
By ConsumptionMeals

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Lily, a fairy who was living a peaceful life 'til Ondine the sea witch came and attacked. Forced to leave by... More

Springtide's Takeover
Skye's Plan
Next Stop, Aurum

Welcome To Zephyrine City!

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By ConsumptionMeals

Kingdom: Cerynue. Village: Iriosal. We're at the other side of the portal, and coming out, is Lily, After just being shoved through it. She hits the ground but speedily recovers.

Lily: Mom, NO!!

She rushs to the portal, attempting to go back through but, the portal closes before she could. she was too late, her mother did what she said she would and now, she has no known way back home... she falls back onto the ground on her knees and registers on what just happened, and once she does, her eyes begin to water, and then, she just breaks down crying.

We cut away from her into the next frame where we see two girls walk into it, one who looks to be about Lily's age and the other, who seems to be of adult age. The girls take notice of the crowd behind them.

Shay: What's with the crowd?

Skye: I don't know.

The two stand in silence for just a moment before Skye goes,

Skye: I'm gonna check it out.

Shay: Wait, Skye! It's none of our business!

But Skye's already started running towards it and can no longer hear the older one's concerns. As she reaches the crowd she attempts to shove herself through it, and successfully, she does, but not without her hair being a little ruffled up. And then she sees it or, she sees them.

A bunch of panicked fairies being consoled by people from the crowd, all except for one.. to which she walks over to.

We cut back to Lily who is still very much sobbing.

Lily: -Hic- Mom.. Maggie.. -Hic- Susie.. Ren.. what am I supposed to do now?.. -Sniff- what even can I do?...

Lily sits there, feeling helpless, feeling alone, but then, a hand rests on her shoulder and promptly, she hears a voice.

Skye: Hey, are you okay?

Lily: Huh?..

Confused, she looks up to see a blonde, sweet-faced girl, with a concerned expression.

Lily: -Sniff- No.. not really..

Skye: Here, let me help you up.

Skye offers out her hands for Lily to grab onto, to which Lily accepts and is helped off the ground.

Lily tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

Lily: ...Thank you-

Shay: SKYE!

Another girl, Shay, Skye's sister, then shows up.

Shay: Skye, you have to stop running off into business that isn't ours! I swear, one of these days I'm not coming back for you, I won't even bother to wait for you-

Then Shay sees Lily.

Shay: Skye, what did you do? Why is this girl crying?

Skye: Wha- why do you assume I'M the one who made her cry!?

Shay: I don't know! But when there's trouble you're always the one behind it!

Skye: Well I didn't do anything this time! I was just helping her off the ground.

Lily: Thank you.. by the way.

Skye: Oh! No problem, happy to help. But, if you don't mind me asking.. what happened?

Lily is hesitant to speak about what just happened but, she proceeds.

Lily: I and several other fairies were forced out of our home due to..

Lily is reluctant to even mention her but she has to continue.

Lily: A powerful, but evil witch and, to prevent her from getting to the other side.. my mom.. she had to..

Due to the thought of her mom and friends being in danger she chokes up, she couldn't bear to finish the sentence and starts tearing up again.

Lily: She.. she destroyed the portal from the other side. And now I have no idea on how to get back home and.. I have no where to go... -Sobs-

Skye: Well that's not true.

Lily: Huh?..

Shay: Huh?

Skye: You can stay with us and our family if you want. Our parents are known for their hospitality. Wether you're family, or friends, or someone who could use some help, they've got you.

Lily: You'd.. do that?..

Skye: Yeah! We're a family who helps anyone in need! Right Shay?

Shay: Hehe.. will you excuse us for just a moment?

Shay takes Skye a little bit away from Lily, wraps her arm around Skye's shoulder, and whispers to her.

Shay: Skye what do you think you're doing?!

Skye: Helping her? Y'know, like Mom and Dad would.

Shay: We don't just let complete strangers stay in our house! Do you know how dangerous that is?! She can't stay with us Skye.

Skye: But she looks to be about my age, and she's all alone, and scared! You know we can't just leave her here to fend for herself!

Shay: Skye, none of this is our business, we can do our best to help her but she can't stay with us..

Skye: I want you to look at her and tell me she'll bring any harm to us.

Shay rolls her eyes and looks back at Lily for a split second. She sees Lily, standing and waiting politely with her forearms behind her back. Then she shifts her head back to Skye.

Shay: Okay, maybe she's not a danger to us but she's still a stranger.

Skye: Then let's make ourselves familiar.

Shay: Skye no-

But, Skye rushes back to Lily.

Skye: I don't think we've exchanged names yet, I'm Skye, and that's my sister Shay over there.

Lily: Lily.

Skye: Nice to formally meet you Lily.

Skye turns back to Shay with a smug look on her face.

Skye: So now that we're familiar.. what do you say Shay?

Shay looks at Skye unamused and unimpressed but sighs and gives in.

Shay: Fine, she can come with us, but it's up to Mom and Dad on wether she can stay with us. Not me, alright?

Skye: HA! Yes!

Shay: Alright, let's go.

Skye: C'mon Lily!

Lily is stunned by their kindness, she can't help but to smile. She follows them back to their airship to which we fade to the next scene, the airship in the sky. We cut to see Lily on the side of the ship with her arms leaning on top of the railings.

Skye walks over and stands by her.

Skye: So... how are you doing?

Lily: I'm.. okay, at least for now. Thanks to you.

Skye: I'm always happy to help!

Lily: I do have a question though.

Skye: Ask away!

Lily: Where are we going? I kind of assumed humans lived on the ground.

Skye: The majority of us do, but not where we're from. You'll see, we'll be there veeery soon.. in fact, we're almost there.

Lily leans outward to get a good look at what Skye's pointing at to which a city appears into frame. We cut to the city's ship landing area and see the airship dock there. Shay then lays out a long plank of wood to walk down off while Skye just, jumps off from the side of the ship.

Shay: Skye, the board is laid out for a reason.

Skye: Yeah, but where's the fun in that? Besides, my way is quicker.

Shay roles her eyes, too tired to deal with Skye's antics. As Shay gets off the plank we see Lily fly down into frame.

Shay: Anyways, we're here wel-

Skye: Waitwaitwait! Let me do it!

Shay: ... -Sighs- Go ahead..

Skye rushes pass the ship and puts herself in front of the docks, clears her throat and commences the introduction.

Skye: Welcome to Zephyrine city!

Once said we zoom out to see Skye in front of the city and the city, bustling with activity.

Lily: Wow.. I've never been to a city, let alone a floating one.

Skye: Take notes Shay, THAT'S how you do an introduction.

Shay: Uh-huh, let's just get going to the house.

Skye: Oh, right, follow me Lily I'll be leading the way!

As Skye heads off, Shay and Lily follow, thus we fade to the three walking on a path in front of their house. We cut to the inside of it and see Skye open the door, holding it open for Shay and Lily.

Skye: Welcome to our house, Lily.

Orla: Are those my girls I hear?

Shay and Skye's mom sticks her head out from the kitchen and spots her two girls.

Orla: -Gasps- It is! Welcome home my sweet girls!

Orla strolls on over to give her girls a hug.

Skye: Hehe, hi Ma.

Shay: Hey Mom.

As their mom lets go of them she notices Lily standing behind them.

Orla: Oh! And who may this be?

Orla walks over to Lily.

Skye: Oh, that's Lily, a new friend I made. She's in a bit of a situation so I was wondering if she could stay here for a bit.

Orla: Oh you poor thing! You look like something's frightened you.

Lily: It's okay, I'm fine, for now.

Orla: You're Skye's friend she said?

Lily: Mhm!

Orla: Well, if you're Skye's friend, stay as long as you'd like sweetie!

Lily: Thank you, Miss Skye and Shay's mom.

Orla: Heh, names Orla Falconer, but call me Mrs Falconer.

Lily: Thank you, Mrs Falconer.

Orla: Anytime Sweetie.

Orla then looks back over to Shay and Skye.

Orla: I'll go let your father know we have a guest, Skye, why don't you go show your new friend to the guest room.

Skye: On it! Come on this way Lily.

We fade to the other side of a room's door, and as it opens we see Skye and Lily come in.

Skye: This is the guest room, I hope it's cozy.

Lily: I- I can't thank you enough Skye, despite knowing me for such a short amount of time you still chose to help me, even lending me a place to stay, thank you.

Skye: Heh, don't mention it, really, I'm always happy to help.

Lily takes both of Skye's hands and holds them together with her own.

Lily: Still, thank you.

Skye's face begins to form a smile at Lily's sincerity before saying,

Skye: Of course.

Orla: Skye! Your friend's needed in the living room!

Skye: Alright! My dad wants to meet you.

Lily: Oh?

Skye: Yeah, c'mon I'll show you to the living room.

Fading to the living room we see Skye stick her head out from behind a wall.

Skye: Hey Dad!

Arran: Hey Buttercup, where's your friend?

Skye: She's right here.

As Skye walks out from behind the wall she reveals Lily who seems a bit shy.

Skye: This is Lily, Lily, this is my dad, Arran Falconer.

Lily: Hi Mr Falconer..

Arran: Nice to meet you Lily. I've been told you'll be staying with us?

Lily: Uh..

Skye: Yes, that is correct.

Arran: And you're Skye's friend?

Lily: Um.. yes?

Arran: Okay, let me ask a quick question, how long have you known Skye, Lily?

Lily is silent for a moment unsure of what to say, but unluckily, Shay comes to the jeopardization!

Shay: A day, she's known Skye for a day.

Arran is unsurprised but IS slightly irked and slowly turns his head to Skye.

Arran: Skye...

Skye: Okay I haven't known her for a while but Mom already said she can stay with us!

Arran: Hon..

Orla: Let's just hear them out first.

Skye: I have a perfectly reasonable explanation!

Arran: Okay, fine, if you can give me an explanation that justifies letting a stranger stay in our house, she can stay.

Skye: Deal! Okay, Lily, tell them what you told me.

Lily: Uh.. I..

Lily's hesitating.

Lily: Well..

Skye notices Lily shaking and struggling to hold back tears so, she places her hand on Lily's shoulder, gives her a warm and comforting smile and speaks for her.

Skye: Lily was forcibly removed from her home due to a powerful witch and the portal back home was destroyed because of her, so Lily can't get back home so she HAS to stay here!

Arran: ...That is not the explanation I was prepared for. Is this true, Lily?

Lily nods.

Arran, sympathetic, lets out a sigh and states,

Arran: You're welcomed to stay with us as long as you'd like.

Lily: I..

Overwhelmed with emotions Lily can't help but to hug Arran.

Lily: Thank you, thank you so much..

Arran realizes the young girl embracing him and his fatherly instincts take over, he returns the gesture, gently pulls her back and wipes her tears away.

Arran: Don't even mention it, you were very lucky to have run into my daughters, Skye especially.

Orla: Us Falconers are always happy to help.

Skye: And we'll do our best to help you return home!

Shay: LET'S, try not to make promises we can't keep.

Lily: Thank you, all of you, you truly have no idea how grateful I am.

Fading from Lily's smiling face to the next scene, we see the sight of the portal's remains, then like a shot we see Lily's mother get blasted into a tree by bolts of lightning.

Ondine: I'll admit, you put up a pretty decent fight for a little fairy, you'll be a useful asset to my army.

Ondine points the staff at Delphinia, Delphinia attempts to get up and dodge the spell but she's foiled by her minions who take her by the arms and hold her in place. The staff is powering up but before she can turn Delphinia into a minion she's interrupted by Nerissa and Marina, who seem to have urgent news.

Nerissa: Your majesty! Your majesty!

Ondine: Ugh, what is it Nerissa? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?

Nerissa: My apologies my lady, but Marina and I have been made aware of something and I think you'll find it to be very valuable information..

Ondine raises her brow, slightly intrigued.

Ondine: Go on..

Nerissa: The fairies have a portal system they use to crossover to their place of origin, they call it 'Dunia'.

Delphinia, horrified, can't help but softly say,

Delphinia: No..

Ondine turns her head to Delphinia, Ondine uses the staff to lift her up with magic and rapidly drags her over to meet her face to face.

Ondine: So, fairies can make portals of their own can they? Well then, change of plans little fairy firstly, you're gonna tell me how many portals there are, and secondly..

Ondine inches closer to Delphinia's face.

Ondine: You're gonna tell me exactly, how to make one.

Talking to the screen face to face, she holds the staff up directly at us and a flash of blue light covers the screen, shifting to the next scene.

We see Ren, along with other fairies defending themselves from Ondine's turned army, now with fairies in it as well. While Ren is occupied however, a turned fairy attempts to jump him from behind, that is until she's entrapped by tree roots.

Ren then turns around to see the trapped fairy and is immediately pulled away by Susan with Magnolia beside her.

Magnolia: You okay?

Ren: Yeah, thanks.

As the fairy struggles to escape she utters a snarl.

Magnolia: Sorry Lucerne, but you and the others are not yourselves but we promise-

Susan: Wait, Maggie don't get so close-

Magnolia: We'll find a way to get you guys back to normal!

The fairy growls lowly as Magnolia gets closer but in spite of that Magnolia walks right up to Lucerne and tightly hugs her.

Magnolia: You can count on us!

She says as the fairy starts shrieking from the hug and attempts to bite her to make it stop. But she's hurriedly yanked away before it could be done.

Susan: Okay, Mags, how about we don't hug our friends who are currently mindless monsters.

Magnolia: Oh, right, sorry..

Ren: We need to warn the fairies from the other regions before the sea witch gets to them first.

Susan: But how are we going to warn all of them? Most of the other fairies have been turned into monsters plus, how are we gonna reach them in all in time?

Narelle: I may be able to help with that.

The three turn to see Queen Narelle with Cordelia beside her.

Susan: Your majesties!

Susan attempts to bow.

Narelle: Please, no bowing, especially in a time like this.

Susan: Right, sorry.

Magnolia: How did you guys not get caught by the sea witch?

Cordelia: We didn't.

Narelle: We'll explain once we get to a more secluded area.

So, Narelle and Cordelia take the three to a more hidden place away from all the chaos. We fade to the next frame and see them hidden among the trees.

Cordelia: We should go unnoticed here.

Narelle: Good, now, to answer your question.

Cordelia: We were protected by the other fairies.

Narelle: They fought bravely and we're grateful for their protection but..

Magnolia: They got turned.

The queens' faces fill with sorrow.

Cordelia: I'm sorry for what my sister did to them, I promise you she will not go unpunished.

Susan: Oh we are gonna make sure of that.

Ren: Have you guys seen Lily by any chance?

Cordelia: Lily?

Narelle: Oh! Do you mean Delphinia's daughter?

Magnolia: Yes, that's her.

Narelle: I believe so, shortly after Ondine's arrival I saw Delphi take off with her in a rush.

Ren: So that means..

Susan: Well knowing Lily's mom..

Magnolia: She's okay!!

She exclaims as she hops up and twirls.

Ren: That also probably means she destroyed the portal.

Susan: I definitely wouldn't blame her for doing so.

Cordelia: Ahem! So about warning the other regions..

The trio: ..Right!

Susan: So how can you help us reach them in time?

Cordelia: Luckily, we've been through this before.

Narelle: I can teleport us to the other regions, the rest will be handled from there.

Ren: Sounds.. like an outline of a plan.

Susan: But a plan nonetheless.

Magnolia: Let's go!

Cordelia: I wish you all luck on your journey.

Magnolia: You're not coming with us?

Cordelia: I must stay behind, these fairies need some kind of protection, and though I may not have my magic I still know how to fight.

Susan: Well, we wish you luck as well than.

Ren: Yeah, all the luck your majesty.

Cordelia: Thank you.

Narelle flies over to Cordelia, she conjures up a shield for her, it's surrounded by a soft pink light and has a heart in the center.

Narelle: For your protection.

Cordelia: Thank you, Elle.

Then next, she envelopes Cordelia's hands in her's.

Narelle: Be safe out there, my love.

Cordelia: Don't worry about me Waterlily, I'll be fine.

The two then share one last kiss before they part ways and once they break away and part their hands, Narelle opens a portal to one of the regions, but as the three follow Narelle to the other side Magnolia looks back at Cordelia and promptly rushes up to her. She hugs the mermaid's neck and says,

Magnolia: Be safe, your majesty.

Cordelia smiles softly and watches Magnolia fly back over to her friends.

Magnolia: Please don't get turned into a mutant!

Cordelia: Don't worry, she won't get the chance!

As Cordelia waves them a goodbye the portal closes, and she's left alone. But alone she won't be for long, she hears a maniacal laughter from a distance and that soft smile quickly vanishes from her face and she rushes to whoever's aid.

We cut to a group of fairies  being cornered by the witch and about to be turned when, without warning, Cordelia swoops the fairies up before Ondine can blast them. Now in the air she lets the fairies free.

Fairy 1: Thank you your-

But abruptly a blast is shot in the air between them to which they swiftly but narrowly avoid.

Cordelia: Don't thank me just get out of here!

The fairies heed her and hurry away, leaving her to deal with Ondine alone. And speaking of the devil we see her rush up and attack Cordelia with the rod of her scepter. To which Cordelia blocks off with her shield.

Ondine: Itching to be turned into one of my slaves eh sister?

Cordelia: You'll never get the chance Ondine.

Ondine: Oh we'll see about that..

She shoves herself back with the scepter and uses it to point down toward Nerissa.

Ondine: Nerissa, mind taking care of this pest for me?

Nerissa: Of course not your majesty..

Nerissa flutters over to Cordelia's level and with balls of lightning in both hands she charges them at Cordelia. As the bolts of lightning come for her she not only blocks off the attack but redirects it back at Nerissa by spinning the lightning with the shield into smaller bolts of lightning.

She dodges the reused attack but Nerissa forms a foreboding smirk across her face and begins to chuckle which shifts into a laugh.

Nerissa: Oh this is going to be fun! Let's see just how many attacks you can turn around on me.

Nerissa gets into a fighting position and tries her best spells. She conjures two black hands and attempts to snag the shield from Cordelia but the heart in the center glows a yellow color and disperses the hands away.

And before Nerissa could register that we cut to Cordelia dashing toward the screen and cut away to see her smack her down with her tail.

Marina: Nerissa!

Marina dashes over to Nerissa's aid but she raises her hand to stop her from getting any closer, now determined Nerissa picks herself back up and summons large and sharp icicles and lunges them toward Cordelia. She manages to block and dodge most of them but one strikes her through the tail and she lets out a cry.

Once distracted Nerissa dashes to higher levels and sets about lifting water from the ocean and forms a colossal sea serpent which stares down Cordelia.

Sweats form on her face but she refuses to show fear in the face of danger, she holds her shield at the ready, ready, for the attack..

Nerissa forms a confident smirk, before briskly motioning her arms downward having the sea serpent rapidly storm down towards Cordelia, mouth opened wide. In the perspective of the serpent we see Cordelia edging closer to the screen with her shield held up and face determined and once really close to her face she shuts her eyes close and then..

We cut to black.

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