Lonely Driver... (LE SSERAFIM...

By sweethoneybearzzz

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A lonely street racer from Japan moves to Korea after the end of Project D. He tries to move on to a new chap... More

Ch.0 The Beginning
Chapter 1: Sticky Situation
Chapter 2: Coincidences and Opportunities
Chapter 3: The Past And The Future
Chapter 4: New Racer Gossip And Mall Date?
Chapter 5: Accidental Encounters
Chapter 7: One Step Forward, Four Steps Back
Chapter 8: Worlds Collide
Chapter 9: One Less Lonely Driver
Chapter 10: Arriving in Japan
Chapter 11: Skating Over The Past
Chapter 12: Water and Ice Cream
Chapter 13: Cherry Blossoms
Chapter 14: Swan On The Lake
Chapter 15: Fairy's Amusement Park Date?
Chapter 16: Kirin Meets Fish
Chapter 17: Manchae Evolves!
Chapter 18: Troubled Pasts Joins the Present

Chapter 6: Almost D-Day

373 23 1
By sweethoneybearzzz


Y/N: "I promise I'll never leave you or any of the other girls."

You looked back to see her reaction, Eunchae was smiling and looking at her feet. Her face was tinted with red.

Eunchae: "Okay I trust you oppa."

You kept holding her hand until you noticed it felt limp. You see Eunchae absolutely knocked out, so you take off your jacket and drape it over her like a blanket.

Y/N: "Sweet dreams, Eunchae.".

It's around 3:00 a.m. when you finally pull up to the house. You park your car and go around to Eunchae. She is sound asleep and you don't want to disturb, so you carry on your back piggyback style.

'Huh, deja vu much?'

You quietly unlock the front door and tip-toe your way through the house. You make it to the front of SaEu's room and slowly open their door. You scan the room and see Sakura sleeping soundly in her bed. Then, you walk over to Eunchae's bed and gently put her down. You tuck her in before escaping back to your room and jumping into sleep's embrace.


You look up and see an excited black haired girl in front of you. She was holding a company card and was shaking it in front of your face.

???: "Y/N! I just got scouted to be an idol!"

Y/N: "Really? Congratulations! You finally get to live your dream out!"

You give her a hug, but you notice that your shirt starts to feel wet.

Y/N: "... are you okay?"

???: "I don't want to leave you.."

Y/N: "Hey, it's not going to be forever right?"

???: "I suppose... Just don't forget me!"

Y/N: "Of course I won't J..."

You wake up in a cold sweat.

'What was that dream? Was it even a dream? And why does that girl feel so familiar?'

A delicious smell had broken your line of thought as your hunger won out over your curiosity. You walked into the dining room and noticed all the girls around the dining table, eating the breakfast that Sakura had cooked for them. Eunchae and Sakura greet you happily while Kazuha gives you a small wave. Chaewon glanced over at you before giving you a small nod of acknowledgement before looking away. Yunjin is refusing to even look in your general direction.

'Well, honestly better than how it was at the start. Before, they would have been all glaring at me.'

You sit down and take your own portion of breakfast before getting lost in thought.

'That dream felt oddly real for some reason, like it's happened. But I don't think I'd forget a girl like that at all? I barely talk to any girls to begin with.'

You look around the room, specifically at the five girls.

'Well, I guess that's changed. But what could J be?'

It really annoyed you that you were close to getting a name for the girl and it showed on your face.

Sakura: "Y/N? Are you okay? You look a little cranky."

Y/N: "Yeah I'm okay, just thinking about some things."

Sakura: "Oh, we could talk it out if you think it will help."

Y/N: "Maybe next time, it's really just jumbled thoughts right now."

Before you could get back to pondering, you feel a buzz on your burner phone. As you try to pull it out, Yunjin pulls out hers first. You can see her read it and her jaw drops.


Chaewon: "REALLY?"

All the girls minus Eunchae start to look excited.


'Wait, that's not what I said at all.'

Kazuha looks shocked.

Kazuha: "From NewJeans? How could she let that happen..."

Yunjin: "Honestly, if that Takumi guy is a half-decent guy, it's better than being with Minjun."

Chaewon: "Agreed, that guy is a weirdo and a perv."

Sakura: "Can't believe we ever let someone like that be our manager?"

You clench your teeth.

'Ah, so this is the guy who made them distrustful of me. Looking back he was a hardcore pervert, did not even try to hide it at all.'

The rest of breakfast wrapped up as the girls moved to the living room to watch a movie together.

Sakura: "Y/N, you're welcome to join us if you want."

Y/N: "Okay! I'll be there in a bit."

After clearing out the table and washing the dishes, you go to join them in the living room. But before you can get in you get a phone call. You peek in to see all the girls focused on some K-Drama. The Caller ID shows that it's Iketani. You eagerly pick up.

(Call is in Japanese)

Iketani: "Long time, no talk Y/N!"

Y/N: "Yeah, it's been a while. What's up?"

Iketani: "What? A man can't check up on his fellow LD?"

Y/N: "Well, I've been doing pretty well for myself. How's it going over there in Akina?"

Iketani: "It's been okay for me, it's pretty dull here but you gotta appreciate the peace sometimes."

Y/N: "It's been pretty chaotic for me over here, also how's Itsuki doing?"

Iketani: "He's been pretty sad, but whenever he hears a LE SSERAFIM song, he starts muttering. I hear your name and a lot of other words I don't want to repeat."

Y/N: sighs "Should've expected that."

Iketani: "Oh, that reminds me! I heard you're going to race this weekend."

Y/N: "Eh? How'd you hear about that, it was a secret."

Iketani: "Oh you know, people know me."

Y/N: "Did Ryosuke invite you?"

Iketani: "Hahaha... Yeah he did."

You guys laugh.

Iketani: "Itsuki and I are going to go, so do you mind picking us up from the airport?"

Y/N: "Sure! When are you arriving?"

Iketani: "Should be around 5 p.m."

Y/N: "Okay, I'll be there."

Iketani: "Ah, I just remembered. He said it was going to be a duct tape deathmatch. Why would you take that, don't you know it's dangerous? Also, what's this I hear about a girl being the prize?"

Y/N: "Well, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, he was being really perverted to her so I wanted to put him in his place. Plus I had that race a while ago against Shingo and I beat him with my right hand taped."

Iketani: "I know you've done it before, but still be safe.It's barely been a year or two since you started to race. Ah, I have to go now to go and pack, see you later."

Y/N: "See ya Iketani!"

You turn around to see Kazuha standing behind you, arms crossed and eyes primed on you.

'Oh shit, how much did she hear?'

Kazuha: "So, it's you who chose to race for Hanni. And a duct tape match no less."

'So everything.'

You put your hands up in defense.

Y/N: "H-hey, it's not what it looks like. It wasn't even supposed to be like that, the bet was—"

Kazuha: "Save it, and here I thought you were a decent person. Sad to see you're just like them."

Y/N: "It's really a misunderstanding, I wouldn't force a girl to be with me because of a bet. I just didn't want Minjun to keep bothering her. "

Kazuha: "Uh-huh, I'm sure. I won't say anything to the rest of the girls, but if you even think about stepping out of line. It's over for you.

With that statement, she turns heel and goes back with the girls.

'Well, that's progress gone in an instant.'

A couple seconds later, you walk into the living room and see all the girls seated on the couch. Eunchae pats the open spot next to her.

'Awh, she left me a seat.'

You sit down next to Eunchae and she immediately starts to hold onto your arm. Three sets of eyes start to glare at you and you see Sakura grinning a bit, before she returns to the show.

'I didn't even initiate the contact! Sighs. But it's going to be my fault somehow.'

You look up and see Yunjin still glaring at you. She looked a little pissed and a hint of something else. Looking at her face, she seemed very familiar to you. Probably from watching her on idol shows with Itsuki. You guys keep staring at each other until Eunchae shakes you a bit. Then Yunjin blinks rapidly and turns away from you.


It's 5:00 p.m. and you are waiting around the airport for your friends. You had your headphones in and you were listening to "Sour Grapes: by LE SSERAFIM. As you were jamming out, you heard a tap on your window. Iketani and Itsuki are looking through and giving you bright smiles. You unlock the car for them and they get in.

Iketani: "Hey Y/N!"

Y/N: "Heyo."

You look over at Itsuki, who's been oddly quiet since he got in the car. Then he suddenly jumped on you and started choking you out.


Iketani: "Huh? What girls?"

Itsuki looks over at Iketani, releasing his hold, allowing you to finally breathe again.

Itsuki: "He somehow became LE SSERAFIM's manager, and is living with them now."

Iketani's face goes blank, and he turns to you.

Iketani: "... you didn't tell me that."

A second goes by. Before, both Iketani and Itsuki team up to choke you out and punish you for betraying the Lonely Drivers.


You return back to the dorm after dropping off the two at your old place. You decided to let them stay there so they would not have to pay more money. You had bought some takeout for the girls because you just happened to be out and you didn't want to cook. Spotting the couch, you decide to take a small nap.

2 Days Later... (SATURDAY)

Today was a big day for you, the first time racing since you got here from Akina. You had seen the girls leave a little earlier under the guise of hanging out with their friends. It was weird to you how they were trying to trick you. Literally throughout the week, they would bring the race up in front of you. This time they had decided to bring Eunchae, as they deemed her old enough to be with them.

'Hopefully Eunchae has fun with them.'

Ryosuke had requested to meet up before the race at the bottom of the mountain pass, so you start to make your way over there. As you were driving, a sudden thought hit you.

'Won't the rest of the girls find out who "Takumi" is? I'm literally driving the same car as I do whenever we go out. Eh, fuck it. I'm sure it shouldn't matter too much, I mean they literally race themselves. Or at least watch.'

You finally make it to the pass and see Ryosuke sitting on his car. He tosses you a drink.

Ryosuke: "Hey Y/N, just wanted to make sure you were okay before we race."

Y/N: "Never better Ryosuke, just waiting on getting my revenge for the girls."

Ryosuke: "Don't kill him."

Y/N: "No promises!"

Then he briefly explains the game plan, which wasn't long or complex at all because he didn't seem like a particularly good driver. He says that he's going to race than it'll be you. So you make your way up to the mountain. You see crowds and crowds of people at each corner.

'I can't believe how many people came here today.'

You make it to the top and you see Hanni and a couple other girls with her. She spots you and gives you a small wave.

'I wonder if she knows I'm Takumi, I suppose she'll find out sooner or later.'

You hear in the radio that the uphill battle has started. It didn't take long before you saw Ryosuke come to the top and his opponent coming 30 seconds later.

'Damn he got smoked.'

You could hear the disappointment in the crowd, but it was quickly overshadowed by excitement as the "main" event of the night was about to start. The organizer yells out for Takumi and Minjun to come forward to the line. You see the Skyline drive up to the line and you drive up next to him. He gets out of his car and you could see the crowd give mixed reactions. The organizer motions you to get out of your car, you sigh as you slowly get out of your car. You scan the crowd and see the shock on their faces.

???: "He looks so young!"

???: "Sigh, another kid is going to fall into Minjun's trap."

???: "What kind of junk ass car is that?"

???: "OPPA!"


You can barely react as you get tackled by a massive force.

Y/N: "Eunchae?"

Eunchae: "Good luck Oppa!"

She does a bit of aegyo before walking back. You can see the other members showing varying degrees of shock.

Minjun: "So, it was you all along huh?"

Y/N: "That it was."

Minjun: "Hey, if you let me have some fun with her, I'll let you win."

You immediately shoot him a disgusted look.

Y/N: "What is wrong with you, the whole reason I'm doing this is so she doesn't have to deal with your dumbass."

Minjun: "The fuck did you just say?"

He looked ready to lash out, until he suddenly went calm.

Minjun: "Well, good luck to you then, you're going to need it. Hanni will be mine."

You internally cringe and just get into your car. Then the organizers come to tape your right hand to the steering wheel.

Organizer: "Does anyone volunteer to be Y/N;s spotter?"


You look around and see no hands, until surprisingly, Yunjin raises her hand.

Yunjin: "I'll do it."

She gets into the passenger side and sits there quietly. You didn't know what to do so you just gave her the aux player. You sit there in silence as you have no clue what to say. Then, they announce they will start the countdown soon. You decide to put up your good luck charm on your rearview, a small picture of a girl facing away. She was posted on the sand, looking towards the water. Unbeknownst to you, Yunjin's eyes widened at the sight of the picture. You see Hanni walk in front of the two cars.


Hanni: "3!"

Hanni: "2!"

She looks at you desperately, a plea that you follow your word and win.

Hanni: "1!"

Hanni: "GO!"

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