The Prince of Seasons (Equest...

By Radiodemon865

10.7K 281 62

The universe is massive. Across the galaxies, a single soul can exist throughout the multiverse. Y/n L/n, the... More

Authors note
Prologue part 2 (A vigilante's new mission)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Villain files #1
Villain files #2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Prologue part 1(A prince's death)

1.3K 33 4
By Radiodemon865

Ponyville was in ruin as three powerful forces fought amongst each other. These forces were none other than Twilight Sparkle, Tirek and the Prince of seasons, Y/n L/n.

Twilight used the combined magic of all the Alicorn Princesses to launch a beam of magic at the demon centaur

However all it managed to do was push Tirek away a bit and anger him.

Y/n flew around him, using his speed that could rival even Rainbow Dash's speed to continuously punch Tirek in the face with a flame infused punch.

The Alicorn Prince pointed his horn to the skies as clouds started to appear. With a single point at Tirek, lightning struck the villain.

When the lightning finally ceased, Tirek was shocked and gasping for air.

His muscles twitched constantly, flesh was burned to the point where he was darker than he originally was and his one blind eye was even hollower than before.

Tirek: Now I know how you earned your title, Prince.

Twilight took the opportunity to fly up and charged at Tirek who uses his stolen magic to blast another beam at Twilight.

Rather than being cooked alive from the demon's magic, Twiight used a shield to block the beam of magic.

She teleports in front of Tirek and fires a beam of purple magic at Tirek's face which does little to nothing.

Tirek uses his telekinesis to launch Twilight into a far away mountain.

Y/n: Twilight!

Y/n then looked back at Tirek with anger when he hurt his marefriend as he shot another blast of magic into the ground. Tirek was about to laugh at the prince's stupidity when he felt the ground shake.

He jumped away just in time to avoid the bite of three wooden dragons.

The dragon chased Tirek for a while as the demon used everything in his power to try and destroy the dragons.

However, no amount of punching or magic could destroy the dragons. Tirek eventually used his magic drain ability to steal the magic of the dragons, believing that was the answer.

Luckily for Tirek, that was the answer as the wood dragons finally stopped their pursuit. Unfortunately the magic tasted so bitter it made Tirek cough out, distracting him.

Y/n: Don't forget about me, asshole!

Tirek looked back to see Y/n launching a giant ball of wind at him that he wasn't able to dodge. Tirek took the hit making the wind push him back and cut him at the same time.

Y/n used the broken wooden dragons as a jump pad.

He shifts his magic into his back hooves as he started to land kicks at Tirek that actually managed to hurt.

The kicks Tirek was struck with were cold and hard like ice. Which was exactly what it was.

Y/n jumped to Tirek's face level and landed two spinning kicks into his face making the centaur slam his back into the back of the mountain.

A bit of blood escaped from Tirek's lips as he glares at the Prince of Seasons. Y/n was just as tired of fighting Tirek.

But this was something he had to do, for the fate of Equestria was in his hooves. The fate of his mother, aunt, cousins, ponies and friends were in his hooves.

Twilight suddenly zoomed to his side and regained a fighting stance with her horn glowing with purple magic.

In a desperate attempt to defeat the two Alicorns before him, Tirek launched another blast of energy to beat them.

Likewise, Y/n and Twilight fired their magic and countred the blast.

When the smoke settled the three powerful creatures of Equestria were left breathing heavily at the constant fighting they did.

Tirek: It appears we are at an impasse. How about a trade, Princess, Prince ?

He summons a bubble containing Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Discord.

Y/n and Twilight look in shock then in anger at what Tirek was suggesting.

Tirek: Give me your magic and I give you back your friends.

Y/n grit his teeth in anger, he wanted to buck Tirek's face so hard that it decapitates him. Oh how it's easier said than done.

He contemplated what he thinks he could do to fix this predicament. It was worth the shot, he could do it and finally take Tirek down once and for all.

But it will come with a terrible cost. Y/n reasoned that if it was for the safety of everypony he holds dear, he would do it.

But first, he had to make sure Twilight and the others were safe.

To think that he, a once introverted and defensive pony such as himself would care so much about others outside of his family.

Oh how the years can change somepony, right ?

Before Twilight could say anything, she was suddenly entrapped by the same bubble that her friends were in.

She looked back to see Y/n, with a stern face walking over to Tirek much to everyone's confusion.

Rainbow Dash: Y/n! What the hay do you think your doing ?! Get away from him!

Fluttershy: Y/n, don't!

Applejack: Don't you take another hoofstep Mister!

Rarity: Darling, don't go anywhere near that brute!

Pinkie: Y/n, please don't!

Twilight: Y/n ?

He gnored them all and instead stared down the demon centaur who grinned, believing Y/n had turned traitor and was giving Twilight's magic to him.

However that was not the case.

Y/n: Tirek! Remove my friends and my mare friend from this area. You may take my magic but you must leave them be. We settle this! Ponyo a......I don't know demono ?

Tirek: Ha! And what makes you think I'll accept this deal ?

The Prince of Seasons smriked, things were going according as planned.

Y/n: If you win, you get revenge on the pony who cut your eye, all those thousands of years ago.

Tirek's one good eye widened as he looked at Y/n with a shocked face. He didn't realize it at first, but there was no denying.

Y/n was the son of the pony who slashed his eye and blinded him for all eternity. He blew smoke from his nose in anger seeing the pony that permanently physically and mentally scarred him.

Tirek: Fine. But know that this fight will be to the death.

Now afraid for their crush, the mane six yelled out for Y/n to stop the deal before it was too late. Even Discord tried to stop him, not wanting to see him die so early on.

Y/n: heh, I was going to say the same thing.

The bubbles holding the mane six disappear along with the mares and the spirit of chaos leaving only Tirek and Y/n at a stand still.

With blinding speeds that could humble Rainbow dash, Y/n was now behind Tirek's head with his icy hooves ready to slice Tirek's head off.

However he wasn't quick enough as Tirek used his telekinesis to slam Y/n into ground with enough force to make a creator.

Y/n looked up to see the demon centaur standing above him with a hoof raised. Before Tirek could smash him into a pancake, Y/n teleported in a flash of thunder.

Now a few meters away from his opponent, Y/n stomped his hoof into the ground as fire seemed to emit from his body.

Y/n rushed at Tirek once more, with flames surrounding him and the fire taking the form of a giant Serpentine dragon.

Tirek charged up his fire beam but Y/n's dragon moved faster. By the time Tirek fired, the dragon was already in front of him.

A blast of magical energy shook through the world that day as the two powerful beings continued to fight.

Mountains crumbled, sea waves crashed like crazy and at the epicenter of it all were Tirek and Y/n, fighting to overthrow the other.

Soon Y/n started putting more magic as three more animal with a body of those elements seemed to appear behind him to aid in his fight.

The peacock of spring slashed and cut Tirek's body.

The flaming dragon of summer burned the demon's flesh.

The black tortoise of fall electrocuted Tirek to the point where his one good eye was no longer usable.

The polar bear of winter froze Tirek's inside. His mind, heart and lungs were now frozen in ice.

And in the center controlling all these deities of the respective four seasons was Y/n. The vessel to bring all four together.

Tirek was in agonizing pain at the constant power, he couldn't use his magic drain because Y/n had ensured that Tirek's mouth stayed close.

With a mighty yell, Y/n shoved Tirek into the ground with him making a giant tornado of wind, water, fire, ice and electricity.

The tornado tore up the already destroyed land as trees were being pulled apart, homes were reduced to nothingness and Tirek was facing his final moments of life.

Tirek's final scream echoed throughout the lands as his body crumbled away, leaving only a single horn in where he once was.

And just like that, it was done. Tirek was dead, no more will his foul presence stench Equestria as the magic he had stolen from everypony returned to it's rightful place.

Rain fell from the sky as it seemed to do so to put out the fire that Y/n had caused.

The mane six and Discord arrive at the scene using Twilight's teleportation to send them all back.

The six looked all around hoping to find Y/n with little to no luck.

Twilight worried for her coltfriend. Hoping that he didn't die in battle against Tirek. Then again the demon was nowhere to be seen meaning that Y/n probably defeated him.

When the rainfall finally stop, a single beam of sunshine appeared from the heavens and shone onto a certain object.

The mares followed the ray of sunshine to see something much to their horror.

In a creator filled with rubble and water laid a scarred and bloody stallion. His once dark mane was singed off of his head and his eyes spilled tears of blood.

The mane six had varying reactions. 

Applejack was holding back a sobbing Rainbow Dash who insisted that he was still alive. Pinkie's mane deflated as she stared on in shock. Rarity had masquera falling to her cheeks as Fluttershy wept silently.

But for Twilight, she looked at the stallion with tears falling like a waterfall. The love of her life was dead, sacrificing himself to defeat a supposedly unbeatable opponent.

What would his mother, Princess Luna, think of this ?

What would Luna do when she learns that the Prince of Seasons, Y/n L/n was dead.

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Stay tuned

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