
بواسطة ConsumptionMeals

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Lily, a fairy who was living a peaceful life 'til Ondine the sea witch came and attacked. Forced to leave by... المزيد

Springtide's Takeover
Welcome To Zephyrine City!
Next Stop, Aurum

Skye's Plan

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بواسطة ConsumptionMeals

We see a table, and sliding into frame is Skye's hands spreading out a large piece of paper and placing down a pencil.

Skye: Okay, so I know for a fact the portal can be fixed, all I need to do is know how it works and you'll be back home in no time!

Shay: Didn't she say her home was currently under attack by a witch?

Skye: As.. soon as we get that problem sorted out!

Lily: I'm sorry Skye, but the portal can't be fixed by human means.

Skye: What do you mean?

Lily: The portal is powered by fairy magic, a lot, of fairy magic, and it can only be contained in wood.

Skye: Really? Huh, that's far less material than I thought was needed.

Lily: Not really, we'd still need a lot of fairies.

Skye: Oh it can't be that many-

Lily: It takes 100 and a half to power one portal.

Shay and Skye stand in silence, completely flabbergasted.

Skye: It seems I stand corrected..-

Shay: I'm sorry, it takes how many!?

Lily: And that's just how many it takes to power one fairy sized portal, I can't imagine how many it'd take to power one of the sea witch's size.

Skye: And how tall is she exactly?

Lily: 33 feet.

Skye: ...

Skye turns to Shay.

Skye: How tall is that in visuals?

Shay: Taller than our house.

Skye: Oh..

Shay: And that's 150 fairies we don't have.

Skye: Well I'm sure we can figure something out. Lily, do you know how many fairies were able to get through the portal before it was destroyed?

Lily: Uh.. 20 or 30 at least.

Skye: See, that's 20-30 fairies down.

Shay: And how do you suppose we find the other 130-20?

Skye: Uh...

Lily: I feel we shouldn't focus on fixing the portal until we find a way to fight.. her.. off.

Skye: Oh! Yeah, we want to be prepared for that first. Though that begs the question, where are we gonna find an army?

Lily: Don't humans have some kind of leader with one?

Shay: Yeah, but-

Skye: -Gasps- Lily!

Skye cups Lily's face and stares directly into her eyes.

Skye: You're a genius!

Skye then briskly pulls away.

Skye: You've given me a great idea!

Shay: Oh no..

We cut to see Skye and Shay's parents listening to Skye's plan while sitting on the couch.

Skye: And once we have our army, we open the portal and attack! I have a few kinks I still need to work out, like the whole fairy magic situation but I think this plan could work! So, what do you think?

Skye stands in front of them proudly while Shay stands beside her on the left nodding disapprovingly at this plan while on the right Lily stares at Skye unsure.

Arran: So you want us, to talk to the mayor about Lily's situation so that Zephyrine can be prepared for when this sea witch POTENTIALLY gets here and attacks while you, Shay and Lily head down to Cerynue to convince the KING to lend his army to help fight her off and you're gonna do the same with the neighboring kingdoms and towns?

Skye: Yes!

Arran: Yeah, sweetie, I'm not sure how well that's gonna work.

Shay: Thank you! I tried to tell her but as usual, she didn't listen.

Skye: Well we'll never know until we ask!

Orla: I'm gonna have to agree on your father with this one Skye, we can't just walk up to the mayor and have casual conversation with her. She's a very busy lady and actually getting a chance to talk to her is slim to none.

Arran: And getting King Fraser involved is an even slimmer chance, we don't know if he'll even believe you when you warn him of this sea witch's arrival.

Skye: But-

Orla: Buttercup, I know you want to help Lily but I just don't know if this is gonna be possible.

Skye: How do we know if we don't try?

Shay: Skye, I can assure you it's not gonna work.

Lily: I mean, it wouldn't hurt to try, would it?

Shay: Lily, don't encourage-

Skye: No! It wouldn't! Nothing bad is gonna happen to us if we try. So why not try?

Orla: Well.. I do see your point.

Shay: Ma.

Arran: However.. there's a chance the answer will be no and it's a big chance so just, don't get your hopes up, alright? You know what happens when you do.

Skye: Yes Dad, I promise not to get my hopes up.

Arran: You don't have to promise, just do your best not to.

Shay: Ma, Pa, you're not actually considering going through with her plan.. right?

Orla: Well.. we're gonna see what we can do.

Shay: Oh great King Magnus we're actually doing this..

She said, alarmed.

Skye: Yep! C'mon Lily, let's go!

As Skye takes Lily's hand and dashes out the door Shay steadily follows them out closing the door behind her. Leading us to the next scene. We fade to see the airship make its way to the ground and as it gently lands we see Skye hurriedly jump off the aircraft, not even waiting on the plank, where as Lily instead just flies her way down while Shay just walks down the plank.

Skye: C'mon Shay! We're wasting daylight here!

Shay: Alright! I'm coming, no need to rush me.

As the three make their way to the castle Lily takes notice of the fairies they pass, they're scared, sad, and worst of all, homeless. Lily is troubled by the sight and starts to dwell on what danger her mom and friends could be in. Cutting to Skye she looks up at Lily and sees her frowning and worried.

Skye: Hey, I promise you we're gonna help you and all the other fairies get back home, once we beat that witch! That's a promise I intend to keep.

Lily smiles at Skye's words but it's not enough to make her feel any less worried. We cut to see the front of the castle and the three walking up to the entrance, guards letting them through. Fading to the throne room we see the three girls walk in with guards holding the doors open and the three see two fairies pleading to the king.

Fairy 1: Please! You have to help us we don't have anywhere else to go, we're unable to return home and we don't have any of this currency you speak of.

King Fraser: I'm sorry but I don't allow just anyone to stay in my castle, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help your situation.

Fairy 1: Please, if you can find it in your heart to do one kind act-

Fairy 2: We'll do anything! Just lend us a place to stay!

King Fraser: Like I said I don't-

Skye: Seriously!? They're literally begging on their knees for some place to stay! You have this giant castle with so many rooms and for what-

Shay rushes to cover her sister's mouth before she can say anything else that would get them thrown out.

Shay: Sorry about my sister your majesty, she tends to be a bit.. passionate, sometimes.

Shay comments, while grinning awkwardly and glaring at Skye.

King Fraser: I can see that, can I help you three?

Shay: Uh.. well-

Skye yanks off Shay's hand from her mouth and boldly announces,

Skye: As a matter of fact, you can! As you probably know from these two fairies here.. they're very much in need of help.

King Fraser: And as I've said before I don't-

Skye: Bullcrap!

Shay: Skye!

Skye: You're a king! You can do something to help them! Like, I don't know, spare some money so they can afford a place to stay!

Shay: Skye! This is not how you do diplomacy!

King Fraser: Indeed, now if you have nothing else of importance to say I'll have my guards escort you out.

Skye: What?! You can't just-

Lily: Wait! Your Majesty!

All eyes now rest on Lily.

King Fraser: Yes, child?

Lily: W-we don't mean to bother you but, we came here to warn you of a potential threat.

King Fraser: A threat?

The king replied with suspicion in his voice.

Lily tries to hold herself with what little confidence she has but seems to be discouraged by the king's cold stare. Skye registers this and runs up to hold Lily's hand, Lily notices, and smiles timidly, but to her surprise, she feels her other hand being held and turns to see.. Shay, standing beside her.

She looks at Lily with a reassuring smirk. And now with both sisters by her side she begins to feel more confident and continues with what she was saying.

Lily: Have these two fairies mention someone by the title 'the sea witch'?

King Fraser: I may have heard a short mention of that title, yes.

Lily: Then, if you will allow me, I'd like to elaborate on that.

The king raises a brow.

King Fraser: The floor is yours.

Lily: As you've been told, our home was attacked by a mermaid that goes by that title, she's very powerful and very.. very.. big.

Shay: About 33 feet tall big.

Lily: And while I'm not completely sure, there is a chance she'll crossover to here and attack your kingdom.

Skye: So unless you want your kingdom to be destroyed I suggest you start getting your army out and prepare for an attack.

King Fraser and his wife give one another a quick skepticism filled glance before turning back to the three girls.

Queen Almeria: How do you suppose we fight off a powerful and giant mermaid?

Shay: Honestly, I'm not even sure how the fairies did it.

Lily: It took not only us, but the mermaids too, and it will take a lot of you and others.

Lily lets go of the sisters' hands and flies up closer to the king and queen's level.

Lily: So please, for your sake and ours, will you help us?

The king sees that the three girls are quite earnest and begins treating their suspicions a little more seriously.

King Fraser: I see..

The king ponders for a moment, the girls anxiously await for his answer..

King Fraser: ...Okay you three, I'll help you, I will have my army at the ready and prepare for an attack.

As the tension eases so do the girls.

Skye: We did it!

Shay: I can't believe your plan actually worked..

As the sisters celebrate this victory, Lily thinks for a moment and looks towards the king determined.

Lily: Pardon me, your majesty? I still have one more thing to ask of you, and I'm probably overstepping here but-

Queen Almeria: Ask away my dear.

Lily smiles.

Lily: I ask that you treat the other fairies here kindly and give them shelter, they're going through a lot right now and they would greatly appreciate the hospitality.

King Fraser: Hmm..

Queen Almeria: It's the least we could do for them. And it doesn't have to be within our castle.

King Fraser: -Sighs- I suppose you're right.

The two turn back to Lily.

King Fraser: Very well, we will give your fellow fairies a place to stay.

Lily: Thank you.

Little says as she bows. She flies back down to Skye and Shay. Coming up behind Lily however, are the two other fairies, who were here before them.

Fairy 1: Thank you Lily.

Lily: Of course.

Fairy 2: You really reminded me of your mother.

Lily seems to perk up from the comment.

Skye: Alrighty! We got one army down, several more to go!

Shay: Well if it was this easy to get 1, your plan might actually work.

Skye: As if there were any doubts.

Shay: There were several.

Skye: Well, whatever! you can't doubt my plans anymore.

King Fraser: Lily, was it?

Lily: Yes?

King Fraser: I'm assuming you three are venturing to the griffins' domain next?

Skye: Yup!

Shay: Wait, what?

King Fraser: Then I must warn you that the griffins aren't too inclined to help others out, especially humans..

Skye: Well luckily, they won't be helping humans, they'll be helping fairies!

Queen Almeria: Still, that doesn't mean they'll help.

As a slightly fretful expression grows upon Lily's face Skye plants her hands to her hips and responds confidently..

Skye: We'll see about that!

Shay: And I'll keep you in check so you don't screw anything up.

Skye: Hey!

Lily's worried frown dissolves as she chuckles at the sisters' bickering.

As the two start heading out Lily places her hand on Skye's shoulder.

Lily: Skye.

Skye: Hm?

Lily: Thank you again.. I really don't think I could've done this without you. OR, Shay.

Skye: And as I've said before don't mention it, that's what friends are for-

Lily suddenly pulls Skye into a hug.

Lily: And still, thank you..

Skye's cheeks lightly blush at the sudden gesture but despite that, she hugs back.

The two pull away from one another, afterward Skye remarks.

Skye: You really like thanking me.

Lily chuckles again before they hear Shay ask.

Shay: So are you guys coming or should I give you two a moment?

Skye: We're coming, we're coming.

The three head out of the castle to their next destination. Aurum, the kingdom of the griffins.

To the next scene we fade to a frame at foot level with grassy grounds, and at the top of it, a portal, a light pink one, opens up as four people come through.

The screen zooms up to the middle one's face, to which we see Maggie with a determined look on her face.

Magnolia: We're here..

She states, cutting to the horizon to a town with plant life everywhere.

Magnolia: Clivia.

The screen cuts to black.

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