History repeating itself

By WilliciaMcHart2015

3 0 0

Sneak peek: "After you're free of him, after the kids are free of him, we'll all go to Spain, we'll start our... More

History repeating itself

3 0 0
By WilliciaMcHart2015

A\N: This is another Willicia story. I know I've done several like this in this fandom but I like the plot.  This will be a long oneshot, and as you can tell by the title, it's pretty clear what it's about, I have several stories I need to write but have no motivation to do so, so they'll sit in my drafts until find even a silver of motivation to write them. 

I hope you enjoy this one, Angels.


Alicia is working in the conference room with Will, Diane, Cary and Kalinda at 11:00 at night, coffee cups and takeout boxes surrounding them when the door bursts open to reveal Zach and Grace with drying tears on their faces and wearing their pyjamas. Alicia is on her barefooted feet and in front of them instantly. 

"What are you guys doing  here? What's going on?" She asks her children who look at each other before Grace bursts into tears and hugs her mother, clinging to her like she used to do when she was a little girl. Alicia meets her son's eyes before he too joins his sister in hugging their mother. She looks at her co-workers with a confused look on her face before turning her attention back to her two  sobbing teenagers who are currently succeeding in their attempt to cut off her air supply. 

"Guys, I love you more than I can say but I need to breathe and to know why you're here when you're meant to be in bed asleep." She says to her teens who loosen their grips for her. 

Zach lifts his head and sighs as he walks over to a vacant seat. "I really don't want to be the one to tell you this, Mom." Her son says, Grace scurries over to sit on her brother's lap, both of them looking younger than 15 and 16 years old. "We really don't want to be the one to tell you this." Her daughter corrects. Her kids sound upset and scared. 

"Guys, is it Grandma Jackie? Grandma Veronica?" She asks, at their head shakes she continues. "Uncle Owen?" They shake their heads once more: so it can only be one more person, one person who can upset her kids like this. 

"Is it Dad?" Grace nods her head before sobbing into Zach who stares at his mother.  Zach swallows hard. 

"D... Dad is still cheating on you. We don't think he really stopped cheating." Her son says quietly, knocking all the air out of her lungs. 

"H... how do you know?" She asks her son in  a whisper. 

"We found a bra and a pair of panties in the laundry and they don't belong to you or Grace." Her son tells her. 

Grace gets off Zach's lap and walks over to where she dropped her purse and pulls out a bra and a pair of panties,  and hands them to her mother who examines it in revulsion: the bra is black and gold with a lacy pattern, the panties are the same colour with the same pattern but they can hardly be called panties, they're more like scrapes of thin lace sewn together. Alicia feels sick at the thought of her kids finding these in their home. 

"Y... you found these at home?" She asks the kids who both nod, Alicia turns on her heel and storms out of the room, the bra and panties in her hands without another word to anyone. 

She reaches the elevators when she hears her name being shouted by Will and Cary, who are both carrying her heels and coat and purse. "What?" She growls at the two of them, ripping her heels out of Will's hand and holding onto him as she sips them on and snatching her coat and purse from Cary. 

"Leesh, think about what you're doing." Will warns her. She rolls her eyes as she jams her thumb to call the elevator. "I am thinking about what I'm doing, Will! I should've seen this coming! God, I thought he'd changed.  Keep an eye on Zach and Grace, I'll be back soon." She says as she steps into the open elevator doors before they close on her colleagues who are sending her concerned looks. 


Alicia drives to the apartment and stuffs the items of underwear into her purse: she'll have to buy another purse after she's done with this conversation. 

She walks into the apartment, her anger barely contained as she walks into Grace's room and packs a bag for her daughter before doing the same for Zach. Once the kids bags are by the door, she goes into her room and changes into jeans and an old t-shirt before packing up her work stuff and a bag before she hears the apartment door opening and closing. 

"Alicia?" She sighs as she picks up her things and exits her room, crashing into Peter who places his hands on her arms to stop her from falling to the floor. She jerks away from him as if he's hurt her, which he has. 

Her husband looks at her, the bags she's holding and the two near the door. "W... what's going on? Where are Zach and Grace?" He asks, Alicia only puts her bags down and walks over to where she put her purse, pulling out the bra and panties and holding them up for him to see with a disgusted curl of her lips. 

She watches Peter's face drains of colour. 

"Alicia," he begins. Alicia shakes her head as she drops the items that are hooked on her fingers on the hard wooden floor. 

"You said you wouldn't do it again." She says quietly. Peter looks like he'll pass out. "Do you know who found these here, at the apartment? Zach and Grace. Our children, your children!" She says, her voice rising. Peter opens his mouth to explain but she doesn't give him a chance to lie his way out of this one, not when the evidence is on her apartment floor. 

"Tell me who it is now!" She shouts. Peter simply stares at her. Alicia returns his his stare. Knowing she won't get a name out of her husband, she picks up her purse and walks to the door, grabbing the four bags and walks out of the door, turning her head to look at her husband one last time. 

"We're done, it's over. I'll have my lawyer send you the divorce papers, let me know when and where you've moved because you're sure as hell not staying here again." She then walks to the elevator, pretending not to hear her husband furiously calling her name over and over again.

She's done with him. 

For good. 


Everyone has moved from the conference room and into Diane's office apart from Will, Cary and Kalinda who are waiting for her in the parking garage. 

She doesn't have time to wipe the tears from her face after she's killed the engine before Will is opening her car door and helping her out of the car while Cary gets the bags with Kalinda's help. Will wraps an arm around her shoulders, leading her into the building. "Where are Zach and Grace?" She asks Will who presses the elevator button. 

"Diane has them in her office, they're watching a movie on a computer, don't worry." Her friend says. She just sighs before nodding her head and goes silent. 

The elevator doors open and the four of them step in, Will pressing the button for the 28th floor. Alicia lets out an exhausted yawn and leans heavily against Will, the events of the last hour starting to catch up with her. 

The doors open and Will leads her to Diane's office where the blonde woman and her two teenagers are on the couch watching a movie just like Will said they were. "Mom!" Grace says, getting off the couch and hugging her mother. Alicia wraps her arms around her little girl and just holds her. 

"Are you okay, Mom?" Grace asks, pulling away and taking her bag from Cary with a sad smile. Alicia sighs deeply and shrugs, an action she normally  wouldn't do, sinking into one of Diane's chairs in front of the desk. 

"Honestly, no, but I should've expected that your father would have cheated on me again. But the question is: are you guys okay?" She questions, looking at Zach and Grace who both look at each other before looking at their mother. 

"Are you divorcing Dad?" Zach asks quietly.  Alicia looks down at the rings on her fingers, the rings Peter had given her 17 years ago. 

"Yes, I am divorcing your dad but it's for the best. It's what I should have done when he first cheated on me with the hooker 18 times but I didn't, so yes, I am divorcing him." Alicia says as both teens hug her.

"Good." Her daughter says. Alicia stares at her kids in shock. "Y... you're okay with this?" Zach and Grace roll their eyes. 

"Mom, dad cheated on you again, if you didn't divorce, then he'd carrying on cheating on you, thinking you'd turn a blind eye to it, besides now can meet that guy you always told us about when we were kids!" Zach exclaims. Alicia snaps her head up to meet Zach's eyes. 

"Who are you talking about, Zach?" 

"Mr Georgetown." Grace answers for him with a Cheshire Cat styled grin on her face. Alicia's eyes widen as she smiles, sneaking a look at Will who is smirking by the office door. 

"Who?" She asks innocently. Grace giggles. "Don't be stupid, Mom. When me and Zach were kids, you'd tell us stories of you and this guy who you'd refer to as  'Mr Georgetown', and as we got older and learned that you went to Georgetown in DC, we figured out that you went to school with this guy, we originally thought it was Dad but found that you met him later, where as you met this 'Mr Georgetown' in Orientation  or somewhere on your first day because you always said and I quote 'me and Mr Georgetown met on our first day if college, and we did everything together.' So when dad got arrested and you started here, we did some more digging," Grace pauses to take a breath. Alicia just smiles. "and dug out your old college boxes and went through your pictures and your yearbook, we found you with the same guy in every single picture!"

 Both Zach and Grace turn to the lawyer smirking by the door. 

Will's smirk grows as he walks over to the three Florrick's. "So our college days were bedtime stories for these two were they then, Leesh?" Will says, as he sits down on the arm of the chair. Alicia looks up and smiles. "It was the only thing that got them to sleep, still does on occasion." She ignores Zach protest of "not anymore." 

"Did you tell them when we got caught having a pool party?" Will asks with a laugh in his voice, she hits his arm. 

"No and I don't plan to, and just because me and Will did, doesn't mean you two get to do it when you leave for college." She warns her tired kids who groan. 

"Okay, I think we'd better get to a hotel before we all fall asleep in Diane's office." Alicia says, standing up, stumbling in her heels. 

"Leesh, why don't you guys stay with me at my place until Peter moves out?" Will offers, Alicia looks at Will then to her kids who are nodding eagerly then back to Will. 

"Are you sure?" She asks, uncertainly. Will nods just as eagerly as her kids. "Yeah, it'll be like Georgetown all over again but with the kids there and without all the studying." She giggles as images of them studying all night at their apartment enter her head. 

"Okay, but remember I've got two teenagers, so no loud music, Gardner." Will chuckles and kisses her cheek as he gets to his feet. 

The feeling of Will's lips on her cheek sends electric shocks up her body as she watches him grab their bags. 


Alicia sits curled up on Will's large couch with a glass of wine despite it being nearly 1 in the morning. She hears Will's bare feet padding into the living room. "They finally let you go?" She asks, taking a sip of her wine, Will chuckles as he sits down next to her. "Yeah, when they fell asleep after the third story of us in Georgetown." He answers, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. 

"How are you doing, Leesh?" He asks her quietly. Alicia sighs, placing her wine glass on his coffee table. 

"I don't know, Will. I thought he had changed, I thought he meant it when he said he wouldn't do it again." She says with a shake of her head. "Do you know what the worst part is?" She asks him, Will nods. "It's not the fact that he cheated on me again, I can live with that. No, the worst part is having my kids find underwear in their own home that doesn't belong to anyone they know, and instead of asking what happened or who they belonged to, they already know what happened and who they belonged to. It's like they knew that their dad was cheating again, and they don't care as much because they know that's all he'll ever be known for to them: a father who cheats on their mother." Alicia says with tears in her eyes. 

Will wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her closer to him. His lips peck her head softly. "Zach was right: Peter thought I'd just turn  a blind eye to his cheating if I didn't divorce him." 

"I need to call David Lee and tell him I'm finally divorcing my cheating husband." Will nods. "Do it on Monday. Diane's given us the rest of the week off, you should call the kids out sick because we both know when it's announced the press will be after you and the kids like dogs after a bone." Will says. Alicia groans: she forgot that the press will get wind of her impending divorce the second she files the papers with the court. 

"God, I need a vacation." She can't remember the last time she had a vacation, a proper vacation, a fun, crazy filled vacation. Well she can but it involved no kids, no Peter, and a shit tonne of alcohol and one crazy group of college friends. 

"Remember the one me, you, Sophie, Jules, Wade and West took at the end of our first year?" A smile is in his voice as he asks the question. A chuckle escapes her lips. 

The six of them hopped on a plane to Spain where they rented out a villa that had a pool and was a five minute walk to the beach, two minutes if they ran, and had the best week of their lives. 

"Like it was yesterday." She replies quietly. Will kisses her hair. "We should go back. Me, you, Zach and Grace. We'll go together." Will says seriously. Alicia laughs, looking up at him. 

"They'd love that. I'd love that." She whispers before capturing his lips in a soft kiss. 

Will kisses her back but pulls her away far too soon, he looks into her eyes and cups her face in his hands. 

"After you're free of him, after the kids are free of him, we'll all go to Spain, we'll start our good timing right, but for right now, let me hold you. I'm not going anywhere unless you want me gone. We'll start us right once you're free of him, I promise." Will whispers gently before pulling her closer to him, she settles into him, her head on his chest. 

"Will, just hold me for the rest of the night, please." She requests. 

"I've got you, I'm not going anywhere. Not now, not ever." Will whispers into her ear. 

Both adults are unaware of the two sleepy teens listening in the kitchen with smiles on their faces, happy that their mother finally has the love of her life, her Mr Georgetown. 


6 months later: 

Alicia Cavanaugh smiles as water splashes her. She looks out at the pool where her two kids and the love of her love are currently having a splash fight. 

It's been a hard six months for her and the kids, but Will was true to his word: he never left them, he never left her.

He was there every step of the way. From when the divorce was announced, to telling the firm, to the court hearings, to the very end when she scribbled her name one final time on the final paperwork while she tried to keep the tears at bay, to watching her slipping off the rings she had worn for 17 years from her finger and throwing them into a fire that he had made outside the building,  to holding her in his arms in Diane's office when her ex-husband had left with his lawyer and new girlfriend, to picking up Zach and Grace and bringing them to the firm the day their parents divorce was finalised, to holding Grace when she broke down the second she saw him, to telling the two teenagers about his time at Georgetown with their mother when they needed cheering up, to surprising all three of them with a vacation to Spain six months after the divorce. 

She, or the kids, wouldn't have gotten through the last six months without William Paul Gardner, and she's eternally grateful that he hadn't left her when she started pushing him away. He hadn't left them. 

Water droplets land on her as an arm is wrapped around her bare shoulders and a kiss is planted to her lips. 

"Will, you're gonna get me wet." She pouts. Will simply grins like an idiot before she's scooped up in his strong arms and is submerged underneath pool water without any warning. She resurfaces with Will, both laughing as memories of them doing this nearly 18 years ago with their friends running through their minds. 

"WILL!" She shouts, getting out of his arms and swimming away from Mr Georgetown. 

She can hear his laughter in her ear as his arms hook around her waist, pulling her closer to him when she swims to the edge of the pool. 

"We did it, Leesh. We finally got our good timing." Will whispers in her ear. She turns into his arms so she's looking into his eyes with a smile as she kisses him. 

"Finally." She whispers back, staring into his eyes after pulling away from his lips. 

Alicia Cavanaugh and Will Gardner AKA Mr Georgetown finally have their good timing and they're not  going to waste a single minute of it. 

They know they'll be at odds with one another, have fights that will last days at a time, wanting to rip each other down, use their history with each other to win, but two things are for certain: 

History won't be repeating itself for a third time and William Paul Gardner isn't going anywhere unless she wants her gone. He's not going anywhere. Not now, not ever. 


A\N: You Angels wouldn't want to know how long it took me to write this Willicia story so I won't be telling you. As written above, I have stories upon stories that need writing but I don't have any motivation to complete them so updates and new stories will be when and only when I find the motivation to write them. 

Have a good weekend my Angels. 

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