Crush On You โ™ก'๏ฝฅแด—๏ฝฅ'โ™ก

By JennieLove422

24.6K 774 245

do you believe in destiny โœจ๐Ÿ’– More

Chapter - 00
Chapter - 01
Chapter - 02
Chapter - 03
Chapter - 04
Chapter - 05
Chapter - 06
Chapter - 07
Chapter - 09
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Spacial Part 1
Special Part 2
Spacial Part 3

Chapter - 08

946 33 10
By JennieLove422

Will you walk with me?

“Have we met before? You look familiar.” Sun asks what's on his mind. She decided to follow this girl because she thought it was strange and felt familiar with her.

“We go to the same school.”



“What year are you?”

"First year."

“Which class?”


“You’re in the same class as Tinh. That’s why it looks familiar.”

“Yes… We actually crossed paths several times.”

“And you never told me it was you. How evil.”



Sun's cell phone is vibrating, interrupting their conversation.

“Yes, dad… I'm outside. Has it arrived yet…? Right. I am going. Until later." Sun puts his cell phone in his pocket to talk to Ongsa with a serious face.

“Ongsa… we can start over, but you need to promise me that you won’t disappear again without telling me anything.”

"I promise." Ongsa whispers.

“Great… I'll go then. My father called me.”


By the time she made it through the congested traffic and got home, the generation's cute girl is exhausted, lying helplessly on her Disney princess bed in her room. Now that Sun is quiet alone, she reflects on everything. She can't believe things like this can happen. She thought it was only possible in books or novels.

… A girl…?

She's been talking to a girl this whole time.

The person who made her heart beat faster was a girl.

The person who made her freak out all month was a girl.

If she really likes Ongsa, it means she likes girls.

Is she turning lesbian…?

This is crazy!!

What should she do? Should she honestly tell Ongsa that she doesn't like girls... after saying that gender doesn't matter? This is crazy! It's obvious how Ongsa thinks of her. If Sun says that, they won't be able to face each other and Ongsa would disappear from her life forever. Ongsa disappears… Sun cannot allow this. She almost went crazy after being without Ongsa for a month. Even though she's not a big fan of the idea of ​​being a lesbian, she doesn't want to be without Ongsa.

Anyway… why didn’t Ongsa text her? Didn't she promise she wouldn't disappear?


As expected, Sun had insomnia all night thinking about Ongsa and only managed to sleep in the early hours of the morning. How crazy. Sun thought too much when Ongsa disappeared. Now that they've met, she's thinking even more. Why does Ongsa have such a significant impact on her? She hasn't texted yet, and Sun is scared to start the conversation. Honestly, last night did Sun admit to herself that she wanted Ongsa in her life? As for a relationship beyond that, it's important and takes time. Sun wants to talk to Ongsa, but she doesn't dare to text. She is afraid that she still cannot accept this type of relationship and that her actions could hurt the person she cares about...


- Thegood day.

Ongsa texts Sun when she is on her way to school. The message is short with no special meaning, but it still makes Sun's heart strangely quicken.

When your heart beats faster after receiving someone's message...

It’s not because of the content…

…it’s because of the importance of the person who sent it…

Good morning. :SUN_SUN

Sun responds with the same words. It is not thoughtless or uncourteous. She just doesn't know how to act. However, Sun is too sure how important Ongsa is to let her go.

She was terribly anxious without Ongsa's messages.

If she loses the messages and the person sending them…

…how are you going to handle it…?

Even though Sun is sure of Ongsa's importance to her to let her disappear, this type of relationship is complicated for her. Sun has no idea if she can think of Ongsa this way. It is complicated…

While waiting for Ongsa's response, Sun reads the old messages. Every time they talked, the connection, the memories and the good things she shared with Earth, who she now knows is Ongsa, were wonderful. Sun slowly reads them and still laughs at the old messages that made them laugh at the time. She is still irritated by Ongsa's old answers, as if nothing has changed. The difference is that some of Sun's questions were answered.

Earth. :SUN_SUN

We've been talking for a while, right? :SUN_SUN

Do you want to meet? :SUN_SUN

– O -: Do you want to meet me?


You want to know me? :SUN_SUN

– O -: I want it.

– O -: But I'm not ready, Sun.

Earth. :SUN_SUN

I'll be honest. :SUN_SUN

I know you are anxious. :SUN_SUN

But I don't want you to think about it too much. :SUN_SUN

It doesn't matter who you are... :SUN_SUN

As long as you're the Earth I know... :SUN_SUN

I can accept that. :SUN_SUN

– O -: Sun.

– O -: It's not like I don't want to meet you.

– O -: It's not like I don't feel uncomfortable about not being able to say who I am.

– O -: I'm afraid our relationship won't be the same when you meet me.

– O -: I'm not that good of a person.

– O -: I want to keep my good image in your imagination.

– O -: I do not wish to ruin this.

That's what Ongsa was worried about. That's what's happening to her. She is changing.

…Just because you found out who this person is…

But I don't want you to just be in my imagination, Earth. :SUN_SUN

No matter how beautiful my imagination is, it is untouchable. :SUN_SUN

But you, no matter how horrible you are, are still you. :SUN_SUN

As long as it's you, nothing else matters to me. :SUN_SUN

…Didn’t you say you could accept her…?

… Why is it being like this now? You are really crazy...


“Tinh.” The voice calling him makes Tinh look up from the homework she was frantically copying to look at who it is. When Tinh identifies the owner of the voice, he turns pale. Tinh is not the only one with this reaction, but also his two best friends beside him.

“Ah… Hi. ​​What’s wrong, Sun?” Tinh adjusts his voice to sound as natural as possible and tries not to look at Ongsa's face.

“Can I have a word with your friend real quick? I’ll give it back to you later.”

Before the two friends can compose themselves and do something, Sun drags Ongsa with her, leaving Charoen and Tinh in shock.

“Ongsa is screwed, Charoen. Call your grandfather to prepare the funeral.”


Sun takes Ongsa to the corner of the library, where few students are.

“Why didn’t you respond to my message?” Sun asks. Since Sun responded to Ongsa this morning, she didn't respond back now in the break even though she read it.

“Ah… I didn’t know what to say.” Ongsa answers honestly.

“Just talk like before, the way we used to.”


“Will you stop talking to me?”

"No. I just didn't know what to talk about. I'm still not used to it.”

“You were quiet last night. You promised not to disappear.”

“My… cell phone was confiscated.” Ongsa says, lowering his chin like a child who was caught doing something wrong.

"Why?" Sun asks curiously.

“Ah… Well… My mother found out that I missed school yesterday. When I got home, she confiscated my cell phone for one night as punishment.”

“You are terrible. Why did it?"

“I went… for coffee.”

That's ridiculous. Why does my heart race at this girl's simple words?

“Give me your cell phone.”

“Are you going to confiscate it too?”

“I’m not your mother. Why would I do that? Just give it to me.”

“Fine…” Ongsa obediently passes her cell phone to Sun. Sun seems to have become more fierce after their meeting yesterday.

"Your password?"


“Same as mine.” Sun points out surprise.

"Seriously…? What a coincidence." What a coincidence that I put your birthday as my password, Ongsa thinks silently.

“3004.” Sun repeats as he unlocks his cell phone.

"Wait!!" Ongsa screams as if something hit her, but it's too late.

The lock screen wallpaper showing Korean idols is changed to a photo of the girl holding the problematic device, with its owner standing in front of her with a pale face.

Ongsa forgot that he put Sun's photo as his home screen wallpaper. Furthermore, it is a photo she took in secret. He finished. She's screwed. Aaaaahhhhh.

Sun doesn't seem to care. She nimbly enters her number with her long fingers and presses to call. Soon after, her touch stops. Sun hangs up and hands the phone back to Ongsa, and she takes it back even more confused than when she handed the phone to Sun.

“You’re going to have the last free class, right?”

"As you know?" Ongsa asks in surprise.

“I checked the class schedule at the office.”


“I found out that Miss Pornpan took a day off. I will also be free in the last class. I'll call you."


“You already saved my contact.”


Ongsa's life is doomed. Sun called his own number first, then saw his contact saved on Ongsa's cell phone. She even added Sun's photo to the number. Pretending to be a boy wasn't enougheeee? Why did fate play a trick on her like that?!! Mom, I want to go homeaaaaa!! Aaaaah.

“Don’t make that face.”

“Ah… well… I… ah… I…”

"I'll call you. Go to class. We're five minutes late. I'm leaving."

Sun leaves, leaving Ongsa perplexed. what is happening? Is she dreaming? What is that? They didn't finish talking and Sun went to class. Why was she in a hurry? Ongsa is not in any hurry, even though she is a chemist…. Wait. The afternoon class is chemistry. The matter of four-eyes.

You're screwed, Ongsa!!!


"Excuse me." Ongsa says softly to the room in complete silence from the stern four-eyed teacher.

“You’re ten minutes late. Take off your watch if it doesn’t help you be punctual.”

"I am really sorry."

"Sit down."

"Thank you, Miss." Ongsa walks with a pale face to his table next to Tinh and Charoen.

After talking to Sun, Ongsa returned to his friends and discovered that Tinh, Charoen and their backpack were missing. Tinh then called her saying that Teacher Four-Eyes was in the room and that she should hurry up.

Ongsa ran as fast as he could, but he still got scolded.

“Hey… why did Sun want to see you?” Tinh asks in a whisper.

“Does she know the truth?” Charoen is also curious.

“Yes…” Ongsa responds.

"What?!! Serious? How did she find out? Was she irritated? What…"

“Tinh! Nannapat! Charoenporn! If you want to talk, talk outside!!”

With the order of the four-eyes, all the questions were buried deep in their hearts.

“Students, that’s all for today…”

"Thank you Miss."

Teacher Four-Eyes' two-period class is finally over. Tinh and Charoen instantly focus all their attention on Ongsa.

“Hey, spill it.” Tinh begins.

“I went to see Sun at a coffee shop yesterday, then she found out that I was the one pretending to be a boy to talk to her.”

“Did you tell her the truth?” Charoen asks.

"No. She discovered it herself. I do not know how. When I was at the coffee shop, she suddenly texted me asking where I was. I left in shock, but she followed me.”

"And then? What did Sun say?”

“She asked how I was and told me that she recovered from the flu after seeing the doctor several times.”

"Huh?" Tinh looks confused. Is that the issue in this type of situation?

“She asked why I disappeared, so I explained that I wasn't okay with myself for doing that and I didn't want to hurt her. Sun asked why I made this decision alone without consulting her first. Something like. And I asked her if she wouldn’t mind if I started over.”

“What was her response?” Tinh is excited to know more.


Ongsa's cell phone interrupts the conversation just in time.

"Wait a second." Ongsa tells the two friends. She answers the call and turns to speak.

"Hello? My class is over. Yes now…? Beauty. I am going. I’m going to hang up.”

Ongsa hangs up the call, picks up his backpack and turns to his friends.

"I am going. I have an appointment."

Before Charoen and Tinh respond, Ongsa, afraid of keeping Sun waiting too long, runs away, leaving his friends perplexed and without answers.

“Ongsaaaa!! Damn!! We were at the best part and you made us curious. Are you going to leave us like this, you bitch?!” Tinh shouts as Charoen looks at Ongsa, but the scolded girl doesn't even look back.



"You came? Sit down." Sun says, making room for Ongsa on the swing that can fit three. Two girls are currently quite far away from each other, with enough space in between for Tinh to dance.

“I called you here because I didn’t want to talk via text or call. I wanted to speak to you in person.” Sun begins.

"I understand…"

“Since we went home yesterday, I've been losing sleep thinking about all these things. For me, everything was so sudden and unexpected.”

"I know."

“Every time we exchanged messages, it was good for me. I was always grateful to have her by my side. And because you are like this, I wanted to know you more. At first I didn't understand why you didn't want to meet me in person, but now I understand. I know you were scared that things would change and our relationship would no longer be the same.”


And things changed as you predicted. I was pondering all night. I am a girl. Are you a girl. Can girls have feelings beyond platonic? I'm still not sure how I feel about you or what our relationship will be like. I can't see the future of this...



The soft apology sent a shiver throughout Ongsa's heart. Even though she told herself last night not to get her hopes up, when Sun agreed to start over, she never specified how they would do it. And even though she had been anxious since last night, now that she heard Sun's words, it felt so heavy that she was speechless.

"You don't need to say sorry…"


“…I understand you, Sun. I know it's difficult. As you pointed out, you can't see a future in a relationship between two girls. In fact, you can’t even imagine the beginning.” Ongsa struggles hard to keep her voice steady despite being terribly discouraged.

“The beginning is here… with us.”

Ongsa is confused, why does Sun approach her and even hold one of her hands?

“I don't know if I can feel this way about you. I don't even know how things will turn out between us. But I don't want it to end here for this reason. I had good feelings for you the entire time we exchanged messages. Still, I have no idea if it was enough to say I fell in love with you. I'd feel the same way if you were Earth, a boy. How about we get to know each other slowly? We only did this via messages. From now on, let’s really learn about each other.”

“Sun… what do you mean?” Ongsa wouldn't mind being called stupid now. She can't understand Sun's confusing words.

“I mean… well… we can try. Let’s see if it doesn’t work.”

“Ah… why did you scare me with that apology?”

“Ah, I wasn’t finished yet. I said I didn’t see a future for us, so I wanted to apologize for that… I’m sorry, but could you stay with me until I can see our future?”

– /// –

If love is a journey…

On the path where two girls agreed to walk together…

Not knowing what awaits them at the end...

…. the beginning of this path was formed…


Back from break, after chatting with Ongsa, Sun marched back into the room. She didn't rush because she knew she was late, but she doubted she could pull herself together. Sun tried to maintain her composure and put on a serious face, but Ongsa left her lost. Ongsa’s words, expressions and especially the way she looked at her…

How... can you be so cute? *-*

Sun thought too much all night only to be defeated ten minutes after meeting Ongsa. It was crazy. Sun was already terribly embarrassed about Ongsa having a photo of her as the wallpaper on her home screen, but when she discovered her own contact saved with a photo, she was even more so. What if Sun failed to contain himself and reacted? It would have been shameful. What an insane person…

“Has the teacher arrived?” Sun asks as she enters the room. It was a rhetorical question. She could guess the answer given the chaos the room was in.

"Not yet. Where have you been?” Deer asks curiously. Sun suddenly asked her to take her backpack to the living room and left to do something.

“I went to see Tinh.” Sun responds with the truth… Although not entirely.

“Ah… it was about the student council, right? Being a member seems like a lot of work, and you’re not even officially one yet.” Vee feels exhausted by Sun. According to the results of last week's elections, Sun's team won handily, which means that Sun will be one of the future student council members. It is said that this school's student council has many responsibilities.

"Yes." Sun agreed, not wanting her friends to question her.

“Sun… let me ask you something.” Kongkwan said carefully.

"What it was?"

“You… surpassed Earth?” It's not that she wants to meddle in her friend's affairs, but Sun's recent change has awakened her curiosity.

“Yes… I think I’ll try to like someone else.”



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