Naliyana14 tarafından

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Both of the girls had a intuition, an intuition so strong they chose chaos over a life of familiarity. They k... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: Dawn Of Genesis
Chapter 2 : Uncovering 大阪
Chapter 3: Stemming for Ruination
Chapter 4: Elude
Chapter 5: Elude (pt2)
Chapter 6: Ancient Land
Chapter 7: Unconscious 人間
Chapter 8: Shujin; The master of hatred
Chapter 9: AKATAMI
Chapter 10: Good Riddance
Chapter 11: THE SLOPE
Chapter 12: NAKAMURA P1
CHAPTER 16: 事故死 Accidental Death
CHAPTER 19: 寒い (Samui) Cold
CHAPTER 23: Heart wrenching
Chapter 24: Ambience
Chapter 25: Fukui
Chapter 27: REST
The Ending

Chapter 26: Cessation

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Naliyana14 tarafından

Kaede starred at the portal, traumatized. Ayame had walked through the portal. Wieon had ran to the gate, due to the energy being too strong for her, but she watched from the gate anyways, despite Akatami telling her flee. It wasn't too close, but close enough to destroy her energy barrier. ''Are you ready to go?'' Akatami mumbled, standing up. Her balance was weak. Kaede continued to stare at the open poral, that shined blue light.

 Kaede shook her head, as tears poured from her eyes. Kaede nodded. Akatami nodded her head, turning around. She almost fell from a lack of balance. Her head was also dizzy. Kaede followed behind her, shock still lingering each part of her body. They had walked down the path, the farther they had gotten away from the portal the energy decreased quickly. Once they got at the gate, Akatami starred into Wieon's eyes.

 ''I told you to flee, this isn't far enough.'' Akatami said, her voice grimacing. Wieon's eyes went small, and her eyes were already watery, so tears poured down her face. ''Don't cry...'' Kaede whispered. Wieon ignored her, simply due to the fact there were many reasons for her to cry.

 Akatami rushed beside Wieon, pushing the gate open. ''LET'S GO.'' Akatami said, her voice clearly filled with rage. Kaede said nothing, but accept the fact Ayame was gone, within seconds. Wieon followed behind Akatami, and Kaede followed behind Wieon. They walked down the dirt path back to the car.

 Kaede turned her head toward the gate, to see if she could see the portal one last time. She knew it would most likely be the last time she saw the portal. After the sacrifice, Kaede Wieon and Akatami walked back to the car. ''We're done.'' Akatami mumbled, as Akatami sat inside the car. Kaede and Wieon shifted into their seats, getting comfortable. Eiko said nothing. Ryongi turned to them both concerned, since he was sitting in the backseat with them beforehand. Kaede strapped her seatbelt on, and so did Akatami.

 ''Are you okay?'' Ryongi whispered to Wieon first, since she was still crying from when she was at the portal. Wieon shook her head gently, accepting her fate. Ryogi's eyes dilated, and sympathy began to build up inside of him. ''I'm sorry...'' Ryongi whispered, hugging his daughter. Kaede had closed her eyes, leaning against the window.

 She no longer wanted to see this horrid forest again. The forest took her sister, what's next. Kaede thought. Wieon cried, she still couldn't pull herself back together. ''Now, I know this is hard...'' Akatami said, clearing her throat.

 ''But you must get over this... because there is nothing, we can do about it.'' Akatami admitted. And what she said is very so true.

 By the time everyone had regained their conscious, Akatami had already gotten on the highway. Ryongi looked at her, as his anger began to grow, but he knew not to say anything. Kaede clenched her hands together tightly, rage boiling inside of her. Kaede did not move an inch, because she didn't want anyone to worry about her as she fake slept. 

All she did was pray that things would be better. ''We'll have to stop at a store in Kyoto.'' Akatami said, as they sped down the highway to China. Everyone in the car was either disturbed or upset. ''We just sacrificed Ayame...'' Wieon whispered.

 ''How could we be fine...?'' She said to Akatami gently, being careful to not disturb her. Akatami ignored her, continuing to speed down the highway. Ryongi seemed upset by Akatami's attitude. ''Don't worry Wieon.

 Ryongi whispered. Wieon bobbed her head, leaning against Kaede who couldn't stop crying. Eiko was in the passenger seat, her tired eyes were closed, and she seemed to be sleep ever since they'd come back from the sacrifice. Ryongi pulled out his phone, scrolling through the media. Wieon hugged Kaede.

 Kaede mumbled. ''What...?'' Wieon asked, her nose was stuffy, and her eyes were just as red as Kaede's. Kaede whispered again. ''I don't believe she is gone...'' Kaede mumbled. ''Where is Kyoto, and how far away is it.?'' Ryongi asked.

 Akatami seemed baffled by his random question. ''You've never been to Kyoto before?'' Akatami said, still baffled. Ryongi shook his head as Wieon rested on his shoulder asleep. ''Kyoto is twenty hours away from here.'' Akatami said, holding the steering wheel tightly as she turned into different lanes.

 Ryongi nodded, since they were the only ones awake in the car. ''We have to go to a seal shop, so I advise you to get comfortable.'' Akatami said, adding a chuckle. Ryongi smiled. ''What do we need to go to a seal shop for? Was the energy at the portal strong?'' Ryongi said, concerned. Akatami nodded her head.

 ''Yes, and I tried to tell Wieon to get to the car... but she stayed by the gate-'' Akatami said, but Ryongi cut her off. ''She did what?'' Ryongi said, shocked. Akatami shook her head.

 ''So, I'll have to buy seals to conceal our energy. because our energy is most likely damaged.'' Akatami groaned, as she pulled her seat back to get comfortable. Ryongi also got comfortable, noticing how Akatami was as she propped her leg up on the dashboard. ''We may have to stop for food at some point.'' Ryongi said, as his stomach growled. 

Akatami nodded. ''I still feel bad for the girl, and these two we have in our presence right now.'' Ryongi admitted. Akatami didn't have much to say. ''They should be glad I helped them.'' Akatami said, cutting the conversation. She knew not to ever discuss her thoughts in public. She had to learn the hard way. Ryongi nodded. Akatami laid back once again, after steering into another lane.''We are here now.'' Akatami whispered, pulling into a seal shop. Wieon had awoken again, as she looked out of the window Kaede leaned on. Akatami looked around the car, to see if anyone was awake. She spotted Wieon, who's eyes blinked open. 

''What are we doing here?'' Wieon mumbled. Akatami sighed. ''I'm going to have to seal our energy, due to the strong energy at the portal.'' Akatami said. Wieon nodded. ''Okay.'' As her stomach growled for food. Akatami had parked the car right in front of the shop. Wieon had looked through the window, watching Akatami make her way into the store.

 ''Kyoto-Ra Seal Shop.'' Wieon mumbled. The place was nice, but the roads were dirty and old. After a few minutes, Eiko groaned. ''Finally, that woman left the car.'' Eiko groaned. Wieon squeaked. Eiko shifted in her seat, and Wieon blinked her eyes at Eiko who looked harmless. ''Hello dear.'' Eiko mumbled. Wieon hesitated, since Wieon had nearly no respect for how much of a coward she was, since she never stood up for Ayame.

 But Wieon spoke anyways. ''Hello.'' Wieon spoke quietly, her voice was cold and frail. Eiko already knew by the way Wieon talked to her, she did not like her much. But Eiko continued to conversation. ''How are you feeling?'' Eiko questioned, as she stretched her arms across the car. Wieon hesitated once again to reply, but she knew that if her mother was in the car, she would have replied already. ''I'm...'' Wieon said, but she lost her words. Wieon wasn't going to lie right in a heartless womans face. ''What is your story on how you met Ayame?'' Wieon said. Eiko's eyes grew wide, and she seemed to be shocked by the sudden question.

 Eiko wasn't afraid to speak truth to how she felt, so she responded. ''I adopted her... because I need money.'' Eiko whispered. Wieon's eyes grew wide, and suddenly tension filled the car. ''I've been struggling for all these years... and the most I could've done was give her home.'' Eiko admitted, once again. Wieon's expression dropped. She held so much tension in her bones she couldn't move an inch. Wieon nodded.

 ''I love her, I do... but she isn't mines.'' Eiko said, as her voice began to crack with each word. She suddenly stopped talking. Wieon starred at her, as she turned her body towards the window. Akatami was already coming back to the car. ''I understand...'' Wieon whispered. Eiko whispered back, ''I'm sure you do.'' She said, closing her eyes. Akatami finally opened the door, and once he did, Ryongi awoke. ''Argh... Are we at Chumas tacos yet?'' He whispered.

 Akatami laughed. ''We'll be there soon.'' She said, strapping her seatbelt in. Wieon smiled, with her father's sudden awakening. Akatami pushed her keys into the ignition. Ryongi continued to stretch out his arms. Wieon rubbed her tired eyes. ''Mom.'' Wieon said. Akatami looked at her through the rearview mirror. 

''Since when did you wake up?'' Akatami questioned. Wieon smiled. ''Ever since we pulled into the shop.'' Wieon laughed. Ryongi looked out of his window. ''Now, are we going back to Tokyo?'' Ryongi questioned. Akatami nodded. ''We should stop, because we've been in the car for a very long time now.'' Ryongi suggested.

 Akatami bobbed her head. ''There is a Kyoto INN.'' He suggested. Akatami turned her head to see the hotel. Akatami smiled. ''We'll stop there for a few days then. Akatami said. Wieon sighed in relief. Akatami had turned the car around, and she quickly got off of the highway. 

Akatami was determined to find the Kyoto Inn since they had been on the highway for so long now. Eiko had laid in her bed beside Kaede. The hotel was small, and it wasn't the most of luxury. Wieon was also asleep. Ryongi and Akatami stood in the kitchen as they argued. ''We are going to have to go back to Tokyo soon because there are important things I need to attend to.'' Ryongi said, as he cooked waffles. Akatami had decided to grab a cup of water as they bickered. ''I know. ''I'm quite tired of them at this point.'' Akatami admitted.

 ''Well, what are we going to do about them?'' Ryongi questioned. ''We'll send them back to Osaka on train, then we'll go back to Tokyo for duties.'' Akatami said, clenching her mouth together. Ryongi did not look to happy. ''And how long will that take?'' He groaned. Akatami was already angry, she was close to exploding.

 But the sound of someone awaking shut her up quickly. A small yawn came from Kaede. Akatami knew it was her because Kaede yawns a lot. Ryongi had continued on, before Akatami put her finger up to her lips. Ryongi quickly shut his mouth. ''Akatami?'' Kaede said in her sleepy voice. Akatami rushed out of the kitchen. ''Hey Kaede. Goodmorning.'' Akatami responded, looking a bit frustrated. Kaede did not notice Akatami's frustrations, so she stretched. ''Goodmorning Akatami, how has your morning been.'' She said in a sad voice.

 Akatami turned her head quickly, the sound of Kaede's sad voice startled her. ''I'm doing good... Ryongi is making breakfast for us.'' Akatami said. Kaede looked at her and nodded. Within a few minutes, Eiko opened her eyes. Akatami noticed. Eiko sat up, rubbing her crusty eyes. Kaede had already began to scroll on her phone, her eyes widened.

 ''OH MY GOD.'' Kaede yelled. Akatami rushed toward her. ''What happened?'' She asked, her eyes grew wide as she looked through Kaede's text messages. Kaede's hand began to shake. ''She's alive...'' Kaede muttered. Akatami's mouth dropped to her shoes, if that was possible her mouth would possibly drop down onto the first floor of the hotel.

 Eiko also rushed up, looking at Kaede's phone. She had texted Kaede saying she was alive. Kaede had quickly replied to all of Ayame's text. Akatami began to paste around. ''But how is that even possible?'' Akatami muttered to herself as she pasted back and forth. Eiko shrugged, in shock. Kaede had begun to explain, but everything that came out of her mouth didn't make much since to everyone. Eiko whispered. ''So, you're telling me... that they are letting her come back to fulfill her purpose?'' Eiko whispered, squinting her eyes in disbelief. Kaede shook her head, as her eyes began to water. Kaede quickly got up, grabbing her bag. ''We need to go back to Osaka. ''Kaede admitted.

 Eiko's eyes watered, and she nodded her head gently. Akatami stopped. ''We can't go back to Osaka, because we have things to take care of.'' Akatami said. ''Well, how are we going to get back home?'' Kaede said, furious. Eiko whispered something inaudible. Kaede quickly hushed her mouth. Ryongi came in. ''We got you both a train.'' He spoke. Suddenly, Wieon came walking down the highway. ''Ayame is alive?'' She spoke.

 Wieon was in complete shock even more shock than what Kaede was in when she read the messages on her phone. Kaede nodded her head, as tears poured down her cheeks. ''Well, do you guys have your bags?'' Akatami questioned. Eiko nodded and so did Kaede. Wieon looked at them, ''What are you guys doing?'' Wieon said, rushing over to Kaede as she pushed things into her purse.'' Kaede turned her head to look up at her.

 ''Yes, we have to go back to Osaka.'' Kaede said, speaking straight to the point. Wieon looked at Kaede then turned her head to Akatami in shock. ''They are leaving already?'' Wieon said, walking behind Akatami, who sipped on a cup of warm tea. ''Yes.'' Akatami said. 

''But... I want to see Ayame...'' Wieon whispered, trying her best to convince Akatami. Akatami shook her head. ''You have missed important classes, and so have me and your dad.'' Akatami said. Wieon starred at her. ''But...'' Wieon whispered.

 ''But... I'm sorry.'' Akatami said, feeling horrible. ''We have to push through this... because we can't let this stop us from doing humanly things.'' Akatami admitted. She could see in her eyes how sad Wieon was. Wieon was speechless.

 Kaede came over to the table. ''I'm ready.'' Kaede said. She couldn't look Akatami in the eyes, because she felt a bit let down. Wieon looked at Kaede, her eyes watery. Eiko had also come over. ''What time do we have to be there at the train?'' Akatami stood up, placing her cup of tea on the table. ''In a hour.'' Akatami said. Ryongi was eating his breakfast, on the couch. He looked over, at everyone huddled around the table.

 He glared; a bit concerned as he looked at each person's face. Everyone seemed distressed. And it bothered him. Kaede and Eiko had finally made it back home. Kaede had dropped her purse on the couch, as Eiko closed and locked the door. The door had been dark for weeks, and the electricity was soon going to be cut off by the government.

 Eiko looked around the house once Kaede turned the lights on. Eiko plopped down on the couch, pushing her palms over her eyes. Kaede looked around the house once again. The place was a mess. Kaede decided to grab the broom, which was luckily already in reach. Eiko looked around the living room, tears were pouring down her cheeks. ''Don't cry mom...'' Kaede muttered as she swept the floor. Eiko mumbled. 

''Why are you crying anyways?'' Kaede asked politely, looking into Eiko's eyes concerned. ''I don't have enough money for the bills... and everything has gone downhill ever since this stuff has happened.'' Eiko admitted. Kaede's eyes grew big. ''You haven't paid the rent?'' Kaede said, shocked. ''I haven't been able to work... so, I already know I've gotten fired for not attending.'' Eiko admitted. Kaede looked at her mother in shock, as concern built up inside of her. ''Don't worry mom, I can help you with the bills.'' Kaede said.

 Eiko shook her head. ''We'll probably have to go to a smaller house this year... because I've been overworking. -'' Kaede cut her off before she could continue. ''Mom...'' Kaede said, turning her head to look into the kitchen. The kitchen lights were on. ''And you are all grown up now...'' Eiko whined. ''Mom.'' Kaede said with a stern voice. Eiko looked up at her, confused. ''What?'' Eiko said, steering her gaze from Kaede, over to the kitchen.

 ''Did you bake that cake for me?'' Kaede asked. ''No...'' Eiko said, standing off of the couch. ''Well, who made it?'' Kaede said, walking into the kitchen. Eiko muttered, as she walked into the kitchen with Kaede. Kaede stopped. ''AYAME!'' Kaede said. Eiko's eyes grew wide. ''Ayame?'' Eiko repeated after Kaede. Kaede had regained all of her consciousness, opening her arms wide as she ran to Ayame who stirred a pot of soup.

 ''Hello Kaede, and Mom.'' Ayame said. Kaede hugged Ayame, and Ayame hugged her back. Eiko had come into the kitchen. The first thing she looked at was the pot. ''That's old Ayame...'' Eiko said, love filling her voice. Ayame's eyes grew big, she immediately stopped stirring the soup. After Kaede pulled her hug away she looked at Kaede in awe. Ayame had moved away from the pot. Eiko insisted that she'd make new soup.

 ''Let me do this.'' Eiko said, rushing over to fridge. Kaede smiled, and so did Ayame. But Kaede said insisted she'd help. Eiko smiled, nodding her head. Ayame looked at Eiko, and Eiko looked at Ayame. Eiko opened her arms wide. Ayame was hesitant. ''You saved Tokyo.'' Eiko said. Her voice was proud, and for once she had felt proud of Ayame.

 Ayame smiled, as her eyes began to water. Ayame hugged Eiko before Eiko could hug her. Kaede looked over at them, and she smiled as she grabbed the ingredients to make a fresh soup. Eiko pulled away from Ayame. ''You really did save Tokyo, Ayame.'' Kaede said, as she placed all of the ingredients on the table.

 Eiko had pulled the chair out of the dinner table and sat in the chair. She watched. Ayame couldn't feel any better. After a few moments, Kaede turned her head to Ayame. ''Now help me with this soup.'' She said, then chuckled. Ayame smiled. ''You should make this soup since I baked that cake for your birthday.'' Ayame admitted, then she laughed. Eiko watched them both joyful, then she looked at the cake. ''How beautiful.'' She mumbled. 

A few years later, Ayame had amassed fame and popularity. She was no longer in the dark about her past, since she was invited to talk about her past on multiple popular televisions shows all across Japan. Ayame had even began to write her own books. After a few years of book writing, she amassed thousands of dollars for her most popular book; A LOST SOUL'' That is now being sold all over Japan, and nationally. Ayame had decided to create her own Academy, for lost souls, as she continued to rescue woman who had no idea they were lost souls. Girls just like Ayame, who had no idea about their origins. Now, are being saved at a rapid rate. The Academy is located in Fukui, where she is closer to her people and land. Ayame has traveled all over the world, and she's helped people, including her own mother who she values dearly. Ayame is proud of who she is, and she's proud of her past. She no longer feels beaten up about or labels herself as ''Hard to get over'' Because she's learned, through Satski, that life will be difficult no matter what... and it is a blessing you have future that's suitable for a person like you. 

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