldly as he pulled her with him to gather her by the others.


The Berkians complied, relieved they weren't killed yet but they didn't believe this was much better, some of them questioning Hiccup's decision but he couldn't let them all be slaughtered and they would have taken the relic anyway. This way they at least had a chance... even if it was a tiny one.

Uriah walked with his hands up, stepping over mangled carcasses that stained the ground in scarlet as what was left of Kahu's men began to gather all of them and search them, removing all the weaponry they had left and gathering it together.

Hiccup looked to his left when he saw Toothless being chained up, putting a metal latch around his mouth and face as he remained limp and motionless on the snow, the young future chief's eyes meeting the dragon that was fighting him briefly before his attention was back on his men.


Uriah watched them as he saw blood and bruises all over his companions, his eyes falling on Moira who had a weary look in her eye, misery clear in her expression as she looked worried for what was to come. He couldn't hide his worry for her, but he tried to give her a reassuring gaze as he was bound.

Faelan was the only one of them that looked relatively untouched as he joined them, tempted to try something but he stuck to their leader's orders and removed his weapons for them, his attitude much the same as it always was. Moira began to wonder if he ever worried about anything at all...


As she was trying to stay on her feet still feeling terribly dizzy Moira let the man take her bow, Dirk, knives and her quiver with arrows saying nothing as she knew the relic was inside it. But the fight, her falling and being pulled on like that had revealed the silver chain of her locket. It was half hanging over her collar now. The man's eyes widened when he saw that. Moira immediately knew what he saw. "!" She shouted as he pulled it off her neck pushing her. It made her fall to the ground. "Y-Ye can't take that!" She said fighting her tears. That locked meant the world to her as it was the last thing her mother gave her. The man kept her down with his foot to her cheek. "..shut up you whore!" The man said as he put it in his pocket and taking her weapons away.


Uriah grit his teeth and wanted so badly to kill him when he did this, his glare fiercer than anything Moira had seen in his eyes before. He had to calm himself from doing something that could get her killed, muttering quietly as he asked God to help him not absolutely lose control and beat the man senseless like he wanted to...


Moira wanted nothing more than kill the man also but knew she was in no state at all to do so and take her locket back. She carefully sat up again as she felt her head getting heavier and more painful. "Y-ye coward!" She called after the man making him pissed off as he turned around to kick her in her face but he was stopped by Kahu who laid an hand on his shoulder. It made the man turned around to him "..give that to me..and check that quiver." He said to him calmly. "Aye general." The man nodded but clearly wasn't happy as he gave him the necklace.


Uriah looked at Moira with sympathy, wishing so badly that she had stayed back in Berk so she didn't have to endure this. He loved her so much and he couldn't stand to see her be treated this way...

Astrid was scared and managed to lock her fingers with Hiccup when they were beside each other on their knees, their hands bound now and headed for an unknown destination.

Stoick was right. They never should have left.


Kahu looked down at the locket that was now in his hand as he took a closer look. Moira saw the same recognition in his eyes as he recognised the symboles before he looked down at her and their eyes met. He could see the fear in her eyes as a smile appeared on his face giving her shivers down her spine. He put the necklace in his pocket before turning to his men. "Sir! I found something!" The man emptying the quiver shouted. "Finally.." Kahu said as he walked over to him getting the package that was hidden inside it handed to him. "That's probably it..get the prisoners to the shores..move it people!" He ordered them as he whistled for Whetū to come. The dragon even in pain came to him as he gave him a pet over his head before getting in the saddle. As he whistled again the dragon flew up into the sky making their way back to the main ship.


"I thought it'd be a weapon," one of the men whispered to another with skepticism.

Hiccup swallowed, getting a horrible worried feeling that they now had something the Conqueror wanted. How much worse would it be in the hands of people who didn't understand it? Even Hiccup didn't understand what it was but he knew it was too significant to not be filled with regret and despair.

The group was shoved along until they made it to the tribal armored boats docked past the shores, dragon riders leading their beasts that were pulling the other dragons along with bits in their mouths like farming oxen.

Worry filled the hearts of every one of them as they were shuffled into the galleons and caged in the brigs beneath the quarterdeck, Moira, Uriah, Faelan, Arne, and Tuffnut on one boat, Astrid, Hiccup, Snotlout, Ruffnut, Ruarcc, and Gregor on the other. Their dragons were caged in the lower storage areas of the third ship, cramped and chained as best as they could be,

As Moira was walking single file down the steps and towards the cells, something familiar slipped into her hand as Faelan's shoulder bumped her and when she looked at what it was, she saw the glisten of her amulet and shut her hand again.


She felt an overwhelming wave of relief was over her when she got it back. A single tear escaped her eyes as she held onto it tightly as they walked down the steps towards the cells.


They threw them into the cages two by two and locked the bars, not caring if they harmed them in the process.

Moira's head hit Uriah's chest as they both cringed in pain from their injuries and trying to use their bound arms to get up into a more comfortable position for the journey, the boat's floor damp and cold, smelling of iron and rotten meat.


"Enjoy the ride, princess," one of the men sneered at her. "I might pay you a visit later on, make you feel like a woman."

His friend snickered.

"I wouldn't lay a hand on her, if I were you. I'm not sure you'd enjoy the feeling of a removed scrotum," Uriah threatened, a hatred in him with that tone that Moira was rather unfamiliar with when it came to him...


Moira shot the men a glare but the fear by the thought of that happening was clear in her eyes as she laid her hand on Uriah's. Showing him to stop. She was glad that they were together at least.


"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do from there, huh?" the bandit pressed, overconfident.

Uriah stood up and approached the bars, not taking his eyes off the man. "Try it... and find out," he said in a deeper voice, no bullshit in him anymore.

The man tried not to look affected by this but even Moira could see he knew Uriah wasn't incapable of winning that fight.

"Enough squabbling! To the deck, now!" another crewmate shouted at them and they left the two there to return up the steps...


Moira let out a trembling breath once they were gone leaning back against the cold bars behind her as she flinched feeling pain shooting through her head as she did. She closed her eyes trying to stay calm in this situation which was nearly impossible for her to do right now.


Uriah turned and sat down beside her, his own injuries making him wince when he did this. But it didn't stop him from resting beside her and making sure she was alright. "You okay?" he asked quietly, his voice full of sympathy for her.


Moira shook her head slightly as she opened her eyes to look at him again. "..a-are ye..?" She asked him quietly the same question in return with a trembling voice. She did her best not to let the dizziness overwhelm her as she was still fighting the feeling that she was about to pass out.


"...I've had worse," he admitted as he took long pained breaths.

"Alright... who wants their binds removed?" Faelan asked and lifted his ropes in his left hand.

"How did you get those off so fast?" Arne asked with disbelief, as if insulted that he couldn't do that.

Tuffnut lifted his hand incredulously.

Uriah couldn't help but smirk and look down, shaking his head, Moira letting out a small chuckle of pure disbelief.

As Melody and Muiredach came closer to the busy town, they saw travelers leaving and entering through the main road into the settlement, houses made of stone and thatched rooves were scarred about the area, smaller homes and shops, as well as larger two story buildings and a market area. Citizens were bundled up for the cold weather as they prepared for the storm, hauling goods back to their farms on simple wagons and horses.

It was late afternoon now and clouds had gathered in the sky above them, darkening the atmosphere into a more gloomy scene.

Muiredach pulled Melody aside before they reached the road, putting her back to a large pine as he took her cloak in his hands and coiled it around her neck and shoulders instead, using it to hide everything but her eyes as her hood covered her hair and forehead. "Never underestimate the potential of Brotherhood spies. Best to hide every notable feature," he told her as he tucked the cloak behind her left cheek.


Melody raised an eyebrow when he pulled her aside like that before nodding. A slight blush appeared on her face when he touched her cheek. Oh for the goddess' sake Melody..! Why? She asked herself in her mind wondering why she reacted like that every time he came close to her. She had been quiet and not herself most of the trip there. Like something was bothering her. "Alright...I understand," she said quietly as she broke eye contact with him quickly.


He didn't say anything else before he pulled up his own face mask, not taking his eyes away from hers until he moved past her and strode onto the main road into the village, his cloak catching the wind behind him as he walked. His height was the thing she noticed most about him when he passed by anyone else, harder to hide himself because of that. But luckily the cloaks weren't too abnormal as others had scarves and cloaks over them due to the chill in the air.


Melody quietly followed him as she looked around as they walked. She hadn't questioned why they went to this village but was wondering about it. Wouldn't it be safer if they stayed in the woods where no one would find them?


The witch began to feel eyes on her like how she felt when she walked into the village back home with that old woman she healed... but when she glanced around her, no one's eyes were on her, giving a haunting aspect to this feeling instead.

"Go get your father!" a woman said to her little boy who ran by them with a basket in hand. The barking of a dog got her attention up ahead and she saw a man kneel down to pet the animal, a smile on his face.


This was probably the busiest area Melody had ever been. It was strange


Melody got a really uncomfortable feeling as she stayed close to Muiredach. That was how strange it felt to her. She hadn't been around this many people in forever. It felt to her like it was another world as they walked there.


Because of his height, Muiredach walked fast for her and she had to jog to catch up with him. Where was he going anyway?


Melody let out a soft sigh as she struggled to keep up with him. It made her finally break the silence. "Where are we going in such a hurry?"


"I'm going where it all began," is all he answered with, glancing at her when she was walking at his side.


"..oh that's a great vague answer.." Melody said with a slight hint of annoyance in her voice. Although she was surprised he even gave her sort of an answer to her question.


He stifled an amused smirk at her attitude and kept walking, only giving her a slight side eye with a subtly lifted brow.


"..I just want to know what we are walking into.." she said calmly still but with the same annoyed tone also as she looked sideways at him seeing his expression.


"Nothing that should make you nervous, Melody," he said, that almost reassuring her until he added, "Probably."


Melody had to take a deep breath when he said that to stay calm as she shot him a glare saying nothing before she looked around again.


Why so uneasy, child? the voice suddenly spoke to her, nearly making her jump like she had forgotten he was there.


Melody had to keep it a surprised yelp when she suddenly heard him putting an hand in front of her mouth. '..Nothing I just..feel on edge in's strange.'


We can't have that... Perhaps you need a confidence boost, he said in a... strange way.


Melody raised an eyebrow when he said that "what? What do you mean?" She asked out loud without realizing it.


Muiredach stopped and looked at her strangely, copying her look as he, too, raised a brow but at her.


Melody looked confused when he stopped. She looked at him seeing his expression before her eyes widened when she realized she said it out loud. Her whole face turned red as she just started walking again. "L-Let's keep going.." she said to him as she hoped he would just let it go.


He gave her a small look as he said, "Perhaps refrain from speaking to the voices in your head when we're out in public, little doe. That's the kind of thing that draws attention." he said as he began following her.


"I..I wasn't talking to voices in my head! I am not crazy!" She desperately tried to sound convincing and to hide the fact that she was talking to a voice in her head. 'What did you mean before? What are you planning?' She asked Lyre then in her mind this time.


He grit his teeth and grabbed her arm, pulling her to the alleyway they were beside and out of sight of everyone else in one swift movement. He put her back to the wall and pulled down his face mask. "I'm trying to save your life and in return, you make a scene like that?" he asked her in a low voice, his face two inches from hers as he stared into her eyes intensely. "You cannot possibly be this dense," he insulted, anger showing which was the first time she saw emotion from him.


"You really think I would do that on purpose?! Just to get us into trouble?! It was a mistake! You must be crazy yourself!" Melody shot back at him quietly now angry as well. Her eyes glowed white for a second when she did. But him being so close to her made her feel everything besides angry. It was so frustrating to her that even in that moment she couldn't control that.


"Are you seriously trying to tell me that you shouted defensively to me that you weren't talking to the voices in your head... on accident?" He narrowed his eyes with disbelief


"I told you several times I am not crazy and that it's complicated but you still seem to think I am crazy anyway!" Melody shot at him angrily but frustration showed in her voice as well. But her eyes showed differently. Pain and fear. She felt so out of place and lost that it just came out now.


"I don't give a damn if you're crazy or not," he said through his teeth as he got even closer to her. "If you slip up it could mean the end of your life, do you understand me? Get control of yourself before I have to clean up the mess of the consequences." His voice was still like a river but it was deep and authoritative, expressing a serious worry for the situation, as if he really cared what happened to her here.


Melody narrowed her eyes at him before breaking eye contact as she turned her head slightly. "..fine...I-I will keep my mouth shut the rest of the way.." she said quietly but her eyes hadn't stopped glowing. It was a clear sign that she felt on edge.


He noticed her eyes glowing and he frowned just a tad. He cocked his head to the side just barely and seemed as if he was about to ask something.

But suddenly they were interrupted when a scream came from nowhere. Both of their heads flashed towards the sound immediately and they saw a very young girl run away as her brother who looked about nine, fell on the floor and began convulsing violently in such an unnatural way, drawing the attention of everyone around them.


Melody's expression totally changed when she saw that happen as her eyes widened and her brows knitted together in concern. She gently pushed Muiredach a bit away from her as she ran over to the boy to help him as she kneeled down by him. She tried to get him to react to her but when he didn't she checked his vitals knowing this was not good.


Muirdach was taken aback by this strange occurrence and before he could stop Melody, she was already over there with the child.

"Someone help him!" someone said.

"What's wrong with him?!" another added.

Voices began to get louder and more alarmed as the people crowded towards the kid, some of them just watching with wide eyes and not sure what to do.

The kid's father broke through the cluster of people. "Flóki!" he shouted in terror as he threw himself down on the boy's body as it twitched, his eyes rolling back in his head. "Flóki!" he said again, shaking his shoulders.


"Sir I can help.." Melody said to the man calmly as her voice suddenly wasn't trembling anymore. She was totally focused on helping that poor boy. "Please don't shake him like that. I know it's scary but it does him more harm than good right now." She said showing she meant no harm and wanted to help.


"That woman is a witch!" someone shouted.

People began to exclaim when this was spoken.

"She cursed him!" another chimed in.

Muiredach put his hand on his dagger's hilt. This was absolute chaos.


"I am a healer...I don't curse or harm anyone.." Melody said to them as she stood up raising her hands to show she seriously meant no harm. "Please don't crowd him like this and give him some space." She said to the crowd surrounding the boy and his father seriously but still at the same calm tone. She then kneeled back down by the father. "..please let me help you..I don't mean any harm..I am not the one doing this..I like to find out what is..and take it away."


"Back away! Get out of here!" the father shouted angrily, panicked and emotional as he knelt over his son. "You brought this on him! Came in with your dark spirits! Look at my boy!"

"She caused this!" someone agreed.

"Get her!" a man said as they began to crowd her.

Muiredach pulled his dagger free.


Melody quickly stood up again when the crowd started coming for her as she put her hand up. "Please stop this!" She called out to them.


Suddenly a force shoved back the crowd of people, the ones who were trying to grab her being forced onto their backs against others as if Melody had just emitted a telekinetic wave from her very hand...

Muiredach's eyes were wide as he stopped, staring at the scene before him as many of the people had the same reactions. They were shocked and scared to try to attack again, not even knowing what to think.


Melody's own eyes widened when that happened as she stared at her hand wondering if she really had been the one to do so. But she shook her head then having no time to think about it. She kneeled back down by the father as she spoke calmly. "..I know you are terrified and worried sick about him, your son, but I really know how to help him..and I didn't bring this upon him..I know that's hard to believe with what people say about me..but please..let me help him."


He stared at her, terrified and shocked. But that's when the boy suddenly kicked his father in the face and took off running when he was free, the people beginning to exclaim for them to go after him as he was heading straight for the cliffside, his eyes still locked upwards as if in a trance.

Melody didn't wait to go after him, charging with all her might as she reached out her hand and made a motion to the left, her markings glowing along with her eyes as the kid suddenly stumbled and fell forward onto the ground, no longer moving.

There was a silence that fell after that, everyone behind her wondering what just happened.

Nov 30, 2023, 11:04 PM


This lingered for about four seconds.

The first reaction was the boy's father as he got up and sprinted to where his son was now lying. He got down on his knees and grabbed the boy, turning him over on his back instead of his stomach but when he did the child gasped and blinked several times, trying to recall where he was until he looked at the man. "F-father?" he asked confusedly.

"Oh," his father shut his eyes and embraced him desperately. "Oh thank God," he said into the boy's shoulder.

When Melody looked behind her, all of the people were stunned and they didn't move at all, complete awe for her on their faces.

Dec 1, 2023, 3:43 AM


As she stood there breathing rapidly from chasing after him she was herself stunned as well. As the glow of her eyes and markings faded she tried to process what just happened. Something about it felt off. But she shook that thought off when she saw the looks on the people's faces. She did something ,however unexplainable and new, something good for this boy and his father. As relief came over her she let out a soft sigh before turning to face the boy again. " should be gone now.." she said kneeling down by the boy and his father once again with a small smile on her face. "..take care of yourselves.." she said to them kindly as she stood up again and looked over the crowd to find Muiredach.

Dec 1, 2023, 10:08 AM


He had disappeared.

But some of the people were eager to ask her questions, mostly the children, as others were whispering about her, and the rest were still in shock.


It's like I said... those who do not fear you will kneel before you in admiration. We... will take this world by storm, Melody. And don't you forget that...


"S-sorry I..sorry I can't..can I get through?" Melody asked the crowd as she tried to make her way out of it. Once she did she walked back to the alleyway looking for Muiredach when she froze when Lyre said that. "..I don't want that at all..I do it to help." She told him as she walked through the alleyway. The way he said it gave her a very bad feeling. Deep inside something was screaming at her it was really bad. But she shook it off once again.


Yes. But it takes power to help others, Melody. You know this. How often do the powerless make any difference?


She saw the outline of Lyre in the alley watching her; a faint mirage.


"..I don't agree with you..i..I believe least.." Melody said as she stopped walking "I need to get back to we talk about this later.." she said as she watched him and started walking again directly at him.


The image was broken into smoke when she stepped through it but her companion was nowhere to be—

"Well..." Muiredach's voice said and she turned to see him leaning against the back of the stone house casually, his arms crossed and tilting his head to the side a tad. "You're certainly more full of surprises than I thought, little doe," he admitted in a severe understatement. "I am not... unfamiliar with this kind of magic but I would not have guessed it to be associated with someone so..." He looked her up and down. "...cute," he finished plainly. But she couldn't really tell if he was complimenting her or mocking her.


He wanted to be angry with her making a scene, but... he couldn't. She saved a child's life. And he would have done the same if the tables were turned.


Melody raised an eyebrow when he called her cute but blushed anyway when he did. "..I am full of don't even know the half of it.." she said teasingly but wondered what he meant by others associated with magic like hers...probably he meant just the stereotype witch..

Dec 1, 2023, 3:11 PM


"Unfortunately we will have to relocate as soon as I meet with my associate because the attention you have caught us in is... not conducive to our task of staying low profile..." He narrowed his eyes a bit. "Which means we should be quick about this," he added as his eyes began to wonder around where they were, his mind seeming preoccupied. His gaze fixed on a certain spot on the ground by some crates. They were behind a small bread shop.

Muiredach looked like he was remembering something, his expression plain as it usually was but there was a hint of calm in his eyes as he took steps forward, scanning the area with thought.

Dec 1, 2023, 3:31 PM


Melody sighed softly as he said that. "Well yea..I am sorry about that..but I couldn't stand by and do nothing." She then glanced over at what he was looking at.


"...I know," he said but not in a way that expressed irritation. It was a way that expressed understanding, which she found surprising because up until now he appeared like someone who didn't care for others much, at least with his attitude...


Melody watched him the surprise showing on her face as she followed him. "..alright.." she said as she looked around as well. "So where are we exactly?"


He hesitated for a moment after she asked this. And then, as he looked at two large crates pressed against the wall of the building, he said, "This is where I met a child... huddled, starving, broken..." He traced his finger along the rim of the crate as nostalgia kicked in. "Homeless..." he added. "Taking refuge from the rain after the baker was kind enough to let her sleep here... after taking her first life..."


Melody's eyes widened when he told her that. Finally seeing some of his emotions coming through as he talked about her. "..that's horrible...what happened to her?" She asked him softly as she watched him.


He raised his head and looked at Melody. "I recruited her... and she became a killer... like me." He spoke plainly but Melody could tell from context he didn't seem to suggest that was a good outcome.

"That man got what he deserved... But I never was too comfortable on that crate," a voice suddenly said and Melody turned to see a young woman standing there, maybe about fourteen or thirteen years old. She was short and small, her dark hair pulled back behind her head as it usually was.

Muiredach hadn't turned around yet. "I remember how excited you were to sleep in a real bed for the first time," he commented, Melody unable to see his face so she couldn't tell if he was smiling or not as he spoke. But he then turned and had his same calm but strong mask of indifference upon him. "Giving you a home was the part I do not regret..." He and this girl were facing one another about six meters apart.


She was about to say something but Melody was a bit startled when she suddenly heard her behind her. She watched them both instead then, observing them. So this was the girl he was talking about. Somehow she felt even with their 'masks' on that they meant a lot to each other. A small smile appeared on her face when she noticed that. She hesitated to introduce herself to the girl as she wasn't sure what was going on.


Runa mirrored Muiredach's expression, her hands behind her back. "Why are you here?" she asked without emotion.

"...You know what I did. And you know I had to flee," he said in the same tone.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

"I presume Tempus Mora sent you here to eliminate me for my crimes, as well as promote you for your loyalty."

"No. Not that. I want you to tell me why Mora said your betrayal was inevitable and why he said you were pretending," she said as she took some steps towards him but he didn't move from his place.

He was a little surprised at how much Mora knew... but at the same time not. Mora always knew more than anyone expected. That was a rather terrifying thought, however.

"How long has this been going on?" she asked in a slightly quieter voice.

"Not long enough," he said with a twinge of sass.

"And how did you get away with it for so long?"

"...I've played the two-faced game longer than anyone, Runa. I know it well."

"Not well enough," she said as her eyes didn't leave his. "Who's this?"

"Melody. The witch that your 'Sister and Brother' were sent to take care of."

"And you killed them?"

"Are you surprised?"

"Not now."

"Are you grieved?"

"Not particularly. She was crazy and he was a cockhead."

There was a pause after this as they didn't move.


Melody watched them quietly with a rather amused look which was not appropriate given the situation but she found people's behavior so interesting. "Nice to meet you?" She said to Runa when Muiredach introduced her sort of not sure what to say exactly.


"Runa," the girl said to her when she finally looked at her. "Would be a pleasure to meet you if this were a more pleasurable circumstance." She seemed to have a quick way of speaking, with easy going wit and a very dry sense of humor.


Melody nodded still having the same smile on her face. "..that's true...but still." She said softly to her. Something about this girl made her think of her younger sister..she couldn't really place it. Maybe the similar age.


Runa's eyes returned to her Brother's.

"Have you decided whether or not you are going to kill me?" Muiredach asked, seeming a bit too calm about that. Perhaps it wasn't really something he expected her to do.

"How much coin do you have on you?"

"Not much."

"Then I probably won't," she said with a slight shrug and then her eyes traveled to Melody, glancing her up and down.

His eyes followed hers questioningly.

"Hm," is all she said.


"I just didn't realize you were into blondes," she told him plainly before walking past him and around the corner.

He didn't expect that and for a brief moment, Melody saw his lips crack into a smile of warm amusement; an expression that touched even his eyes as he stifled a chuckle and then lifted his head, wiping the look away and returning to his usual mask of indifference before he turned and followed Runa.


Melody raised an eyebrow at Runa's reaction as she observed her wondering what she was thinking. She looked up at Muiredach when Runa said that about blondes. To her surprise she saw him exactly smile. It was such a pure and precious smile. She hadn't expected it from him at all. It made her blush without realizing it as she smiled herself watching him. She snapped out of it when they walked away so she followed them still having a smile on her face.


"We won't be able to stay here. Melody has achieved quite the reputation since we arrived and she is now in danger as we all would be with her," Muiredach said as the two killers walked side by side with the same confidence in their strides.

Melody noticed that Runa had similar armor to the assassins that came after her but it was also a slightly different style to fit Runa's unique and smaller frame, more asymmetry in it than symmetry in its cut, with the same cloaks they all wore.

"That won't be necessary," she replied to him.

This made him puzzled and he stopped as did she. "...What do you mean?" he questioned, suspicion in his eyes.

She paused for a moment as her face began to show importance of what she was about to say to him, her eyes drifting as she thought of the words. "He's already started," is all she said.

There was a long moment of silence from him as he stared at her, worry slowly breaking through his mask of apathy. "...When? When did it begin?"

"This morning," she replied, this slight worry or nervousness showing in her expression as well.

He glanced around as he took that in.

"We won't have to look over our shoulders anymore but it also means we don't have much time." She looked behind her at the women with a cart who was packing things away behind one of the buildings. "Come. we can discuss it over a drink," Runa told them before turning and leaving the two there to hesitantly follow.


When Melody noticed their worry it made her nervous as well. For two people who barely showed anything of emotion it was a bad sign when they did show worry. Although she mostly didn't know what they were discussing she knew it was something bad,very bad. She followed them quietly with a mind full of questions.

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