My Last Letter (2023)

By missarceline

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MY LAST LETTER In the 1980s, Jeongguk Jun, tragically loses his fiancée in a train explosion. Dr. Lisa Jung... More

🏵️ Prologue : A Fateful Day
🏵️ Chapter One : Resilient Heart
🏵️ Chapter Two : Longing for Home
🏵️ Chapter Three : Rails Of Reunion
🏵️ Chapter Four : Love Across The Miles
🏵️ Chapter Five : Last Bloom
🏵️ Chapter Six : A Long Day Ahead
🏵️ Chapter Seven : Challenges
🏵️ Chapter Eight : Grief
🏵️ Chapter Nine : Homecoming
🏵️ Chapter Ten : The Reunions
🏵️ Chapter Eleven : Dinner Gatherings
🏵️ Chapter Twelve : Breaking Point
🏵️ Chapter Thirteen : Awakening
🏵️ Chapter Fourteen : The Heartstrings
🏵️ Chapter Fifteen : Two Strangers
🏵️ Chapter Sixteen : Second Meeting
🏵️ Chapter Seventeen : One Late Night
🏵️ Chapter Eighteen : Sudden Invitation
🏵️ Chapter Nineteen : Appreciation
🏵️ Chapter Twenty : Julia
🏵️ Chapter Twenty-One : Unspoken Truths
🏵️ Chapter Twenty-Two : Long Time No See
🏵️ Chapter Twenty-Four : Meet Again
🏵️ Chapter Twenty-Five : The Riverside
🏵️ Chapter Twenty-Six : Strides of Change
🏵️ Chapter Twenty-Seven : Connections
🏵️ Chapter Twenty-Eight : Parting Ways
🏵️ Chapter Twenty-Nine : Bonds
🏵️ Chapter Thirty : Campfire
🏵️ Chapter Thirty-One : About The Past
🏵️ Chapter Thirty-Two : Unexpected Turn
🏵️ Chapter Thirty-Three : At Last
🏵️ Chapter Thirty-Four : Resurfacing
🏵️ Chapter Thirty-Five : Promises Kept
🏵️ Chapter Thirty-Six : Keepsake Memories
🏵️ Chapter Thirty-Seven : Families
🏵️ Chapter Thirty-Eight : The Arrangement
🏵️ Chapter Thirty-Nine : Her Letter To Him
🏵️ Chapter Forty : Solemn
🏵️ Chapter Forty-One : Lead Once Again

🏵️ Chapter Twenty-Three : Familial Strains

169 16 6
By missarceline


As Lisa entered the dining room, she took her usual seat next to her mother, feeling a sense of unease to settle over her.

The seating arrangement mirrored their previous dinner at the Jung family house, with Mr. Kym is now seated in the middle and Mr. Jung on the left side.

Lisa couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to happen, and she wondered if Mr. or Mrs. Kym was aware of Jennie's unexpected arrival.

As they settled into their seats, Mrs. Kym greeted Lisa warmly, her smile strained but welcoming. "Lisa, dear, it's lovely to see you again. How have you been?"

Lisa forced a smile in return, her stomach churning with apprehension. "I've been well, thank you," she replied, her voice steady despite her inner turmoil.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kym's demeanor was polite but reserved, his gaze lingering on Lisa for a moment longer than necessary before turning to engage in conversation with Mr. Jung.

She glanced around the table, but Taehyun was nowhere to be seen.

His absence only added to her growing unease.

"Where's Taehyun?" Mr. Kym inquired, his brow furrowing with concern.

"He's on his way," Mrs. Kym reassured him, though her tone held a hint of worry. "Lisa, you tried knocking on his door, right?"

Lisa nodded, her own concern growing as the minutes ticked by. "Yes, I did. He should be downstairs any moment now."

As they waited, Mrs. Kym's anxiety began to mount. "Why isn't he down here yet? Dinner is almost ready to be served," she fretted, starting to rise from her seat.

Seokjin intervened, placing a calming hand on his mother's arm. "Mom, it's alright. I'll go get him," he offered, rising from his seat and heading towards the door.

Before Seokjin could make his exit, however, Taehyun entered the room alone, his expression somber and distant.

Dressed in a crisp white polo shirt and black jeans, Taehyun's appearance belied the tension that seemed to hang in the air around him.

Lisa's gaze flickered to him, but Taehyun avoided her eye, his attention focused on his family and the Jung's as he offered a brief apology for his tardiness.

Seokjin shot his younger brother a frustrated glance before rejoining his wife, Jisoo, at the table, while Taehyun took his place beside Mrs. Kym, his demeanor subdued and distant.

Seokjin leaned towards him, his voice low but firm. "You need to respect the guests and be on time next time," he chided, his frustration evident.

Taehyun bristled at his brother's reprimand, his jaw tensing with suppressed irritation.

He opened his mouth to retort, but before he could speak, their father intervened.

"Seokjin, let's settle this matter calmly," Mr. Kym interjected, his tone gentle but authoritative. "We're all here to enjoy dinner together, so let's focus on that."

Seokjin shot Taehyun one last disapproving look before reluctantly nodding in acquiescence, though his frustration still simmered beneath the surface.

Taehyun, though still perturbed by his brother's admonishment, begrudgingly followed suit, though the tension at the table remained palpable.

Lisa observed the tense exchange between Taehyun and Seokjin, her concern growing as the atmosphere at the table became strained.

Beside her mother, Mr. Jung remained composed but attentive.

As the meal progressed, Mrs. Kym attempted to break the ice, directing her attention towards Lisa with a friendly smile. "And how's work been, dear? Still keeping busy at the hospital?"

Lisa nodded, grateful for the opportunity to steer the conversation away from the growing tension. "Yes, it has been keeping me occupied," she replied, her tone casual.

Mrs. Kym listened attentively, nodding along with interest as Lisa spoke. "It sounds like you're doing important things," she remarked, her tone genuine.

Mr. Kym interjected, his voice laced with curiosity. "Speaking of work, Lisa, have you heard about the recent developments in the healthcare sector?"

Lisa glanced at him, still avoiding eyes contact with Taehyun, surprised by the sudden shift in topic. "Um, I'm not sure. What developments are you referring to?"

Mr. Kym leaned forward, his expression animated as he launched into an explanation of the latest advancements in medical technology.

Lisa listened intently, grateful for the chance to engage in a more neutral topic of conversation.

Meanwhile, Mr. Jung chimed in with his own insights, adding depth to the discussion with his knowledge of the industry.

Despite the tension in the room, the conversation flowed smoothly, each member of the family contributing their own perspective.

Lisa found herself relaxing into the conversation, the initial awkwardness of the dinner gradually fading into the background.

As the conversation flowed around the table, Lisa couldn't help but notice Taehyun's uncharacteristic silence.

Taehyun suddenly stood up, his chair scraping against the floor as all eyes turned towards him in surprise.

"Excuse me," he began, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of nervousness. "There's something I need to say."

The room fell silent as Taehyun took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come.

Lisa watched him intently, her heart pounding in her chest as she braced herself for whatever revelation he was about to make.

He began, his voice wavering slightly despite his best efforts to remain composed. "I can't go through with the marriage."

A surprise spread through the room as his words sank in, the tension palpable as everyone waited for him to continue.

"I know this may come as a shock, but Lisa and I have decided to end our engagement," Taehyun continued, his voice gaining strength with each word. "It's not fair to either of us to continue pretending when our hearts aren't in it."

Lisa's heart skipped a beat at his words, a mixture of relief and uncertainty washing over her as she processed the wait of what he was saying.

And then, Taehyun made his way to the door, his eyes fixed on a figure standing just outside the dining room.

Jennie's presence unnoticed by the others.

"This is Jennie," Taehyun as if announcing to Jung's family, his voice carrying across the room with determination. "The woman I love, and the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with."

Mr. and Mrs. Kym exchanged bewildered glances, their expressions a mixture of surprise and disbelief.

Lisa's parents looked equally stunned, their eyes widening in shock at the unexpected turn of events.

Taehyun stood tall, his gaze unwavering as he addressed his family and Lisa's with resolve. "I can't marry Lisa and I want to break off our engagement," he declared, his words hanging in the air like a heavy weight.

Mrs. Kym's expression hardened with disapproval, her eyes flashing with indignation as she exchanged terse words with her husband.

"I thought we made it clear that Taehyun was to break things off with that girl," Mrs. Kym murmured, her voice barely concealing her frustration. "We can't have him jeopardizing his future over some fling."

Mr. Kym's features were etched with concern as he glanced towards Taehyun, his brow furrowed with worry.

"How did she get into this house, Taehyun?" Mrs. Kym demanded, her tone laced with disbelief.

Taehyun remained silent, his expression tense as he struggled to find the right words.

Turning to Lisa, Mrs. Kym's gaze bore into her with an intensity that made Lisa's heart race. "Lisa, dear, did you know about this?" she inquired, her voice tinged with accusations.

Lisa met Mrs. Kym's gaze with uncertainty, unsure of how to respond to the unexpected interrogation.

Before she could form a coherent answer, Taehyun stepped in to explain.

"Lisa had nothing to do with this," he interjected, his voice firm as he defended Lisa's innocence. "I brought Jennie home last night to stay, and we planned to have dinner together," he clarified, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "I guess this is my opportunity to voice out."

Jennie, who had remained silent up until this point, felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her as she became acutely aware of the judgmental stares directed her way.

She shifted uncomfortably, wishing she could disappear into the background.

Seokjin, seated nearby, couldn't hide his disappointment as he observed his brother's actions, his expression a mixture of frustration and disapproval at the sudden turn of events.

Mr. Kym cleared his throat, his expression grave as he addressed Taehyun. "Son, we need to talk about this," he began, his voice calm but firm.

Taehyun's jaw clenched in anticipation. "I know," he replied, his tone resigned. "I've made a decision, and I need to be honest with everyone."

Taehyun face his family and Lisa's family gathered around the table. "I... I've been struggling with something for a while now," he admitted.

All eyes were on him as Taehyun took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say.

"I... I can't go through with this," he confessed, his voice trembling with emotion. "Lisa and I have decided to end things for a long time, but I know you all wouldn't listen. This is the only way I can face the truth and reclaim my happiness."

Lisa remained silent, her heart heavy with a mix of relief and sadness.

"Mom, Dad, I can't continue living unhappily just to satisfy you," Taehyun continued, his voice gaining strength with each word. "I want to be with someone I love, someone who makes me truly happy."

"Taehyun, please consider the consequences of your actions," Mrs. Kym implored, her voice tinged with disappointment. "This decision affects not only you but both families. Think about the years we've invested in this engagement, the expectations we've held."

Taehyun met his mother's gaze with determination. "I can't. I can't ignore my own happiness for the sake of this," he replied firmly.

Mr. Kym remained silent, his expression unreadable as he processed his son's words.

As the tension in the room thickened, Lisa felt a sense of unease settling over her.

As Mrs. Kym's disappointment turned into frustration, her gaze fell upon Jennie, who stood quietly on the sidelines, her presence a silent reminder of Taehyun's defiance.

"And you," Mrs. Kym's voice was laced with disdain as she addressed Jennie, her eyes narrowing with disapproval. "You think you can just waltz into our home and disrupt our family with your selfish desires?"

Jennie flinched at the harshness of Mrs. Kym's words, her hands trembling slightly at her sides.

She had known that Taehyun's family wouldn't be pleased with her presence, but she hadn't expected such open hostility.

"I-I'm sorry," Jennie stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I care about Taehyun, and I just want to support him in his decision."

Mrs. Kym scoffed, her disbelief evident in her expression. "Support him? You've already caused enough trouble as it is," she retorted, her tone dripping with scorn. "You're nothing but a homewrecker, trying to tear apart our family for your own selfish gain."

Taehyun bristled at his mother's harsh words, his protective instincts kicking in as he stepped forward to defend Jennie.

"Mom, that's enough," he interjected firmly, his voice tinged with frustration. "Jennie has nothing to do with our family's problems. She's been nothing but supportive and understanding throughout all of this."

Mrs. Kym's gaze softened momentarily as she looked at her son, her expression betraying a hint of regret.

"Taehyun," she implored, her voice pleading. "Please, Don't throw away everything we've worked for over some fleeting infatuation."

As Mrs. Kym's tirade continued, Jennie's discomfort grew, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the accusations hurled her way.

Unable to bear the onslaught of Mrs. Kym's harsh words any longer, Jennie's eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"I-I can't do this," she choked out, her voice trembling with emotion. "I'm sorry, Taehyun. I can't stay here."

Before Taehyun could stop her, Jennie fled the room, her footsteps echoing down the hallway as she made her escape.

Taehyun's heart sank at the sight of Jennie's retreating figure, his frustration reaching its boiling point.

"Jennie, wait!" he called after her, his voice filled with desperation.

Turning back to face his family, Taehyun's expression was a mixture of anger and resignation.

"Are you satisfied now?" he demanded, his voice thick with emotion. "Is this what you wanted?"

With a frustrated sigh, Taehyun shot Lisa a pointed look, his eyes silently conveying his frustration at the situation.

Rolling his eyes in exasperation, he followed after Jennie, determined to make things right.

As Taehyun disappeared from view, the room fell into a heavy silence.

The Kym and Jung families were left to grapple with the fallout of Taehyun's rebellion.

As the tension in the room lingered, Lisa's guilt weighed heavily on her shoulders, a silent burden that she couldn't shake.

Her mother's gentle touch brought her back to the present moment, the warmth of her hand and a small comfort.

Lisa swallowed hard, her throat tight with emotion as she struggled to contain her rising panic.

"Mom," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "Can we go home?"

Her mother's eyes softened with understanding and replied, her voice gentle and soothing. "We'll leave as soon as dinner is over."

Lisa nodded gratefully, her heart aching with the weight of her own silence.

Mr. Jung watched his daughter with concern, his brow furrowed with worry.

Meanwhile, the Kym family attempted to lighten the mood, their attempts at small talk falling flat in the wake of Taehyun's dramatic exit.

They reassured Lisa that they would handle the situation with Taehyun, urging her to try and enjoy the remainder of the evening.

But for Lisa, the damage had already been done, the guilt of her silence weighing heavily on her conscience.

As she forced herself to engage in polite conversation, her thoughts were consumed by the events that had unfolded.

A/N: Thanks for reading this long and dramatic chapter! It took some time to get the storyline right, but I hope you enjoyed it. If there are any issues, just ignore them for a while. Your support means a lot! 🥰❤️

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