the despair of matsudashiki

By itzmiu_miucake

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this is my story that I have been fantasizing and I can finally write all of the stuff I had always wanted to... More


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By itzmiu_miucake

   Warnings! This chapter contains:
Implied sexual assault
Implied rape
A horrible mother
Child torture
Swear words
A cruel world
Ps this is my first time writing so please tell me if I made any mistakes :>!
And also english isn't my first language

There was once a tragic world in another universe. The people there were ruthless and merciless. It was quite rare to see a kind person in that world but it wasn't that rare. Many people there are cannibals and many people are prey.

The government doesn't care about cannibalism nor murder. They only care about themselves and the money. And many people can only make people go to jail if they had enough money but the price was out right cruel to the poor.

A little girl called matsudashiki lived in that world. She was born a pure soul due to her father's genes but it was quickly corrupted due to this horrible world. Her mother was no excuse of her corruption.

Her mother was always a bitch to everyone ever since her father had died. She leaves burn marks on her skin and calls her many names. But there was one specific name that she hated oh so much. It was "Bernadette"

It was her middle name yet she hated it so much. She despised that name since it was given from her mother. She had long white hair and she was six years old. Her eyes were like a deep dark void with no emotion whatsoever. Her dad told her that she will find the person who will be the color of her life soon before he died.

 But now matsudashiki doesn't know how to find the person who would be willing to be the paint for her canvas since her mother forbids her from going out. She will have to face severe consequences if she had disobeyed any of the ridiculous rules her mother had set for her. The house was big but matsudashiki and her poor excuse of a mother were only living inside. 

Many people would be mature at the age of thirteen there but Matsu was already forced to be mature at the age of six. She had never wanted this. It was a pitiful sight to see if you ever saw her mother disciplining her.


Matsudashiki was tending to her wounds that her mother had caused her when suddenly she felt someone grabbing her throat and lifting her off her feet. "Listen her you little whiny brat, get yourself ready we have a guest coming over"
That's all that she said before throwing me to the ground and leaving me alone

I was a tad bit confused but i was mostly suspicious since this was our very first guest we had in two years. I got my one and only kimono that my father had sewed for me and I brushed my hair. I went to my drawer and got my dad's hair accessory and wore his earrings. I didn't hesitate to wear them since before he left to go on a fashion runway he gave these to me.

I fixed my attire one last time before finally going to the stairs. I heard my mother happily chatting with a man. I went to the living room and I felt chills and uneasiness around the man. He kept on putting my hand on my thigh and I didn't like it one single bit. I tried to supress my shivering but I could only hold it for so long.

They continued to chat for a while before the man went to the front gate and mother had put a leash on me. I was confused at first but I immediately realized her intentions. I desperately tried to free myself from the collar and leash but it was to no use.

"Mama please stop this! Please I don't want to go with him please stop it please! I don't want to be with him!" I begged and begged until my throat was hoarse. I was clinging tightly to her leg but she paid no mind to it and handed me to that man.

Then all I could feel was just dread and uneasiness as I was in the passenger seat and that asshole was sitting next to me. He kept on touching me where I never wanted him to touch but he didn't care.

 After a few hours we were already there at his house and he grabbed me by the neck and started to carry me to his basement. My eyes widen in horror as I saw other children being tortured there and some were even hanging on chains with no limbs at all. Some were sexually assaulted and raped by the men there.

 I was brought to a private room and I was tied up to a chair. The man went outside and I couldn't stop squirming in my seat. I knew I had to imagine the worst what else would happen to me? I won't be different from the other children out there. Then I felt electric waves flow through my body and those electric waves were powerful. I couldn't scream properly since my mouth was muffled with a cloth and many men went inside the room.

They all looked turned on and I was absolutely disgusted by them. Then I felt the waves be stronger and I couldn't scream anymore since my throat was so hoarse. They all laughed sadistically and cruelly at my pain and suffering. After a few minutes the electric chair had finally stopped and I was brought to another chair, this time with my legs hanging up and it was bound. My pupils dilated since my worst nightmare was about to start.

It went on for an entire day until all of the men were finally finished with me and they all left the room. Then the man who bought me brought out a whip with sharp teeth.


The sound resonated across the rooms and I was too tired to scream. It had continued to beat me after a few hours after finally giving me a break and going to other rooms. "Your free to roam around the basement, darling" the man whispered in a low and dangerous voice and I nearly puked. Seriously does this guy think he's all hot shit?! He looks like my mother's failed experiment that looked uglier than a toad mixed with you worst nightmare.

That man was so cocky, does he even realize that he  buys bitches instead of attracting them. No wonder why. His breath had smelt so bad that it was worse than my grandfather's fart. He is so arrogant and he thinks he is so smart even though he is just an incompetent nincompoop who can't even solve a simple equation! Did he even went to school are was he too scared that he would be bullied for his looks and horrifiying breath?

I got some food from the canteen since it was one of my privileges to get free food. I secretly stuffed it in my sleeves and I roamed around the basement. I gave the other kids food to replenish their energy, I didn't care if I would get punished for this as long as they are at least they get to eat something and not suffering of starvation. I even have them some water from my tumbler and they happily drank. I was relieved to see them so happy they must haven't eaten or drank anything ever since they have been to this god awful of a place that is runned none other than those ugly ass looking experiments

          ೋ❀❀ೋ═══ ❀ ═══ೋ❀❀ೋ

I have been here for nine years now and I had finally decided that I was going to leave this hellhole and take the others with me. Today was a huge opportunity since they were stupid enough to give me the keys and they weren't going back until tomorrow. Once they had left I immediately shut the door and went to the basement. I turned on the lights and all the now teenagers were obviously surprised. I looked at them and I had the look of determination. I wasn't going to let us stay here any longer. I took the keys out of my pockets and they cheered with happiness. I hurriedly unlocked their cages and rooms and I instructed them to go out the vent quickly since I realized the cameras had gone red and they were going to return.

 One by one all of them escaped through the vent and parted their ways. The assiliants cars were already on the front and I went through the other vent. I took a cloth to cover up my body and I quickly crawled out of there. As soon as I got out, I finally felt the sun after many years and I ran away as fast as I could before any of them could spot me. I ran and ran until my  injured legs couldn't support me anymore and my lungs were begging for me to take a break and breathe. I sat down somewhere in the ground and closed my eyes. The breeze was soft and the scenery was a huge contrast from the basement.

 I quickly covered my severe injuries with the cloth and I started to relax and take a breather. I then suddenly heard laughing and footsteps coming towards me. They were a group of girls my age and they started to harass me. They told me I looked like a slut even though they were the ones who dressed like a slutty whore who couldn't think of anything besides themselves and their future. They pulled my hair and burned my deep wound with a mix of alcohol and fire. I hissed in pain but I couldn't do anything against it. I felt hopeless and I could only internally curse and criticize them. That's only when I heard a voice telling them to scram and I looked up and saw the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. She had beautiful long, pink curly hair and golden eyes that looked like the sun. She had many tails and she had kitsune ears.

So it looks like I was right when I said that not everyone in the kitsune clan is heartless. She looked at me with a gentle gaze and she held my hands and started to rub them. It was strange since I have never felt this comfortable with someone, especially someone I have just met!

"Are you okay madam?" Oh wasn't she so polite and sweet with her words. I felt safe and warm around her but I nodded.

I wished that I could talk there but I couldn't due to those beasts

"Well my name is shinazawasaki! It's nice to meet you" She had said casually. "What is your name?" Saki asked curiously. I tried to speak but I couldn't since it was already said before and it will take a while to restore them. She noticed this and her facial expression contorted to concern and worry for me. I felt my heart melt at that since no one else besides the other people who had suffered in the basement cared for me like that. I just hand signalled her 'do you understand sign language?'

She nodded and I was starting to feel something weird....

  Shinazawasaki was radiating such strong energetic vibes and I felt like I could dive into that feeling forever.

   'Can I call you saki instead?' I signalled and I saw her eyes glow at that and she smiled brightly.

She was like the sun and I was like the moon.

 I was like the canva she was like the paint.

 She was like the metal I was like the magnet.

  I felt ridiculous at myself since I shouldn't feel this way for someone I just have met but I just couldn't help it.

'Well my name is matsudashiki but you can just call me matsu' I signalled her and she smiled.

"Alright then Matsu! Wait have you eaten anything yet? You look starved..." Saki said with concern and I nodded.

"Well have you tried ramen before?" I shook my head "do you want to try it?" It sounded good so I nodded.

She held her hand out to me and I took it with a bit of hesitation but she was patient with me. "I know a restaurant nearby and the food there is good"
She gently caressed my hand and we started to walk to the restaurant.

I glanced every once in a while at our hands since the both of us were holding hands.

I don't know how but she managed to gain my trust so easily to the fact that it made me think I was naive and easy to manipulate.

Once we were there, we went to the second floor and the waitress asked for our meal. I looked at the waitress with an 'are seriously that stupid?' Since we didn't have any menu yet.

 I saw shinazawasaki whisper something to the waitress and she nodded. She handed us both of the menus and I felt a little suspicious since it doesn't have any listed price.

But saki didn't pay any mind and just ordered. She had ordered a beef ramen with tempura and her drink was blossom spring.

I just ordered a pork tonkotsu ramen and my drink was just a lychee soda.

We have also decided to get some wagyu and sushi too.

The waitress nods and gets our meals. Not even ten seconds later she was back with our food and the proportion was massive. I felt like drooling from the sheer size of the bowl and she handed us the utensils. Saki looked at me and smiled "it's time to eat!"

  We ate while we were communicating with each other and i felt like smiling but couldn't.

Soon after we finished our meals, the waiters and waitresses give us our meal and I was shocked to see the price. It was 50,000¥!? My jaw dropped but shinazawasaki still looked happy. She handed them 100,000¥ and she said keep the change?!

She grabbed my hand gently once again "hey let's get you some clothes" we got up and left the restaurant. The clothe store was quite far away and it took us 5 minutes to go there.

We went inside and we saw the beautiful designs the tailor made. Each cloth was designed carefully and was filled with creativeness. Something you should expect from a 1500 year old tailor here.

We explored the shop first before deciding on what to buy. We went to the dressing room to see if it actually matches us.

Once it was confirmed, we went to the cashier and paid for the clothes. Shinazawasaki once again left a big tip for the shop.

We wandered around the village until the sun was about to set. Shinazawasaki looked at me and said "do you have somewhere to go?..."

I shook my head since I never had considered anything a home...


Well does it bother you if you'd like to stay in my house?" She asked with a gentle smile and I nodded hesitantly.

 saki smiled widely and we went to her house. Or mansion since this thing was MASSIVE. we went inside and we were immediately greeted with maids and servants. She led me to the dressing room and my eyes were wide with astonishment.

It was as big as a three story house and it had a lot of clothes in different styles.

 she smiled at me and said "it's late and we have to sleep now go change into some sleep wear I'll wait for you in my room" And I walked to the pajamasmy size. This dressing room was bigger than my father's dressing room! And he was a supermodel! I wore one that looked like the yukata my father wore and I looked at myself in the mirror with shock.

Had my eyes just gained some color?... My eyes used to be different. It was completely black but why is it dark blue with a hue of white!?

  I felt warm once I realize why. I then went out to try and find shinazawasaki's room which was a challenge.

It took me at least 50 minutes to find her room since there were too many rooms and I felt dizzy. She looked at me and smiled. "Are we friends now?" I hand signed her obviously.

She laughed and signalled me to sit on her lap. I watched her play some video games and she offered me to play.

I kept beating her and her friends at the games and they were stunned.

We were there for like three hours before we realized it was really late.

  Her room had a comforting cold for me but she was already shivering. I brought myself close to her since I was always told that I was perfect to cuddle with whenever it was too cold since my body always remained the perfect temperature for people no matter what.

saki immediately felt herself stop shivering once she felt my body heat. We both flopped in the bed and we gave ourselves some space.

well that plan clearly didn't work since we couldn't sleep.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turn around to see shinazawasaki wanting to cuddle so I happily obliged. Then we finally felt nice and comfortable and fell asleep.


Hiii! I hope you liked it so far :D!
This is going to be veryyy longg even I don't know how many chapters this will be! But first here are some fun facts about this universe!


Shinazawasaki is going to be the future leader so that is why she is saying my clan.

The kitsune who has the most tails will be the leader and shinazawasaki has 30 tails!

She is physically the strongest here!

She is 17 and she is 3 inches taller than Matsu. She is 5'4ft

She is also the richest.


She can adjust how long her hair is but not how short!

If you cut her hair it will just keep on growing.

She is the smartest here!

And that's it for part 1!

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