The White Dragon God Emperor

By NotLaxr

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Jake Nicholson our protagonist finds himself a girlfriend and he goes on a date with her, however it turns in... More

Chapter One: Last Day With Humanity
Chapter Two: Longinus
Chapter Three: Divine Dividing
Chapter Four: Training Partner
Chapter Five: Feelings
Chapter Six: The Fated Encounter
Chapter Seven: OverBooster
Chapter Eight: Confession
Chapter Nine: The Favor
Chapter Ten: Training
Chapter Eleven: Raiding Game
Chapter Twelve: Party Crasher
Season One End
Season Two Start
Chapter Thirteen: Visitors
Chapter Fourteen: Excalibur
Chapter Fifteen: Holy Sword Project
Chapter Sixteen: The Proposal
Chapter Seventeen: Sword Of Betrayer
Chapter Eighteen: Blue Light
Chapter Nineteen: Hidden Past
Chapter Twenty: Help
Chapter Twenty One: Fight For Freedom
Season Two End
Season Three Start
Chapter Twenty Two: The Blight
Chapter Twenty Three: The Ritual
Chapter Twenty Four: Regained Power
Chapter Twenty Five: Team Vali
Chapter Twenty Six: Back To Her
Chapter Twenty Seven: Party
Chapter Twenty Eight: Loki's Mistake
Chapter Twenty Nine: Juggernaut Drive
Chapter Thirty: Summer Is Over
Chapter Thiry One: Eric's Past
Chapter Thirty Two: The Curse Of The Drive
Chapter Thirty Three: To Lose Someone
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Chapter Thirty Four: To Reclaim Someone

71 3 0
By NotLaxr

This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

     After Eric finishes the chant he explodes in a green aura flattening the area and breaking down the temple. They start falling towards the ground. Eric and Shalba start fighting mid air. Shalba shoots holy energy beams at Eric. Eric roared and deflected Shalba's attacks. Once on the ground Eric flew towards Shalba and tried to bite him. Shalba put up a barrier but was too late and Eric bit his arm and ripped it off. Eric spat it out as if he ate a putrid apple. Shalba said in retaliation, "Don't play with me. Face my light of judgment if you dare." Shalba held out his remaining hand and it had one of Ophis's snakes on it and he used his power to fully enveloped Eric in holy energy. Eric roared in pain and used his tail to smash the circle under him undoing the spell. "How did he overcome my power?" Shalba got angrier and said, "Why must you stand in my way?! DIE." Shalba jumped up and took off his cape and shot a holy beam at him. Eric in return shot a dragon's breath at him, taking his other arm. Eric smashed the ground, and roared while releasing Ddraig's aura in the form of a beam and a shockwave that followed. Shalba made the realization and said, "You bastard this creature must be The Dragon Of Domination." Eric stepped up closer towards Shalba and his center hatch opened and he began to start boosting. [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] Kiba shouted at Rias, "Rias we can't stay here if we do all of us are going to die. I don't want to leave him either but we must." Rias says, "No I won't." "Rias!" Koneko says, "Sorry Rias but we need to leave." Koneko grabs Rias and she nods to the others as they start flying away to hopefully get to a safe place.

While they were talking Eric was boosting, [Boost x964] A long pause started and then you hear. [Longinus SMASHER] An intense concentrated beam shot out of Eric and enveloped Shalba. Shalba says, "Damn you, damn you Red Dragon Emperor DAMN YOU POWER!" Shalba was completely eviscerated, not a speck of dust was left of him.

Eric starts shooting dragon beams in the air while shooting hundreds of green bullet like projectiles. Eric starts looking at the Old Satan Faction devils and he starts to kill them mercilessly. While killing them there were some casualties of The Alliance; many Devils, Fallen Angels, and Angels died to the hands of Eric. Azazel contacted Rias when he saw Eric causing havoc in the distance, "RIAS what has happened to Eric why is he a rampaging dragon?!" "Asia died in front of him and Shalba Beelzebub killed her." "So he was here too. I had to deal with Crueserey Asmodeus." "Well what should we do? How do we get him to turn back." "I'm going to be honest, Rias I don't know if we'll be able to bring him back." "We brought Jake back, why can't we bring Eric back." "Because we got lucky with Jake. Lightning won't strike twice. Rias we might not be able to bring him back. We also don't have someone that's able to weaken him. Sirzech and Odin are busy right now so see if you can contact Jake's team and see if they can come in and help us." "Got it." Rias calls Kuroka since she's the only one she is able to contact. 'Come on please pick up.' "Hello Rias? Aren't you in the middle of a game?" "Sorry to spring this on you guys but we need your help Eric has gone into a state like Jake and the game went haywire the Khaos Brigade interrupted it and we need you guy's to help control Eric." "I understand but only Cao Cao can handle him so I will ask him to go over there. The rest of us will die but he has a chance with his Balance Breaker or if it comes to it, The Truth Idea." With that the call ended now waiting for Cao Cao they watched the destruction Eric is causing.

A few minutes went by and a blue magic circle appeared next to Rias. Rias looked at the circle and Cao Cao came out of it, Cao Cao said, "Where's Eric?" Rias pointed at a green beam that just got shot into the sky. "Alright." Cao Cao used magic to start flying to Eric's location. He looks around to see the devastation left by Eric and he was impressed. He didn't think that Eric could do this much damage, but he was still The Red Dragon Emperor. Cao Cao landed on a rock and called out to Eric, "Eric face me or are you too scared to!" This got Eric's attention as he turned around to face him Cao Cao quickly said, "Balance Breaker. Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin." Seven Black Orbs appeared behind Cao Cao. "Now let's get this party started. Atsusa Ratana." One of the orbs glows and Cao Cao teleports in front of Eric and he says, "Kahabatei Ratana." The orb that glowed went black again and another one glowed as if something switched. A huge number of knights appeared and Cao Cao said, "Attack!" Eric wasn't phased by this; he swung his tail and hit all the knights away and they disappeared into smoke. However Eric didn't see Cao Cao until he felt immense pain and roared in agony Cao Cao stabbed Eric in the eye with the holy spear. "Atsusa Ratana." Cao Cao teleported back to his original location and Eric started boosting [Boost x100] He shot a mini version of the Longinus Smasher at Cao Cao. This caught Cao Cao off guard as the shot came mere inches away from hitting him he said, "Mala Ratana." Another orb glowed and the beam that was about to impact with Cao Cao was deflected towards a random mountain. A huge explosion echoed from the location killing members of both sides. "That was a close one." Cao Cao taps his shoulder with the spear and he says, "You're strong I'll give you that. But with my strongest treasure you can't win, now Balinayaka Ratana." With those words the top orb was activated a white light began to emanate from The True Longinus it expanded in the shape of a sphere and it absorbed Eric and anything in a half a mile radius. Everything was vaporized, nothing was left. Cao Cao was floating above the crater with heavy damage dealt to him. The final treasure General Treasure is a double edge sword you take heavy damage and become very drained after using it. Plus there's a requirement before activating it so it's the most powerful treasure to Cao Cao's disposal. *Breathing heavily* "It's done, sorry Eric I had to end you." With those final words Cao Cao started falling towards the bottom of the crater. As he reached the bottom he vaguely saw a red object until his sight was no more.

Cao Cao passed out and was left on the ground motionless. Before that happened he heard the last thing before he slipped into unconsciousness. [Penetrate] After that word there was a roar that followed. That pushed Cao Cao's unconscious body away. The owner of the voice Eric came out almost unscathed.

When Rias's group saw the fate of Cao Cao who used his strongest attack defeated by Eric easily all their hope was lost. Rias began thinking, 'Why is this fight way harder than Jake's? He's much stronger and yet Eric is is is... Rias fell to the ground and started crying in her hands. A female voice came out of nowhere saying, "Don't worry Rias, Eric won't die." Rias turned around and saw that it was a small girl that was usually with Kuroka and her group. "You're Ophis right? Can you please help me save Eric." Ophis shook her head and said, "Sorry I can't do that, all I would do is kill him." "Then how are you gonna save him?" "I won't need to, he will." Ophis pointed into the distance and a gigantic rift began to appear. A man wearing black appeared out of and he said, "Man feels like forever since I've gotten into a good fight. Time to get the rust off." Dragon wings grew out of his back and he flew over to the crater. No one could recognize this man, and Rias said something to Ophis, "Who is that Ophis?" "You'll see." "Is it Jake? You took him to the dimensional gap right?" "Like I said you'll see."

The man arrived at the crater and looked down at Eric. "Look what you've gotten yourself into. Time to clean up this mess." The man shot a blue beam towards Eric and got his attention. "I think it's time we have our battle even if you're in this state. Since you're in the Juggernaut Drive I'll act in kind.

Blue orbs form around the guy.

Everyone recognizes who the man was. Koneko says, "Oh my god it's Jake." Kiba and Xenovia look at him stiff and in shock. Rias is stunned and in shock. She said, "It's really him. But if he goes into that state again he knows what happened before might happen again." Ophis says, "That's why he's using it, he wants to test the drive it and that won't happen."

I, Who Shall Awaken.

I Am The White Dragon Emperor Who Will Take The Law Down To The Darkness.

I Walk The Road Of Domination With Infinite Destruction And By Piercing Through The Imaginary Dream.

I Shall Become A Pure Emperor Of White Dragon.

And I Shall Have You Obey The Silvery-White Illusions And The Perfect Evil Ways!

When Jake said this Divine Dividing came out and he and Albion shouted.

Juggernaut OverDrive!

     Everyone was in shock and they all said in unison with the exception of Ophis, "What Is That!?" Jake stared down at Eric and they launched themselves at each other trading blows Jake dodged all the blows Eric couldn't he got hit a lot of times. Jake restrained himself by not using his Dragon Slayer element as it might instantly kill Eric. Eric was over with punching as he began boosting. Jake watched wanting to see what Eric could do. Eric's center hatch opened and he started boosting [Boost x1000] [Longinus SMASHER] A intense green beam shot at Jake and he said, "Oh hell yea!!" Jake put up a barrier. A few seconds went by and Eric was still shooting a beam at Jake who looked like he's going to outlast the beam until, [Penetrate] Jake's barrier broke and the beam came closer and closer and boom. It hit Jake and a dust cloud surrounded Jake. Eric did a victory roar until someone grabbed his shoulder and said, "You really thought you could take me out that easily? Hahaha pathetic. Now come out, Compression Divider." [Compression Divider] Eric fell to the ground and his very existence started to get divided. "Oh no, don't die just yet. I need you alive but I want to inflict as much pain to "you" as possible. So let's have some fun." Jake grew a sadistic grin as he kept on dividing Eric. He made sure to stop dividing enough for Eric to get some boosts and then start dividing him again. A few minutes goes by and we look at the Rias team.

     Rias says, "What is he doing to Eric he's going to kill him." Kiba looked at Jake in a bit of fear, "Is that even Jake. Look at that smile he's been wearing for the past few minutes he's been torturing Eric." Koneko says, "What happened to him, Ophis." "He's torturing the thing that made Eric into this, not Eric himself. He's making sure this probably won't happen again." Rias says, "I still can't watch this." "Then don't watch in a few minutes this will all be over."

     Back with Jake. "Come on. Can't you make this more fun for me." Jake then frowned as he said, "This is pathetic for you too Eric. I resisted the Curse enough for everyone to stop me but you couldn't hold out for a second? Time to get this over with." Jake released Eric and he flew down to him and punched him in the gut then he said, "Purge." [Purge] The living-like armor that was Eric's Juggernaut Drive broke apart like a mirror and Eric came out of it. Jake deactivated his Juggernaut Drive and walked over to Eric who is laying on the ground. "How did this happen to you Eric?" Jake kicks Eric in his side and says, "Get up, you're not dead yet." "Ow. Who are you?" Eric says this while his vision is heavily blurred. "Its me, Jake glad to have you back." Eric shot up from laying down to sitting up. "I should be saying that." Jake turned around and looked at the fighting that was still going on. "This is so stupid." Jake looked around and saw Rias's group and Ophis. He waved to them and motioned to them to come down. Ophis put a purple teleportation circle under them and teleported her and Rias's group to the crater.

     Jake saw the group and said shyly while scratching the back of his head, "So uh... what's up?" Rias says, "What's up? Tell us what's up with those clothes." Kiba said in his closed eyes way, "I think there are better things to point out Rias." "Oh yea sorry. Ahem, How are you awake?" Jake turns around and says, "I don't think that is important right now. You have better things to tend to Rias, like Eric. "You're right, but we're glad you're back." "No problem, also I have a gift." Everyone tilted their head to the left. "True Arondight." A circle appeared on the ground and Arondight came out of it. Jake picked up the sword with one hand and slashed the air with it. A tear in space and time appeared where the sword slash was. Arondight disappeared and Jake walked through the portal. A few seconds later Jake walked out with a familiar blonde in his arms. "They were able to find her just in time in the gap. It's a miracle that she made it out." Everyone started to cry in relief and Xenovia ran over taking her out of my arms. I walked away to let them have their moment and I motioned to Ophis to come over to me.

     "Ophis what has happened since I've been out more specifically to the group, the alliance, and most importantly Akeno." "First I don't know everything so you'll have to ask other people and Akeno like you can imagine is dead." "This fucking sucks." "Barkiel also came along and said something along the lines of he might know how to revive Akeno." "That's good news I'll go visit him but there are things I need to take care of first." [Welcome back to the world of the living partner] "Yea I'm not glad to be back but at the same time I'm relieved. Do you know what has happened to the alliance and the group?" [Yea the group tried reaching you and that's how I was able to find you in your Mindscape. The alliance went without a hitch after Loki] "Good, first I need to make the world know that I've come back. What is the best way to do that?" Ophis then said, "I don't think that's necessary because everyone here saw your fight with Eric. No one can miss the unmistakable armor that only belongs to the White Dragon Emperor." Jake sighs in relief and walks back to the group and says, "Guys I have an important announcement I'm going to revive Akeno." Everyone was curious at what I said. Rias says, "How are you going to revive her." "Well I have an idea but can't rely on it. It's one of the thirteen Longinus The Sephiroth Graal. The reason I can't rely on it is because I have no idea who the wielder is. I'm just hoping that's not what Barkiel is also thinking." Rias says, "What does the Sephiroth Graal do?" "It's an intense form of a healing Sacred Gear like twilight healing but to the extreme. You gain the knowledge of life and death and you're able to revive people or things from death. Along with some other healing properties." Eric says, "That sounds extremely powerful." Ophis says, "That's because it is." Jake says, "I'm going to finish this fight." Jake says while looking toward the Khaos Brigade. Jake begins to walk away and he says, "Time to clean house." Jake crouches and glows white and he jumps hundreds of meters into the air in his armor. [Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker]

     A huge rift started forming in the distance and the rift was massive a few miles high at the very least. A huge red dragon started appearing out of it. Ophis says, "Great Red. Didn't expect to see you out here." Eric says, "Wait, that's Great Red. The suckers huge. I saw him at the party and he was in his human form. I had no idea he could get this big." Rias says, "I had no idea either. Barely anyone had seen him in his actual form and lived." Ophis says, "Great Red we may be allies for right now but one day I will reclaim my silence." Great Red breathed his dragon's fire into the air and a rift opened up in front of him and took him back into the Dimensional Gap. With the whole situation over Rias breathes in fresh air and says, "We are going home." Everyone except Ophis says, "Yea." Ophis used her hand and cut a tear into space and walked into it. Kiba walks to Eric and punches him lightly in the shoulder, "You rocked this place." "Yea I probably did, but I don't remember it." Eric stumbles and Kiba is there to catch him. "Whoa dude chill out you did just exert yourself." "Thanks man."

     Jake is currently killing the rest of the Khaos Bridge and he begins thinking in his head, 'My old allies Katerea, Creuserey, and Shalba. The blood of the honorable devil kings ran through you. You should have lived honorably like your ancestors. Even though we aren't allies anymore. I still have memories of when we fought together. They should have tried going through "system" to get what they wanted instead of trying to overthrow the underworld. But that doesn't matter now, another thing plagues my mind. Eric, don't think things are actually over yet. Remember this Eric.'

     Eric came off of Kiba's shoulder and went up to Rias, "Hey Rias I'm sorry that I made such a huge mess today I'm a real ass." Rias blushed a little and said, "Don't worry Eric, you are the absolute best. Yea, you are the absolute best servant that I have." Eric said, "Score and you are the absolute be—..."

     'Remember that what you consider to be peace.'

     Eric collapses and Rias shouts, "Eric... Eric!"

     'Can often be painful for others.'


————Scene Break Jake's House————

     We see Eric lying in a big bed with the Boosted Gear still active in a more life-like material. Azazel's voice can be heard asking, "Mind if I ask you a couple of questions? I don't mean Eric, I'm talking to you, Welsh Dragon." Eric gauntlet responded with a flash of its green gem. [What does the Governor General Of Fallen Angels want from me] "I needed to ask you about the power Eric released at the end of the fight." [It is a skill and until now had remained dormant. A volatile technique called Juggernaut Drive] "That maneuver is expressly forbidden; it's dangerous to forcefully vent the power sealed in the Sacred Treasure. [Yes and when activated it will give the user enough power to make the gods envious. But the price of the user's death or a drastically reduced lifespan at the least] "Is this the same technique that happened to Jake? [Yes however, Jake's transformation was more dangerous; there is a Curse within the Sacred Gears of the Boosted Gear and the Divine Dividing. The curse slightly emerged when Eric went into the Drive but when Jake did he took on the full force of the Curse. It is an extraordinary accomplishment that Jake was able to handle the Curse until we defeated him. Eric on the other hand fell immediately] "That does explain something's, but I'm left with a question. How was he able to invoke this spell with it being locked behind that chant?" [Eric's pain and despair surpassed the critical limit, and Juggernaut Drive was on the other side of the threshold, however the Curse took over and went past the threshold and thus he activated the Drive. We also call these incidences "Incomplete transformations"]

—————Time Skip 3 Hours Later—————

     Everyone was in Jake's house in the main living room on the 10th floor. Sirzech says while in a hologram, "Still nothing. That's unfortunate." Azazel says, "We haven't been able to bring him out of his coma. The kid's devil power is replenishing and his body is healing up alright." Jake says, "I've taken a look at him and he is alright physically like Azazel said, but his real injuries are deeper inside though." Sirzech says, "Deeper inside?" Kiba says, "He's had a transformation like this before but this time he was like a dog that was left of his leash. It seems for now our only option is to wait it out." Asia looks down and says, "Eric is suffering because of me. I'm so sorry." Xenovia comes from behind Asia and says, "No one is blaming you Asia. This isn't your fault." Jake says, "Xenovia's right. You couldn't do anything against Shalba, he was out of your league." Everyone in Rias's group agrees and Azazel says, "Huh, hey Asia. I got a question?" "Yes?" "You still haven't done it yet right?" Jake says, "Why are you asking if she's a virgin pervert." "That's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about what she worked on during training." "Yea sure buddy." "Let's just head down to Eric. I'll explain the rest there." "Sure but I gotta go. I have things to handle in the Dragon Faction." Jake takes out a slip of paper and there's a magic circle on it. "Here Asia use this just in case something happens. This will summon me to your location." Jake makes a teleportation circle and before he goes he says, "Cya later." Then he's gone.

     We arrived at Eric's room. Azazel says, "Because of his incomplete transformation. It seems apparent that the dragon inside of Eric is malfunctioning. The fact that his arm is still in dragon form only serves to prove the point." Rias says, "If that's the problem then how do we start fixing it?" Azazel says, "Asia's Sacred Gear might present a solution to our conundrum." "Might is the operative word. Will Asia be in any danger?" "I honestly couldn't tell you." Xenovia says, "No way." Azazel says, "It is a possibility, but it's not inevitable." Asia says confidently, "I'll do it. I at least have to try." Rias says, "Are you sure, Asia?" "Eric promised me he'll always look out for me and he kept his word by beating Diodora. Now it's my turn to look after him, and there's no way I'm just gonna give up. I owe him more than that." Rias starts moving towards the door and she says, "I have full faith in you." Everyone starts to leave except for Azazel. With everyone gone Azazel walks up to Asia, "Your training up to this point has been focused on healing from a distance. This time distance doesn't matter, it's about depth." "What do you mean?" "Eric needs your help. Healing the wound deep in his heart." With those final words Azazel left and Asia walks onto Eric's bed and sat in front of his arm. She softly picked up his arm and laid it in her lap and she activates her Twilight Healing.

     The group now back in the living room Xenovia says, "Do you really think it's a good idea to leave Asia all alone in there." Azazel says, "If she focused all of her energy we have no way to determine how powerful the force would be. And as long as that's the case it's not safe to be in the same area." Kiba says, "You're not gonna let her go through with it, are you?" Rias says, "I'd be lying to you if I said this didn't scare me to death, but it's my duty to trust Asia.

     Asia starts using her Twilight Healing and her aura glows a brilliant emerald green. Over the next few seconds her aura starts covering Eric. Asia starts thinking, 'My darling Eric, I treasure you above anyone else. And you've always been there for me. Cheering me up whenever I'm feeling down. Putting yourself in harm's way to protect me from danger. I'm so grateful for you. I thank god for this opportunity he's given me. I'm thankful for this chance to pay you back for all of time.' Asia's aura expands through the whole room and starts ripping and tearing up items in the room. Asia's aura changes colors from an emerald green to whitish-green. Eric's body begins to shine more in Asia's aura. 'So please, please open your eyes. Come back to me. Eric!' Asia's aura vanishes and Eric's dragon arm glows a dim red as it morphs back to a normal human arm.

     "That's weird, normally when I wake up I'm with Rias not Asia. Hang on what happened to her shirt and this bed and the room. Did I do this?" Asia opens her eyes and says, "Is this a dream? You're awake again." Asia gets up slightly and says, "Eric I'm so sorry." Asia jumps up and hugs Eric. "I'm fine." Asia cries into Eric's shoulder, "You're alright. Thank goodness. I was so worried." Eric slowly pulls Asia off of him and gives the tracksuit jacket he was wearing to Asia. She began to explain what happened, "After the fight you fell unconscious and went into a coma for three days." "No way I was in a coma. And you brought me out of it. Thank you for saving my life." "I couldn't bear the thought of my life without you in it. Now come with me if you're feeling up to it. Everyone's anxious to see you." "Of course. I feel like a douche making everyone worry." Eric and Asia stood up and Eric started to walk over to the door but he was stopped by Asia. "Wait Eric." Asia walks up to Eric's kisses him... A few moments later Asia separates from Eric and she says, "I love you Eric. Even more than life itself. I've never been more sure than anything before." Eric starts stumbling on his words, "Uuh uh uh." A voice from the door says, "So passionate, I feel bad for walking in on such a private moment." Turns out the owner of the voice was Kuroka. Asia hides behind Eric and he says, "Oh hey guys didn't notice you there." Rias says, "Looks like Asia won today's battle but don't count me out just yet." Kuroka turns to Rias and says, "Do you know what happened to Cao Cao he hasn't returned." "Oh yea I forgot to tell you guys Jake saved him and Eric. He told me to give you guys a message. Ahem, come to the dragon territory we have work to do." "Can't wait, I'm going to inform our group and I'll see if Liz wants to come along." "Yes you do that. Goodbye." "Goodbye Rias, we'll see each other soon." Rias turns to her group and says, "Okay everyone now that Eric has gotten better it's time to celebrate with a feast." Everyone says, "Your wish is our command."

     We switch to the living room with Grayfia, Sirzech, and Azazel there. Sirzech says, "Our recent encounter with the Khaos Brigade made one thing abundantly clear. The Old Satan Faction has fallen into ruin." Azazel says, "Apparently when Jake was on their side even he saw them as just a means to an end. What's most impressive though is how Jake made Ophis and Great Red hold a ceasefire. Since both of them like him it was a mutual thing. As Jake, Great Red supported him and as Vali he won over Ophis. Favored by the two Dragon Gods, that's a scary thought." "Yes it is, and as it stands the line between worlds remains stable and has done so since Great Red was confined to the Dimensional Gap. If somehow he were permanently freed." "Then the world as we know it could be in jeopardy no matter the cost we can't let that happen. I bet even he knows that." "Jake you mean. Yes he has invited Great Red to the mortal plane but even just that should be enough for him to realize that Great Red can never be freed from the Gap since he acts as a sort of center for it, a waypoint if you will. Also when Loki attempted to destroy time and space perhaps a tiny fissure between the world was created. Enough of a window where Great Red could actually appear. At least this is what Ajuka believes." "Loki huh, a real pain in the ass from beginning to end."

—————Jake's POV—————

     I arrive at the base and I pull out my dragon wings and start flying to where I sensed Tannin's aura. I continue flying but I ask Albion something, "Hey Albion what happened to me while I was out I haven't asked you about the condition of my body." [After you came out of the Drive your body aged so much only a thousand years was left on your lifespan. You aged into an old man and that's the reason your hair is now white instead of gray. Your blue eyes turn golden and that's about it other than your comatose state. Also Kuroka recovered most of your lost years about 18 thousand years was recovered] "That's good and we're here." I look around for Tannin and I find him helping a hatchling with their fire breath. I start falling to the ground towards him and I do a superhero landing. Turns out when I did this I didn't just make a small dent into the ground I kinda made a huge crater.

     "Uuuhh want was that." "You forgot me already. Tannin." The dust clears and Tannin gets a clear sight of who the owner of the voice is and he says, "You're awake." Tannin then starts kneeling. "I've been awaiting your return Jake." "You don't have to kneel to me Tannin what happened to not doing all this etiquette stuff?" Tannin stands up and says, "You're the faction leader so it's the kind of thing you do." "Alright also we are going to have guests here in a few minutes also I need this guy sent to the hospital here." I open a dimensional storage circle and a beaten and battered Cao Cao comes out of it still unconscious. "Sure." Tannin turns to the hatchlings. "I need you guys to take this human to the medics." "Yes, teacher." Jake then thought, 'I should have got Asia to heal him.' Tannin and I start walking towards the HQ and on the way I explain to Tannin what happened in the past couple of hours. "So basically what happened was Eric went into the Drive. I came out of the coma just in time and saved him. That's the simplified term of what happened. I'll explain more in depth when my team arrives here." Tannin nods and says, "They must be extraordinary people if you made them your team did you make them your dragon pieces?" "No not yet. I plan on making them my pieces today." We arrive at HQ and a magic circle appears behind me and I hear coming out of it. "I missed you so much." Someone jumped on my back and I felt her. I began blushing. 'They are... so soft.' "Kuroka, your tits are touching my back." Kuroka says in a fake heartbroken tone, "What, you don't like them?" "No, I like them. I might act up if you don't get off me right now though." "Sorry but I can't do that." I heard a stoic voice say, "Let go of him Kuroka. I missed him too but this is too much for the public." I recognized the voice and said, "Sup Arthur been awhile." I unfurled my wings and they started pushing Kuroka off of me but. "Uuukkkaahhh someone help me." I pulled my wings back and said, "You're like a leech you won't get off." "No I won't." I turned to the group and said, "So guys I'm going to give Tannin a run down of what happened and you guys need to hear it as you guys missed out on some of it." Everyone said, "Yes." We begin to walk into HQ and I turn my head slightly to Kuroka holding onto me tight. She said, "I really missed you Jake. I don't want you to ever leave me again." "Don't worry Kuroka, not even death will keep me away from you and Akeno." Kuroka begins tearing up, "I know you will do anything for me but the thought of you never waking up again terrified me more than anything." "I love you Kuroka and nothing will change that." I start holding her piggyback properly instead of her clinging to my magus mode. We arrive at our council room and I tell Kuroka to get off. We all took a seat at the table and Tannin went into his human form. I say, "Before we begin any questions?" Tannin says, "First I want to know what this new familiar magic I'm sensing from you." "This is the purest form of Albion's magic that is now mine without the Curse since I purged myself of that problem. Also I am answering a future question about my outfit. It's human magic mixed with my dragon magic. I also replicated human spells into dragon spells that function the same. It's called Magus Mode. It amplifies my magic capacity but it's not as strong as my Balance Breaker." "That's interesting." Kuroka says, "How did you come back?" "That'll be in the explanation." I waited for a bit and said, "No more questions." Everyone shook their heads.

     "Alright to start out I should start at the Drive itself. When Akeno died in front of me I experienced pain and despair even more intense due to me marking her. The Curse made it worse by manipulating my emotions even more. After that I got the story from someone else I absolutely destroyed and killed Loki. The Curse's hold over my emotion vanished slightly as I tried fighting back against it. You guys were able to handle me in time before I succumbed to the Curse. After that you know the story physically but when I was in my mindscape. I was tortured over and over seeing Akeno die again and again. Eventually I got some hope and it was in the form of a picture of Akeno, theoretically this should have happened, but I took it and strived on. I was able to gain slight control. That's when the Curse acted up and Albion came into my mindscape and the Curse took over my mindscape body. Albion won but the Curse wasn't truly defeated, but I was able to kill the Curse and get rid of it. When I woke up I was in the Dimensional Gap and felt Eric going into the same state but in a lesser form. I brought him back and that's the end of that story." I took in a deep breath of fresh air and said, "Any questions?" No one said anything. "Alright then to another topic I have a plan on reviving Akeno from death. I will talk to Barkiel and go forward from there." Le Fay says, "How will you revive her? I know a ton of different spells and I don't know a way." "The way I found out was using the Sephiroth Graal. There's a problem with that, no one knows who the wielder is. I'm just hoping Barkiel knows of a different way." Bikou says, "Is there anything else Jake, because I feel like there's  another thing you're not telling us." "You're as perceptive as ever Bikou. I'm going to make all of you part of my dragon peerage if you're willing." Le Fay says, "I'm cool with that." Arthur nods. Bikou says, "I have no problem with that, sounds fun." Kuroka says, "I'm willing to go to the ends of the Earth for you." "It's settled, I will choose your dragon pieces now." I stand up and walk into an open space. I say, "Arthur step forward." Arthur gets up from his seat and I take out a knight piece and I begin the chant, "I Jake Gwiber command you to be my servant and help me build and make my new faction, rejoice for you have been given a new life." I repeated this for everyone. Le Fey was given a bishop piece, Bikou was given a rook piece, and Kuroka was given a bishop piece. After I was done with Kuroka she asked, "So what are you going to do with Cao Cao?" "I already made him into one of my rook pieces while he was unconscious." "What if he wanted to stay human?" "I made it so the piece is inactive. Once I get his consent I'll activate the piece and he'll actually become my servant." I turned to Tannin and asked him, "Would you like to join?" "I would but I'm still in service to Mephistopheles and trading one of your pieces for me isn't worth it." "I see well it's a shame you would make such a magnificent piece." Kuroka deadpans and says, "You're talking about him like he's an art piece." "That's because he is." After that small joke I say, "I'm going to go meetup with Barkiel, you guys are free to do what you want." Bikou says, "Before you go we have someone for you." I look at him and say, "And who is that?" A teleportation circle formed right in front of me and my eyes widened in shock. I begin to tear up as I begin to embrace the person, "Mom I missed you so much." "I missed you too Jake." Liz reciprocated Jake's hug by hugging him back even tighter. "I'm sorry it took me this long to see you again." "Jake, I forgive you. I would say don't worry me again, but you will go against that for the people you care about." Everyone left the room for my mom and I to have some time to catch up together.


Here's the Outro song you fuckers. Hope you enjoyed the Chapter. Goodbye for now.

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