Gold rush || Jegulus

By jamespotterisfruityy

3.4K 119 419

"What must it be like to grow up that beautiful?" - James Potter A loud, bubbly, arrogant Gryffindor with a h... More

I. Gleaming, twinkling
II. Eyes like sinking ships
III. On waters so inviting, I almost jump in
IV. But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush
V. I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush
VI. I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch
VII. Everybody wants you
VIII. Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
X. I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush
XI. I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush
XII. Darling you're so pretty it hurts -☆- PANDALILY
XIII. Everybody wants you
XIV. But I don't like a gold rush
XV. What must it be like to grow up that beautiful?

IX. Walk past, quick brush

187 10 20
By jamespotterisfruityy

─── ・ 。゚☆ *.☽ .* ☆゚. ───

"He's grumpy, careful."

─── ・ 。゚☆ *.☽ .* ☆゚. ───

It's safe to say that Regulus wants to hit his head into a wall, or sink himself in a lake. Really anything that involves him not being here right now. His utter confusion for his feelings towards Potter were enough, he really didn't need to see the boy he may or may not have feelings for flirting with a random Hufflepuff girl in the library. Oh yeah, we haven't even established if James likes men yet - likely he doesn't.

He was just casually trying to study in the library, when Potter walked in and started wishing the pretty brunette girl 'good luck' for her quidditch match that was taking place against the Ravenclaws later today. Now Ravenclaw has to win, just to be spiteful. Yet the girl carried on giggling and twirling her hair.

Regulus was probably staring at the scene for far too long, but of course it took for James to actually look up, lock eyes with Regulus, and wink at him, for Regulus to even realise that he was in fact staring. He fucking winked, the ego on that man for crying out loud. Regulus stuck his nose as far into his book as possible as he gave Potter the most exaggerated eye roll he could muster up.

He felt the presence of someone in front of him, clearly trying to get his attention. He spoke without even looking up from his book, very clearly pissed off about something. "What do you want?"

"Well good morning to you too."

Looking up, Regulus caught sight of Sirius leaning over him with a smile on his face. "Good morning." Regulus paused for a moment. "Actually no, It's a shit morning."

"Well aren't you chipper today."

"Shove off." Regulus grumbled.

Sirius pulled up a chair and sat himself in front of a very unimpressed looking Regulus. "What's wrong?"

Glaring, Regulus placed his book down on the table and gave a very obviously fake smile before dropping his face back into a scowl. "Nothing."

"Oh come on you can talk to me-"


The loud noise came from behind Sirius, the sound of cursing made Regulus look over in the direction of the noise. Regulus watched as James Potter helped up the second year boy that he'd knocked over and proceed to rush over to Regulus and Sirius. He's just here for Sirius, not you, Regulus told himself.

James gave a lopsided smile as he sat down in between the two Black brothers. "Aw, what's wrong baby Black?"

"I swear on Merlin I will-" Regulus started.

Sirius cut him off. "He's grumpy, careful."

"I'm not grumpy!"

"You do look grumpy, you're all pouty and you've been reading the same page of that book for about half an hour." James pointed out casually, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. Sirius turned to the side and gave his friend an odd look.

Feeling rather smug, Regulus replies. "Oh yeah? And how would you know that?" He had, in fact, had the same page open on his book for the past hour because that is when James walked in, and of course he was staring at James instead of reading his book.

"Good point, how would you know that Prongs?"

"I just... pay attention to detail?" He spoke with a sheepish smile.

Sighing, Regulus turned to the side as Sirius spoke. "Really? You didn't notice me and moony were dating for nearly a year. You found him in my bed once and thought nothing!" Regulus snorted a laugh and James gave him a playful glare before responding to Sirius.

"You're just jealous."

"Am not!"

"No I actually think you are. Are you sad that James is paying me more attention." The Slytherin smirked at tilted his head at James, who was currently very pink.

Untucking his chair from the table, Regulus stood up and gathered his stuff. Sirius grumbled something snarky and folded his arms, scowling at both James and Regulus. "I'm off to get lunch, James pay your dog some attention will you?"

James nodded his head and ruffled Sirius' black hair before speaking. "'Course, see you at the Quidditch match?"

"Bet." And with that he walked away, a small smile on his lips.


James was sat in his dorm currently, after the library he'd gone to get some food and then went back to his dorm to hang out with Peter for a while. Sirius and Remus had snuck into Hogsmeade for an impromptu date before the quidditch match later. Somehow, Peter had fallen asleep at two in the afternoon. So he pulled out a piece of parchment and tore a piece off to write on.


I'm bored talk to me :)



He folded it up into an origami bird and sent it out of the window, it headed towards Regulus' dorm.


About what exactly? I've got literally nothing interesting to tell you.



Sure you do! What house are you supporting at the match later? Oh and you never told me what was wrong earlier?

Also I want to shorten my name but it's stupid and that doesn't work :(



Ravenclaw and I don't fucking know, Jam?



Me too then. And why've you got a problem with jam?



You actual idiot. I meant to shorten your name to, and I'd never have a problem with jam, I love it.



Aww I love you too :)



You know I was talking about the food. You know what, do not use that it's too confusing.



Too late, you said you loved jam so I'm using it now ;)

And Peters waking up so I'll be leaving for the match soon, sit with us?



Might do, see you :)



The wind felt crisp against Regulus' flushed cheeks. He had his green and sliver scarf wrapped around his neck as he sat in the Quidditch stands, waiting for the match to start. Pandora was sat next to him, Barty on the other side with Evan. Dorcas had abandoned them to go and flirt with McKinnon somewhere in the stands. The blonde girl was dressed head to toe in Ravenclaw gear, she'd stolen the blue and grey scarf from her friend and had the house colours painted on her face. She'd even convinced Regulus to let her draw some blue and silver stars on his face.

He kept a lookout for James and his friends, wait. When the fuck did it become 'James and his friends' and not 'Sirius and his ridiculous group of idiots'? Nope, no time to unpack that right now because there they were. Regulus thinks his brain actually short circuited when he saw James - fucking hell. He wore a navy blue shirt that practically clung to his skin and grey sweatpants. If that's what he looked like with a shirt on what an earth did he look like without one- no wait, no. But-

"You okay honey?" Pandora tapped him on the shoulder with a soft smile on her face.

"Not really, If I'm being honest with you Dora."

"Oh I was expecting a 'yeah fuck off' actually." She spoke with a lower voice to imitate Regulus. "But what's up?" She asked.

"Doesn't matter, I did tell my brother I'd sit with him and his friends though." Regulus looked over to see Sirius sat with James, Remus, Peter, Lily. Two other girls sat nearby Evans, Mary Macdonald and Emmeline Vance - looking very close.

Pandoras eyes lit up and a grin spread across her face. "Lets go then!" She grabbed his arm and tugged him away, ignoring the grumbles coming from Evan and Barty.

"Someone's eager." Regulus muttered as he walked over to sit down. There were a couple empty seats, Pandora sat herself next to Lily - practically on her lap - and launched straight into a conversation. Regulus on the other hand stood awkwardly while he waited for someone to actually acknowledge him.

James turned his head to the side to see Pandora talking to Lily. "Pandora, Hi! Where's Reg?"

Regulus cleared his throat loudly, then the whole group turned around to look at him. He squirmed awkwardly as everyone stared at him. "Sit down then you idiot." Sirius spoke, shuffling to the side, leaving a space for Regulus in between him and James. Great, Regulus honestly thought he couldn't function within a two mile radius of James while he was in that shirt. It looks even better close up for fucks sake.

"I'm not an idiot, just socially awkward." He grumbled as he took his seat.

Caught up in his conversation with Remus, Sirius practically ignored the two boys. "Hi." James spoke with a sweet smile, tilting his head to look at Regulus.

"Hi." The younger one responded, giving a small smile in return. Both of the boys locked eyes for a moment, and Regulus couldn't seem to even hear or acknowledge anything else around him that wasn't James' eyes.

The silence lasted about two seconds before Sirius elbowed Regulus. He had honestly zoned out slightly and didn't take a word of that in. Yes, he was a weak man for James Potters green eyes. "Sorry what?" He asked.

"Do you want snacks?" James whispered in a low voice as he leant far too close to Regulus, sending a shiver down his spine. It was a good job he could blame the flush on his cheeks on the cold because he was surely bright pink right now.

"Oh, yeah sure if you've got anything." Regulus spoke as Sirius squeezed his shoulder and stood up.

"Lily has tons of muggle chocolate in her bag, I'll go steal it."

"Wait-" But Sirius was already gone. He assume Sirius had the snacks, not the girl he'd spoken to once. It feel weird taking something from someone he barely knew.

Regulus heard James laugh from the side of him as he clapped him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Lily shares with everyone." He smiled, while Regulus grimaced.

If those two broke up, why were they so... friendly? It's fucking annoying, and confusing. Make up your mind for Salazars sake. Yeah sure, Regulus was definitely bias on the situation. He still hasn't made his mind up on the feelings he had, because it was pure embarrassing. Someone like James wouldn't ever like someone like Regulus, it just didn't add up. There's no point getting his hopes up - therefore he'll deny any feelings he has towards the boy.

"Alright." Regulus said, looking down at his shoes.

"Are you okay? Did- did I say something?"

Great, now Regulus feels bad. He feels bad for simply causing James a small bit of discomfort. When the fuck did he turn so soft? He was supposed to be the emotionless, quiet, self absorbed, mean kid that no one wanted to talk to - that's what everyone thought of him anyway. He wondered if James thought the same.

"Of course not, sorry I've not had the best day."

"Talk to me about it then." James started. "I'm a good listener." He said with a sweet smile.

There's so many reasons why Regulus couldn't talk to James about his feelings. For one, he doesn't talk to anyone about his feelings, he sure as hell wasn't going to be changing that for James Potter. Secondly, the feelings in question were about James himself, and how fucking confused he was.

"I- I'm just tired, thanks."

James gave him a curt nod, clearly deciding not to push - because that never ended well. Thankfully, disrupting their awkward silence, Pandora came and slid herself into the seat that was until a few moments ago, occupied by Sirius.

The girl studied Regulus for a moment, he was biting his nails and fiddling with the rings on his hand anxiously. His brain felt like it was going at a million miles per hour. "Hi Regulus, James." She smiled and turned back to Regulus, pushing his hand away from his mouth and squeezing his hand as he offered her a smile. "Don't do that." She spoke in a stern but caring voice.

The confusion Regulus had earlier was growing bigger and bigger, especially when he spotted James glaring at his and Pandoras interlocked hands from the corner of his eye. Was that a coincidence, or was he actually jealous?

Regulus smirked, making the most of this situation and launching straight into a conversation with Pandora. The girl was a very touchy person, she acted like this with everybody. For example she was currently playing with Regulus' rings and had her head on his shoulder. But this time he leant into it more, he played with her hair and actually smiled - which was a rare occurrence. James looked like he wanted to jump off the Quidditch stands.


James Potter is truly and utterly fucked.

Why? You may ask.

That's a good question, there was a lot of reasons actually - most of the reasons including Regulus Black. It's like James had seen him in a new light, the younger boy let his walls down, he talked to James, he even smiled at James. The smile that he gave was sweet, but rare. Even before he'd ever seen Regulus flash a smile at anything - James knew that when he did, it would be perfect.

And it was, but James didn't think it was so perfect when he smiled at anyone that wasn't James. For example, Regulus was currently sat smiling and talking to Pandora Rosier. Smiling and playing with her hair, laughing, holding her fucking hand. 

James knew it wasn't fair of him to be pissed off by this, but he couldn't help it. He wasn't normally a jealous person, so this was new to him. The younger Black brother made him feel things he'd never felt with anyone else before, which is odd to admit because they've only been talking for a short amount of time and James wasn't even sure if Regulus classed him as a friend. He often thought Regulus was just hanging around him to pity him after the breakup, but he was over that so the pitying is long gone. Or he'd think that Regulus only thinks of James as his brothers friend, nothing more.

He did often question why he felt like this, there was a possibility that he had a tiny - like microscopic - crush on Regulus. Yes, Regulus was attractive. He was pretty and he had the most piercing, gorgeous eyes. His cheekbones sharp enough to cut stone, the small flush of his cheeks - which James could never tell if he was blushing or if it was merely the cold air. It was infuriating really, Regulus seemed to be able to read James so well, but then he shut himself off when James even got close to scratching the surface of his complicated thoughts. He did feel like he was making progress, because if one month ago you told James that he'd even formed a slight friendship with the younger Black brother - he would have laughed in your face.

Another reason why James it totally fucked is again Regulus Black. The younger boy ran through his thoughts every minute of every day. Right now he was supposed to be watching the Quidditch match, normally he loves it. He's cheering at the teams and yelling when someone gets hit by a bludger, but right now his eyes were glued to the two Slytherins next to him. He didn't even know the score.

"Hey prongs, what's the score? I wasn't listening." Peter spoke from the side of James. "Earth to James?" He snapped his fingers in front of the brunettes face.

"Sorry Pete- I uh." He paused for a moment, attempting to recall the score - nothing. "I dunno."

"You... don't know?" Peter let out a small laugh. "Are you okay Prongs? You seem spacey."

"I'm fine, just zoned out." He offered a reassuring smile. "Thank you, though."

Peter nodded with a smile and turned back to the game, James felt a new pair of eyes on him. He turned to his side where he was met face to face with Regulus Black. The wind blowing his dark curls around his face as he tilted his head at James. James noticed the little stars painted on his cheeks, which looked adorable. "Why're you looking at me like that."

"I can tell you're lying, you know."


"To Peter. Are you actually okay?"

James pursed his lips into a thin line, in utter confusion. Regulus is the last person he'd tell his problems to, much because of the fact that Regulus was the problem in question. "And you care?"

"Don't snap at me, I'm only being nice."

"Well that's a first."

He didn't know where any of this came from, he was pissed off at Regulus for practically ignoring him for the entire match so he could flirt with fucking Pandora Rosier. And to add to the list James was immensely confused and of course he was taking it out on Regulus, he really didn't mean to - he just wasn't exactly thinking before he spoke.

"What's the matter with you?" Regulus added, a frown pulling at his lips. No- fuck don't do that. That's just making the situation so much worse, now he'd upset him? Great. "I've barely spoken to you why are you suddenly pissed off at me?"

"That's the problem, Regulus." This is when James stood up from his seat and walked away, making a beeline for Remus and Sirius. He couldn't do this right now. It was noisy and busy, Regulus had barely spoken to him and now James had upset the younger boy. He couldn't hear his own fucking thoughts.

The two didn't talk for the rest of the match.

─── ・ 。゚☆ *.☽ .* ☆゚. ───


Well aren't they both a bunch of idiots? 

"I'm not an idiot, just socially awkward." REAL.

2936 words.

-Marls <3

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