Gold of The Black Sheep.

By RomeoCloete

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In a world where mass belief becomes reality, and the mortal world is governed in prejudice, a young pink hai... More

Chapter:1 Twilight of the Gods
Chapter 2: Ideologies are the greatest Sin.
Chapter 3: "Time waits for no man, woman nor child."
Chapter 4: Lessons are hard learnt.
Chapter 5: Requiem of Echoes
Chapter 6: The Price of Freedom...
Chapter 7: Gold of the Black Sheep.
Chapter 9: Silence glowing in the dark.

Chapter:8 Departure

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By RomeoCloete

The crying echoes of contempt towards the executed and those who believed them, after some time finally started to simmer as Freedom recovered.

Deep in the outskirts of Orderon,
In a small Inn run for those who live on the brink of poverty and luxury. He packs his bags ready to leave and follow what Father Timothy had told him to do.

His room small in size, and desolate with only the chatter of drunken men and woman filling it, with loud swoons and grunting littering the long night's.

"It's about time it seems." He said to himself as he finishes packing his bag.
He opens his wardrobe, a white and blue robe being all that furnished his vision. He held the fabric between his finger's and rubbed it gently.

The door creaks widely.
"Bell dearie it's about time you get ready you..."
She closed the door with silent haste.
"You still haven't gotten rid of that old rag haven't you Bell."
"I will, once I leave Orderon. And I told you, my names Freedom, Janet."He said while packing the robe into his bag.
"Just hide that damned thing, you know what will happen if it's found on you."
"I'm well aware what will happen and I'll take care, don't worry." He smiled to her.
"Is everything ready?"
"Naturally, the carriage has already been prepared and the drivers are some of our follower's. But something has happened. Bell."
"What happened?" He asked.
"While I was checking the carriage for any sign's of tampering. One of The Knowledge Seeker's leftovers who says she's met with you and wants to accompany you to Ordeen dearie."

He sits down on the bed.
"From Knowledge Seeker's? Maybe it's one of Matthews close deciples. Maybe I know her from one of Matthews lessons."

Janet opens the door.
"Come inside dearie."
The soft patter of her heels on the wood floors sound familiar to him as he recognized her blunt expression and her green hair.
"So, it's you..."
"It's good to see you Bell, and in good health it seems."
"I've rested plenty since the last time I was under your Doctor Jamie. And for future reference, I'd prefer you call me by Freedom Doctor."

"Freedom, what for? Seems like a waste of time, memorizing a new name when you currently have one Bell." She says bluntly.
"She has a point lad, begone with all this Freedom what not. You have a perfectly fine name."Janet interjects.

Freedom sighed heavily and shook his head.
"We'll get back to this matter latter on.
But for now I wish to know why you intend to accompany me to Ordeen." Freedom asks.

No matter her response I'll accept her request, having an experienced doctor with me will make the journey slightly more comforting, and we have history as well. Which makes communication easier as well." He thinks to himself.

"I decline to share that information." Jamie replies.
Freedom nearly chokes on air and Janet let's out a small smile at her response.
"At this time there is no need to share such information." Jamie adds.
"I see." Freedom says with a small sigh and gets up, walking towards her slowly as he holds out his hand.
"Even if your reasons are unknown. I still think having a Doctor will be very beneficial to my journey. Keep your reasoning as long as you wish." Freedom said with a grin.

She looked at his hand for a moment and reaches to take it. They grip each other with a slight firmness.
"What soft feminine hands he has. A life of study it seems." She thinks to herself.
"Great, finally you can be off. Instead of mopping around in this sorry excuse for an Inn."Janet comments as she opens the door leaving.

"Last time I checked you were the one who set me up here Janet." He said as he grabbed his bag and walked out the door slowly with Jamie In tow. Janet leads them outside through the back entrance, pass all the noise cluttering the narrow halls of the Inn.

The airs crisp and wet. Cold to the touch as the sun began too shimmer in the horizon. It was much quieter then inside and the first time in a while since he was outside.
"The world spins on it seems." He thought to himself.

A few moments later a horse drawn carriage arrived, it's curtains drawn and it's handlers cloak and dagger.
"Come Bell, Jamie dears, there is not much time. The carriage needs to be off."
He hesitates for a moment and looks back at Janet for a moment, wanting to thank her and bid how fair wells with a hug.
"Knowing her, she'd slap me. And that be getting off lightly." He chuckled as he thought this.
He opted to look at her and nod with a smile on his face.
"Thank you Janet..."

He got into the carriage with Jamie and they were off. Using every means to reach the front gates of the capital as fast as possible. Without drawing they're attention.
"Finally" he said to himself taking a deep breath.  Jamie sitting opposite him reading a book.
The silence between them seeming endless as if nothing could cut the tension between it.

"This is a first, I've never been in a situation quite like this before, I suppose it's for the best. Is this how people normally interact when they meet like this?" He thinks too himself.

He attempts to think of something to bring up but stills his tongue at every opportunity.
"I can't find an opening, why? How irritating.
I'm sure this won't last too long, in time we'll be talking. Hopefully."

The ride remains stagnant as they near the city limits and the great gates are nearer then ever.
The main streets are cluttered with herds of carriages and wagons. The loud yelling of drivers being overcast by the choirs of neighing horse's. And vivid tension could be felt all over.
They move slowly towards the main gate and after a long wait the finally took their first trot outside of Orderon. The carriage being unrestrained by the concern for people's well being headed east. As they drove the open grassy road's, one of the drivers climbed in through a window and sat down next to Jamie.
Jamie is slightly startled but remains composed after seeing this woman's robe.

"Lord Freedom.I am one of your caretakers assigned by Lady Janet. I've come to inform you if our route and destination as requested." She takes out a small map and lays it out across her lap.

"As you see we are following along this road here, and traveling due east towards the mountainous region between the eastern parts of the kingdom and the capital city." She says as she guides them along the map.
"Mountainous region?" He asked.
"Yes Sir, this region here, it will take to long to travel around. Madam Janet recommended scaling..."
"An impossible feat." Jamie interjects.

The caretaker grows quiet for a moment and looks her in the eyes.
"How so?" Freedom asked.
"Because those mountains, that region has been damned. No one can climb them. They're not even called mountains by the people of this area."

"What do they call it then?"
"They call it, The Wall."

"Why such a strange name."
"Because when approached it. The mountain starts growing." Jamie says firmly.

"The mountain grows?!" The caretaker asks.

"Well then I suppose. We have no choice but to travel around it." Freedom said, followed by a deep sigh.
"No, there is another way, known only to the locals of this region. One I'm sure your sheltered ears haven't heard of. It was founded by my Master, the original Master of the Knowledge Seeker's. A series of caves at the foot of the mountain. That stretch to the other side."

"Is it safe?" Asked the caretaker.
"Yes, the Master traveled along it himself."
"Could you mark it in the map"
After hearing about this. Freedom felt relieved hearing this and smiled slightly watching the two talk about the route.

"Thank you for the information Miss Jamie. I'll go inform my other half."
She bowed her head and climbed back out the window after a few moments the carriage shifted direction slightly.

"For the God's sake, are The lightless a religious group or a militaristic sect. All the cloak and dagger, and did the way that woman handled herself as if something could happen at any moment." Jamie said slightly irritated.

Freedom took a moment then chuckled.
"Did I make say something funny."

"Not at all. I just recall having a similar train of thought when I was younger. I trained with Janet for some time, about the way lightless operates. They care very much about their goals and worship their God as much as any other religion."

Jamie seemed surprised by this giving him a strange look.
"May I ask what you learnt from them?"

"Magic, hand to hand combat, survival do's and dont's. Things as such. The only reason I escaped that hospital set up. Was because I trained with them. The ice magic I used to freeze the doors and the illusion magic I used to sneak out. All came from them."

She was intrigued by this.
"I see, though their methods are a bit round about for a religious group. Knowing this now. I suppose theirs more to the story." She summised.

"Don't forget Doctor, faith is like a river. It stretches and rushes in different ways and quantity. But it's still faith."
She smiles upon hearing this.
"Understood Bell."

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