By I_l1ke_Ch33to5

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๐‘ป๐’‰๐’Š๐’” ๐’„๐’‰๐’Š๐’๐’… ๐’˜๐’‚๐’” ๐’ƒ๐’๐’“๐’ ๐’๐’–๐’• ๐’๐’‡ ๐’‚ ๐’๐’๐’—๐’†๐’๐’†๐’”๐’” ๐’Š๐’๐’•๐’†๐’“๐’‚๐’„๐’•๐’Š๐’๐’. ๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜จ๐˜ฉ... More

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8 0 0
By I_l1ke_Ch33to5

The next morning, Theo was leaning on the school's front gate wall, Waiting for Izuku. Normally, They were the one late to everything and Izuku was always early. But it seems like that wasn't the case today.

They waited for another ten minutes, Before pulling out their phone and starting to text Izuku. They texted in messy texts and random letters. They don't get anything back until five minutes later; 'B tere sun'

They just stared at their phone and heard rapid running. Izuku was running down the streets, Almost getting hit by a car which Theo pulled him out of the way of.

"Are you fucking stupid?!" Theo hissed at him, Slapping his head. Izuku whined at the impact. They both continue their way into the class as the bell rings.

While in their first period, Theo was writing down the date; 'ȷᥲᥒᥙᥲrᥡ 3rძ 2107' while Izuku looked worst then Theo normally did after binging some random ass show all night. They offer him some of their coffee.

"Okay.. You read too many mangas or something last night, Man?" Theo sneered as Izuku took a sip. They gesture to his completely empty page even though they're almost halfway through their lesson.

"Y-yeah! Uh.. That last chapter was too good to put down!" Izuku laughed, Clearly lying. But, Theo just sighed and started to eat an apple, Which again they pulled out of no where..

Theo continued the lesson then heard Izuku's mumbling, Annoyed, They try and poke him to make him shut up. He just keeps rambling under his breath.

Finally, The teacher has enough and slaps his head with his disconnected hand. Theo rolled their eyes.

"Seriously, We gotta get that mumbling under control." They laugh quietly, Though they used to do it too.

"Jeez kid. I know you got a run in with a villain, But if you want to get into UA, You might have to actually know something!" The teacher laughed, Being a total dick and humiliating Izuku.

After the lessons they had that day, Izuku and Theo were walking out of school together.

"Wanna stop by mine? My dad is working late again." Theo offered, Sipping on the half drunken star bucks drink they'd gotten.

"Uh.. No, I think I'll just go home! My mom wants me to help her out with dinner!" Izuku shook his head, They both crossed the street.

"Your mom? She hates it when you cook with her though." Theo squinted and threw the drink in the trash. Izuku shrugged softly.

"A guy can try new things.. Plus, Don't you wanna try your training for the UA test? It's supposed to be difficult for people with quirks like yours." Izuku suggested, Theo glared at him softly.

"Well, At least I have a quirk."

Their eyes both widen after that, Apologies flooding from Theo's lips as they hug. Theo had a sensitive subject with their quirk and hated it when someone underestimated them.

"No, You're probably right. You.. You're always right, 'zuku. I should probably train. Probably my outer body strength until I can find someone willing to train with me." Theo shrugged, Their boots tapping lightly against the floor.

As they turn the corner, Parting ways with their friend, They see Katsuki up ahead and run to him. They jump on his back and yell;


In his ear, Making him almost explode their face. They fall into the floor.

"What do you want, You damn extra?!"

He roars at them, They get back up and rub their thigh which they'd fallen on. An annoyed glance came to their eyes, They'd wanted to train with him but he was really rough and probably wouldn't trust them enough to do something as dangerous as-

"Can we train together?"

They don't even think about their question, They can't. Katsuki is the only one who doesn't either hate them or not trust them.. He's the perfect person for them to train with!

"Huh?! Me train with you? For what? I'm already awesome!" He growled, Looking away. It seemed that any words they spoke were an insult to him.

"Yeah yeah, Whatever. I mean, Can you help me train? My quirk is weird and I need someone to uh.. You know. And I'd rather hurt you more then Izuku if I'm honest." They were dead serious when they said that last part, But Katsuki seemed to think it was some sort of joke.

"Hah! You would. Fine, I'll train your weakass."

"Train with- I am not weak!"

"Yeah yeah, Meet me at the gym tomorrow at noon! We'll get that weak ass body into something you can be proud of!" He scoffed, "God knows you ain't got shit else to be proud of!"

"Fuck off, Or I'll get someone else to help."

"Fuck, Fine! Take a fucking joke!"

Theo mocked him as they turned heel, Both walking to their houses. They only lived a couple blocks away from the other. Theo ended up at their kitchen cooking themselves some scrambled eggs because that's all they really knew how to make without a recipe. Their dad never came home on time.. Hell, He barely came home at all.

So Theo normally would make something for them and then just go about their night. The solitude of being alone really sparked their extroverted behavior with others when they stuck around long enough.

They'd gotten a text from their dad saying that he'd be home soon so they should make some food for him. They of course did and put it to the side.. The thought of him actually staying at home for more then an hour to shower made them happy.

They weren't wealthy, But they didn't struggle either. Their dad worked for Best Jeanist's agency, Just to do papers or help out in battles when needed. Their dad was always tired and super hard on Theo when they messed up in a test or did something dumb at school. They just pray he didn't see the news.

Theo heard the door open around 11PM, Their head snapping around to see from their position on the small sofa. Their dad collapsed on the L shaped couch opposite to Theo's arm chair.

"Get me some food."

Their dad's raspy voice grumble out, Making them get to their feet. They feel his hand on their shoulders as they pass.


His hands are as big as their lower back so it's kind of intimidating when he looms over you. He had messy brown hair and pure white eyes, Skin slightly tanned while having dark spots from using his quirk too much. His attire is normally some giant jacket, a white undershirt and sweatpants, Which he somehow pulls off.

Theo gives him the plate of hot food, Then sits back in their spot. They were still eating from when they first made the food because they got distracted by homework.

"How's school?"

"Good. Work?"

"It's alright. I saw you were on the news." He muttered, Making Theo stop eating for a moment to try and make out if there was any anger or disappointment in his tone, "Well done for not being afraid. Although you could've helped that boy more."

"Sorry, Father."

"It's alright, Child."

When they came out to their father, He struggled at first with their new name and pronouns, But he seemed to learn them over time. That was when they were thirteen, Nearing fourteen. So their dad did pretty good in the acceptance department. He was the type of dad to not care what you did, Just made sure it wasn't something stupid.

That night was quite calm, They spoke of things like classes and their friends. Their father seemed to like Izuku the most from how Theo worded him. Their dad was a fan of All Might as well, Thought he'd never admit it.

The next day, They went through their classes as usual. Though they got a little more sleep because their dad forced them to go to bed at 12:30PM.

They were currently drinking an apple juice when they felt Katsuki grab their arm and bark out; 'Train, Now!'

They were pulled along while still drinking apple juice, Katsuki slapped it out of their hand and they frowned. They ended up in the Gym by the park, Which most used for quirk training.

"I'm assuming you want to train?"

Theo said this sarcastically, Still annoyed about the Apple juice which had been left to spill and be devoured by the ants. Lucky small bastards.

"Yeah, I do! So, I'm gonna tell you to do stuff and you're gonna listen! Got it, Nerd?!" Katsuki yelled in their face.

"Can I get changed into my P.E gear?" Theo asked, Still not scared of the exploding boy. Katsuki squinted before nodding. They both got changed in the neutral bathrooms which were made because of people with animal like quirks which had their DNA shifted with birds and insects.

When they were finished, Katsuki and Theo started to spar. Katsuki was fast so it was hard for Theo to concentrate, Especially with Bakugou's quirk poured into the mix. They took a shot of burning to the back, Making them grunt and fall to their knees. Bakugou kicked their gut so they swung into the wall.

They hit the wall pretty hard, But got back up. The ringing in their ear was disregarded as something but a natural reaction. They jump onto Katsuki and give up on using their quirk, Using nothing but their strength alone.

They're alright at dodging, But Katsuki is hit tempered so he leaves a lot of spaces open. They didn't want to train like this, They wanted to train quirks. But, Bakugou was so smug when he first got them down so they thought they'd kick his ass before actually training.

They swung up to the metal shaft in the air and swung down, their foot colliding with Katsuki's nose and pushing him down to the floor.

He yells out in pain, Pushing Theo down to the floor and getting on top of them, Theo kneeled him in the crotch.

"For fuck's sake, Stop playing dirty!"

Theo laughed as Katsuki gripped his knees as he tried to get over the pain, While Theo was laughing their ass off. Katsuki blew their face up with an explosion, Which made them both laugh.

How to make the "Bad Boy" be your friend? Fucking threaten him with the fact that you know way too much about him. That's basically these two's friendship.

So, Since Katsuki was basically handicapped from that point, Since Theo had sprained his ankle and also kicked him in the nuts, There really was no more point of them training.

They both walk on home, Theo got Katsuki a cup of Coffee, Which Katsuki immediately questioned.

"The hell did you get that from? I know your dumbass doesn't have the guts to ask your dad for shit."

Theo winced at that.

"Remember that girl who died in our first year in middle school? I accidentally took her soul and she was a vegetable. She had this cool quirk where you could make anything with the atoms in your arms. But only your arms. And only food." They explain, Seeming to have accepted it by the way they sipped on their own coffee.

Katsuki stared at them.

"Did- Did you fucking kill them?"

"No! Their quirk is just lessened and their soul is intertwined with mine. It disactivates when I use my quirk and makes one of these tiny blue gems." Theo shrugged. Katsuki nodded, Still a bit confused from the quirk.

"Shit, So how'd her parents react?"

"Scared, But they said it was fine. They were fucking dicks to their kid though, Something about her being weak.." Theo chuckled awkwardly.

The conversation went stale after that, Luckily they left the others path after all that. Theo saw a glimpse of Katsuki's shocked face as he turned the corner, Trying to digest what they'd just told him. Their quirk was pretty weird.

As they come to their empty home, They collapse on the couch, School jacket tight on their body. The child was absolutely exhausted from people of the day, To the teachers who's voices were like nails on a chalkboard to the insults they'd received from Katsuki alone.. Their head was fill and ready to be numbed with Video Games, Netflix and Loud Music.

They threw their bag away from them, Their throws being weak because of the lack of motivation and how they were laying down.

They groan into the cushions and try to reach for the remote, Out of battery. They wish they could find someone to just be the sunshine to their darkness. But, They'd probably corrupt them too.

So, They just lie down on the couch, Face down. Not really able to breathe while their face is pressed into the cushions.

Until they get bored enough that they roll off the couch and hit the floor. They yell out a curse.

These next few months will be hell if they can't even move!

They decide to skip their normal lack of sleep on their nonexistent schedule and just pass out on the floor, Not exactly against their will but they definitely would've rather worked out some more.

These next few months would be hell..

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